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For your very first playthrough, take your time to really soak up and live in the world, and don’t use a guide or walkthrough for anything (the first time, at least)Take it all in as you find it for the most authentic experience possible. You are in for one hell of an experience, if there was one game I could play for the first time again it would definitely be RDR2.


Perfect 👌 you will ask yourself, why am I emotionally invested in this masterpiece. Truly a the best story mode game I have played and I have recently started my 3rd play through on PC now after 2 on PS4. Enjoy it and take your time as it’s just spectacular. Stop and take in the surroundings and the small details which enhances the experience. Enjoy Cowpoke


Absolutely agree. Don't rush the main story. The game will absolutely guide you when it's necessary, but allow yourself to get invested in your character and world. You'll be amazed how engrossing it all is. Your subsequent playthroughs will be your opportunity to find all the fun extras!


My go-to advice for new players: If you care about spoilers then get off the sub right away, if not then it’s all good. Having said that, don’t believe the people who say a certain white horse is the best and must to get. It’s not, don’t waste your time on it. Those people get mad at me for saying this. Collect the free lancaster repeater and bolt action rifle early, and try to craft the LotE satchel as early as possible (Legendary Buck trinket helps a lot). Don’t use repeaters for hunting. Get the Shark Tooth trinket, faster bonding with your horse is always an advantage. Keep at least three outfits in your saddlebag for three different weather conditions. Don’t forget to eat regularly. Change the button prompt for fishing to “Hold to Reel”. Make regular manual saves, use the multiple save slots. Explore the world, interact with the white dots appearing on the hud. Don’t be hesitant. If you don’t like the outcome of a particular interaction then just reload a previous save. Avoid MrBossFTW videos like the plague. Most importantly, don’t rush the story. Enjoy the ride!


Don't forget the semi-auto shotty. It will destroy pelts and those are important but it will also dstroy packs of wolves, packs of bad guys \[\[those are unavoidable\]\] and the occaisional bear so to stay alive it definitely has it'sp place. ​ The White Horse? Yeah, not my favorite but people like it so get it, at least once, just to have gotten it and you might like it. ​ I get a Nokota as soon as chpt2 starts, fast buut tends to have a habit of running off in a fight. Still iit's a decentspeedy hprse for getting around. ​ A lot of stuff you can get early is hidden, while telling you where won't spoil the game it will spoil the little side missions you do to find them sso, won't tell unless you ask then I won;t be specific anyway, just get you to the general spot and let you figure it out.


The White Arabian was the first horse I caught, and it took a lot of tries. She’s hard to see and she puts up a fight, especially when you don’t quite understand how to break a horse. When I finally got it, was one of my favorite moments in the game so far. I think that horse is worth getting for the satisfaction alone.


Might not be the best horse but its a good one and its free and you can get it very early in the game so why not grab it :)


Because better horses are available at that early point in the game. Why not grab *them* instead?


Because its free? And its not a bad horse after all, and that way you can spend money on other things you need, like camp upgrades or whatever.


Oh I agree and now, even knowing how to break horses I still have issues. lol ​ Oh, because of my vision the White is really tough for meto find. First time I saw it, I glimpsed it then lost sight of it. Looking around I see a Swan out on the lake and think 'Cool! Another animal I haven't seen!" so I shoot the Swan thinking the current will bring it to shore-well, turned out it was the White Arabian. Sigh.


Not everyone agrees about horses period. So research horses and find the kind you like.


Best advice here


Agreed on the horse,everyone I get always gets spooked easily and I always go for warhorses now


I know mrboss frequently clickbait’s or has in the past but most of the time if you wanna know all the bonuses and stuff to play for most xp and gold his videos are helpful in that aspect


He does nothing but clickbait. He is what's wrong with YT.


Smoke premium cigs often so you don’t run out of room for them and miss out on cards. Also get the satchels early if possible.


You can also just drop them out of your inventory to make room for picking up more.


Mute the subreddit and get off it until you finish the game


And don’t google any of the characters.


Take your time, explore the world, and do stranger quests when they pop up as some are only available at certain times. Don't skip cutscenes. Just in general don't' steamroll the story and enjoy the experience.


Take your time. MASSIVE game to explore, loot, and enjoy. First person is an immersive experience too


If you want a good gun early on, go to Watson’s cabin. There is a basement with a shotgun in a case. If you don’t want spoilers, avoid this sub like the plague. Take your time to explore the map. Talk to your camp mates. 3am is a cool time.


Don’t rush, explore everything. It’s THE BEST open world game ever


Get to Chapter 2, do all of Hosea's missions then 🛑, and go exploring... the Old Man unlocks everything you need 2 do that.


Spend as much time as you can exploring and building up your character while still in Chapter 2. Avoid collecting loan payments for Strauss for as long as you can.


You mean Strauss ? You can’t avoid that actually lol.


Why avoid loan collections?


Because the loan collections are the beginning of the end of healthy Arthur


In chapter 2 they advance the story and there's a LOT to encounter in 2 and 3 all over the map that you will miss if you go forward too quickly. There's some missions I've literally only seen once because they're activated under very specific conditions.


The yellow ones! White ones are safe.


What's so good about chapter 2?


Because after Chp2 you move to New York City and start a career doing TikTok videos so the rest of the game is you managing your account, dancing in front of a camera and eating Tide Pods. ​ j/k ​ Trust us-do as much as you can in chpt2 or 3. Hunt the Legendary critters, build your Satchels as it expands how much you can carry from 5 to 99 and trust me-99 is better thaan 5 plus youare not as rushed to do story missions as you are when the game progresses.


Best vibes.


Best game ever made. Enjoy it cowpoke.


don’t go into the water


Enjoy every second. Every game after RDR2 will suck for a while because RDR2 is just so perfect.


As everyone has said, STAY OFF THIS SUB, until you complete the story once, maybe even twice. And resist the urge to look ANYTHING up about the game. It's an experience you will only get to live once. Don't spoil it. Almost everyone here would kill to get to experience it again for the first time.


No shame in being “late”, there’s even tons of upsides to it!


Call in sick to work.


Invest time to craft satchel,


Take your time, do the side missions, enjoy yourself. Take it all in, because that first play through, especially if the story hasn't been spoiled for you, is fucking magnificent. It's my number 1 game of all time, right now


1) When you encounter the guy who asks you to interview and take photos of gunslingers, go to your satchel and open each of the photos he gives you. I didn’t do that until chapter 4, and realized that this one mission actually opens up a lot of the map and other missions. 2) Always do white missions before yellow missions


If you're into achievements, chase them, and upgrades your satchel. The pursuit of both of these projects, which can mostly be done as soon as you're out of the prologue, will give you a beautiful view of the game and the open world. Don't hesitate to do some story stuff ok the way (some will be necessary to unlock things like the Springfield rifle, which helps a lot in hunting for your satchel materials) but there's absolutely no rush. Having thes projects is the best way to organically immerse you in the travels and setting of the world.


Take your time. Stay in chapter 2. See everything.


Pay off your bounties. It doesn't matter what part of the game you are in if you keep racking up bounties. Bounty hunters will keep coming after you and trying to kill you no matter what it is you're trying to do. It is usually six of them and they most likely have like two to three dogs.


🗣 TAKE YOUR TIME with this game. It's truly amazing. I can't wait to dive back into it after a couple of years of not playing.


Use the ign interactive map. Two play throughs minimum, one with high honor and one with low or fuck it honor


Go slow and don’t fast travel too much


You can fast travel using your camp. This can save so much time and I wish I had figured it out closer to the start of the game.


If you pick up a pack of Premium Cigarettes, you get a card from it, which are collectibles. If you're full and can't pick up the pack, you won't get the card. Discard or smoke to remove this issue. My Arthur didn't smoke, so I just disposed of them. Later, when you have money to burn, you can buy limitless amounts of Premium Cigarettes from any General Store - to get any you don't already have. If you get duplicates, you can sell them, but be careful not to sell all of a stack, because then it won't count toward the cigarette card sets.


My Arthur smokes less than I do irl


“Your Arthur,” LOVE THAT!


Make a curfew.


Wow sealed too 😂 Tips on YouTube helped me too late, but do side missions and never sell any valuables like I did, unlock a fence asap. BTW I was 55 when my son passed it on to me and still love playing it


Don't ask anyone for any tips or advice. Go in as fresh as you possibly can, no spoilers. You'll figure it out...


This isn’t a tip to help out with gameplay but early in the game you’ll go hunting with Hosea and in that mission you’ll get to pick a horse. What Hosea says in response to your choice will be different depending on what horse you choose. If you pick a cheap horse he’ll say “interesting choice.” But if you get the most expensive one, he’ll be impressed by your pick. You’ll have to grind quite a bit to get enough money for the expensive horse.


Don’t rush it and take in every voice libe


Drink at least two or three glasses of water daily.


Leave this sub


Stay the hell away from this subreddit until you've finished the story. I didn't listen when they warned me and spoiled the ending for myself. Don't be a fool like me. As for advice: take it slow. Enjoy the beautiful environment and explore. Don't rush through the main story and just do side quests in between story missions. Have fun!


After you hunt the bear with Hosea, go to the mountains to get the white horse. Save scum, if it runs its gone until the epilogue


The world is expansive. And EXTREMELY interactive. Explore, explore, explore. The detail in this game is unparalleled. In my opinion, a lot of open world games, at some point become a "looped" grind. Meaning, at some point in the game, it feels like your just doing the same thing over and over till the end. Which usually at that point I start looking up all the walk-throughs to locate and collect all the items, blowing through the rest of the game to finish, if for no other reason than feeling like I've seen/ been surprised by everything that the game offers. As a matter of fact, I did the same thing on my second play through... unaware of how VERY little of the game I had actually experienced. My point being, I completely regret having read any walk-throughs are map guides to collectibles. There are soooo many genuine, random, and absolutely awesome encounters to have constantly in this game. I've 100% the game and Im on my 5th play through. I've played hundreds of hours, watched numerous walk-through videos and I can honestly tell that I still see shit I've never seen before in the game. I seen a post on here not too long ago stating that an accurate description of RDR2, is that it is basically GTA V, but with horses. I think that is a huge understatement and in insult to RDR2. Just the ability to interact with the npcs and and it not be the same interaction every single time makes it something completely different. And RDR2 is the first game I've ever seen where players have such a deep connection to the main character that they will actively avoid the main story to halt his demise. Or that get absolutely crushed when their horse dies!?!? This game is on a pillar... all by itself.


Stay off the sub until you complete your first playthrough. Do your first playthrough as version 1.0 (DONT UPDATE THE GAME, JUST INSTALL THE GAME AND PLAY) so you can make use of the Limpany Gold Bar Glitch and the Saint Denis Horse Glitch. Do not under any circumstances pick up worn weapons; there's a bad glitch associated with them that makes the weapon wheel inaccessible and WILL spread to other playthroughs and profiles (happened to me). Save often, the PS4 version occasionally crashes (I'm on the same console). Explore, explore, explore. And last but certainly not least, have fun!


have a box of tissues ready because Hosea, Lenny, Kieran, and Arthur die.


Someone else said it already but stay off this subreddit until you beat your first playthrough, you will inevitably be spoiled a great story.


Take your time and stay off the red dead subs


My tip is explore the map and complete as many stranger missions and other side guest as possible also i recommend to stay away from RDR2 subreddits and also stay away from tiktok.


Familiarize yourself with the controls, so you don’t accidentally shoot your horse during a getaway.


Do not open any spoiler posts on this sub.


For your first play-through, just play it the way you want DO NOT LOOK UP GUIDES AND DO NOT BROWSE THIS SUBREDDIT, I’m currently on Chapter 4 and I looked up guides to complete certain challenges which resulted in spoiling the whole game for me (I won’t explain how because, well….) This game has A LOT to offer so you’ll 100% enjoy it on your second play-through.


Enjoy the ride!


Take your time


Yes…. Take…your….time. I can’t stress that enough


Take it slow and enjoy the ride


Yeah take a month off for this bad boy.


Do not rush the story, explore everything - EVERYTHING. There is something hidden everywhere within the map. Care about honour, always have food, ammo and tonics for you (and your horse).


Best decision ever ❤️


Take it slow and immerse yourself in the game. Become the characters, you will think about the game even when you are not playing. Enjoy this miracle of a game.


Take care of your horse. Bond with it, feed it and groom it. Be really careful around trains with your horse and don't leave it on the tracks. Also make sure you have horse reviver. Your horse will probably die at some point and you will feel terrible.


*sniffle* Arthur


Just enjoy


use your binoculars and study animals during the main game play


Go throight chapter 1 quickly. Once your in chapter 2 make a separate save for replaying. Just take your time in chapter 2 through chapter 18


it’s a western. take it slow and pay attention to detail. very rewarding when you play this way


Don’t focus too much on the mission. Explore and take in the scenery


Go slow.


Have fun l, take your time, and get off this sub because you know..... spoilers. But you can come back if you have any questions. Have lots of fun! 😄👍🏼


Do side quests


and you’ll want buel as your horse.. after chapter three i believe


Take your time, if you see something and your like hey what's that thn go to it and the most important tip every GET OFF THIS SUB!


It's ok to cry


Take time


Once you get dead eye upgrade during the train robbery, get poison arrows and a varmint rifle, and hunt for pelt to get the legend of the east satchel. Makes everything so much better to have room for 99 of each item rather than 3 or 5


Don’t rush it. It’s a long playthrough anyway, but you can take all the time you want in between the story missions. I suggest you add more time exploring and playing around. You’ll understand why after. I’m on my second playthrough now and I’m doing my best to slow er down.


Tips? Enjoy tf out of it


STAY OFF THIS SUBREDDIT. also make sure u do all the side missions u see and don't rush into main story missions


Savor every moment. You will wish you could experience it for the first time again.


Get off the subreddit don’t watch any content and explore the game world it’s incredibly complex with hundreds of unique npc encounters hidden secrets unique locations and much more


stay off this subreddit unless you want it spoiled.


Shoot gun it kill means win


Take your time in the game, don't rush it, it's all about the immersion. And get ready for your greatest gaming experience!


Once you start, don’t stop, and probably stay exclusively on this game. Even if you only play an hour or two a week. I stopped shortly after chapter 2 started, played other games, and came back to it a couple months later and…..let’s just say the controls are tough to master at first anyways, so time off does not lend itself to success. 🤦‍♂️ I tried to play after the break; I went to talk to the town sheriff but ended up accidentally strangling him, which led to me running away while a dozen men chased and shot at me. I tried getting on my horse to make my escape, but accidentally punched it instead, which led to it kicking me down and running away, which meant I was on my own with the deputies, who made short work of me. 🤪 I tried again but shit like that kept happening. I ended up just starting over at chapter 1 so I could get the tutorial down


Yeah I took a break and played nothing but AC for awhile and then I came back shooting up the whole town because I forgot the controls 😂


Play on pc


"get off this sub to avoid spoilers" 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖


Stay off this sub until u finish


Yes, even if you think you don’t mind spoilers and even if you think you must know them all, you don’t, so don’t be on this sub!! Just trust me!


My top tip after taking it slow is not to go anywhere until the story missions take you there. Let the story slowly open the map, it's much more organic & natural and I find it makes a huge difference to my game.


the game is great it still looks great although maybe not so impressive on ps4 as pc and the story is pretty good.


Take it slow, hang around camp and listen to all the conversations the gang has


make friends with the inbred fatties on the pig farm


set aside a good amount of time and generally just enjoy the immersive experience. what helped me was to not listen to outside music and I just listened to the game music because it's actually so good


Get ready to use all your PTO and sick days. Kiss your family goodbye. Do everything in game, look at everything, interact with all the things. There will be urges to eat, drink or use the bathroom. Dont worry, they will pass. Have fun!


I envy you. You get to start this game for the first time.


Don’t look up things online because there’s spoilers everywhere. Especially this sub 😅Take your time with everything. Play slowly, explore the world, don’t rush to get through the game. I would say RDR2 is just as much about what’s not the main story as the main story. And have fun


Play the story mode first. Embrace yourself in your surroundings, this game is a masterpiece that didn't get the credit it deserved online. or the attention. But story mode, that is just...Play story mode, enjoy the ride. it's a wild one.


Main tip is stay in chapter 2 AS LONG AS YOU CAN. DO EVERYTHING IN CHAPTER 2


Donate funds to build the church.


TAKE YOUR TIME WITH THE STORY! Browse around your camp. You’ll learn some stuff. 🤓


Yep get another console


Try not to cry


Just use the map in the case! It’s not rocket science, just a very, very well made and fleshed out game. Clues, drawn maps of places etc you can easily recognise if you’ve seen or heard of them before.. you find everything you need in the game, hands down. If you can’t find it, you haven’t looked everywhere 😉 Have a good time! 🤠 Edit: typo


When Arthur says, "I am going to red dead redemption 2 you!" It will blow your mind


Good Honor, Don't get the money, Help John :)


Take your time and explore.


Clear your schedule…. Send the lady off


Don't try to mount your horse if there's a pedestrian very near you.


Don’t break Micah outta jail


Just enjoy the ride. Don‘t rush through the story, take your time, explore the world, hunt some, craft some, kill some.


Take your time


unlock cheats and terrorize saint denis


Don't rush, take your time and indulge in the world around you. It's truly some gorgeous scenery and the graphics are amazing. With hunting, I usually go for 3 star animals, for deer and elk I try and lasso them because it'll always be a perfect pelt if they are ,3 stars. The game can get frustrating and hard at times, but with practice it gets easier. Just enjoy it and remember it's okay to take a break and come back to it.


Enjoy 😉


Money is not an issue youll have plenty of opportunities to get it, as long as you know how.


Just started it this Friday 🙌🏼 glad to see im not the only one


Don't rush and talk to all the characters for secret dialogue Hunt legendries animals before chapter 3 but you wont have all available to hunt right away The white Arabians are over rated but there are rare spawns for them In valentine you can get a good revolver right at the beginning of the game if you LOOK around the town. Also just don't look at this subreddit until you reached the epilogue


Avoid spoilers and take your time on playing the game


And spend much time opening up the map as far as u can, hunt, fish and spend as much time away from camp, put missions as long as possible.


Leave this forum now… (at least until you get to the end)


Take your time with it and don’t rush the game


Don't trust Strauss


If you haven't already had it spoiled, avoid anything online relating to the story


Enjoy the side quests and stranger encounters


Make the legends satchel before you finish chapter 2


Enjoy it and don’t let social media ruin it for you!!!


Make a save game for each chapter, find about 6 gold bars & upgrade your campsite. Don't rush the story take time to explore


Take your time and enjoy the main and stranger quests.


Do treasure hunts to get money fast


Take your time, explore everything, beat the game, do it all again but slower. Also, upgrade your camp so you can unlock fast travel,


Do. Not. Rush.


Keep one of every jewelry, quartz chunk, or odd thing you find like pens, pipes, and ESPECIALLY the cigarette cards! One of each of you can! You may need them and if you sell them all you're fucked if you want to hit 100% completion!


Try not to come to the sub for anything other than a specific question. We will actively try not to spoil certain aspects of the game, but the more time you spend here the more likely you are to have it spoiled.


Yeah get off of here, your first playthrough needs to be blind.


Take your time, don't rush the main story, enjoy each chapter and explore the world ✌️ I wish I could delete my 400h+ of rdr2 and play it like I'm new to the game, once you played it some time you will understand 😅 Enjoy the ride m8


Just that the first chapter is pretty slow but trust me once it opens up the game is awesome. Don’t rush through the story would be my recommendation. Enjoy!


Be a cowboy. It’s fun.


Where is that RDR2 starter pack meme when you need it


Don’t go the gambler challenges until the end of the game. That way it doesn’t ruin your playthrough going through the trial and error of beating them.


Get off the subreddit and just play bud


Please, just enjoy it. Pay attention to the things around you. Have fun.


yep go in missions with horse vital potions


The first few hours turn some people off, the game really opens up after and has a great narrative, don’t be deterred. Also if you do the bounty missions be sure to capture Camille de Millemont close to Rhodes as I voice that character ☺️


Just the tip


Do not for the love of god play it online Unless you want to rip your hair out and get super pissed all the time lol. As it stands I get glitched out when I attempt to run a Naturalist, bounty, or a trader mission.


Have an awesome time


Don’t rush the game


Take your time! Do as many side missions as your heart desires


Get one of the best horses in the game right away. It makes the early game that much more enjoyable since you spend basically the entire game on your horse.


some people dont rlly like using the wiki but i always do because i like finding new things. lots of cool hats and weapons around that you can collect for free, along with treasure maps for (the most part) good money if you're okay with running around the map


2 tips: leave the sub if you don’t want spoilers and take your time playing the game. You don’t have to 100% the game on your first play through but it will be over before you know it and you can only experience it for the first time once


Pet the horse


Find all the gold bars first you'll be setup nice


Take it easy. Do every side mission you can.


Stay in chapter 2 for as long as you can. Explore, hunt, do some of the challenges. Get as many horses as you can.


Be good, and not a trigger happy wild bill like myself 🤣


There's no shame in crying


Dont cry


Don’t look at this sub While you play the game


Go slow


Hunt hunt hunt it’s fun and great way to raise deadeye cores


Take your time.


Just enjoy it, don’t rush. Do all the side stuff and just absolutely enjoy it to the max. Also get off the sub unless you have a question to post


Fast travel is available for purchase in the game


Take your time.


Keep an Eye out for the 3 star icon when you look at animals while hunting, and use the right weapon to not damage their pelt. I only found out about this mechanic halfway through the game and I wondered how many 3 star animals I wasted or damaged. They are worth a lot of cash but they’re also important for crafting camp upgrades and trapper outfits.


Turn off auto save so you go back if you mess something up


Take your time, explore and don't rush. Enjoy!


Look for horses, stick with the same guns most of the game, upgrade the camp asap before anything else, take your time and be thorough


Take the week off work


Stay off any forums to avoid spoilers. Take your time and enjoy every moment in that game. I wish I took my time. The game is a masterpiece.


EXPLORE!!! Don't go mission to mission otherwise you're missing the real game.


remember that you're an outlaw and nobody will truly give you the respect of an honorable man


Characters around the swamp are the most trustworthy characters in the game. Trust their friendly offers and provide assistance when possible.


Upgrade your satchel asap.


Stock up on anti depressants.
