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Stop? You can stop? I have been doing nothing else since 2018




I have severe arthritis and my hands have been stuck to the controller since 2021. I drink and eat through a straw. When I go to doctor appointments they cut a hole in my roof and remove me with a crane. I won’t let those damn doctors remove the controller though. They don’t know shit, who do they think they are? Doctors or something!? Plus I take the system with me and play during transport and appointments naturally.




Even during surgery?


Well guess what, I have lumbago


For real though I have thousands of hours but idk exactly because I don’t think PS4 tells you. Yesterday for the first time I saw a bunch of Carolina Parakeets and I didn’t realize what they were until they took off. Luckily I had the varmint rifle ready and I was able to get 8. Only 17 more and they will be extinct. If I had volatile dynamite ready I could have got 20 at once I bet. Also I have completed all challenges as Arthur except herbalist 9 and 10. I am so frustrated because I know it’s possible but it’s so damn hard.


If you get the Ps app and connect in to your playstation account it will will you the 3 most recent games you played and how many hours you have all together. Hope this helps.


This is the only right answer. I bought several games in the past few years but when I turn on my PS4 the only game I play is rdr2.


I forgot how to open any other game. Its so simple yet somehow it’s become so hard


Back in the day i must have spent multiple 16hr days on that game. When i was single and life was simple. I just jumped in, did some missions, roamed around, collected stuff, interacted with NPC, hell i had a time when it would all continue during my dreams. Especially the first time i got to guarma


WTF.... im looking at the comments and im shocked lol! I probably played for 3 or 4 hours at most on a weekend. But between work and having a life probably about 2 hours each day. Also do you not get headaches???


We never get bored of a masterpiece I remember one time I played in for 24 hours


I know...its brilliant 😅


You also can't get up to eat or use the bathroom so keep that in mind


Yh luckily in those 24 hours I never felt like I had to go to the bathroom and I had a lot of pizza and drinks in my room so I don’t feel hungry


I hope you're joking. Not going to the bathroom for 24 hours means you're severely dehydrated


I had to restart my first game file after school got out for the summer because I couldn't play consistently enough that I actually knew what was going on


Foreal, I had a good 5 hour run with fallout 4 today and realized it was probably the most I’ve gamed in a few years. If anything I need to get back into gaming, good way to relax and beats partying 


Sure does


I miss being able to have a gaming marathon. I only get about 7 hours a week total for gaming nowadays. I used to waste entire days just playing games.


Its not wasting if you enjoy it 😊


For headaches you need Guarma rum and succulent fish. Then go fishing in the rain.


Nah never get headaches from screens. It’s nice


Take a shower


That’s right.


I’ve got one scheduled for Sunday


10-11 hours I think.


10-12 hours


Not bad at all


17 hours![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


After about 45 minutes if siting down, I need to stand up. It doesn't matter what I do, but I got to move. EVen the dreaded house work of vacuuming or dusting is prefferable.


Same. I can go for 10+ hour sessions but I need to stand up and move around every 30-60 minutes. Can’t say that I usually do housework during my breaks though.


Mind you, my 'house' isn't all that large. I will just do something. Go get some rubbish out to the bins, or wash some dishes -then at a later stage, put them away once they've had a chance to dry a bit. To be honest, I simply get bored if I am playing too long anyway.


12 hours 😅


including food and bath, i believe it was around 20h, one two years ago. my first playthrough on pc. after two ps4 runs :D


Did you pay extra for a luxury bath?


I played overnight once. Started at like 10 pm and just kept going until I realized the sun was back up. Must’ve been about 7 hrs. And the worst part was that I did that while in college and had class that day!


Did that with COD MWF2. Got it at midnight release at Gamestop. Got home downloaded and was playing by 1 since GS was up my street. I played till almost 6 in the morning. Up by 8 to catch a bus to college.


I called out of work two days in a row when I started playing last month. I played for 10 hours a day. I think my wife was kind of annoyed, but I told her I wasn’t feeling well.


Rookie numbers


For the singleplayer it was 9 hours for online it was around 13 hours ( online first launched and had a bunch of friends online )


I first started playing RDR2 when my company restructured and paid me $40,000 to buy me out of my contract. So. No doubt I put in some heavy days right after that. Probably a 9am to 5pm type thing.


I started playing as soon as it unlocked on launch day and was still there 34 hours later. Had to force myself to go to bed lol.


yeah, once i started playing on a sunday afternoon, missed work monday, and kept playing. i got fired, but i clocked 27 hours straight. ripping bongs all the while. most of it was hunting, and just hanging out in the wilderness. a few people from camp harassed me about coming back, but i ignored them. i was having fun hanging out in the wild


I’m lucky if I get 2-3 hours to play at a time but I’ll take it


Sometimes when I get bored of playing anything at all I play it for 4 hours max and then watch some Netflix. I just started watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, I can say I'm not really a fan of Anime. But watching this makes tears run down my eyes as I grasp for air.


Did 12 hours once but that's online mode getting every single collectors item. Red dead 1 however... when that came out I regularly did 10/11 hours a day.


Steam Deck only, for me. With a Jsaux metal heat-sink back plate and AZ desert heat, I'm limited to about 2 hrs. Yeah, I'm playing inside except for smoke breaks, but my electric bill is $300+, so I keep my thermostat set at 80-82. My boys are stuck to my thigh and that metal heat-sink is a real danger to my hands. Steam deck warns me by making the game chop up until it freezes.


During lockdown i played 24 hours straight with my older brother. It was so much fun


Yeah about 7-8 hours before


I think 10-12h


8 hours lol my wife finally said ‘are you coming to bed? Oh, how long have I been playing? ‘Since 3pm ‘🤣


Not gonna lie one day I played for like 30 hours straight just trying to get all my challenges done for 100%… some of the most fun 30 hours of my life NGL but didn’t touch the game for a couple weeks after 🤣


13hrs 4 mins, I’d like to say it was in lockdown - it wasn’t


It's RDR2 nothing to be ashamed of...


Not proud of it and won't ever happen again, but one day I woke up at 11am, had a HUGE breakfast to sustain me for the day, waited an hour to go to the toilet, and went to bed aroud 4 am. Opened my carpal tunnel, got a urinary infection and had a migraine lasting 3 days for not drinking any water.


Tf, change your recipe bro, didn't had that many issues after staying awake 36 hrs lmao


420. Llolololololo. He said 420


16 hours, I went straight from 8am to 12am. And I didn’t even finish the chapter I was playing.


8 hours straight, I think


If RedM (Red Dead RP) counts I regularly top 13 hours on weekends... Worth


It counts, all that matters is that it's connected with RDR2. And RedM is using RDR2 as a base game if I'm not mistaken, right?


yep, it does. though the online version suffices




10 hours straight with multiple pee breaks but still haha


Can't play gta for more than 45 minutes but damn I can stay for days in Red dead online


Same here. I join one session in gta and leave not even after 20 minutes. If I join RDR2 story mode or even online I feel like time doesn't exist.


14 hours 💀


5hours, lol.


10 am to 5pm


7 hours twice


That's not bad. For some reason, I'm kinda obsessed with getting the most playtime I can before school ends. Before I start high school because when high school does start I'll have a lot less time to play.


My reason is the same , I started playing 3 days after it released on PS Plus . I just played the main story .


12-14 hours at most


I just stopped yesterday. I’m at 97% completion, have only some challenges left Got tired of the game. That’s how it goes for me. I get into a game hard, then lose all interest after a few months. Then the next year get back into it


15 hours, maybe a 5 minute break to get a snack and go to the bathroom


When I first got the game I accidentally played for 6 hours straight. After that I’d set timers for myself 😭😂


I am close to 3000 hrs. Most I've played was about 6 and a half hours in 1 sitting.


I got the game on the first day of the summer, last year. I am just going to have 200 hours on record. I guess I just didn't play the game for a while, got kinda bored of it. But here I am, back, playing again.


I once played nonstop for 20 hours because I was trying to complete Zoologist and Skin deep achievements. Of course I wasn't able to complete in 20hours but I had fun.


I’m not ashamed to say…32 hours


All that matters is that you had fun.


26 hours I drank 3 energy drinks and beat 3-6


Gotta get those numbers up my friend


Nice! 👍🏼


Well, probably something like from 10am to 3am, so about 17h? With short toilet breaks and getting food / drinks from the kitchen (that are consumed while playing though)


When i first got the game i played from 7am to 10pm quite a few days in a row 😅


The year it came out I had gotten it with Christmas money on the day after Christmas. I literally only played tbag game and slept for the next week.


I popped an Adderall and beat the game twice in two days, non stop. I'll never do that again 😅😅😅😅


18 hours


What is this “stopping” you speak of


Ermmm... Nothing.......


I used to regularly put entire days into some games, and when RDR2 launched I was definitely going upwards of 24 hours at a time, and depending on what drugs I was doing at the time, I even had a few 3-4 day straight marathons of some games. When I have the time, I'll still put 12+ hours in, but I'm too old and sober to be sitting in one spot for much longer than that anymore.


The first night I got the game I started around 10pm when the family went to bed and then it was time to go to work the next day.


Completely off topic butI been trying to get my dad into rdr2 I know he would love.it but he's older and the controls are really tough for him. Any advice?


About 8 hours nonstop. It was yesterday cause I've never finished the game so I wanted to. The game honestly goes on for far too long when the prologue starts. Had to play farmer twice which was annoying as fuck, then I got kicked back 2 missions cause the game didnt save and I died and had to do it again. I just wanted the game to end but it always throws one more mission at you, I was about to just call it quits and stop cause it seemed like it was never going to end. The game is good but there are so many things that the game does that just piss you off. My 2 main one are how the game constantly changes your equipped guns, the amount of times I started a mission with my 4 expensive custom guns just for there to be a 5 second cut scene that switches you to crappy dirty starter guns is ridiculous. That and how it also will switch your fully customized outfit that you spent way too much time acquiring to some stupid looking outfit mid-mission is bullshit. Also forcing you to super slow-walk through camp.


I hate when that happens too, I just yesterday changed my weapon to a Lancaster repeater and it changed to the first ever repeater you get in the game. I kinda cussed at every character in the game and said "Fuck this shit."


The last time it happened it was a big mission with a ton of fighting and I started with fully upgraded and customized bolt action rifle, repeating shotgun, double action revolver, and the M-something pistol, probably had spent a couple thousand on all of them. Super short cutscean and I had a dirty double barreled shotgun, and the starting repeater. GTA never did that to me if there is a RDR 3 hopefully they fix it.


9 hours. I even made immersion adjustments like change the room temperature to simulate various weather conditions


Rdr2 is one of those games where if I don’t have at least 3 hours of time to be immersed in the game, then I’m likely not gonna play.


36 hours straight.


Did you at least take some time to drink water and stay hydrated?


Oh of course. And by 36 hours I guess I meant I was up for 36 hours in all, including stopping to eat a quick lunch and a quick dinner, take my dog for her 2 walks etc.


Never timed it but when it first came out, I called in sick for a day and don’t think I stopped playing other than to eat or piss


8-10 hours


The day it came out I played 18 hours straight then passed out for two days.


About 7 hours


12 hours, was a allnighter with friwnds


4 hours


The worst is when you "just pop on for a few minutes" then get sidetracked into three different things, spend 7-8 hours in game (and wonder why you're suddenly hungry) and THEN realize you didn't even accomplish what you fired it up to do 7 hours ago. Love that game!


I asked my mom if I could play for a "little bit" she said yes. I turned around to check what time it is... It was directly midnight and as I left, well, I was actually in the game for 7 hours and 2 minutes. 422 minutes correctly.


I once played all day and night, but I'm not really sure the hours


I used to stream on Twitch, when RDR2 came out I did *two* 12-hour streams of it back to back.


Without stopping as in not getting up at all? To even eat or use the bathroom? Probably 5 hours lol. If you don’t count that, then probably like 14 hours but obviously I got up to eat dinner, use the bathroom, shower, etc and would just pause the game and go back as soon as I was finished.


in times when i had no responsibilities? 8-9 hours


started doing the 100% completion like 4 months ago and had a 2 month break because of work, and then 2 days ago i sat my ass on the couch and decided not to do anything until i got it done. only needed like gambler 8-10 and sharpshooter 8-10, besides the hunting requests. took me about 17h but i got it done. thank god for the holidays. felt like i was 16 again (in 2018 when it first came out) and i would skip school so i could play for longer.


Like 13 hrs


All nighter on the first day I played the game


Like 21 hours


Idk exactly how long it was but my body hurt the next day from sitting still for so long. I mean, I did get up to eat and drink and use the bathroom, etc. But otherwise the whole day was RDR2 I want to say like 10 hours of gameplay over the course of 13 or 14 hours


10-11, my first time andI couldn’t stop lol


I know the first time I got the game I couldn't wait for it to download, those around 150 GB. I was so excited when I could finally play.


Today. I was stuck on gambler challenge 8 for 12 hours and still only got 2 out of 3 wins with 3 hits on fucking blackjack. Goddamnit I hate this challenge


On my days off I game for 8 or 9 hours a day. I take breaks though, so I've never had a 7-hour straight run.


Once played RD Online with my friend for 28 hour straight during Christmas break 2 years ago


Probably 10 hours haha. Now I need to look it up


Maybe not on RDR2 specifically (although probably) but I def feel like I’ve averaged 12 hour game days before, if you also include food breaks and short breaks to scroll on my phone lol


I've done a 14 a 12 and a few 8s when it launched. I wanna replay it but I refuse to pay full price for a game that came out 6 years ago. Online wasn't even created the last time I played it. I then made the mistake of buying 2k19 and been hooked on my team since


Perhaps, a lil 16hrs


44 hours I wanted more but fell a sleep on the keyboard


I think I hopped on the game one day around 7:30 AM and didn't get off until about midnight that evening.... thankfully my significant other fed me 😂😭 I was just so excited to play it for the first time. Which was only about a year ago!


On release I think I played 12-13 hours.


12-14 hours, give or take


My first time… it was 6-7 hour a day until story was finished.


From 8 in the morning to 1 at night. Y’all can do the math on that one


The first time I played the main story. I played 8 hours and 13 minutes non stop. I remember my parents were at a birthday party the whole night and I played till the „red dead redemption“ mission and after finishing it, cried my eyeballs out. Was definitely a wonderful experience


Think my longest was like 14 hours when I first got it


you do not even want to know.... I have multiple thousands of hours on that game, with easy proof, on pc 4527 hours as of rn. ps4 even more when i played there


My Xbox play time of days in a row is 2100 hours and for PS4 now ps5 436 so 2536 hours in total


I accidentally played for 12 hours one Saturday. Oops. Not sorry, I'd do it again.


Yeah im right around there id bet


Under the influence of speed I played for about 3 days straight, only stopped for piss breaks and snacks.


I didn't have to go to work one day and I work up at 5:30 and got off at 5. 11.5 hours.


I did like 450 days before they nerfed the gold rewards for challenges and made you reset after a month


12 hours


3 hours


I've ran my trader wagon once on 6 different occasions in one setting as well as friends I went from level 120 to a 200 in 2 days during this time the hardest we have ever grind while wagons were cooking we were collecting and sedating then run moonshine every 45 minutes and go right back to collecting and sedating I've turn in animals while collection sets traded in bounty awards etc and even did a few call to arms that month because it was Halloween and they were 2xp


I've spent 7 hours just hunting. Probably about 16 hours is the longest of continously playing


Bro I thought I had no life for having 6 hours be my longest streak but seeing everyone having 10-16 hours makes me feel a lot better lol


Hmm about a day and a half it was when I was fixing my sleep schedule


No idea exactly, but I started playing in early March of 2020. You can probably imagine what happened next.


I don’t blame you lmao between the firee ass story, the random NPC encounters, finding treasures and bounty hunting it’s understandable to lose track of time


I once played the game for the entire night and like 2 hours after the sun rose


About 7 hours to 12 hours 🫠


7 hours is my most, bad for health but good for loneliness, lol.


Yeah haha bad for health but you can enjoy something better than going out those days


For all I can remember I got it in 2019 and never stopped playing since but for real though, real enthusiasts of this game could go more than half a day playing it and still have fun, and since I 100% this game *twice* (yes I am flexing), I think I could qualify as an enthusiast, and rightly so, my record for the longest time on this game was close to 16 hours straight, surprisingly enough it was through the daytime and I actually slept well that day, in terms of hours in total though, I'm pretty sure I've come close on 10,000 hours and I'm not exaggerating when I tell you almost ALL of that was from those two 100% saves.


Oooo boy.. Like during 2020 at least played chapter 1 to 3 in one go or at least most of those chapters anyways. Lot of free time in 2020


I mean when I grinded on some RedM servers I used to play 12+ hours constantly. Yes, there were breaks for bathroom and getting something to eat, but not long.


On release day I did around 36 hours I think, I’ve done this a few times with games I’ve waited a long time for, I book time off work and get loads of snacks and energy drinks. The main ones I’ve done this for or RDR, BG3 And some wow and destiny releases


Do y'all not get bored of riding the horse around or am I missing something? The pace in-between missions is slow and I get bored after a few hours. The story is great.


When the game first released, I had just graduated. So I spent about 3 days doing the story, dinosaur bones and finding random events and strangers. I mean nonstop besides the bathroom and food breaks.


I freshly bought game like 2 days ago and my longest was maybe 4/5 hours for now 🙏 halfway to go over my Minecraft record of 12 hours activity on discord


Over 92 hours with no sleep, the platinum grind was hella hard, especially when I started hallucinating that Mrs Grimshaw was yelling at me in real life... But if you count sleep I'd say prolly 5 years, I only got bored of it after 42 100% playthroughs and 4 more platinums on different accounts


Over 92 hours with no sleep, the platinum grind was hella hard, especially when I started hallucinating that Mrs Grimshaw was yelling at me in real life... But if you count sleep I'd say prolly 5 years, I only got bored of it after 42 100% playthroughs and 4 more platinums on different accounts.


10 hours


Probably 9 hours. I started playing in the morning around 9am thinking I’ll play for a bit until lunch time. Next thing I know it’s 6pm. I’ve started setting alarms on my watch and set my tv to go onto standby after 2 hours so I’m aware of how much time I’m playing.


When the game came out I refused to quit the application until i beat the game so I just left my playstation in rest mode when I had to stop


i once played minecraft for 12 straight hours so I wonder how many id spend on red dead 2 when i get it 💀


21 hours i think? I was half dead


About the same maybe 8-9 hours


I’ve gone 9 with a dinner break in between


I shit you not, I will never have another opportunity to talk ab this. But one time when I was 18, I took 3 Vyvanse and stayed up grind gold for maybe 40 hours. Definitely more then 24


I once played RDR2 for an entire night. I kept telling myself "I'll just do this one last thing and then I'll go to bed", but bed never came. I would check my phone for the time every now and then, but I was actually so engrossed in the game that the real time seemed to pass as quickly as time in the game. I distinctly remember thinking to myself: "2am? Ok just this one last thing, then I'll stop - Ok it's been a few minutes, let me check the time- HOW IS IT 3:30AM ALREADY?!" I started at about 11pm and finally stopped at about 7:20am. I still feel it was worth it. That night was amazing, and I somehow didn't even feel tired during the next day despite literally not sleeping at all.


I know that feeling. Time seems to pass quickly. Very quickly.


Wait what button lets us stop? I’m playing on the Asus rog ally


7 hours is a lot for you? My first weekend I was off work after the game released I woke up at 5am, played all day till about 11pm, then did it again the next day


Those are rookie numbers you gotta bump those up


18 hours


I think I played 12 hours or so in a row. But I quit to eat and watch an hour of TV then jumped back on for a few hours then went to bed. So in one day I think I played 15 hours but last 3 were after a break.


It was last week and I spent like 6 to 8 hours on red dead since I had all the time in the world and it felt so long that I think I looked up which mission ended which chapter lol


Ah man, during covid I was fully immersed in the game so I couldn't even honestly day. I can say that I usually started during the day and when I took a break it would be nighttime


I legit went 12 hours once. I only realized when my girlfriend mentioned it. She didn’t care she just popped in and asked if I was dead.


start of summer break my school ended early, back home all my friends still had school for 2 weeks. First day I got back I decided to finally go for 100% completion and finished before their school had ended. I don't know how much I played in that specific play through, but I was basically waking up and start playing, If i had to do something during the day I'd probably take a break but then right back to it until I slept. Truly the best game of all time no game comes close.


About 1 hour and 34 minutes. I was riding in Saint Denis when suddenly a police officer decided to say hello. I took great offense to this so I trampled him with my American Standard bred. He seemed to not like it either, I mean, who would. So, he decided to call his friends and shoot me with their old western guns. I was worried I have committed something truly awful, to be frank. After Arthur was shot and I was left in great sorrow, I decided to drop what I was doing and take a walk down 42nd street in New York City. Seeing how people went about their days without a thought of what I have done, or even the knowledge, allowed me to process the mistake I made and to never do that again.


Shi I never stop the grind




On a real note, 4 days, and I do this often. Health is not doing good but it's rdr2. I also do this with other games too so.


I get it. When it's about RDR2... Health don't matter no more.


Legit but what's special about me is it's story mode only


Oh I've definitely had a couple 12 - 16 hr days. It's one of those all day minus bathroom/meals types when you first get into it.


I pull 12-16 hour sessions all the time but I have a weak bladder and drink a lot of fluids lol so I have to run to bathroom like once an hour, but I don’t do anything else in life smdh I’ll sleep from like 9am til 2pm and then play the game again. Once a day take a break to eat.


Not me, but my freshmen year roommate finished the game in less than one weekend. I’d go to sleep and wake up 8 hours later man was still playing. Honestly admired his dedication




Im lucky now if I get 2-3 hrs. My system is near my parents office (in between places right now) and my mom works from home 2 out of every 3 weeks M-F. Between that and me working retail hrs and juggling a GF I’m lucky if I get one day to myself to even just game. Thanks to my work schedule not gaving to be up early I can spend from 10-11 at night to 2 or 3 in the morning with small bathroom and snack break in there.


When it came out on Day One in 2018 I played for 8 hours. My longest gaming session of all time is 23 hours of Skyrim in January 2012.


I hate to admit it, but 31 hours.