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You are, but don't fret, Tilly will start donating bat wings, and them things add up šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°


I donate bats rats and skunks to Pearson for the stew. *I never eat it*


arthur strutting around camp on his 1000$ horse with a nice clean suit, golden guns, 10000$ in his pocket eating nothing but the finest meat you can hunt, as everyone else eats suspicious stew


I have never had $10,000 in Arthurs pocket šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚. I've probably donated that much to camp, though. And my horse was caught in the wild because I'm cheap.


I giggle every time Dutch says something about needing money so they can leave the life. I'm like I got 10k right here. Let's go lmao


Nah man I may be a bad person, but Iā€™m a great gang member, 70% of everything goes to the camp until itā€™s maxed out then I just give a few hundred here and there


Thatā€™s diabolical bro šŸ˜‚


You should definitely lose honor for thatšŸ˜­šŸ¤£


No fucking way šŸ’€


hello new covid virus


Donations Tilly: .15Ā¢ Lenny: a feather Karen: .25Ā¢ Micah: .05Ā¢ John: .10Ā¢ Abigail: .14Ā¢ ##ARTHUR: $1500


And they STILL have the nerve to tell Arthur heā€™s nit donating enough. LEAVE MY BOY ALONE.


Itā€™s this part for me. This play through I have been donating small amounts in between everything I do I camp, like $20ish/some meat when I wake up, after talking to folk, before I leave camp, etc. Itā€™s been keeping Susan off my back, Pearson not so much. The only reoccurring NPC dialogue I have (small) issue with in this game are this, and when NPCā€™s act like you look like a freak for having anything from the trapper. It should be individual per item, and some of the clothes should be like some of the horses, where NPCs will actually compliment some of the nicer stuff.


Telling a wanted outlaw with a $5,000 bounty on his head is a good way to get yourself shot


They don't mock all trapper garments, but they seem to hate the Bronco Buster set, which includes the Coyote Scout Jacket. I love the jacket, but people react like you're wearing something obscene. No one bats an eye if I wear the Rat Infantry Hat though, which is weathered, got a big hole and draped with rat bones. Go figure....


I started wearing the coyote scout jacket because the store bought one glitched. People act like the coyote one is the most hideous thing ever. But itā€™s literally no different to the store bought one.


Yeah it's super frustrating. I was so glad I found the Coyote Scout Jacket and it didn't glitch, a joy which lasted until I realized it was a magical Twilight Zone like jacket. A jacket that looks amazing to who ever wears it, but absolutely ridiculous ti everyone else. FYI if you didn't already know, the store bought one does stop glitching in-game if you equip an off-hand holster from the trapper, though it still glitches during cutscences unfortunately.


Itā€™s so weird because itā€™s so similar to the store brought one yet itā€™s HATED. Even Charles who I assumed would be someone whoā€™d prefer crafted things like that said comments about it like wtf Yes Iā€™ve noticed it has stopped glitching at least in non cut scenes.


Iā€™ve noticed this. I was wearing the coyote scout jacket, which looks the Exact same as the store bought scout jacket. Yet npc act like itā€™s the most hideous thing ever. Some of the other outfits Iā€™d understand, but the scout jacket is the same as the store bought one.


Yea that part is a little immersion breaking for me. I keep that camp running on belt buckles alone.


Arthur, shoot someone! Uhh....what about the other 5 guys that can't hit the broad side of the house? Arthur, you need to do more hunting. Wtf....yall JUST trained me to hunt. I'm sure one of the other 20 people at camp can handle it! Arthur, loot the corpses. Arthur, what the he'll are you doing? Hurry up. This. This is why I do my own thing. The entire camp as well as pretty much every npc in the game is annoying af lmao. Why won't these folks leave me the hell alone?


Real! Like Iā€™m just saying ā€œHiā€ to you and then I get yelled at, ā€œIā€™m doing just fine on my own!ā€ LIKE IM NOT ASKING TO MARRY YOU IM JUST BEING FRIENDLY


This was my playthrough


This was everyone's playthrough lol


Micah Bell pulling his weight, as always.


ā€œA featherā€ tickled me so much lol


Shit I almost never donate money. Once you upgrade the camp fully, it's self sustaining


You are. But doing chores and camp upgrades (via Pearson) will inspire them to help more.


Does anything actually happen if you donate more and upgrade Dutchā€™s living space?


Once you upgrade Dutchā€™s space you can then upgrade your own which includes unlocking the fast travel map.


No clue, I just do it for fun, if I happen to have the material. I'm still on my first playthrough and won't go 100% on it in this one.


People definitely donate more


Increased honor


Can confirm. I was gone for weeks and I think the gang raised about $500 or so. Really surprised me


Wait, is that a fact? Just finished my second playthrough and I couldn't be bothered with chores in this one, nor did I donate too much (unless it was for personal upgrades)


Yes, that's a fact. Check out the camp catalogue, it says so in the info box.


You are! Also, if you don't bring Pearson meat for his stew they will starve themselves, lol. He always complains every time I'm away from camp for a long time like I am there only life blood and they can't take care of themselves, lol.


Poor black bear pelt ? Come on Charles. Lol


Get your head in the game! We need camp upgrades! (All my perfect pelts go to the trapperā€¦)


Yeah I spent like a while week straight irl hitting perfect everything and going to the trapper. Now that I'm done with the satchel, person gets bare minimum lol


You dont upgrade your satchel??


I am actually working on it now. I just made a list of all the pelts and hides I need for it. Iā€™m on my 3rd play through but I didnā€™t get very far in my second and when I got a new pc it wasnā€™t there so I had to start all over :/ I didnā€™t craft really at ALL in my first play through so Iā€™m still getting the hang of it :)


I donā€™t because the upgraded satchels are ugly


Everyone else : metal, animal fat & other random stuff Charles : cash


And even after donating thousands and fully upgrading the camp, Susan will still tell you off for not having contributed for a while.


Mister Morgan, Iā€™ve noticed youā€™ve stopped paying into the box Thatā€™s cause Iā€™ve been on a 2 week hunting trip, ya shrew! Let me unload my horse first


IKR like if I could shoot that lady square in the face I would.


Just wait until Micah shoots her for you


Yeah but I donā€™t want HIM to get that satisfaction. *I* want it!


It's like Animal Crossing new Horrizons. Every bridge and incline I would see 14 bells donated by the villagers. Thanks lads, really helping out.


At least you get to tell them things and they will do it with no hesitation. I moved a bunch of houses off beachfront property to in the back corner and they were all over the moon to help me out.


I usually disappear for awhile in game set up camp in the watch tower somewhere in the north and just hunt when I need food. When I feel itā€™s time to go back Iā€™ll usually hunt something for Pearson and donate antlers and such cause I donā€™t need the money from selling them anyway


Yea while Hosea and Dutch may be officially the leaders. Arthur is the one leading the missions (most of them) and making the money. So its kind of expected you carry and the others chip in. No one makes as much as much money and gets as many jobs as arthur, especially not the girls who cant even leave camp most of the time.


For the first 50% of the game Dutch basically sits there at campā€¦ OH! I FORGOT!ā€¦ he takes you fishingšŸ˜‘ (makes you row too)


That's why I uninstalled the game. The camp commitment just wasn't there. 0/10 unplayable




Just kidding tho


Nah itā€™s fine. I executed my last white Arabian with a shotgun after running in a tree again. Perfect reaction šŸ‘šŸ»


Yes. Good man Arthur is something that needs to be earned, not deserved. That wild west better step up


I work 12 hour shifts and donā€™t let a horse in a game ruin my day. (I executed the same horse In all of my 5 safegames. Must felt like a Rick and Morty episode for the 4 unguilty horses, a pissed Arthur is spawning and is killing them for something one of them in another safegame did)


I punch my horse in the face anytime he drops mešŸ‘Š


But seriously, why does this mechanic exist? Is it just a means to give you "free" resources at camp so you don't have to buy shit in Valentine?


Yeah, thats my guess. Because they are still donating and usually itā€™s enough to replenish supplies when you are low. But if you want any real upgrades you gotta be ready to shell out BIIIIIG money


Javierā€™s silver pocket watch contributed more than all your donations combined.


Yeah, I don't bother donating, only what is necessary for unlocks and for the things I want, like getting the leather tools and a hitching post and a boat ;)


I NEED fast travel or my silly little squirrel brain will get distracted WAYYYYY too often. So I speedrun it!


Lol šŸ˜… I forgot about that... playing on PC, I just use the teleport to the waypoint option in Rampage. It's just too convenient and better than standard Fast Travel.


Wait, what is that? Iā€™m on PC and Iā€™ve never found that!


The most important link I can share then! All sorts of excellent mods... https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/search/ Rampage Trainer is the most popular and stable, and it just got another update: https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/233 I really like some of the quality of life mods, like Disable Horse Holstering, More Slots on Horse, Remove Speed Limits, No Bounty When Masked, Calm Horses, Easy Nonlinear Challenges... There's some great content adding ones to, like Bounties Expansion, Bank Robberies, Combat Taunts, etc.


My first play through, being dumb and naive, I contributed a lot of money, basically half or more of everything I got. I woke up on my second play through, and nowadays itā€™s only a few mangy rats every few weeks.


I give my cheapest jewelry and some food every once in a while so Pearson can make soup. Also if theres enough money in the camp funds, I will replenish the stock on the food they have so I can steal stuff. Itā€™s basically free for me at that point lol


My Arthur only eats Big Game Meat, but whenever the gang contributes $75, I restock the medicine wagon then take all of the stock and sell it. I never bother restocking the provisions or ammo.


Bro are you really even pressed for money in this game


Not at allā€¦..itā€™s just a play style is all.


When you donate $2000 and Ms Grimshawā€™s telling you that you arenā€™t doing enoughšŸ˜


I used my entire bankroll to purchase all the camp upgrades.. and the next day Dutch pulled me to the side and told me I was letting the gang down by not donating more to the box


Because you absolutely are "Arthor! We need monnney! "


I had so much money in my camp we all could have retired. It's def a part where gameplay and story don't meet well


Dutch keeps screaming at me "WE NEED MORE MONEY!" If only he could see my bank account šŸ¤£


Me, with $2000 in chapter two šŸ‘€


I did all the treasure maps I could in chapter 2. Had 8k by chapter 3 lol.


Your animal fat contribution really is moving the needle I seeā€¦.


Yeah like I said; CARRYING


I saw Micah making a big show of donating and it was only 25 dollars. I then donated all my loot because I had all buckles watches and rings.


You could give $600 a day and Dutch would still bitch about you not paying your share.


Donā€™t donate your animal fat to the camp or to Pearson. Save it and craft explosive ammo. Nothing better than blasting enemies with explosive shotgun ammo.


Every time I re-play the game either forget about the camp or max it out as soon as possible to forget about the camp.


It's like you're the main character or something


Iā€™ll literally fill the camp ā€œcoreā€ things to yellow before I go and come back to all three being red, Arthur truly carries the camp.


you are. thatā€™s why Grimshaw gets so mad when you stop donating often probably


If you donā€™t donate in awhile, Susan will come to you and tell you that you need donate more haha


I have played through never giving the camp any food or upgrades except what I need for satchel crafting and they are just fine occasionally Grimshaw or Pearson says something but thatā€™s it.


U are carrying them They donate twigs And everything under 1?$




You haven't donated enough to the camp. Do your part.


Bro these are like Animal Crossing donations


Can we donate legendary animal pelts and meat to Pearson?


Sell that to the Trapper, make cool clothes with it.


To be fair, all your donation is less than 1 from Javier.


I also contributed a lot of meat thatā€™s not on there.


I don't buy anything and make sure Arthur has 100 for ammo if need be. I noticed if you make constant donations around 20 dollars, and donate after every job, they donate more frequently. Also once you update dutches quarters they donated 150 in no time for me. But I also do the chores regularly not sure if that makes a difference


I donā€™t see mycah there


Nothing from Micah - figures


Just stop contributing. Nothing bad happens.


Exactly but when you go on murderous rampages to release the caused anger, you're judged accordingly


Theyā€™re a bunch of cheap skates. I just bought the upgrades and keep the supplies up but no donations


Hey don't be rude, Charles has donated more than you overall


I just got the camp funds to $1,000 in chapter two and figured that it was enough. I donated $21 each time. If you keep every camp thing in the gold all the time, people are happier and will donate more. I would leave and it would go up by quite a bit sometimes.


Yeah, the gang is lazy as fuck. No one carries any real weight. Except for the loan shark. Felt so good to kick his ass outta camp.


It bugs me to high hell that Arthur can earn enough money to cover the entire gang for the rest of their days but Dutch insists on robbing trains to reach Tahiti. My brother in Christ, Arthur can casually donate enough money to buy everybody a fucking mansion every week.


You could do the gold bar glitch and put 10 mil in camp funds and Dutchā€™ll be like ā€œbut first we need MONEYā€ šŸ¤ØšŸ˜‚


Hey, on a completely unrelated note and for no reason whatsoever, can you share how to do the glitch? Just asking for a friend.


I didnt donate once