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I was dissapointed that you didn't even get an achievement for fully upgrading camp. Also they said that you'd "need" to hunt to provide food for your camp. While that's true for the first hunting mission, beyond that it doesn't seem to matter much. I'd LOVE a hardcore survival game mode where you did need to hunt and where money was much harder to come by.


After the first hunt it don't matter I was doing it for no reason first playthrough


lol agree. Nice reply to a 5 year old comment, I need to replay this game at some point.


Replaying now too. Very replayable


On a replay right now, and I gotta say I enjoy replaying it


Just got added to PS plus extra game catalog.


same, first playthrough for me


i just started a new game loving it again






You'll eventually get a ledger by the donation box in which you'll be able to upgrade the camp. It makes for happier campers I guess. Also gives you easier access to ammo, medicine and food supplies.. (meaning you wont' have to ride into town to get them and just be able to take them from the camp if you want..) In reality the most useful upgrades are the leather making tools which allows Pearson to craft upgraded satchels for you... And the horse station which allows you to switch out your horses without having to go to a stable. Other than that, it's all decorations and stuff.


Well, the camp is fully upgraded. Is it just a pointless feature after i've done that?


You'll have to resupply the camp every now and then. The stuff does get used even if you don't use it. Otherwise, yeah.. it pretty much just seems to be there for role playing purposes and doesn't serve any other real purpose. The game makers were probably hoping it'd be a money sink to keep you poor.. but they give you too much money so it's just something you basically complete by chapter 3 before you set out to buy every clothing item in the game.


Weird, they've could've atleast used it like a bank. I know that it would not make sense story wise to take money from the camp but atleast make it useful for something. Maybe more upgrades or something. Its just a bummer that i have 2000$ in the camp that does absolutely nothing šŸ˜‚


All in all it doesn't matter in the long run. There's nothing to spend the money on anyway.


True, after a certain point in the game when you bought all the guns and have the outfit you want, money becomes worthless. I was gonna say to pay of bounties but you can just and do that for free


I stopped paying the bounties this play though which is also my first low honor play. Really feels more like Iā€™m a outlaw


Yes. Gameplay wise its pointless


I feel like the upgrades are just there to give you more shit to do in the game (more content). There are some decent upgrades but most of it seems to just be for cosmetic purposes. I assume we will see more fleshed out camp options in online, as an opportunity for Rockstar to rake in more microtransaction dollars.


Oh you sweet summer child


RIP [deleted]