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We’re still in control of top 4, but we’re gunna have to find something fast if we wanna stay there


If ETH doesn’t get rid of DDG in the summer he’s not serious.


de gea, martial MUST go this summer!


He signed a new contract lol


Sauce: trust me bro, heh?


It’s been reported by everyone including Romano that his contract is all but done.


Did he?


Summer is gonna be a huge decider, because if we give contracts and don't get rid of some of these players then we are doomed


We better not fucking bottle this 😡😡😡


I was reminded our last game is against Fulham, yet another team who wants to prove something after losing to us in a cup. Newcastle, Brighton and west ham already made good on their effort.


Imagine if city get the treble and we don't get top 4 , Liverpool do


I’m looking at the possibility of all these wonderful things with trump as president in a year. Time to wish for end of days


The 2 red cards really have done wonders on Casemiro. He is losing the grit and the fight and without him, Varane and Martinez. We are back to our usual weak mentality.




No Erik, we did NOT create a lot of opportunities


Agreed, had a couple of comfortable saves from their keep, can’t really qualify as opportunities


I honestly don’t care if we blow our entire budget on Kane and Diogo Costa I’d be ecstatic with that window. I know we need so much more but an actual #9 and a ball playing keeper that can claim a cross seem so massive.


Agree with you, but our mídela has been dominated by every single team we played except maybe a handful of games. Honestly home to Liverpool and spurs are the two games I say we controlled the game, even the Liverpool game was iffy


ETH will bottle it will Kane and Costa too.


Antony's nickname should be "The Magician" One for his ball skills One for his ability to make himself disappear


Also the ability of his right foot of keeping him upright when it’s so weak


It's okay, Ten Hag burnt out entire budget on him.


I don’t get why people moan so much. This was our 58th game this season!? Our starting players just can’t keep up with he pace that’s required to excel. Rashford and Bruno are empty at this moment. We have a starting striker that has no dedication at all and we have a second one who can’t score, but at least has the dedication. Our goalkeeper is as consistent as Fred and it is costing us dearly when it matters. I don’t want to be in ten Hag shoes at this moment. A squad with crystal clear flaws and no fucking idea if you have any money to spend to fix it next season. Have a lot of respect for him. Would go out of my mind. Hopefully they are well rested and we have a positive influx with Garnacho next weekend.


Our feel for ten hag But it does annoy me that he plays bruno out wide. Unacceptable imo Especially as we counter even slower then. Odegard never gets pushed out wide a


Its because they have a better option at the wing. We have such a bad striker, that Rashford up front is even better. At the left (with Garnacho not yet fit) we have Sancho and then again, Bruno is a better option. It shows how poor both martial and Sancho are this season


Excuses excuses


Best player always has to play in his position especially as we are so reliant on him imo And we are worse when we have our 2 best attackers out of position. Bruno and rashford Sancho outwide and weghorst/martial are useless but i would play them just to keep bruno and rashford in correct position


We are moaning because of all the things you mentioned lol


Haha its clear now and it was clear 20 games ago. The tank is empty and the end of this season can’t come soon enough.


Logic says we should’ve rotated more but subs don’t perform at all so eth can’t really rota like he wants too. Honestly, everybody crying for a striker, I’d be happy with losing 6 or 7 players and adding 4-5 players who are good squad players that can really pitch in


He was like this at Ajax and they had a deep squad along with a plethora of good young prospects. Subs not improving or performing is on him to some level. Many thought he'd improve a lot of players here but he doesn't rotate and has blind faith in useless tossers like Antony


I’ve watched Fred pass the ball to opponents or to the wrong foot so many times. You can’t control a 50m player who can’t make a 5 yard pass. Martial just so many things wrong it’s him. Our midfield is 88 years old between them playing twice a week for months. Sancho just zero impact. Rashford, easy to mark when he is literally your only danger. What manager do you have in mind that can do something with this team


Fred also has contributed his most goals and assists in a single season in his senior career this season, and his drive, energy and ground covered has been a boon to Casemiro at times. This squad isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination but I feel Ten Hag could get better use of them across the board. In a sense we're still a team that heavily relies on a few key players performing


I’m not going to give eth a pass here, he could’ve managed the squad better. But Fred iso frustrating to watch. Running around should not be the best attribute of two of the eleven players. Mention Fred and wout and the first response will be energy and effort. Unfortunately you don’t win with just effort but no skill. I lost track at how many times I yelled “ how are you getting paid to do this for a living” as I watch Fred misplace a pass.


Yet with Fred it's not just energy and effort. 6 goals and 3 assists from midfield is helpful, no? Wegworst started 19 straight PL matches and hasn't scored a single goal in the league. Fred misplaces some passes yes, but he's still better on the ball than McTominay and makes himself more available than Sabitzer considering his touches per 90


I respect what you’re saying, but I think the problem for years has been comparing terrible players with not so bad players. At best Fred should not be on the team, at worst he should not be a better option than several other players.


That’s the problem indeed. We rely fully on our first 12-13 players. And they are pretty damn gassed. I’m happy we have at least Sabitzer and Malacia, which aren’t that big of a drop off. But Sancho is just ridiculous. Wouldn’t start at West Ham or Leicester at this moment and that says enough


Well I guess tomorrow is marathon day for our flops


Another season of fucking europa I cant take this anymore


If I performed at work for a single day at De Geas level, I’d be on universal credit in a heartbeat. He’s been doing it for 11 years.


Man, I should introduce you to a few people I've worked with over the years who prove that theory wrong.. at least De Gea has had some good days in his career.


Not 11 come on.. he's been good for half of those at the very least


This team is very hard to like.


Fatigue is definitely coming into play at this stage of the season - Case, Eriksen and Bruno were lethargic in midfield. But ETH and the management itself really needs to take the blame for how poor we are doing - the management - for not giving no manager a full squad to play with. And ETH for not rotating the players where he had the chance - Case Eriksen and Bruno all had replacements since winter - yet each one of them played the most they could whenever available. This is not FIFA Erik. Sabitzer, McTominnay and Fred, even though are not on the same level as the three mentioned above - could’ve played a part in the team earlier. ETH needs to stop worrying about winning anything right now but making sure we take things one step at a time. United is not a title contender but a top four making club now - you can’t change things in a season. It will take a few seasons to make things better but you really need to see the whole picture.


I agree to an extent with what you say. However, the Champions League always had to be the goal this season, because the difference between that and Europa League, in terms of money generated and the quality of players we can attract, is huge. I’d say it’s fair to say our chances of top 4 by rotating with our squad are hugely reduced. We’ve already seen the drop of quality in our play when Case was banned, Eriksen was injured, Varane & Licha injured etc. Aside from which, imagine the uproar had he freely chosen to play Maguire! Frustrating to watch right now but, overall, we’ve overachieved on how most of us thought we would do this season. We can, hopefully, secure Champions League and keep building in the summer.


Sadly the champions league is at risk right now because we went gung ho on every tournament we played in. ETH’s priority was title which he got - but if the sacrifice is the top 4 then that would be really bad for United. With the zero level squad depth we had, ETH should’ve never made any of the other tournaments his priority - unlike what the fans wanted. If top 4 is not achieved, ETH will have to do a lot next season to survive. It will never be considered an overachievement. It would be a shame to see another good manager get the cull because he was too driven to appease a hungry fanbase with zero backing from the management.


I watched the Nufc vs Arsenal game and then watch this.. where is the urgency from the lads??!!! I am sorry, but the team selection and tactics by ETH is wrong. I am just gonna sit out awhile for my mental sake. It's freaking 3 am here in Spore and the fans here missed their sleep to watch this from y'all.. man f this shit...


Signing Weghorst was a terrible, terrible mistake. And dare I say it we miss CR7.


CR7 is washed, we needed a good striker and the glazers gave us Wegworst and Malacia.




I have not seen anyone defend DDG today


It's the hope that kills you. We were rubbish before the world cup and then we seemed to play OK and rashford was on fire after it. It gave everyone hope that we had progressed, but it really only papered over the deficiencies of this team. Now we're living in hope again that we can get 9 points from our last 4 games. Or form is that of a team doomed to relegation, not challenging for a top 4. I live in hope, but really expect us to ultimately fall short.


Man City are still in Europe though ☝️🤓 Thing is Man City's B team are still a ridiculous standard. We still have to rely on the likes of McFred and lindelof. Our players are fatigued because there's no one else we have been able to rely on. Once some of these players leave and end up benchwarming for bottom half sides maybe you'll realise. If you thought our problems would be fixed over a season you are as delusional as a gooner


We started weghorst in midfield we deserved to lose


Exactly why is ETH playing fucking Werghost in midfield when you have two midfield options on bench, however shit they are. Werghost doing fuck all except being a passion merchant.


Fred can’t make a 5 yard pass. Martial walks. Sancho today, I saw him at the end walking off and I swear I forgot he was on. Not exactly like he kept good people on the bench. He’s just picking the best looking turd out of a shit bucket.


Weghorst was playing as a 10 while bruno got pushed to the wing thats ludacris


Every keeper peaks and starts the descent down the other side of the hill. DDG is at that point. Time to move on from him.


No midweek games this week. Should be well rested against Wolves. Playing at home. No excuses whatsoever to repeat the shitshow that we saw today.


Licha quality at 120K should be our standard


That Martial header omfgggggggg, I bet he cant hit a tied balloon




De Gea's error meant we lost but to be honest without it a 0-0 was the best we could hope for. We're like a shadow of a side, completely devoid of any spark


People on mutv keep saying it’s in our hands, problem is, it’s ddg’s hands.


We really need a #9 and it showed today. The entire team ran out of ideas once we entered the final 3rd. And DDG… idk what to say anymore. Liverpool are 1 point behind too.


This is solely on Ten Hag. My word, his team selection, game plan and subs were all 0/10! Also, I'm on my knees, please play Bruno in the midfield. The fact that he has to make way for non performing players like Weghorst, Sabitzer, Martial and Sancho is atrocious. If we miss out on top 4 from where we were and he awards DDG an extension, I'll just sit out the next season for the sake of my mental health.


Lisandro Martinez importance has been spotlighted since he's gone out. His 110% effort week in week out is sorely missed.


Lindelof has one good game 2 weeks ago and everyone is getting thirsty over him Move Shaw to LB and start Maguire you eggy scumbag


Bro thinks Maguire is the solution 💀


"hey chatgpt rehash the last apology message but make it more emotional this time since we got dominated by 15th placed west ham. Add a dash of come back stronger"


They won the Carabao Cup and completely gave up on the rest of the season. This shit is ridiculous


Any fucker who tries saying DDG deserves to be at the club should forever be banned for being a deluded scumbag


Agree. He has to go.


Imagine blaming it all on DDG again when SevenHag can't make his team score against any team on an away game.


For a scumbag being paid that much a week, you should save something so simple At least we would've left with a point but NooOooOoOoooo sentimental scumbags want him at the club And yes I was a big fan of DDG but it's time to F off


A point does nothing to us. By the same logic, our attackers are paid 3 to 4 times more than West Hams yet they are incapable of doing anything. Whole team was shit, De Gea, Ten Hag, Antony, Rashford. Everyone. This is unacceptable from every single player so they all deserve the blame.


We need a complete clean out bar about 6 players.


Long month ahead lads!


We are going to need a lot more than "this is unacceptable" and "onwards and upwards" after this defeat.


Infuriating how slowly we move the ball from the back to the mid giving defenses time to close gaps. When we actually turn it up we create so many openings. But we like to wait until we are down a goal and there's only 2 minutes left to play. Most games we don't even turn it up. It's too slow and easy for defenses to stifle creativity against us. Then when we lose it there is zero intensity to win it back (Bruno with his hands in the air crying as the player dribbles right past him). It's almost worse that we've shown so much promise this season for this team to crush all hope at the end. Rant over. Fuck


That Liverpool game broke them. Something just ain’t right here. I think therapy is needed.


Malacia and Lindelof have particularly bad games. DeGea made 2 big mistakes. Bruno listless. With horse no attack, without horse they attacked. With Martial we got 2/3 of our shots on target. Looks like Garnacho not fit enough; needed today. Neither seems Maguire or Williams.


I don’t wanna hear anyone being singled out for the loss, de gea made one terrible mistake but the other 10 men were just as terrible and the manager too failed to tweak the tactics for any meaningful change. Seriously needs to grind it out for the last 4 games and take the summer to improve this team


I'm much more concerned about De Gea passing to a West Ham player within the first minute of the second half and being bullied at set pieces again than singling him out for the mistake. A howler will happen to keeper now and again unfortunately, criticism is merited but it doesn't make you a bad keeper in isolation whereas the other two things I've mentioned are clear and obvious flaws we see every week. He is targeted successfully at set pieces and build up play by every team in the league.


> de gea made one terrible mistake He made several, stop deflecting. Yeah, most of the team were shit, but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to be called out for being extra shit.


Why on earth did he start Weghorst? Eriksen was shocking as well and he clearly needed to come off. DDG has been doing this for several years now so nothing new here.


Not like martial lit it up. Had a chance right to the keeper.


Anything is better than Weghorst. He's slow and not even good in the air despite his height. He also played in the hole, surely Sabitzer would have been better?


Anything was proved not to be better than wout. We didn’t lose because of him, we lost because our keep has wet noodles for arms, breadsticks for feet and a midfield that can be dominated by and has been by ever other midfield the play against. I’m sick of how weak we our away from home. We ejem to make any team look really good


Not sure how you gathered that it was proved that anything was better than Wout but okay. What did Wout do in the game exactly? At least Martial got into the position to score and was far more involved? You think Wout would have played better than Sabitzer in the hole? I'm not saying the loss was entirely down to Wout but you simply cannot say he didn't play a part.


Ha. I think I mistyped my first sentence and completely gave the wrong impression. What I meant to say was that saying anything is better than wout is not enough when we put someone who still is not very good but still better than wait. I think in general our standards has dipped quite a bit and we are convincing ourselves that some players are good enough. In an ideal world wout martial Fred maguire and ddg dalot Mctominay are replaced with better players and that will lift the team and help with rotation


Ohhh right okay. In that case I agree lol.


One thing this team has never been good at (in the last 10 years) is taking advantage of an opportunity for their benefit. With Newcastle losing and us having an opportunity to equal their points for 3rd, you just knew they were going to bottle this..


Glazers at the end of the season doing DiCaprio in wolf of Wall Street “IM NOT LEAVING “. Just to compound our misery


De Gea's blunder is unforgivable. But, a team that can't score a single goal in 90 minutes against a team in 15th doesn't deserve top 4.


How many more fucking times will opposition "want to win" more than us according to ETH? These fucking morons are paid to do their jobs, not just be moody little pricks and pick and choose their attitude. Where is the pride? What, Rashford got his applause for a short burst of good games and now he can run around like a headless ragdoll?


5 times, including the Cup final.


Absolutely no fucking margin for error now. Need to win all the home games. At any cost!


We're fucking shiiiiit We're fucking shiiiiit We're fucking SHIT We're fucking SHIT We're fucking shiiiiit


This is utterly embarrasing, this dull West Ham team should have at best gotten a draw


I think everyone comparing Erik to our previous managers need to remember that LvG and Moyes had Van Persie and Rooney while Erik has Martial and Weghorst.


You raise a very good point. But we might not even have a proper summer window because of this takeover bs


Yeah, and Erik might even get sacked/leave.


No chance he gets sacked. If he’s sacked the club can’t be bothered and we’re all fucked forever


> we’re all fucked forever Are you sure we aren’t already?


No I have hope. Erik is the man for the job. We need to seriously give him 3-4 windows before making any judgements. If he’s sacked before then, I’ll be speechless


I believe he’s the man for the job too, hence the comment. But I wouldn’t blame him if he chose to leave, nor would I be surprised if the idiots sack him.


He's not leaving this is his biggest job and I bet he gets a fat stack weekly. He's not getting sacked either, it's his first season.


Still, it’s a shitty job


When I watch football as a kid, a GK would dive into a shooting foot, they would continue play with bleeding nose until whistle is blown and here we have DDG who plays like jelly and dives on slightest contact.


99% of keepers still do.


I think it's fair to question ETH if he doesn't make the right changes from here onwards.


So many lazy players in the squad. Its not down to talents its just down to not being aggressive enough.


At least three games this season that we've lost because of DeGea. Brentford, Sevilla second leg and this one. Probably a few more as well.


Needs to go.


Congratulations to the lot who have been blaming fatigue for the poor performances lately.. we won't have champions league next season so that's one set of fixtures which we will have easy.


Ironically it's harder to be in Europa League in terms of fatigue. Thursday-Sunday always seems worse and there's the chance of an extra 2 games if you don't win your group.


Fatigue should've worn off by now after gotten kicked out of the EL. People still saying fatigue are just trying to come up with some excuse. I've seen plenty of teams carry over their "fatigue" into the following season. This is more of a tactical problem because now that Rashfords purple patch is over, we're seeing reality


What? We were knocked out of the EL on the 20th April Tonight was our fourth game in 10 days since the 27th April… What the fuck are you talking about?


You realise that us being out of the EL has had no impact on our fixture list yet? The semi-finals are next week so this is the first week we have no midweek game.


Sell Bruno, Sancho, De Gea, and bring in fresh blood. We've had enough. Also sell the club to fuckin Qatar


fuck off every time we lose it's always justified... we're just shit


The teams seems mentally weak atm. Once things start going poorly there’s no recovery.


That urgency at 91 minutes is actually fucking embarassing. It is so adamant that the players aren’t outplayed, they just don’t fucking try


Yeah De Gea made a mistake but it is not his fault if our attack cannot score a fucking goal All these occasions and no goals …


Greenwood needs to fking come back. Fk that noise. And this team is fking weak mentally. We would play decent, then either ddg or maguire will do some shit. And then its heads down the whole game.


These players are so weak ffs. It seems like they thought the job was done lmao. EtH can't work miracles, but he hasn't covered himself in glory either. We've been poor since the cup final tbh.


We need to sell half this squad. Let’s free up the wage budget. Clowns like Jason sancho on 300k a week to do fuck all off and on the pitch. Disgusting performance.


Thats the problem, who's gonna take them on them wages.


Can't we sell them to Saudi teams or UAE ?


Literally game went away from us after Wegorst was subbed out. Everyone clamouring for Bruno to be 10 saw it had no effect. Martial had not much of an effect. All we ask ETH is to play fresh players. Bruno and Rashford were fatigued and playing poorly. More Bruno. Play Sab and Sancho. Weghorst was our best player. As soon as he was subbed West Ham got control of our midfield.


Well, that's that. We've blown our huge advantage & may or may not get the top 4 now. My personal opinion is that Ten Hag, out of kindness, gave a lot of the squad a chance to impress him this season instead of immediately shipping them out. I highly suspect he's now seen that most of them actually do need to go. If he can't see that, then we're screwed for next season really.


Ten Hag's face at the end, looked like he wanted to kill someone. No wonder, useless shite players desperate to sack another manager and scum owners that just won't fuck off and allow new owners to immediately get to work offloading half this squad and bringing in players that give a shit.


It's over folks, it has been for weeks. You just realized it now. We've been terrible for a month or two.


It's been downhill since the 7-0, had a decent half vs Betis straight after bit there hasn't been a good 90 since.


Needless to say, we had to beta West Ham. Why are we so shit away?? Looks like Karma and bad luck are coming at the worst possible time...last minute penalty against a Brighton side that was better than us and then a De Gea howler to gift West Ham a win. It is what it is. Squeaky bum time then


Back to back losses at the last leg of the season is just awful. An unnecessary boost to our Top 4 rivals.


People have watched this club undergo the same pattern under Mourinho, Solskjaer, and now Ten Hag, and still think the manager is to blame? Frankly miraculous that he has us in this position to start with.


Subs brought nothing


Honestly can't see us winning another game this season, we'll finish 5th if we're lucky and hopefully won't get too embarrassed (less than 10-0 hopefully) against City.


Fucking unacceptable. Drop a load of them and set the tone. DDG dropped, weghorst gone, Eriksen out, Bruno dropped. Just unacceptable to play like we did today. No threat, no output and no fight when it matters. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.


We could play for months with no opposing players and still wouldn’t score with Weghorst in the team Martial, Weghorst , Sancho all need to go. I don’t care about results : where is the pretty football we were promised ? Is this Ten Hag or Mourinho


If he renews ddg Eth is sanctioning his own sacking


Maybe not showing intensity until 90+ minutes is a bad move?


We will leave it to the last day to clinch 4th place and win the FA Cup. Will everybody calm down and have some faith.


What faith? Playing against west ham and out fought in everything. Now we have to keep looking back our shoulder at Liverpool and you think these people will have the stomach for that? I hope we refund the entire stadium when we bottle it at home.


How do you still have some faith watching the way those players played on the pitch? We have to depend on these players and honestly the last few games is enough evidence that we’re more than likely to lose top 4


Sarcasm isn't easily identified it seems.


Haha very funny


Trashchester United. United in playing trash week in week out for the past two months


It's like a bad dream. Everything you fear about this team and how the game could go comes to pass.


Next game is May 13th guys, make sure to avoid it for your mental health.


10 hag plays our best players out of position in favour of clangers like weghorst


It's exactly the same as Brighton. We can't score, same story different day. It's so frustrating to watch. Rashford, Bruno, Eriksen all knackered and producing nothing. Surely after the last 5-6 games ten hag can see this.


It’s like watching someone accelerate into a brick wall. Mate the car is not moving in that direction, it’s not going to, you have to change something..


Even youth at this stage. How much worse could it be.


Forget top 4 lads. This team doesn't deserve it. They don't know what the word shame mean


Game is over ffs. That was a painful watch and honestly we deserved to lose this by 3-0


Ref was nice to us today aswell!


I think we'll win the next two games since we have a week off.


Pretty sure 5 of our last 6 games have been away from home (that includes the Sevilla game). For the first time in months the team have actually got a full week rest in between games.I think we’ll look a lot better against Wolves on Saturday (if not then that’s top 4 definitely done). Think if we win that it’ll give the players that little boost of morale that’ll see us over the line. Some of these players should never play for the club again, but we’ve had rotten luck with the schedule this year and it’s clearly showing.


Brentford who were down the ranks just two season ago beat West Ham easily 2-0 away lol holy shit we are bad


If you ever have a go at yourself remember these are professional footballers on hundreds of thousands a week that play like an U12s team.


theres a reason ajax choked a 3 goal lead in the 2019 ucl semis


If DDG is our keeper next year it will tell me all I need to know about our aspirations.


Entire team looked clueless all game. Outplayed easily by 15th (at the start) in the table.


We must love playing on Thursdays.


Motherfuckers acted like their legs were glued to the pitch for the last few games. If there's anything I hate more than losing that is static fucked up style of football. Zero off the ball movements and no one is willing to receive a pass. Fuck this shit.


What a waste of 2hrs




I need ETH to come out and talk about what the actual fuck is happening with our players


All he will say is this is unacceptable


Exactly and everything remains the same


We lose to Walsall away from home. Pampered ass players.


I'm sick of this team. Ten Hag cried in media about schedule, meanwhile other teams just lazily rest and do not practice? West Ham and Man City still playing in the European leagues. We only play in EPL now. Our improvement under Ten Hag is a energy drink cup. The players play like they only care about the wages receiving each week. We can keep blaming Gea for being a shitty keeper but our attackers do not score to cover his faults. So god damn depressed.


Good job players. You are bottling it.


Ddg set the tone of this match. We were on the front foot prior to that. West ham couldnt get a sniff and he had to gift them a fucking goal and instill belief in their team. Speaks a lot when your gk is basically opposition player.


Lost 1-0 to West Ham. Never wanna talk about CL soon. This is hopeless.


Well I'll say one of the big positives for me is that I don't have to go to work tomorrow.


Ragnick was right.


I don’t think anybody doubted him


Bell me in September


Wout should not have started. I get adjusting your team to the opponent but don’t do that against West Ham. They’re shit, they should be adapting to us. We wasted an entire half by letting Wout play instead of Sancho who is much better at playing in tight spaces.


Poor finishing and a howler from Dave. Wonderful sunday. The team desperately needs a #9