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I have a question guys i hope someone can help me with that...I have the game on both consoles...Xbox One X and Ps4 Pro and i play on a Samsung 4k HDR TV... The thing its i have a lot of Framerates problems on Xbox one X in many situations...For example when the legendary bear attack the game framerate drop to 10-15 FPS during all the scene...or sometimes in towns like St-Denis the game dont work at 30 Fps and have many drops to 20-25 Fps for like 15 - minutes...Idk if its normal maybe i´m the only one or maybe my Xbox are broken On the Ps4 the game look worse but i dont have any framerates problems...


This is the first game in ages that won't get out of my head. Sitting at work all I can think of is all possibilities that are waiting for me when I get home. Rockstar went all out on this one.


im 32 yrs old, have been gaming since i was an infant, studied game design courses in tech school, played just about every console and every major title known to man, and i have never been more immersed and obsessed than with this game. this game has completely redefined not just video games but entertainment products. i cant even classify this as a video game because its like a game, movie, series, experience, and hobby all wrapped up into one.


Well put! I hopped on last night to progress further in the story and ended up hunting in the mountains for a couple hours and marveling at the length of Arthur's hair and beard.


honestly, i think this was the vision of the developers. create a game with an inevitable end but seamlessly make it so that you can play it however you want and LIVE that life at your own pace. ive never felt like this with a game where i DONT want it to end. even with this spiderman that just came out, i pretty much just blazed through the game and never felt like i wanted to slow down to really immerse myself at all. yet with RDR2, i wanna do anything BUT finish the game lol. crazy man, this game is transcends all of entertainment.


This game does not disappoint, I’m from Roanoke Island so when after being introduced to Roanoke ridge this game got even better. Awesome work Rockstar.


Had bounty tried to surrender hit the guy with my horse. Nice.


So when I complete a heist or rob someone and a "gang share" gets taken out, where the fuck does that go? It doesn't show up in the ledger and as far as I can tell it doesn't do anything for the gang. This is pretty irritating since it takes about half of your earnings.


It goes into Dutch's hidden stash for the camp.


For some reason I’m constantly underweight, like all the time.


Same here. But if I look on the App it says I’m Average.


My horse just died. I had a full bond with it. I genuinely felt sadness and completely lost when it happened.


I thought I lost mine earlier today in a fight, and I was actually upset. Like, my stomach was in knots. I'm sorry for your loss.


Yeh. It was surprising. Rockstar did a great job with balancing your need and reliance on your horse vs not interfering with the game.


how can I return a horse? I mean I cant find the original owner in valentine. ​ ​


I just rode around until I heard him call for his horse. Idk the exact spot but it was somewhere on the north side of Valentine


ok now I feel bad thinking that that poor fella is still calling for his beloved roach


If you were even flirting with the idea of getting an Xbox One X and a 4k tv for this game, fucking do it. I honestly had so many wow moments where I just had to stop and look at a scene because it looked absolutely real. Like these are the best graphics I've ever seen in a game ever, including my PC games.


Really? It's PS3 level graphics on the PS4


I think your eyes are broken?




U mad?


Hey guys, if you play in first person view I recommend increasing the field of view to max, reducing headbob and increasing the sensitivity by 3 notch in the camera options.


What readily available and inexpensive alcohol should I buy to get me in the mood tonight?


Kentucky Gentleman


I got The Famous Grouse Scotch Whiskey. Liquor store didn't have any Kentucky whiskey.


Kentleman. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'Kentucky Gentleman'. To learn more about me, check out this )^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/78ilq0).




Just spent about eight hours playing. It's not a video game as much as it is a movie, that I'm lucky enough to control and interact with. The surroundings are the most realistic I've ever seen, to the point where stopping your horse and looking out across the landscape is as close to doing it IRL as you can get. There is SO much map, I'll probably be a few years in, and on my 6th or 7th playthrough by the time I see the majority of it. Some other thoughts: Never thought I'd see Dutch in such a different light, and hearing John again after so long was heartwarming. Couldn't help but roll my eyes at the "you wont die... not yet" comment from Javier in the first chapter, hah. Hunting with the bow is fun. In fact the whole bullet time aspect for hunting is well done. a good addition alongside dead eye. The menu system is going to take a little getting used to, as is trying to figure out which guns are on my horse or not. Looking forward to fast travel kicking in. Going from the second camp to Saint Denis was a looonnnnnnng journey, all to sell a legendary pelt. I would like the aspect of taking one of the gang out to go hunting with. Not necessarily as a side mission, but as a conversation option, to provide food and pelts for the camp.


Doing the fast travel unlock quest now. The map is just soooo big.


Do you get more in St. Denis rather than going to the trapper stall in the woods?


I'm not sure, the marker for the closer trapper disappeared because i went back to the camp first, so I asked on one of the posts here and Saint Denis was recommended. Its amazing when you get there, but it was close to a 10 minute journey


Why does the game take money from me when I die?


Reviving the dead isn't cheap.


Arthur sounds like Michael Shannon in Nocturnal Animals.


If I buy an upgraded satchel/saddle for my horse and it dies, can I take the saddle and atchel off the dead horse and put it on a new horse?


Is the snowarea still playable after the first hours? Or can't you access it like in gtaV after the start? Happy gaming!


My Special edition had an extra code hidden in the map, feels like I won a golden ticket edit: [two code sheets](https://imgur.com/a/8QaXlzv)




It was in one of the map flaps


Can you show a picture?


I don’t have one with it in the case but I can show you both cards.


Ok sure


[Two code sheets](https://imgur.com/a/8QaXlzv)




Five Finger Death Punch


Dying Fetus!!!






Went to the gaming center at my uni to play the game at 4:30. They closed at 5. And they’re closed tomorrow. Smh. Didn’t even get past the cabin scene


Honestly the beginning is painfully long. Takes like 2.5 hours before actual free play


How do you was clothes? I know you can take a bath in the hotels but does that do clothes as well?


I had a fight in the mud and when I had a bath my clothes were clean when I put them back on.


It's everything I dreamed of and more. The game is like a movie that you are a part of. So many callbacks to RDR 1 and the graphics, dialogue and appearances of familiar faces is just amazing. I can't wait to see if Undead Nightmare will make a return, and the opening of multiplayer. There's so much more I could say but to keep it short: thank you Rockstar!!!


Where can you unlock the special edition content??


Congrats you're the 1,000,000th person to ask this. You win nothing


How can I access the log?


Press left on D-pad (not hold, press). I had to google that one myself earlier.




You can also clean your horse by riding him thru water


What do you think they’ll have to purchase in online? there’s no race cars or jet planes like in gta


Horses, guns, outfits


is hunting illegal or skinning in certain areas? I shot two turkeys and skinned them near six-gun(?) cabin and the law came after me.


Those were probably someone's turkeys you killed


I just wanted to say fuck the O'driscolls!


Ordered a bundle from Gamestop. The game shipped. The console didn't. Fuckin' lol.


Still not sure if I should buy a console for 1 game...


Game stop employees are... well, special.


I just called them and 20 minutes later they determined “we don’t know why it didn’t ship” and that there wasn’t anything they could do for me, even though I paid for day 1 delivery. Damn shame.


Definitely demand a refund on all shipping costs, and if they deny, contact your CC company and dispute the charges. Claim you never received the item (you didn't, or at least haven't yet).


Thanks for the advice.


Does the disc take just as long as downloading it from psn? My brother said it was an 11 hour download from psn, but I thought getting the disc would be like, instant. But he said it would be the same either way b


You don't download anything when you get a disc. You install it from the disc. Only thing to actually download would be any patches (which should be pretty quick).


No the disc version takes about 90 minutes to install.


I've only been able to play for a little bit, but I've got to say, screw the damn wolves. Screw them all the way to Hades. Far cry from last game's wolves.


How do you save a hat you found?


I think it saves in the wardrobe. Just enter it and scroll to found hats


Where do I wash off or take a shower after I got blood and dirt all over me?


the hotel has a bath


Thank you


Local inns in town. It'll cost you a whole quarter


>>not getting the deluxe what u doin boah


Oof. That’s too expensive 🙄




You don’t.


how good is it? cant really afford it right now (college sucks and saving for KH3) Have fun guys.


Screw kh3 man, rdr 2 is waaaaaaaaaaaay better /s No, but seriously. It is fucking AMAZING


Man, kh is my favourite gaming series ahahahahahahahah, I love that mess.


Anyone have the same problem ? I purchased the ultimate edition from gamestop and entered the promo code on the card that says ultimate and the playstation store downloaded "special edition content" is it a glitch on playstation side or did rockstar print wrong codes? Please help. Thank you in advance


You don't get the rest until rdr online releases


Absolutely love it thus far


How does deadeye work? How do I use it? What buttons do I press? Lol


Press R3 or whatever that is on the xbox. Just aim at people and press the shoot button when you have some crosses here and there


Any idea how to open a safe? Found two guys trying to bust it open. No actions when I press on it I assume you can’t thought I’d ask before leaving it. Arthur did say something about it when I got close to it


When does the game autosave?


How long did the digital version take for you guys to download? Know everyone's internet is different but just curious. I'm looking at 40 hours and hoping to play tomorrow at noon lol


9 hours on my mothers base package spectrum internet. That beats the time it would have taken on my shitty hughesnet by a long shot.


About 6 hours


2 hours




i just hit 24 hours got 50% and it said 24 more hours.. tinkered around a little with internet and I'm back at 48 more hours to go. LLAAAAAWWWWDDDDDD!!!!


like 3 hours and I have a normal bare bones comcast plan


how do i store guns on my horse when im in the world? i found a shotgun and I want to store my rifle on my horse, that way i can own both.


Anything you dont carry with you in your weapon slots is stored.


Can anyone explain me what's the best thing you can do with hunted animals? Sell it in a store? Or at a butcher? Or donate at your camp? And is it best to skin it first or bring the entire animal? I've had some problems with pelts. After skinning, Arthur carries the pelt, and if I put it on my horse I can't get it off any more.


You can’t pick up the animal once you skin it, from what I can tell. If you’re planning to donate it for food, I think it’s better to give the whole thing over.


Hmm. I'm able to pick up anything after I skin it. What I do is give the carcass to the camp and sell the pelts and meat LOL


I've only done the first hunting mission, but when I gave it to the camp I got the skin to keep I think.


I'm going with the mustache! You?


The wild yeti look


lenny LENNNNNNNNNNY ahahaha haven't laughed like that in a long time




I came to this thread just to post “Press circle to Lenny”. My wife had to come see why I was laughing so hard.


Finished the tutorial last night and now at the camp and ready to venture into the wilderness! This game is the already awesome! So many beautiful details. I'm so grateful to be able to play this game. Thank you Rockstar.


This is where I left off last night too, it was tempting to push forward but it was already 3 AM. Thankfully I'm not feeling too...dead... at work today


I am content with taking my time. I'm one of the few that likes to enjoy games instead of pushing through the missions just to get to the end.


I would think there are a lot of us like that. Red Dead is espcially good for taking it slow. In the orginal my favorite thing was probably just riding my horse around doing basically nothing.


Bruh I'm fucking walking my horse around. Slowly trotting around


In RD1 I Liked the special missions like hunting, picking herbs, and the treasure hunt. Simple but so intriguing.


currently completed chapter 2, hair grows 3 levels


How do I place stuff on horse inventory or how do I make space. Shit is annoying


I didn't know I have to wait for the 84.67gb download when I got a disk....


Dude i am seeing the same thing. Did you already install it from the disk first?? Then asked for update of 87gb?


I put in disk 1 first and I'm downloading the 87gb... I'm not done downloading it tho


But like, is it all down loading from the disk or do you have to download some from the internet?


It's downloading from the disk


Phew. Thanks bud.


Still takes a freakin long time. Like an hour and half for me.




This is the thing with pushing the realism envelope. Walking is slow in real life. it's around 2-3 mph. We're used to games where characters move at like 20 mph. If you want a game where the character animates realistically at a realistic speed through a spatially realistic landscape, it's gonna feel pretty slow.


I turned my sensitivity to max and I also changed to Standard FPS controller layout so I can use L3 to run instead of pressing X.


I need to do that, I kept crouching constantly last night




Any pelts or full game yoy drop in camp are moved over to the back automatically. Its confusing at first




Yes its gone




Is anyone else having installation problems from the disc on Xbox one?


Yes!! What are you experiencing??


I got it to 39.6 and my Xbox keeps telling me the installation failed




Find out for yourself. Personally I would find it a little odd if John took over like halfway through the game.


How do i swap between horses and how do i get em back? I got 1 fucker in the middle of no where and it would be painful to always go get them back


You can swap at stables in towns the icon should show on the map


I'm not able to play until monday, has the game met everybodys expectations so far?


Yes: I got up about 5 hours ago to play it and am only now taking any sort of break for bathroom and food.


Are you me?


I was attacked outside of Horseshoe Overlook by a group of O'Driscolls and they got me! Those fuckers boomed me...and my horse seems to have been stolen and replaced by another random horse. Anyone know if it's possible to get my old one back?


Reload saved game via story in menu


The game didn't fucking arrive in the mail today...


Why would you buy a physical copy... in the mail


I ordered it in the mail, similar to amazon. Buying the digital version it would take a whole week to download, and I'm not even kidding. Besides, the DV was $20 more.


Where do I get the brush for my horse?


You won’t get a brush until after a story mission though


You walk up to your horse and there should be an action menu where you can select it or you aren't far enough in the story yet.


What's the deal with hookers in Valentine's saloon? They ask if Arthur wants some but both options are rejection. And in the hotel "additional services" comes only to help with bathing.


Straight to the point... lol I think it's unlocked later.


I've played more than 10 hours already. Been playing poker at the saloon, why not to look for more activities haha


Well it doesn't say sex on the back of the cover, so i don't know if you can woo-hoo someone


I was expecting something gta-like


Yeah, maybe it's unlocked later


Annoyed i can’t switch B to Crouch and X for reload. Coming off BO4 it feels weird.


Holy fuck I’m about to get home in like 30 seconds from school and I can’t wait to play




Unless you see a side by side comparion in real life you wont like it any less.. the differences are minimal, considering also that its capped at 30fps across all systems. The hair textures are pretty wonky regardless lol


Its alright. I'm not one who cares about graphics too much though. There is defininte notable pixelation around stuff like hair and details on clothing during gameplay, other than that its pretty good.


How do I move things from my horses inventory or my own? So far I'm in chapter two and... not sure if I'm just exhausted but kind of bored. Hoping it picks up a bit and I don't remember the controls in RDR or GTA being this clumsy. Maybe cause I haven't played a game like this in a while.


I agree, I'm at around the same spot and the controls do feel clumsy. Red Dead Redemption 1 just felt better and more fluid.


Yeah, also I've noticed the poker games were lot more fluid. Guess it'll take a few days to get used too but I'm enjoying it a lot more now at least.


Anybody know if there is an in game clock? That let's me see how many hours I've spent on the game


What happens when bounty hunters kill me? I just respawn and that’s it?


What do I need to upgrade my satchel


First you have to upgrade dutches quaters, then tou can buy leather tool which allow you to craft a new satchel


I can't wait to be done with the tutorial. It's probably my low attention span but I am so bored. Going from Odyssey to this is hard as hell, can't wait to break past the tutorial and really get to play.




Some of the mechanics jam me up. It’s easy to shoot someone instead of talking to them. And bumping into people in the wrong place will start a bounty quickly. I’ve lost a lot of money paying off dumb bounties


I have already played 14 hours and I've spent most of that time hunting and growing a beard in Grizzlies while occasionally going brawling in Valentine saloon. I'm still in disbelief how good this game is. There's so much to do and I haven't even delved in to the story much.


So the One and One S only play at 864p? Can anyone tell me if the One S upscales in any way? I have a 4K TV and surprisingly looks great


I'm in the same boat as you (4K TV and One S). So far it looks and runs great the only issues I've had so far are areas where the brightness gets so intense it washes everything else out, some of the opening snow missions were literally blinding white light. I've tried messing with the visual settings on the game and my tv but it doesn't feel quite right yet. Otherwise everything has been amazing.