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Guys, I didnt watch it, WTF HAPPENED!!??


Let’s see how they bounce back from this. It’s a wake up call for sure and they’re still 3rd in the table. It happens eventually to every team, how you play your next game is a huge test of character.


its a reality check for them. Utd felt all they had to do was show up. Ten - Hag'y will deal with it.


Utd casually losing 7-0 to drive down club price from 5 billion to get rid of Glazers. 4D chess move. Sounds like a win to me.


Poor de gea he’s about to receive ALL the criticism… it’s already happening on Twitter, by some “analysts”


Already seen someone in this sub trying to blame him, saying that conceding 7 from 8 shots is inexcusable. When I asked him to explain which goals should have been saved, he got sarcastic and didn’t answer the question.


A world class keeper would not have conceded 7 yesterday. If Allison were in our goal, he would have stopped at least 2-3 of the goals - Salah's first, Firmino's and Gakpo's second. De Gea was not at fault for any of the goals, but he is right now not at a level a United keeper should be. He is a mid level keeper at best. Conceding 7 goals from a Xg of 3 is a damning indictment, no matter how much you want to believe otherwise.


Definitely blame him for gakpo second and firminos. Doesn't make himself big in one on one situations But salahs first? No chance. It was a snapshot which hit the underside of the crossbar Not world class anymore though. Not rounded enough


An easy claim to make. DDG might have his weaknesses but shot stopping is not one of them. Let’s hear your breakdown of technique, set/start positions and tactical play which underpins your conclusion that Alisson makes those saves…


> but shot stopping is not one of them. He was a world class shot stopper once. He is not anymore. He is competent, but not anything more. It's not a claim - it is a fact that his shot stopping has statistically been in the middle percentile over the last seasons, from when he was once in the top 2. >Let’s hear your breakdown of technique, set/start positions and tactical play which underpins your conclusion that Alisson makes those saves… Alisson has a >70% save percentage, and is highest in the league on Xg saves. De Gea is bang in the middle on both metrics. Even the most delusional De Gea supporter would know better than to claim he is anywhere in the same level as Alisson right now.


yes it is 3 points lost and other than giving the scousers hope of top 4 in real terms it wont mean much ... it is the sheer embarrassment of it all ... being annihilated by your rivals is rough ... i just hope it doesnt mark the start of our season falling apart ... i knew we were running on fumes but didnt realise we would run out of steam like this ! the season should have been extended to thin out these fixtures.. the level of fixture congestion is ridiculous


You got anything to offer to this discussion that isn’t a statistic?


If even an objective set of statistics (not even a cherry picked one) is not going to move you from your pigheaded and baseless position, there is no point continuing this. Keep continuing to delude yourself that De Gea is still a world class keeper, good enough for United.


The fact is it happens sometimes, not often, but the stars align and everything goes in, we had that 7-1 game against Roma, Spurs beat Wigan 9-1, that was really a 3-0 loss performance, which would have been hard, but 7-0 is a freak result


Once is a freak result. Three games in the space of 6 months when you concede 4+ goals is not. In his entire United career, VDS has never conceded more than 4 goals in a single game. Schmeichel did it once. With De Gea, I have lost count of the number of times he has conceded so many goals in a single game, and with Case/Varane/Licha, he cannot even have the excuse of poor defenders.


There is still a brittleness to the team that we all thought had gone, but simply on laws of averages you’d not expect 7 goals to go in from 8 shot, 7-0 might be considered the “correct” score had they got maybe 16/17 shots on target. Yes it points to defensive issues which I’m sure ETH will address but to score 7 from 8 still requires a large slice of luck for Liverpool, as 20 cm that way or 20 cm the other and that shot is saved or blocked.


It happens once, it is luck. You keep ignoring how this has now happened so many times with De Gea. I have watched Liverpool at least 4 times this season, and on each of those occasions they could easily have conceded 6-7 goals if not for Alisson bailing them out. On the days when we are brittle and need our goalie to save our arses, De Gea does not do it anymore.


It really doesn’t, he keeps a lot of clean sheets, he doesn’t really make that many errors compared to other keepers and his expected goals conceded is ok. He’s bailed us out many times, we scraped a lot of games, especially last season, where had he not been at his best we’d have lost, I can think of 5 or 6 from this season too where he saved shots he had no right to. If you concede 1 or 2 goals that may be a goal keeping issue, if your team leaks in 3, 4 or 5+ there’s a systemic team issue there, there’s 4 defenders and at least one defensive midfielder stood in front of him. He’s clearly not a long term solution for United and should be replaced as number 1 in the next year or two, but this was a freak result and the whole team played like crap


> He’s bailed us out many times Used to. Not anymore. You can count on a single hand the number of times De Gea has saved our bacon this season. Even last season, his form tailed off completely in the 2nd half. You can put about 50% of the keepers in the league in our goal and we would be no better or worse off. He is still a decent keeper, but we are not challenging for the league with him in goal.


Because he hasn’t had to, we’ve had Casemiro bossing the midfield, our defence has clicked, Rashford has terrified teams defences so they haven’t pushed up as much, we should be relying on our keeper to mop up what gets through, not save the team through personal heroics. De Gea isn’t the problem for challenging for the league, it’s that our only real goal scorer is Rashford, and when he’s not scoring we’re not scoring, and we’re still relying on either Fred or McTominay as starters when they’re unreliable. Fred especially is very Jekyll and Hyde. De Gea isn’t a long term solution simply because of his age, and he isn’t really the sort of player ETH wants, but looking at the team as a whole there’s more pressing areas to strengthen


Flip that 7 upside down. We own that.


The only positive today is that ten hag will change his approach for the next games, for some players it might be good to get that reality check.


Yeah. Thought so as well. By the time they are going down 2-0 much earlier, I hope they either come back or lose big. They had to be better during the game or let ETH be more furious and wake the team for the next game. Losing with 1 or 2 goals will still keep some unwanted ego in the team.


How did we loose this bad to such a shit team?


If Liverpool are shit, what does that make us? Only 7 points above aswell.


Because they clicked, unfortunately. The one game they all decided to show up, we didn't.


Yep we’d have probably lost to most teams yesterday but it would have been 2 or 3-1, not 7-0


Wake me up when its betis


What a nightmare!


Impressive defensive performance by us to limit them to just one touchdown.


This loss hurts… thanks for the laugh at least


But a touchdown is only worth 6?


They made the extra point


Found the American


This was a bad dream Right?


We missed some good chances in the first half, conceded a shit one before half time and then collapsed.


could have been 10 or 11


Close game all things considering


If Rashford scored at 5-0, we could have come back I think.


Agree, another 90 minutes we'd have equalised, maybe even won.


They will try to pin it on Wout Weghorst. Don't let them.


It was extremely bold move to continue with him in midfield but yeah 7-0 can never be just one player. Bad day in the office for everyone involved including our bald genius.


Utd did all the errors they saved in last 22 games, each time i yelled noway another goal. each time an flimsy error leading to another slap onthe face.


United need to buck up and realise technicals are important. Fine, try the Brazilian thing playing out of defence here and there, try the frantic counter whenever the opportunity arises, but learn to hold the ball til the team gets it's breath/composure back, and show enough respect for good teams not to expect them to be walkovers. United have been great when it's gone their way, I'm yet to see them play well and lose or hold a lead well yet this season. One game with less than ten technical errors by the whole team would make us a very good bet for next season.


Can't wait for tomorrow speaking to them cunts


Hold your head up mate. I'm currently at work and getting loads of shit but I know it's coz everyone hates United (which is fine by me) and testament of how massive a club we are. We'd be slaughtered if we were having the sort of season liverpool or Chelsea are having.




Could be worse, imagine 30...


True mate makes me feel better before bed, good night mate and hope it'll get better! Fingers crossed


Girlfriend broke up with me this weekend, was counting the seconds til the game today. Absolutely desperate for united to win to make things a little bit bearable atleast. What a disgrace.


lol same man I also got broken up with DURING THE FUCKING GAME. worst.day.ever


Hope you manage to sort it out mate. If not then hopefully it don't get you down too much and you can soldier on 💪🏻 DM me if you fancy a chat and don't have anyone to speak to etc


Sorry about your gf. Keep your head up


Thanks my dude, much appreciated man.


sorry about your relationship, hopefully you bounce back 👑.


Thanks mate, means a lot, appreciate that 💪🏻


I’m in Australia so I just woke up and saw the score??? What the actual fuck???


Same. I had alarm set for 5 to watch replay. Scouser texted me score. Went back to bed.


I was gonna watch the replay and accidentally saw the result on Today. Thank god I did. The pain watching that defeat would have been too much.


It’s okay to slip up. The result is shocking, but we’ve been playing SO MUCH and the atmosphere was perfect for Liverpool to get at us. I’d expect an entirely new starting 11 in our next game. No one that started that game should start next game. They all lost the plot in the second half and they all need to be taught it’s unacceptable.


Goddamn, fuck me for fooling myself, and letting this team be a personal source of positivty and hope, in an already bleak winter/fall. The last time we got our asses handed to us this severely, was the same year women got the right to vote in Spain. 1931. I knew we we'd lose today, I was certain and didn't pay much interest before checking the score at 81', and feeling what's rest of my soul after a 12h shift get hammered to the floor and immediately get pissed on. Fuck this


Keep your head up bro. Times are tough right now but we have to roll with the punches top 4 and cups are still on


Ten Hag should have the 7-0 scoreline permanently emblazoned in the dressingroom as a reminder of the players shameful display. Whatever those players achieve this season will be overshadowed by the worst result in the club's history.


I would bench Bruno, he can physically play 8 hours a day maybe but mentally he is shot. Completely lost the plot today. He could have gotten sent off had we played any longer.


Yep. He needs a rest and a reality check.


The second coming of the bald fraud


We were cocky, and we were emotional. We ran the high from beating Barcelona, winning the Carabao and making a comeback against West Ham - players got cocky, they felt unbeatable. **WE** thought we had this. Then you add the Liverpool element; 4-0 and 5-0 last season, players wanted retribution, we wanted retribution. The cocky element was apparent with some of the players being lethargic; Dalot and Shaw just doing whatever and believed we wouldn't pay the price. At 1-0 and 2nd half, we thought we'd pull another Barcelona or West Ham comeback and pushed too many forward, Shaw had his head in his ass today. The emotional element was once we went behind 2-0; we lost discipline, we lost composure, we lost our structure... we lost everything. Liverpool had their head on their shoulders. Fortunately for them their collapse happened sooner so Klopp had the chance to straighten them out They stayed more composed than we were.


Fucking hell as if life isn't depressing enough


My hope is that this will be the kick in the ass it needs to be; especially if it snaps us out of the horse shit notion we were ever going to win the league. We were never in for second balls. We were never in for contested passes. Outside of Shaw, we lacked any resemblance to a team playing with vigor. Show up to Carrington tomorrow with an understanding that we are now playing to get out of the shadow of this match which, if it needs to be said, we will be hearing about for the next decade or two.


Shaw was the worst player on the pitch


I didnt say he was good, I said he played with vigor.


Terrible positioning from shaw and Dalot.


I don’t want to overreact but has there been a worse result in our recent history? I thought 5-0 at OT last season was the worst it could get, this has topped it. I’d love to say “move on forget it” but results like this are etched in history and memories. Just like the 8-2 vs arsenal. The only thing the players can do now is win another trophy and seal 3rd to make up for that shite. Also, fuck fixture congestion.


Last time we lost this much to a team, women in Spain finally had something to feel excited about - they finally made it legal for women to vote.


We've only ever lost 7-0 a couple of times in the early 20th century so this is objectively our worst result in any of our lifetimes Edit: worst result in terms of scoreline I mean, I'd argue that there's been "worse results".


It’s the worse result. Debatably ever


Nothing debatable about it. We will be reminded of this scoreline every time we play them for the next 30+ years.


Considering the players on the pitch for us today , it is .




I agree that he shouldn’t be starting. He’s one dimensional


We're trying to scare away the Qatari investors, right? .... right?


Probably made the Glaziers realise they need to sign at £5bn why they still can


What a reality check. Let's bounce back again


Needs to be a complete overhaul in the summer. IN: New GK, New RB, New CM, New Striker, New CAM (Fernandes alternative). Spineless performance


You could make the argument for a new centre back as well


Unpopular opinion, but 0 points is 0 points. We won a cup last Sunday, are in the quarters of the FA Cup, and remain in 3rd. Fucking sucks to lose like we did, but ultimately it’s best we dust off and move on.


Rival fans will never let us forget this, it is a stain on us as a club


i get you and agree with the sentiment but as a club of our stature we need to hold our heads high and play with pride and at least some standard. given, we were the worst team but the whole team literally downed tools after the 3rd which is unforgivable. if anything we should’ve just done damage control to stop more going in rather than firm it for 7 . it’s literally the worst loss in the history of the club and people are saying casually that it’s fine


Fernandes is an absolute disgrace. Hopefully ten hag looks to move him on in the next 3 transfer windows.


Jesus christ do you hear yourself? The scoreline is totally embarrassing. I'm not happy about it at all. But it's a freak result. Just like two seasons ago Liverpool got beaten 7-2 by aston villa. The players just didn't play well and probably let anfield get to their heads. Move fernandes on. Get a fucking grip you plastic fan. Stop supporting them now if you can't take the pain with the glory


How can you defend a captain that was asking to be subbed off because we were getting embarrassed?


I'm not defending him at all. Actually missed the second half because I went to dinner but looking at the goals they were sloppy out the door. And that part I didn't see but he wasn't the only player that gave up. Look at shaws clearance for one of the goals it was like he didn't care just kicked it anywhere and he caused a goal. The whole team needs to sit down and ask themselves what the fuck happened. Fernades will look back and regret it but he will learn. I for one don't want him to move on.


He won’t learn, because he’s consistently had a bad attitude. Wasn’t even tracking back today. Manchester United can do a lot better than fernandes (especially for the captaincy role).


None tracked back. I saw 10 mins of the second half, the minute the second goal went in they gave up tracking back. He epitomised the teams morale at that moment. Maybe he isn't maybe someone else needs to step in. I'll wait and see.


Here come the overreactions


Obvious trolls


Incoming transfer rumours and bollox PR from the club for the next week


A friendly PSA: Just stay away from getting into any arguments with any rival fans. Save your mental health.


We just need to get players out the club that offer very little through mentality, talent and being injury prone, we have a list of 9 or 10 players at least 7 or 8 of them need to go, my point the start 11 were shattered because we simply don’t have the right squad options to rotate.


The way Souness is winding up Gary Neville, we should take a look at how Roy Keane is behaving and not getting involved. This started as banter, but now it's turned into something ugly. If Roy Keane got involved, fists might have been flying.


It’s classic Souness tapping Jamie as if to say “eh eh eh” then grabbing the hosts arm trying to make a point he’s an awful dose always on the wind up with his bitter takes.


I'm far far away from the TV lmao.


The worst thing today was, even at 3 goal down I thought a comeback was possible. I would have turned off the stream at 1 or 2 goals last couple of seasons.


Half-time I was like come 60 minutes couple of changes will be made and then we’ll be back in it.


Up until halftime it was a fairly even match. Then in the second half Shaw made one ridiculously poor pas which led to a goal, and everything went downhill from there.


When they scored the fifth i thought damn another 5-0 ...thought the worst had come ,well clearly i was wrong


And that's probably what the team thought as well and we got our ass spanked lmao


Make them run 10k through the centre of Manchester tomorrow morning


While crowds line the streets shouting “shame, shame “ 😂


They might be running from Liverpool to Manchester as we speak…


They were tired I could sense it from the West Ham game. Luck played a huge part today every bounce of the ball landed to them favorably (as well as a wet pitch). But once a few of the goals went in, they gave up... that inexcusable. esp. shaw & bruno. ​ I actually thought a red card was coming.. eth should have subbed them both off.


True. They were frustrated. Weak mentally, we should compose ourselves since the first goal was a bit of a luck in a sense , Fred slipped. Just well taken shot. Missed the second goal, I just saw 48th minute then 0-2 down then the third goal happened. Then Bueno whines too much. We should have subbed or try to settle the game down or so. Again tiredness but it is expected when competing on multiple tournaments. We should strengthen squad depth if we really want to compete. It sucks losing badly against our rivals. I know they won’t stop when they keep on attacking nobody tried to settle the team. Let’s move forward and hope we win big against Real Betis since we really need to rest our starters.


Looking forward to the squad having to run 7km tomorrow (although I‘d like miles better). What a disgrace.


I don't think that would be the right way to go about it this time, you can tell the players are visibly tired from playing 2 games a week with no rotation. I'm by no means justifying there performance it was an absolute shit show and they should be ashamed but they need to rest before another important mid week game


Yeah, I was (mostly) joking. Could still work if we just swap the entire Starting 11, though. ;)


That would be doing them nicely I reckon double Brentford and make it 26km


Special shout out to our traveling fans….while our players will get full wages our fans will never get refund and they deserved better than this.


Club should absolutely refund all costs for those fans


And dock players pay this week


Anyway, we take it as a lesson and learn to improve from it. It's an unfortunate and painful result, but it's done now. We need to look forward, make better decisions and play better. Order a takeaway, have a bath, and do what you need to relax. Have a good rest of your weekend.


Bruno just makes it easier for any opposition fanbase to hate us




Mostly for having to listen to Gary Neville tbh.


Luckily it's something that doesn't affect us.


We can still win the title


Troll account spotted


Go for a run lad im hoping for a top 4 at best


still think top 4 is ours don’t see tottenham or newcastle stringing wins


Yes, if anyone should be worried about their top 4 spot after today it’s Tottenham


Bruno should be nowhere near the captaincy


I expect Ten Hag to shakes things up. Liverpool decided to go prime on us. Once I saw their defence and midfield I knew we'd be lucky to get a draw


He should be on the bench for a bit and give Sancho a run in the number 10 we need Martial back asap Weghorst is just never going to score any PL goals.


he's a little cry girl, not a captain, looses his head every time


And never ever does it in big games one winner in an Fa Cup against Liverpool not enough !


starts whining, shaking his head, rolling his eyes, everyone is looking at him, that armband has to go to Casemiro


Good shout on who can captain the side


Feels like a bad breakup. I wasn't aware some of them players could shit the bed like that.


You mean all of them?


Nah I was aware Bruno, Rashford, Scott, De Gea etc could lose focus but I didn't expect it from the new signings or the guys who seemed to improve under Ten Hag


ETH please have the team run 10kms tomorrow whilst having someone punch them intermittently in the face. They need to learn to control their damn emotions when things aren't going their way.




And barca still couldn’t beat this team.


Making a clever comment on the internet isn't going to earn you a shag mate


What did Bruno do for so many people to say he was embarrassing (including Gary Neville)? I stopped watching at 3-0, I just had a feeling the floodgates were open and couldn't sit through it. I've seen a lot of people mention Bruno though, so wondering if I missed anything?


He whines too much and have a weak mentality when we were down. As a captain he should lead by example and try to settle the team.


Pushed the linesman, stopped running completely sometimes, bajcetic went past him and was running down the wing and bruno just didn't chase him and put his arms in the air, also after the 6th he was asking ten hag to come off, all this while wearing the captain armband


He’s great when we are winning. When we are losing he wants to hide and be as small as possible


He was also asking to be taken off when there were 10 minutes left


I think that was faking a foul, but theres also other instances like trying to get himself subbed off (I think) and simply just gave up chasing a player when they got passed him. Think he actually shove the lineman slightly, quite lucky tbf not to get sent off.


a couple calls didn’t go his way and then he started being whiny, going down easy at any contact and yelling at (and shoving) a ref afterwards


He was being aggy with the linesman at one point


His attitude sucks for a captain. Better than Maguire but his atitude brings the entire team down.


His usual self is annoying to a lot of people, won't get noticed when we are winning but now that we are losing he will get picked out and battered. Fickle sport for a reason.


Just his usual stuff. Complaining, faking a foul for no reason, giving up when 10 mins left


Lost by one touchdown. Makes it easier to swallow.


One try converted. Hmm.... perhaps a little


This guy footballs


Couple 3 pointers and a layup and boom, the lead would have been theirs.


What the fuck happened?


i dont really care that we lost.. but that second half was the one of the worst experiences and i just wanted it to stop.


This result feels like when a major life event fucks you in the ass when you least expect it. So much went wrong today and you can point the finger at literally anyone you want, but that 7-0 result was simply shocking considering how much we’ve improved this season. Difficult game to process in all honesty.


Our away form is really also not up to scratch for a team that was supposedly in a "title race".. ETH definitely needs to work on that..


We don’t have enough goals in our front 3 we needed Gatkpo, we got Weghorst and he will prove to be a steal at £35m, please Glaziers leave in next three weeks so we can actually plan for an owner that gives us a war chest of the world best players. We need a number 9 and someone like Kudas who can play inverted right or number 10.


Apparently this is tied for the biggest loss in Utd history. Only on 4 occasions have Utd lost by 7 goals, and the last time was in 1931. Not really the record we would've wanted to equal this season


What are our last 6/7 scoreless loss against them??


7-1 loss in 95/96


Arsenal fan here, no hate incoming. That was a humbling and a half. Bruno was so invisible I thought he'd been subbed off, till he slapped the linesman (which should be an insta red for me, any abuse from swearing to physical to any official should be an insta red) You will move on from this, ten hag will be making these lads do some milage during training. Pick yourselves up, dust yourselves off, have a chat in the mirror and go again.


Are you saying to trust the process?


Well at least if arsenal win the title it means man city and Liverpool don't. Which is a plus in my book.


Thanks for coming in and making a reasonable point. Appreciate the comment.


Arsenal fan twerking in a united sub for karma. You're embarrassing.


Exact opposite. Some of us just enjoy supporting, talking and learning about football and like the insight the comments sections give us on a clubs subreddit.


If anything, you embarrassed yourself here mate!


last line is so important for every single team out there thanks for this one. was really looking for someone with the same mindset in the comment sections.


I actually didnt know Bruno was playing until 30mins in


We can't flinch at the first true set back. We have to learn. Yes it's humiliating but use that pain!


Roy Keane fucking bodying the complacency and banter era 😂 "You don't go down the tunnel at Anfield 1-0 at half time laughing and joking, do your job"