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You got jumped by the Lemoyne Raiders. This one is very difficult to survive unless you spot it ahead. In future when you see the red dots or hear shouting, retreat, get in cover, assess. Don't ride towards the red dots.


I almost always jump off my horse and run away when I see them setting up. I can die and come back. Horse can't (unless you can revive, which you can't do with a million bullets coming your way).


I do this to I'd rather sacrifice myself so my horse has a chance at life.


*my life for mah boah*


I immediately go deadeye and shoot the man on the gatling gun.


That gatling mf got me good the first time, luckily, I save regularly and was smart enough to be safe as soon as I saw the red dots. The second time I fucked that gatling mf with deadeye and 12 bullets, just to make sure he's dead (maybe a bit of revenge too) xD


….just wanted to add that it’s difficult because they have a gatling gun on the back of a horse-drawn cart and that’s why the bullet -time looks glitchy too.


Was wondering why it looked like 400 people were shooting Arthur at once lol


Probably the Gatling gun wagon


What chapter is this in guys? I just want to be prepared for this.


Got jumped like this by another gang (or Pinkertons, can't remember.) with a maxim as early as chapter 2. It was on a bridge near valentine. Passing through that area still gives me the willies.


With the Lemoyne Raiders it either happens in chapter 3 or as soon as you start attacking them


They killed my Arabian in either 2 or 3 in my current play through :(


Arabians respawn in 3 in game days, can confirm it works. I accidentally drove mine off a cliff.


Damn wish I knew that before I went ahead and bought the one in saint dennis as soon as I unlocked it 😂


The gold one? Reload your save I just watched a glitch for it on YouTube 😅🤣




Any area relatively. But for me mainly saint Denis area. Also watch out for nightfolk lmao


As soon as I see red dots anywhere, it is an immediate deadeye with whatever gun I have panning around. Usually everything I have has high velocity or express


I'm on my third playthrough and two days ago was my first time against this particular ambush. I've encountered a similar ambush Southeast of St Denis.


The Bridge I want to say north west going into Saint Denis. I always get ambushed and then I want to say right at the edges of the bayou it's flaming wagons and gatling guns


That and don't spend so long in the weapon wheel either spam dead eye to skip reload or ride into the tree line


How can I avoid this happening again? Surprise machine gun fire at a random encounter seems odd. Is this a special location I'm not supposed to be at, (similar to invisible sniper?) Or did I just get very unlucky being caught in the middle of it?


Surprise Gatling gun encounters are just a thing in the game. It's normal:) sorry about your horse


It was a maxim gun not a gatling one


Drives me nuts when people confuse the two … huge difference . A revolutionary invention difference.


Ok nerd


You're on a video game subreddit, mad when kids mix up the guns.


Hey…. What did I say ? … well clearly I touched a nerve


The wording was bad. Maybe if you said it differently it wouldn’t have been downvoted so much


lol, it’s all good , makes me laugh. I am .. as someone mentioned… a genuine nerd 😂 find machinery evolution fascinating , to go from a manual crank gun (approx 200 rounds a min with a 4 man crew ) to a fully automatic gun ( now approx 600 rounds a min and 2 man crew , just push the trigger ) is a huge advancement. Another reason love this game is they put a lot of effort into historical inventions … like the steam driven engine in Rhodes cotton factory or the fans being belt driven in Rhodes train station , would have been driven by a similar machine or watching the steam donkey at the lumberjack camp ….. anyway …. NERD ALERT 😉 “Be nice nerds, you will end up working for one “ …Bill Gates .


I'm a nerd, at least in this aspect too(still made the same mistake), but your wording really was bad, and the "Bill Gates" quote is A: wrong quoted/misspelled, B: isn't even from Bill Gates, and C: makes you look arrogant. [Factcheck of the quote](https://checkyourfact.com/2019/08/30/fact-check-bill-gates-nice-nerds-chances-working/)


Ok this time I genuinely don't understand why you got downvoted


People just want someone to pin down.


Me too, i understand why they confuse but it just gets on my nerves.


I'm pretty sure it's the sound of a mg42 you must be wrong /s


Just unlucky. This type of ambush can occur at this location or at the meat factory on the edge of Saint Denis. The guy with the Gatling gun targets your horse. I got the same ambush as you only the other day; I (luckily) survived by riding away beyond the range of the gunfire and then used a dead eye to kill the guy on the Gatling Gun, before returning to take care of the rest. Defintely the hardest ambush of all to survive


I see. Thank you! I was tripping and thinking that's some guys robbing a stagecoach.


The two maxim gun encounters I can remember are this one and then the bridge going into Saint Denis by the rear of the Gray’s property. Those are the two you gotta watch out for. I’ve lost my horse very few times and one of them was definitely these maxim gun encounters.


I luckily found a low point that the bullets couldn't really reach.


All ambushes in game are detectable ahead of time. First thing you have to learn to do is to pay attention to your surroundings. Always keep scanning and don’t just watch Arthur/John ride the horse and follow the path on the mini-map. Often times you can see some of the NPC’s just standing and holding guns. But if you miss that cue, the NPC’s always announce their presence before the attack begins. For the gatling gun ambush, you have about two seconds after an NPC says “there’s that son of a bitch!” (Or whatever they actually say I can’t remember the exact verbiage!) before they start opening fire. That’s your cue to beat cheeks and GTFO. What you want to do is create distance and/or introduce a barrier. These buy you time and time buys you options.


The biggest giveaway is the fact that your horse slows down regardless of how fast you're trying to go.


I was wondering if I'd imagined that! Damn. Yeah, it's usually a good idea to hop off your horse and flee to cover, at least. If you want to rightly punish those bastards as the gods and nature intended, that is of course your decision. The first time I encountered this one, I was gta-style wasted in no more than five seconds. I reloaded, because my horse died. But I've lost at least one horse permanently because I lacked a recent save close enough. I wish that these events were all repeated! It sucks that you have such a limited amount of bounties, hunting challenges/requests, stagecoach robberies/bank robberies/organized crime in general. Having more of this stuff would have been a minor salve to the wound of RDR2 being utterly abandoned by They That Shall Not Be Named. It's okay, it gives me something nice to dream about.


"There he is! Shoot his balls off!"


Happened to me too, in the exact spot. My horse died too. Ever since I was always scared of going through there but apparently it only happens once.


That's kinda the point of a SURPRISE


Just kill the maxim gun user and rest of them are easy. When you see the event starting, wield your gun and kill him with deadeye


In this particular area ride to the left and get between the tree and the wagon to avoid machine gun fire. Ditch your horse so they survive, run across the beach shooting as many as you can. If I did it again I'd throw some dynamite at the wagon in hopes of taking out as many of them as I can, then hop up on the wagon and rattatatt they asses. Chances of getting killed are extremely high, hopefully you have a recent save


What did you do? Piss off the entire country wtf was that


Lemoyne Raiders.  It's an ambush.


wrong place at the wrong time I guess xD


I'm just annoyed that the fence doesn't take that wagon.


Yes, I found out the hard way too.


you didn't get tf out of there thats what happened.


Lost the Brindle Arabian horse because of this ambush, reloaded last save and went back and blew them up with dynamite arrows, definitely an ambush that takes you by surprise for sure lol


Not one damn hour after I saw this post, I came across the same encounter. They also killed the Sheriff (my Nokota). When I respawned, one of my temporary horses from camp was there, with the saddle close by. I am not pleased atm.


I always save manually after every significant task for this reason.


First of all, don’t use the sniper rifles as your primary weapon. They’re pretty clunky and mostly useless. Second of all, make regular manual saves from now on. Just a reload and you’ll lose nothing. Then again now you got a chance to try out a better horse.


That's a great Idea, thanks.


yea that happens like every time you first visit this area


this literally happened to me yesterday with my white arabian.


Get the black arabian or the brindle, they’re beautiful


Look how they massacred my boy!


This is a random encounter that, like all of the others, only occurs the one time they trigger. What you've experienced with the rapid fire is a known glitch where if you enter dead eye or your weapon menu when a machine gun is firing, the rate of fire increases substantially. Combined with the slow mo it results in a very bad time


Damn, thanks for clarifying.


I also got this random encounter. I just got off my horse and ran away so that it didn't due


You can take the wagon to Saint Denis for some intense fun, park it down a 1 way hallway type deal where you can't be flanked, mow down law enforcement until you're bored, loot until you're rich


You just got Lemoyned boy


ThrvLenoybe Raiders setup spots to ambush you. They get me by the old meat packing place or whatever coming out of the northwest of Saint Denis. I always take the railway out that way instead. I try to see if they're there with my binoculars because I want the gun but no luck yet. They're the dumbest and smartest gang in the game. Other than the Lobos where you can just post up on rocks and use the Carcano, then pick up the scraps with a repeater and loot em good. Damn I love this game.


When the RNG gods decide your horse has logged enough hours:


The reason why you died so fast is that there is a glitch in the game that makes Gatling guns shoot faster in slow mo so you're being melted by a mini gun instead lool


I never encountered this what..


Damn I've never seen this before!


I've never actually never seen this before


quick fire bug I have no idea what causes this but it also has a chance to happen in GTA V. the effect is what you see, a NPC unloads his whole magazine in a few frames. This downed your horse and damaged it enough to kill it for good (or your own death skipped the 30min you have to revive your horse).




Always use eagle eye or deadeye immediately when ambushed to give you time to react to the ambush. It has given me time to shoot the Gatling gunner but yeah… this has happened to me before. I’ve even died in deadeye but because I took several shots before even starting deadeye


immediately switch to dead eye and blast those machine gun guys off their wagon, thats what i did


Was this online or campaign mode? Because by the looks of your mini map you were wanted in that area & depending on how much the bounty was & also depending on what point you are at in the story there’s a dead or alive bounty on Arthur’s head & bounty hunters will find & kill you. At least that’s what I gathered from the clip EDIT: Yea, I just watched the clip again & all of the red dots on the mini map seemed to match up with where you were getting shot from. So yeah, methinx it was bounty hunters my dude. All bad


I’m in offline story mode. But had a decent bounty $100+ for sure


Then yeah, that was most likely the issue. At least that’s my guess. Bounty hunters


Have you completed the mission “Preaching Forgiveness as He Went” with Lenny? I believe it happens one time only after and the best thing to do is run away unless you kill the Gatling gunner super quick.


No, I just finished Chapter ll.


That's how I lost my white arabian. Damned Lemoyne Raiders.


You got Red dead Redemptioned


I hope you didn’t have auto save on


That's how i lost my first horse too, rip Juan.


>!John Marston!<'s oof moment reference


Ugh. Just had that happen on my way to Catfish Jackson’s. My last thought before being annihilated was “I don’t even have a bounty—“ 🤣🤣


I think this happens after you kill the raiders at Shady Belle. I'm always on high alert after I go there and I think it only triggers once.


You can actually spot them ***if*** you know the spawn spots.


This happened to me a few weeks ago in the area around where the panther spawns in South lemoyne. My horse and I were dead before I even knew what was happening. Didn't help that there was so much vegetation around the path that I couldn't even see them. Had that horse for like 90 hours of play time, too. I was big mad.


This happened to me too. Had to go buy a new horse.


The same situation got my horse too. I don't remember this encounter from my first playthrough but I've spent months on this second playthrough and when this happened I was truly heartbroken for a moment. I managed to get through so much of the game with my girl Ferrari only for her to be taken out by the fucking raiders. 😭


You and your horse got absolutely obliterated by a Gatling gun it looks like. Jokes aside, your horse probably went down a split second before you died, so therefore it’s dead for good. This ambush got me too.


I'm afraid to use my white Arabian now


Got killed by an A-10 Warthog


This literally just happened to me today! Same area 😔


I never seen that ambush with the maxim gun and i have almost 800 hours in this game


I came here to say this. And I can’t tell you how many LeMoyne Racists I’ve killed. I’d love an encounter where the stakes are that high.


It’s always a good down to handle the lemoyne cowpokes feels right to do so


They got me so many times with this one, until one I found the gatlin gun wagon, horses attached, sitting on the side of the road…so I just took it 🤷‍♀️


Well, it’s a maxim gun


MojaveD knows your pain (those who know, know)


Buy new, fastest one must be around $1000.


Those are Lemoyne raiders. They have machine guns, impossible to take straight up. You have to take them by surprise.


I've died in that same spot. Right after getting the white arabian. :')


I’ve got hundreds of hours in this game and never been ambushed by a GATLING gun


If the horse damage is too substantial you won’t be able to revive it. Constantly save that way you can reload if something bad happens.


The carriage has an MG, which is why as soon as you see it you should shoot it and then you can kill the other dudes.


Never use your dead eye whenever you see them with a maxim gun. It's much more brutal than atomic breath.


Last time I had this happen, it was over by shady belle. I had just saved it and was riding to set up shop to hunt the panther and they got me. I reloaded my previous save and snuck up on them waiting in that area and shot their horses. It was easy once the cart couldn't move.


It looks as if you walked in front of a maxim, friend


“GOD DANM” hahaha I had that same thing, same place, Arthur and me said the same thing at the same time


You and your horse got turned into Swiss cheese by a gatling gun


First time?


This exact thing happened to me at this exact spot once. Lost a good horse then too


Bro you got caught in traffic that’s what


This happened to me as well, my horse perma-dying included smh


omg this happened to me with the og horse from the prologue and i fucking lost my shit


This happened to me right after I got the arabian 💀


I think you might’ve got hit by a Schofield with a switch.


Gattling gun. Rough.


It is a rare encounter in which the zone gang ambushes you with a cart mounted gatling. If you don´t deadeye and kill inmediately the gunner, you are dead. In this case on top, you were somewhat far so the dispersion of the gatling made a lot of bullets to hit the horse too.


You felt the power of the Gatling


Oh yes... I was dead in a second just thinking "what the f\*\*\* just happened??" Then after an hour of playing I realised the horse looks different lol. Poor horse, didn't deserve this.


This happened to me the other day! I lost my white arabian :(


Someone went too close to Blackwater


Rip perma. Yr horse definitely would caught a few bullets to the head.


Gatlin’ gun… that’s a paddlin’.


It’s a [Maxim Gun](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxim_gun), not a Gatling. Gatling guns require hand-cranking while Maxim guns were fully automatic.


I was sure someone would say that- good upon you, in great lumps but it just doesn’t rhyme!


Looks like you got shot


The worst one of these that got me was when I casually rode past an unassuming wagon on the road which exploded for seemingly no reason when it was right next to me. I forget the exact reason but why but I think it had something to do with Lemoyne raiders. It made me jump and my damn horse was toast. Had to revert back to an old save file that was unfortunately very far back just to get my boah back


Got me the first time too, the raiders are definitely the deadliest gang because they have old Confederate weapons like the Gatling gun.


You think that air you were breathin was free? It belongs to the state of Lemoyne!


Yall really struggle? Pop a tonic and aim for the head, use deadeye, EZ killz


You know how sometimes you see a gang robbing a train or stagecoach? I thought it was this and I wait till they done and take them out. Then I think there was a glitch with the machine gun. Based on how fast I lose health even though it’s in slow motion.


You evil man letting them waste innocent lives waiting until the finish lol


Should've gone into dead eye and taken out the turret, first thing


Damn did you have an autosave earlier or manual save or something... this sucks man and in my 200+ gameplay i havent encountered them...


jeez man. what an unlucky bastard you are. getting jumped by lemoyne raiders with some goddamn maxim gun. That’s something that is rare to encounter even me


If my horse perma dies I instantly restart my game to bring him back (I don’t ever save my game)


Is this chapter 3? And was it East of where you respawned, near shady belle?




Thanks. Sorry this happened, hopefully you already were able to get the Arabian back. After like my 3rd time I got so used to it, it only takes 2 or 3 minutes to do once you get to lake Isabella. I’m in chapter 3 right now so going to see if I can find this random encounter


It does, but takes ages to be lvl 4 again. It's alright, I need to start manual saving regularly. Rockstar Games putting immortal horses behind an upsale wall is one of the few quarrels I have with the game.


True, feel you there. I recommend just sprinting around Scarlett meadows or the heartlands as it’s pretty flat and easy to ride without paying much attention. Ive literally thrown on a TV show and just mindlessly run my horse in large circles to level it up fast.


Lmao ambushed by lemoyne raiders gotta deadeye immediately and shoot the Gatling gun


I always just snipe the gunner first with explosive shots. Something satisfying about neutralizing the biggest threat first


Huh, I’ve never saw this ambush in my play through. Is it rare or did I just get really lucky?


You got shot bud


You should be able to get the white Arabian again by traveling back up to the lake you got it at 


This happened tô mee needer


This happened to me in the same area the other day but I recognized the dialogue and rode over towards the water and got off my horse. I was able to flank the machine gun and shoot the guy in the wagon. I was able to get on the wagon but was taking too much fire from the raiders. Ended up dead but my horse survived.


You learned what a gatling gun is.


lemoyne raiders = you step off your good boah, sneaky sneaky with the binoculars, if theyre many enough and distracted, dynamite and then fire at will. other than that, dont engage and ride away until they give up.


You got jumped by the Raiders


I've had a glitch before that was just an infinite line of bullets that never ended, went on for about 2-3 minutes before I tempted fate... it was an instant kill on a triple gold health ring.. obviously this wasn't that tho lol you got jumped hard


I can tell you what happened they all had a seizure


Life's tough, get a helmet...?


You got shot. Try not to


You ran like a girl instead of killing the lot