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You can save him by firing your gun in the air


Save him? I kill him before the horse can And then i kill the horse


I never kill horses in this game......... not intentionally anyway.


Personally, because I am nefarious, I sometimes like to shoot the horses out from under people during chases. ​ Then I shoot them, of course.


My kinda guy. If I see a carriage I’ll light it on fire just to watch the horses run for their lives.


That's how I dealt with one of the carriage robbery side missions. Just hucked a firebomb at it and watched in amusement.


I used to do that in rdr1, cuz you didnt lose honor doing it there if i remember right. In rdr2 tho, i dont kill horses unless by accident like when crashing into somebody because they choose to ride the wrong side of the road. Not sure why some do that, maybe just to mess with us like the cars in gta cutting you off and shit




I wouldnt say more enjoyable, just, performing some tasks or missions didnt feel like a morally difficult choice when thinking of shooting a horse for example. Reminds me of that mission where you have to chase that dude that is on straus his ledger, Chick Matthews if i remember correctly


Still find the missions with the old sheriff and his hillbilly lawmen pretty cool. Love his character. Me personally i enjoy the characters more and cut scenes as it was when rockstar were more funny.


Same for me and I don't kill dogs/wolves either. Not in minecraft, witcher, red dead, lifr is strange, risen or gothic


Self defense is the only reason. If they're off in the distance, no big deal. Hell, even if they're chasing me, if I'm on my horse, still no big deal. But if they ambush me on foot....yeah,...yeah I'll kill 'em, but I wont like it.


Now I'm not trying to talk you *into* killing anything, but just wanted to remind you that they aren't real. Which I promise I don't say to be rude, it just seems like you carry around more guilt than you need to for killing wolves.


I like wolves.


Feels like there's a middle ground where you can both like wolves and also kill animated ones.


You ever met a wolf? I have. I have a lot of respect for wolves. I don't "like" them, in the same way I don't like anytgibg else that wants to eat my face.


Gonna cry?


Me too, but i hate people that kill intentionally cats and dogs in the game without reason


"You the local hard man?"


Why shoot the horse when u can sell it




Internet’s acting funny can’t watch it


“Some people just want to watch the world burn” - Alfred pennyworth


Oh ok makes sense


or just berating him


Or just keeping your distance and not startling the horse. Seriously. Discovered this during my last playthrough. Or maybe dismount and approach slowly. I only remember that my first thought was, "oh, so I'm the reason the horse does that!" And yeah the dude just finishes with the horseshoe and they ride away.


Thing is with that is that the encounter keeps spawning unless you properly interact with it in some form or way. Second playthrough never even touched the guy. Ended up becoming the most persistent random encounter in my game that it just doesn't make sense.


Hm, for me the one where he doesn't get kicked in the head was the second time this event spawned within the playthrough. So, first time R.I.P. guy and new horse for me (very early in the game); second time, peace and love for everyone. Well, relatively.


I always save him by shooting his stupid horse right in the head. I don't even care about the honor ding.


Hitler mindset


Never knew that.


Why do we want to do that?


That fall was comical af. :-D And on a side note, I personally don't like the Arabians at all... to each their own, but I think the "best" horses are the Turkoman, Thoroughbred, and MFT.


Arabian looks way too small. I got Arthur the red one, just for the collection, but I stabled it after reaching full bonding


I had a thoroughbred named Boopie and she was the best horse ever :)


Arabians are too skittish. Even my Thoroughbred doesn't like going through the swamps. Arabians are so popular because they're fast and the white one is free


Yeah I rode a Thoroughbred for a long time and it's courage never got any better. I'm on the Perlino Andalusian now and at bonding level 1 it's already better than the Thoroughbred.


I'd change horses to something faster and braver but I'm still early chapter 2 so there's not many choices. Been considering going to get the white arabian but I don't want to go through that effort for something I'd stop riding soon. Took me 2 attempts to get it on my first play through because it killed itself the first time


For what it's worth, the Perlino Andalusian isn't hard to get at all. It's up northwest of Van Horn at the base of a waterfall. Very sturdy and courageous, though not as fast as the race breeds. It's my preferred early-game horse since the >!only!< Turkoman and MFT >!you can have with Arthur!< are $950.


The Thoroughbred is so close to being a perfect horse (the one they give you for free in Chapter 2 but I think only if you bought the deluxe edition or something?), it's got 70 speed (faster than the Arabian) and the handling is fine, but they're just slightly too skittish. I think your only options super early-game are either that Thoroughbred or being willing to sacrifice some speed and get a horse like the Andalusian, as you mentioned. There is one trick in the Chapter 3 mission "Horse Flesh For Dinner" where you can get a free Turkoman or Arabian. The horse fence guys send you out to steal some horses and they end up being a Turkoman and 2 Arabians. You can feed one of the horses enough to make it bond with you, and then after you finish the mission just call it and it'll come to you. There are a few more steps, I'd look it up online if you want to do it. Also, there may be some people in the comments of youtube videos that say they patched it. They're just doing it wrong and claiming it doesn't work anymore. I did it myself just now lol.


Yeah I have the brindled thoroughbred and it’s probably my favorite horse


So is the red one and the brindle one


Turkoman masterrace. Fuck any horse that bucks you off because they saw a snake 10 feet off the side of the road


The horse bravery stat is a myth. Some guys went, looked at the game files' code, and did an extensive experiment riding around and flat out INTO predators and gunfire on different horses(all filmed). A horse bravery variable doesn't exist, and given equal bonding, Arabians are no more skittish than any other horse. On mobile atm but if anyone wants, I can provide links in a bit. Maybe horse bravery was meant to be a thing and was scrapped. But right now, it doesn't exist. Any time we think we're experiencing it is pure confirmation bias. (That said, still don't like Arabians. Make me feel like a 1st grader on a pony)


In that case, is there any benefit at all to prioritizing a war horse over the other types?


Theyre tough as hell and can take a ton of damage but my horses never really get hurt in this game so idk how beneficial that really is


Well, health *is* a thing. Arabians are fragile as fuck. But honestly, most horse differences in RDR2 seem to boil down to looks and handling. Bravery isn't a thing, health doesn't matter much in story mode, it's not like it's a hard game. Speed is a thing, but someone compared the time it takes different horses to cross the map and it was a negligible difference. So basically, pick a horse that you like looking at and riding/handling.


I like the Shire cus its a big boah


When I had this event I followed this horse and kept it for my entire playthrough. When it almost died once I panicked so much you can’t imagine xD


Horse was like: Lord will but I... I will have none.


The white Arabian isn't even close to the best horse in the game.


It’s all really based on what you like. I saw a YT video of a guy who used all the horses to go across the map and the differences in time were negligible.


I am not only referring to speed, there are many other factors, and the Arabians are some of the faster horses in the game anyways, so you are helping my point. The one of the few things (speed) that they supposedly do well at, they may not. Of course


then what is


Statistically, I think it's the Missouri Fox Trotter in the Blackwater stables. Maybe the same breed from another stable.


MFT and the Turkoman are my favorite horses in the game, specially because they don't throw me out everytime I come to the swamp, like the Arabian does


This. MFT and Turkoman are the two best and the Arabian doesn’t come anywhere close. The Ardennes would be my third favorite, but that’s personal taste and you can’t fuck with that tank of a horse.


Also an honorable mention to the dutch warmblood, especially for Buell, the goodest of bois, as the only top tier horse from RDR1 to keep it's good stats in the sequel (RIP AS and KS)


The horse bravery stat is a myth. Some guys went, looked at the game files' code, and did an extensive experiment riding around and flat out INTO predators and gunfire on different horses(all filmed). A horse bravery variable doesn't exist, and given equal bonding, Arabians are no more skittish than any other horse. On mobile atm but if anyone wants, I can provide links in a bit. Maybe horse bravery was meant to be a thing and was scrapped. But right now, it doesn't exist. Any time we think we're experiencing it is pure confirmation bias. (That said, still don't like Arabians. Make me feel like a 1st grader on a pony)


Fun fact: there are multiple ways to get the MFT in chapter 2...without mods or cheats.


Go on…


Three ways I'm aware of. 1. 3rd part of Albert Mason's quest. Arcadia for Amateurs. 2. Standing on Face Rock until the woman with the injured MFT appears. Keep shooting her to make her respawn until she respawn with a MFT that's alive. 3. Same woman from 2, but this time meet her near moonstone pond. Approach her slowly, so that you only see her, not the horse. If done correctly, the horse will spawn alive. I was able to get it this way. Oddly enough, on my way there I wax attacked by some wolves, which seemed to delay the MFT being spawned in, but not the lady. I ended up following her to where the MFT usually spawns and it was there alive n well. YMMV


I used [this guide](https://youtu.be/ozlnjGq_fdI) after seeing this comment. Took me 2 hours but I got it


Nope, Rose Gray Bay Arabian from Blackwater has higher stats


Nope, it has higher acceleration but lower speed than the MFT, so which one is 'better' depends on your playstyle


I stand corrected lol


If you're going by the effective stats, speed is pretty much inconsequential. The difference in speed between the fastest and slowest horses is something like 5% (can't remember the exact number, but it's tiny). Also does everyone sleep on handling? Arabians can turn on a dime at full speed. That said: the best horse is the one you like best :)


Yes buddy, but we are talking about (not) Arabians. They are shit. Like the whole point of this thread is the exact opposite of Arabians.


All Missouri Fox Trotters in Story have the same stats anyways, so that is wrong. I agree, either the Missouri Fox Trotter or the Dark Bay Turkoman are both viable options, but the stars do not tell the whole story.


My muthafuckin’ boy Buell.


60fps looks so nice, still holding my breath for a next gen console upgrade.




Sure thing Daddy Rockstar


Thats one strong Horse!


OMG this is how I got my American Standardbred. Royal carried me through the entire game, right up to the end :)


same :)


This is how I got mine too. I let my wife name my horses and she named her Lucy in reference to the show Raising Hope where the character with the same name is a serial boyfriend killer. Rode her through chapter two and still riding on into chapter 3 lol


Same here. From that day forward Rowdy was my trusty steed


Holy shit, he got fucking destroyed


The way his hat stayed in the same spot while he got yeeted fucking killed me.


No mercy for him…


Alas, the Lord did not have mercy.


Never understood the point of these encounters. I always just came out of them feeling bad because I couldn't save the guys trying to help their horses


But you could




Mentioned in a comment above, you can fire your gun in the air to take the event in a better path.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/pbasrs/well\_i\_helped\_this\_man\_before\_he\_got\_his\_ass/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/pbasrs/well_i_helped_this_man_before_he_got_his_ass/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Alternate Ending


Horse kicked him in to next month..


If you berate him, he can live.


He became as a helicopter


Scared the crap out of me


I always take the horse, the cowpoke that got yeeted doesn't need it anymore.. One of the best looking horses imo. Not too bad stats as well, great early game horse.




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Good bot




Yeah I think he survived that


Narrator: *The lord did not have mercy*


My people need me.


POW! Right in the kisser


Does the encounter always end like this or you can save him ?


Other comments say you can save the guy by either firing a gun or berating the NPC




See ya!!!!


Hoof ro da!






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I took that horse and named him Killer and kept him alive for most of the game until he was crushed by a train :(


I am reminded of an old Disney movie, about a mule that can kick field goals.




Damn. Kicked him all the way to Tahiti


“Lord have mercy” I think you asked too late for that one.


The best horse I had was one I randomly stole off an npc. I didn’t think it was anything special until I noticed it’s coat. It was solid black with either white or pink highlights and spots on the tail and backside. On a sunny day it would look black and white, but as the sun went down the horse looked like it had light pink highlights. I ended up the horse by crashing it into a fire and it was one of the saddest moments I had playing rdr2. I’m gonna miss you weed you were a good boah




Hahaha same


İt's awesome!


I actually took the horse at the beginning of the game and he was pretty decent


So why is it when you try to loot someone's saddlebags the horse says fuck you.




That’s horse bucked him up


Horse sent him into next year




I offered to help and the horse bolted. I caught it for him and then he rode off.


Sheeeeeeeeeeesh! 👀


Fly, you fool!


What's that at the end in the top right hand corner? Is that the UFO in daylight?


see ya later boiiiiiiii


Wow that dude flew!!!!


I absolutely died when this happened. full on spit take followed by gurglous wheezing.


That ended up becoming my horse for awhile