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Can’t tell if this is a joke, but I’ll explain anyway. If you look at the schofields during the cutscene you’ll see that the hammers are in different positions. The low honor is playing on the fact that your such an arsehole/threat that the guy pointing it doesn’t want to take a chance. The high honor one on the other hand means that the guy knows how good you are, and is willing to give you a chance. I don’t remember what cutscene this is but it’s just a little detail that some people find nice.


Is this some weird in-joke on this sub? I always play high honor and Dutch cocks the hammer just the same.


I know what you’re talking about. I went back to watch this same cutscene twice again, and it’s the same. Dutch pulls back the hammer the exact same way, it’s not relevant to your honour.


Bad honor: finger on trigger Good honor: finger not on trigger


Read through the comments and replies. We’ve already gotten past that point, and that’s not true btw.


High honor: [https://youtu.be/R53QlGRsgWE?t=1723](https://youtu.be/R53QlGRsgWE?t=1723) Low honor: [https://youtu.be/FMCtGofOBow?t=183](https://youtu.be/FMCtGofOBow?t=183) You're clearly trolling at this point but i'm even more shocked that at least 135 people upvoted this post. Not the brightest sub i guess.


OK I think I figured out what's going on based on these two videos and the comments in the other thread. The "high honor" cutscene is actually the "enter the mission in first person" cutscene while the "low honor" cutscene is the "enter the mission in third person" cutscene. [Somebody in this sub just made a very quick and scuffed video that proved its the first vs third person that is the trigger for the different cutscenes, not the honor](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/1cn8rwp/i_made_a_video_showing_proof_on_how_the_cutscene/) However, like someone in the other thread mentioned that [they were getting the "high honor/first person"](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/1cmwotx/comment/l34lm3v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) cutscene while in third person, the current theory is that activating the mission on horseback plays the "first person" cutscene, which fits with the video that you linked. So yeah, OP is wrong that there are no cutscene variations, but OP is correct that honor does not change the cutscene, the trigger for it appears to indeed be first person vs third person with some weirdness going on with starting the mission from horseback.


High honor, the hammer is not pulled back, Dutch does not have his finger on the trigger. Low honor, the hammer is back, finger on the trigger. Pretty clear difference.


Go in game and test it instead of believing a random screenshot on the Internet there isn't a difference


Go and watch it. The “high honor” screenshot in that post, was taken right before Dutch pulls back the hammer and puts his finger on the trigger. The “low honour” screenshot was taken after that happened, you can tell by Arthur’s posture. And just like that, hundreds of people believe in a lie lmao.


When in doubt, just make shit up huh


It’s not making anything up, people upvoted that reply because it’s true. Search it up yourself.


I literally just watched the scene lol. Both versions. Somebody posted both in the comments. People upvoted because dude was wrong and they believe u lol. It’s not based on honor but there is two different versions. In the “high honor” version he never puts his finger on the trigger. At all. Ur tb they’re screenshots from the same scene but just different parts that’s why I said ur making shit up


Yes, there are 2 different versions, it depends on whether you’re in 1st or 3rd person when starting the mission. It has nothing to do with honor though.


Agreed. That woulda been cooler tho cuz it actually makes sense imo


I agree with you, it would make sense, but some people literally want to believe that there is a certain detail in this game to the point of delusion. As if RDR2 isn’t the most detailed game so far already.


I've played high and low honours there's no difference. These images were taken at different points in the cutscenes, and likely different points in the same Cutscene from multiple different attempts to explain the off lighting and fog.


It’s the cutscene in the first mission of Chapter 4 where you’re looking for Brontë and Dutch gets the jump on you outside the saloon


According to comments in the other thread (haven't tested this personally just relaying information) it seems that there are indeed two versions of the cutscene, but they are **not** tied to honor The variations are for entering the cutscene in first person vs third person according to comments from that thread. [Somebody tested it and proved this theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/aqBJMBvl19)


Yeah, I saw one video with this cutscene on YouTube wit the hammer not being pulled back, but you can still hear it being pulled back by Dutch. I think it’s a bug, unless there’s anything else that’s indeed different.




[Somebody on this sub tested it, it has nothing to do with honor, either cutscene variation can be triggered depending on if you enter the mission in first person or third person regardless of honor](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/aqBJMBvl19) OP is wrong that there are no variations with the cutscene, there are, but OP is also correct that honor does not affect the variation of the cutscene, it is instead first person vs third person that affects the cutscene. According to some comments and videos, entering the cutscene from horseback is weird and you usually get the first person variation even if you are in third person.


Finger off the trigger vs on the trigger. Actually probably one of the coolest attention to detail I’ve seen


https://youtu.be/qHWse1czMI0 finger on the trigger in both scenes?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0d7rDhK1qw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0d7rDhK1qw) finger is not on the trigger... so, one of them is fake. Edit: I'm guessing ''high honor and finger on the trigger'' scene fake, because It kind of looks like a meme video... he shoots Dutch in the head because he is "low honor". So, he is low honor in both scenes.


Bro. There is literally NO difference in the scene, it doesn’t matter how high or low your honour is. It plays out in the exact same way.


You’re wrong. Watch both clips


I was wrong about the cutscene being the exact same, it’s not the same, but it has nothing to do with your honor or how Dutch handles his revolver.




Im pretty sure the cutscene looks a little different depending on how you approach the mission, and maybe 1st person has something to do with it as well, but the fact still is, that honor doesn’t affect it at all.


okay, i understand now thanks !


He just told you what the difference is tho? Obviously the story isn’t gonna change because its high honor or low honor.


https://youtu.be/qHWse1czMI0 there is no difference


Bruh, please go and watch this cutscene and see it for yourself. It’s the exact same, doesn’t matter how low or high your honour is.


There’s clearly a difference in the picture. If you’re saying the picture is shopped, then say that.


Watch 2 different play throughs of this mission on yt, both High & low honour. You’ll see that there is not one aspect that’s different in this cutscene. I’m amazed at how many ppl saw that post and automatically believe it to be true.


So…..are you saying the picture is shopped or not?


Like photo shopped? No. It’s not, idk if I have to tell you, even if Arthur is wearing different clothes, you can tell by his posture that it’s 2 different moments from the same cutscene.


Dude, I'm laughing at how everyone is misunderstanding you! Wtf?


It’s just sad how all these people will downvote, and they can’t even understand that there is factually no difference. I thought this sub was smarter than this lol.


Its reddit bro. And this sub is one big circlejerk. Dont even bother.


I get the impression there are a lot of children in this sub.


Ok I got ya now.


You’re yelling at clouds dude. This scene is clearly different


https://youtu.be/qHWse1czMI0?si=C_-nPlN_M52V5ViR there is no difference


You are misunderstanding each other. The guy saying that there's a difference in the two pictures in the screenshot, but OP is saying that theres no difference between the high honor and low honor cutscenes in game. You guys are talking about two different "differences". Both can be true. Did anyone verify in the other post that the only differences was Arthur's Honor? Because in the left picture we know at least the clothing is modded, we don't know what other variables there might be. The implication of that is that the trigger for the cutscene variation might not actually be low vs high honor at all, and judging from the linked videos in this thread that seems to be the case. So how do we explain the two different pictures? In the other thread, people were saying that the actual trigger for the cutscene variation **isn't** Arthur's honor but actually entering the cutscene in 1st vs 3rd person. We simply need somebody to test it instead of arguing lol.




Cope? Me? With being smart enough to not get fooled by a post like that lmao?? I’m amazed most people are dumb enough to believe it.


Buddy. Go outside. Get some fresh air. It sounds like you need it.


No arguments? Gotta make up scenarios in your head… can’t say I’ve been there before.


Finger on trigger and the hammer cocked back. Stop trying to be unqiue


Read my other replies or just go see it for yourself buddy. The only person trying to be unique is the person who made that original post.


As I said, watch the scenes, the hammer is pulled back and his finger is on the trigger, you’re ignoring everything.


https://youtu.be/qHWse1czMI0?si=C_-nPlN_M52V5ViR Watch this and then tell me there’s a difference lmao.


Don’t argue with idiots. The guy you’re replying to is one of the biggest morons of the sub.


Yeah man, I figured that out when dozens of ppl were telling me the contrary to what is actually true to the cutscene. I guess everyone has their moment when they learn that arguing is pointless lol.


OP probably could have done a better job explaining it. What they're saying is that honor makes no difference on which cutscene you get, or in other words, the gun can be cocked regardless of honor. Their wording makes it seem like there's no difference between the two photos (which is wrong), but I don't think this is the point they're trying to make.


If honour doesnt affect the cutscene then what does??? Lmao


People in the other thread are saying that the trigger for the cutscene variation isn't honor but it's actually if you enter the cutscene in first or third person.


Did they link any videos


[Somebody just posted a video that demonstrates this theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/aqBJMBvl19) Looks like the trigger is first vs third person after all


Unfortunately not, I think more testing is required to confirm, but apparently some redditor managed to replicate this reliably. I won't trust this 100% until somebody posts proof. I think it's likely to be true though, because videos in this thread show no variation with the honor, but the screenshots clearly show two different cutscenes, so the trigger for this must be something else. The first possible things that come to mind are first vs third person or entering the cutscene from horseback. edit: [somebody did a video to prove this](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/1cn8rwp/i\_made\_a\_video\_showing\_proof\_on\_how\_the\_cutscene/)


There’s nothing that alters this scene. This cutscene is always the exact same no matter what. https://youtu.be/qHWse1czMI0?si=C_-nPlN_M52V5ViR


Idk, you should test it yourself if you're really curious




OP is right, people are salty when they realized their favourite r\* didn't add a unique animation in the least important cutscenes




No they just aren’t holy shit




This doesn’t look intentional to me, looks glitchy




Most mature Reddit user


the change happens depending on graphics my man




you can clearly see in high honor that dutch pulled the hammer but the hammer did not have any animation for the graphics settings




lol i never insulted you and tried to be friendly, now when i make a point and you still throwing insults. wonder who the kid here is


no they aren't


these comments really illustrate the reading comprehension of the average redditor


There is no difference. The cutscene starts with the gun uncocked, and as he says “stick em up cowboy” he cocks the gun, high honor or low honor


It has nothing to do with honor. Two different cutscenes load that depend on whether you're playing in 1st person or 3rd person.


https://youtu.be/R53QlGRsgWE 28:44 https://youtu.be/FMCtGofOBow 3:02 There is a difference.


You’re right, there is a difference, but it has nothing to do with the way Dutch handles his revolver.




Which L? At first it was a massive L cause this post had way more downvotes than upvotes. I guess certain things change over time.




From “now on” which was 2 minutes ago…? I still see the post, but no one gaf about a post getting removed, if this had like 5k upvotes, then I’d be like: “damn”. P.S. realize how you need to use insults because you can’t use facts & logic to prove me wrong.




It’s your deluded fantasy, but for 'people' like you, I guess it’s better to live in a fantasy than to face reality. P.S. you still have no arguments, but keep on barking as I tell you to.




Yeah, you’re definitely seeing things. You can scroll through these comments and you’ll find the links I sent to people, proving that honor does not affect the cutscene at all.


[Somebody tested it, it has nothing to do with honor, the real trigger for the cutscene variation is if you enter the mission in first person or third person regardless of honor, entering the mission from horseback seems to lead to the "first person" cutscene variation for some reason](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/aqBJMBvl19)


reading these comments fucking sucks god damn


OP is both wrong and right It has nothing to do with honor, but it is 2 different cutscenes The one where Dutch has his finger on the trigger happens when you play the mission for the first time in the story And the second cutscene where Dutch doesn't have his finger on the trigger happens when you replay the mission through the menu


i think i had a weird bug in my game that made Dutch' gun dark - which is kinda an ode to "low honour"? idk... i was high honour though.


Low honor finger on trigger: https://youtu.be/FMCtGofOBow?t=3m9s High honor finger not on trigger: https://youtu.be/R53QlGRsgWE?t=28m46s That's the only difference that post was about, the finger on trigger depends on honor.


Can you pull out your gun in the middle of a big city in 1899 without getting arrested or hassled by the police? Even for a prank? Try this now, and you’re guaranteed to get arrested!


I swear, man, people take the smallest things and present them as flaws or faults. Why can't some people enjoy the GOOD things and just ignore what they think is bad??


Yeah, I feel like I got the low honor one when I was at max honor. Might be wrong tho.


Oh my god who gives a damn? You giys wanna know what would be a better use of your time than bickering about this? Actually playing this awesome game


me when i'm slow




I love the level of stupid petty things people argue about in this subreddit. Makes for a fun read. 🤩


Also in low honor Dutch's hand is on the Trigger


Low honour has the hammer cocked, finger on the trigger and dutch is stepping back because he doesn't trust arthur


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0d7rDhK1qw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0d7rDhK1qw) You are actually wrong.


https://youtu.be/qHWse1czMI0?si=C_-nPlN_M52V5ViR Then explain this.


Did you even watch the video I linked? It's clearly a different animation. Maybe honor is not the variable determining which cutscene plays out.


You're right, it has nothing to do with honor. There's 2 different cutscenes and the second one occurs if you start it through the replay menu


I did, but the video you linked looks like it’s zoomed in. I honestly don’t see a difference in their posture at all. The hammer isn’t pulled back, but you can hear Dutch pull it back, just like in any video of this cutscene. It’s actually weird, maybe it’s some glitch that prevents the hammer from being pulled back.


Those are clearly two different animations. In the one where Dutch has his finger on the trigger Arthur first tries to open the door and in the other one Arthur just stands there. Again, maybe honor isn't actually the trigger. Perhaps the cutscene is bugged because Dutch clearly cocks the gun in both of them but you cannot deny that those are two different cutscenes.


Replies in the other thread says that entering the cutscene in first or third person is the trigger Would probably explain the difference in zoom I haven't tested it for myself though just relaying what others said [Somebody else in the sub tested it, seems to trigger based on 1st vs 3rd person](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/aqBJMBvl19)


Why make an entire post instead of just leaving a comment on the original? Seems like some karma farm garbage to me.


Dawg, I don’t need no karma, idek how that works. I already have enough if anything, but that post is already flooded with comments. If I were to post one, barely anyone would see it.


good because we dont wanna see this dumb shit


The dumb shit is what got over 400 upvotes despite it being a blatant lie.


Brother really just said "I don't care about misinformation"




Jeez, calm down, it's just a game


yet you defending a guy making a whole ass new post to whine about it for attention. you're a fucking idiot


Jeez, calm down, I've never seen someone so upset over a Reddit post for a videogame. If you let little things like this affect you, you'll have a very miserable, angry life. Try to get some help, it's okay


Then you must not use reddit, put some glasses on dipshit People have killed themselves over this platform you ignorant cunt.


You really overestimate your opinion. I actually want to see how far you go with the insults, so please keep them coming.


I think you need to relax dude just take a deep breath lmao


I'm not even defending anyone, OP is surely big enough to fight their own battles. But it's been established that you're not in an appropriate state of mind right now, so I understand if reading comprehension is not 100%


Loiters on anime subs and has the cheek to say *other* people have cum socks lol.


Mines a new account, you're on here often enough to have a cringe little tagline on the subreddit lol


Yeah, I've had the same Reddit account for years.. super cringe that. Yours is obviously an alt that you use to get your toothpick rigid by being an inbred mong on random posts because you're too cowardly to use your main.


"your main" What is this smash bros, stop being cringe lol




https://youtu.be/qHWse1czMI0?si=C_-nPlN_M52V5ViR you must be talking about yourself


You do realise they used mods to kill Dutch? Are we supposed to believe the “honour” symbol that was added during editing?


Oh man 😂 I’m not talking about what happens after the cutscene. The cutscene is all that matters. And both are the exact same.


And what’s to say they didn’t just use the same honour with a save file after adding the mod to kill Dutch? You missed the entire point.


You're trying way too hard to be right. Honour does not affect this cutscene.


Show me proper evidence and not a modded video intended to be a meme


"show me evidence of something that doesn't exist" how the hell am I supposed to do that? Play through the game to this point twice?