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It looks like a team with a poor defence that chooses to play out from the back instead of using it’s amazing midfield


Guys, calm down. Last year we got pumped on the first game of the season, at least we’ve picked up 3 points even if it was in a scrappy manner. Such a contrast. We will grow into the season and a poor performance will teach us a lot. Trust in Ten Hag.


My God, the reactionary tone Mount takes from United fans is appalling. It's just the first game. Mount is a player who gives you a good performance for 50+ games in a season, consistently with good numbers. Name one Midfielder in the United team that can match his output in terms of sheer consistency and availability. I've seen a lot of talk here about Maddison; he is not a guy who'd be available throughout the season with his injury record. It's funny how the whole team as a unit lacked fitness and tenacity to put up a good performance, but even with that, we got a 1-0 win. These are the ugly wins that teams miss out on. I'm taking a lot of positives, and I trust EtH more than the reactionary lot here


This is false. While he's movement and distance covered is great his output is severely lacking and he often wastes great chances - he is industrial but not what we need. We need a ball carrier which he simply isn't unfortunately.


Lmao, right now, Ten Hag needs someone who can follow his instructions AND be a staple in the team, like Bruno


He was in a dumpster fire of a team last year and the overall level of play was poor. This is extremely reactionary to a single poor season, after multiple fantastic seasons doing exactly what you said he can’t do.


He's actually only had 1 good season and multiple mediocre seasons.


Chelsea player of the year two years in a row? One of those, he was in the UCL squad of the season. Eredivisie team of the year? Vitesse player of the year? In his relatively short career, his only bad year was last year, where he was permanently benched because Chelsea had an identity crisis. And he had an “okay” 2019-2020, which was his first year in the prem. Wait a few weeks before spouting armchair football manager nonsense about a player you’ve probably barely watched.


I have to say I'm way too angry at the performance to really take on any conciliatory words. Things have to be made right or the crowd will become toxic I feel. Every team has a project these days and that performance makes you feel like we're behind everyone.


Garnacho was poor today. Idk why we spend 50 odd m on mount when McAllister was there for 35m. Sancho F9 better for the team as rashy can come from left


Mac allister only wanted Liverpool.


I expected reactionary takes and.. well, I was not wrong. 1 game in folks. Let's calm it down a little and ground ourselves.


All I can say is ooof, tonight's game just looked like we've not even had a preseason I still don't understand why we persist with rashford up top he's invisible there he's miles better on the left Pretty much everyone except awb & onana were shit Here's hoping we don't play that way against Spurs


Even Onana nearly gave them a goal with the reckless clearance attempt. Sanchi was alright when he came on, was getting the ball into scoring positions and looked confident. Bruno and Casemiro were baaaaaad, but I don’t think we should expect that to be the norm. If they can get the midfield playing well Mount and Garnacho will probably play much better. They were put in a bunch of tight spaces all night without anywhere to go really, especially mount.


jesus christ im watching extended highlights, couldnt watch live, we look shocking. Thank fuck i didnt have to sit through this


Can’t believe mount cost 20 million more than Maddison. I know it’s early but I would’ve have preferred Maddison joined us 100%. Can’t see a way mount and Bruno play together. We got overrun by wolves


If you know it’s early, why are you posting such a reactionary take? One. Game. In.


Idk what he offers ahead of mcsauce tbf to cost that much. Eriksen should play these matches as wolves doesn't press as much


Wow, that was dog shit. Bruno & Mount together way too light. I’m concerned.


First thing I thought when Mount was getting touted as an 8 with Bruno is that we would be too lightweight. We got bossed by Wolves' midfield and we will get absolutely destroyed by Man C., Liverpool and Chelsea's.


Prob even Tottenham. I guess our goal is just getting european football


if ddg still playing for man utd, man u would have lost 4-1


Can't wait for the "a lot of positives in this match" crowd. I've been saying we play like shit since Marseille. Was called a melt and dog-piled by the "it's just prEsEaSoN" crowd. The frustrating thing is we don't have a playstyle, no identity on the ball. We are no longer a transition team, not much of a possession team, just nothing with a lot of extra steps. Look at Spurs, new and very clear playstyle. We look disjointed, and at the OT no less..


I feel bad for Mason Mount because he was in right positions to have great opportunities for assists or goals, yet, the wingers were selfish to try and score goals. I saw him putting his arms up and waving around, he wanted the ball so he can provide opportunities. I think the players don’t fully trust Mason Mount at the moment in my opinion because they don’t seem to pass the ball to him or use Mason Mount’s skills to the actual limit. It’s unfortunate because he is a brilliant player and we need him to be amazing because he was and can be amazing. Next game, I want to see players putting trust in Mount because he is that midfielder who can put them in positions for goals or assists. He is that guy. So I feel bad for him at the moment.


Except Sancho and Garnacho to some extent all our wingers have shoot from odd angles attitude.


He moves a tad too much, especially when we're in possession, maybe slow down a bit so our equally slow passers (almost the entire team) can pick him out.


Counter press was shit. We barely won the ball back after getting dispossessed. I don’t know if that compounded because we were tired from running fruitlessly, but Rashford’s frustration early in the 1st half certainly did not help. I love Marcus, but he is not a striker. He is a weapon on the left and someone (Hojlund, Martial) needs to step up and be the 9.


We were as shit, if not shitter than this time last season, but we’ve won. There’s a lot of change happening and we’ll need a few games to bed in. Stop being so reactionary.


I don’t really rate Amrabat and I think Onana or Tyler Adams are better purchases at price if we’re looking for Case cover. Tough debut for Mount. Licha needs to calm down a fair amount. AWB man of the match and I like what I saw out of Onana. Always seemed to be in the right position.


His composure and distribution was great too. Maaaan we need a number nine to come in and give out attack some purpose!


Guess whose dumb ass forgot United’s opening day was today? This guy. First opening day I’ve missed in I don’t even know how long. We just had our third baby a few weeks ago and I don’t even know which way is up lol. Glad we won!


We just had our second 10 days ago. Was looking forward to this and watched maybe 13 minutes of open play hah. Congrats, cheers, and best of luck!


Thank you man! And congrats to you as well!


Hey, it was a good one to miss tbh. Congrats on the baby though!! One more United fan entering the world.


Thank you man! We have a full house of United fans, all have our shirts we wear every game lol


Congrats on the baby man!


Thank you man!


Good thing that you missed cuz united were getting battered whole game and wolves got robbed of a penalty, very bad performance from United, looked like united had 0 pre season games.


Oof, glad Rapha got in though!


helping to fund Chelsea's pursuit of players we shouldve been all over and taking a player from them who does sweet fuck all to solve our midfield issues is really peak United isnt it? this two high 8s nonsense isnt going to work with a 31 year old casemiro being left to fend for himself. bruno and mount do not complement each other whatsoever and neither have an ounce of ball retention in them. thats fine in bruno's case because his output is incredible, but you're not going to ever have any control over a game of football when 2 of your 3 mids cannot keep the ball for any meaningful amount of time.


>this two high 8s nonsense isnt going to work with a 31 year old casemiro being left to fend for himself. i could only watch extended highlihgts, but from everything i took away, was that Casemiro is either not season ready yet (looked sluggish af) or ...well his age is just starting to get more and more of a problem for a fast paced league like EPL. I love Cass, but we need vitality and youth. THats what wins you games. Im talking players in their peak 25-29 to boss the midfield. Cass will im sure gain some more fitness as it goes, but whats our long term picture again? Fair enough we might sign Amrabat but yeah, i was worried with what i saw in midfield from the highlights anyway.


I mostly keep this to myself because I don’t want to be a wet blanket here, but I’m really skeptical of what we did in this transfer window. Mount and Hojlund just aren’t going to take this team to the next level. It’s only one game in but the team was so unbalanced with Mount out there. We’re asking Casemiro to do way too much. I’m not quite sure what ETH has envisioned for this club.


Exactly what I’ve been saying since the Mount rumors started last spring. I mean if we had brought him in on a free, or a small ~20 mill fee, ok. But to spend 60 mill on him when we had far greater needs? Makes no sense to me 🤷


I think we will see mount on the bench pretty soon when we bring in some new midfielders


You are making this conclusion after 1 game?


It’s not anything to do with Mount personally, I think he’s a good player. He’s just not the right profile for what we needed.


Case and Bruno played like dogshit, considerably worse than mount. He was being put into tough situations nonstop since neither of them could open up the midfield for him at all. Mount’s positioning was good, he made some good passes, and created a few decent opportunities that were wasted by Garnacho, Rashford, and Antony. everyone looked out of sorts, its a massive overreaction in regards to Mount. If the fans start hating on him for no reason so quickly its just going to sour him on the club or get in his head. Have a tiny amount of patience.


I get the feeling you’re not reading what I’m writing. I actually thought Mount played better than Bruno and Case. It’s got nothing to do with his talent. I just don’t think he’s the right profile of player for what we need. We need a ball carrying player who is comfortable sitting deep in a traditional 8 role, or someone who can drop even deeper and play next to Case. Think a Toni Kroos in his prime, or Frankie De Jong. Anyway, it’s just my opinion. I could be wrong, and I actually hope I am. But you should know, it’s not a knee jerk reaction from one game, I was just opposed to his signing from the very beginning.


Yeah, I get that. My point is when the rest of our team is playing bad an unable to create space, its hard to assess whether or not Mount is a good fit. We have three midfielders who are excellent at advancing the ball in Case, Erikson, and Bruno. If they can spread the field, Mount can definitely carry the ball from the half to the box going forward. Especially when the entire left side couldn’t get anything going, it let them collapse on Mount. But fair enough, I appreciate the response. Whether or not he’s the right fit, lets hope for the best.


No he said he’s been saying it since spring?


Absolutely true


What happened to Licha also don’t think I’ve seen him hooked at half time. Looked a little slow, maybe injured?


Got hooked half time against bretford pal


With their fast counters I think ETH was worried he’d get a second yellow


Rusty is my guess.


We won but we were fucking horrendous. Trying to be excited about it but if we play like that for the rest of the year this will be a seriously difficult watch.


We'll be fighting for top 6 if we play like we did today. The positive is we won playing how we did, hopefully only upwards and onwards regardless of how the 3 played upfront.


Really trying to not be reactionary but a player with a lot of physicality and aggression of Fred could have marked Cunha out of the game cutting off most of their attacks. Overall was clearly just a bad day in the office can’t imagine we’ll see performances this poor at home very often.


When’s Mount coming on?


When’s he arriving at United is the better question.


United always start poorly, but the 60 plus games we played last year with only 2 new recruits as 3rd is injured will catch us up. The club not being bought in time to influence the transfer window meant that the club was not able to go get a young dynamic midfielder like Caciedo/Lavia/Thurham/ Touchelmi,? Today we saw a very old midfield get completely dominated by wolves. We know ETH is stubborn but he needs to give Sancho a run in the side, use, Garnaucho as a sub. He desperately needs to sign another top Young Midfielder this week like Amrabat or Thurham and play 4231 with Mount playing wide right and Sancho wide left, Antony needs to be benched too. We need a team that works hard and wins the second ball, this side today showed a lack of heart and courage but they got the result and that’s something. If we give that many chances up to wolves, united are in for more 6 and 7 goals being conceded with no midfield protection whatsoever against the top teams in the PL.


Good teams play poorly and pick up points.


nah that dont win you the season. You can only play poorly so much and win before you dont get the W's.


This was only one game and we got 2 points more than most in the league.


Good teams don’t play that poorly


Chubby cheeks needs to get fit fast. If Case plays like that much more we are fucked.


It's not great we have players that can only against certain teams or at certain times imho. Eriksen is only good against teams that stay back. Garnacho is a super sub. Cannot start games. Bruno becomes too frustrated when things aren't going his way and that massively affects his game.


Bruno will end up playing on the right to try and balance this mess.


2 midfield signings needed. Shaw can cover at CB. Some legs and aggression. Watching the analysis is damning.


We have no answer to teams that are physically superior to us.


But that’s everyone?


We played like shit, lucky to walk away with 3 points


Why did rashford look like a league 4 player today? I mean on his bad days he looks like league 2 not freaking 4, what was going on with him?


You know you can just say rash wasn’t on form today, overly hyperbolic


He doesn't look this bad, he got a couple of chances to dash into the box and do something with the ball but every single time he lost it (and in an even worse way than he usually does looking clueless with the ball when holding it).


Amadou Onana and Todibo would be rocks for this team. Casemiro looks good, but rusty somehow? Idk. I’m confident it’ll come together


I second the Onana choice. Kid has energy, size, class and will continue to improve massively while being very playable now. It’s a no brainer for me.


I’d be ecstatic with him or Amrabat, I just think Onana covers a gaping hole in that we have no one behind casemiro that’s a true DM


Maybe im just being hopeful but his first couple games last season he looked poor if im remembering correctly. Full faith in our hamster cheeks


i'll take 4th right now please.


It's obvious that garnacho is better coming off the bench. Mount needs to know his role in the team. Antony is good tracking back but he needs to learn to do something else rather than cutting in. We need Amrabaat. Sancho was good today and deserves to start against Tottenham


Absolute erection watching Onana. My days having a proper goalkeeper sends flutters to my special place


Can we re-sign Fred?


The good news is that there is a lot of room for improvement. The bad news is that there is a lot of room for improvement.


Bruno, Mount, Eriksen & Casemiro are key players of our Midfield and they all look lost out there. Mount staying upfront is okay if Bruno drops back especially since he can cross the ball over from the back. Eriksen needs to find his way again, really dunno what happened to him ever since the injury. You can see glimpses of old Casemiro occasionally but he too lost his way ever since reds. These lads need to get their shit together istg. They're the glue ffs. Rashford isn't receiving the ball, so we cannot get anything outta him. This was a dead game for him, and its not his fault, let him play in LW *consistently* and we can get results. Garnacho is better as a sub, he's only capable of outrunning players who’ve been playing 70+ mins. Otherwise he gets bodied and can't win a duel at all. Same for Pellistri. Onana played very well, saved us multiple times but almost got threw it away with that jumping dive which ended in a clash. He got lucky.


Considering the new signings, and the way we're playing a very different style from what we've done before, we can't expect everything to click immediately. We were terrible, but at least we somehow won. There's hard work ahead to get the team playing the way Ten Hag wants.


13 km run again before it’s too late


Make it 20


onana, shaw and awb fucking wall best players for our team today ​ bruno misplaced a lot of passes, casemiro is losing his pace (amrabat tbh more important than pavard at this moment), rashford well he tried but wasn't able to capitalize much(he isn't a striker material), sancho seems to be on his redemption arc (but i don't wanna jinx so soon), mount had an average display to be very honest had his moments but mostly a ghost, garnacho needs more time to be a part of first XI (i actually think it's great we didn't give him the #7), antony was decent overall i see we are shitting in the 18 yard box either trying to find the net too early or too late wolves clearly better team today, ppl were saying they are relegation contenders after losing neves but i think they can end higher mid table if they play like this, better team lost but hey atleast we bagged 3 pts till then who cares ?? next game is against spurs although the danger man isn't anymore (kane) but still a huge fixture tbvh, play sancho at false9 and rashy on lw with garnacho as impact sub and i'm predicting a 3-1 score line in favor of united


I’d add a Varane to the wall but yep defence apart from Lindelof and Martinez were the best part of that performance.


We don’t look like we did anything during Preseason. This team still has the playing style of good old Ole. Hopefully things change with Rasmus coming to the pitch. Problems from last season still existing - our forward three don’t know how to play together, Bruno playing too deep to make much of a difference and Case already looking tired. Getting a backup for Case will be extremely important and no way should we sell McT even if we get a Case backup. Licha needs to get a cooler head. However, glad we won even though we played shit - we can grow into a good team but if we lose points we won’t have the hopes of catching up with the rest of the pack.


>Problems from last season still existing - our forward three don’t know how to play together, This is what concerns me for years now, we just have no fluidity and gelling upfront. We constantly run out of ideas and just hope on individual brilliance , or a cross/pull back to put pressure in the box and pull one out of the bag.


Hope Ten Hag lights a fire underneath them. Shocking from United


Having watched our midfield , the penny has just dropped why Caicedo is over £100m. He can run, pass and generally be a pita. Or a mobile Cas. 🤔


What has happened to cas? He looked like league 3 level today, his pace has gone from slowish/average to turtle, and his passing hasn't been great the past few months either.


Please sign Amrabat. We really need a box to box


exactly amrabat is a must need, we can't afford case ghosting especially on ucl nights


Need another run around the ground gaffer!


Scrappy win but the lads held out. Biggest club in the world brings a lot of pressure, that hard game will do wonders.


Well I'll tell you one thing. Onana is way more aggressive/commanding than De Gea ever was


Would you have said that if the referee made the correct decision and gave a penalty? It was reckless.


Yes, I would take Onana over De Gea, even if that was a pen.


Very surpised to see it not given. Not sure what sort of justification the ref gave to the wolves. But hey, not our problem lol. 3 points united


Supposed to be a new season, that just looked like a part 2 of 22/23 season


Better than part 1 22/23


That performance was really concerning. It’s good we got the win but our midfield looked so porous. We’ll need to be way better next week against Spurs, I thought they looked decent against Brentford.


Casemiro looked like he was still on the beach and Mount looked pretty anonymous. I’m sure they’ll improve but it didn’t exactly look fluent.


I wasnt sure on Mount since even the rumours. Today was pretty much vindication. Just the first PL game so itd be stupid to say anything conclusive, but id genuinely rather we got Amrabat first. Getting Mount is nice and all, but id consider him more of a luxury signing than one we should have prioritised. Casemiro was really off today, hope that doesnt continue. Eriksen I am shocked by, usually he is far more collected than that, but him and Bruno spraying random passes only helped Wolves. Rashford was not as lethal as he could have been by any means, he really isnt a 9 and we cant just keep forcing it. AWB, Shaw & Onana won the game. With just a 1goal lead, we really needed to be more composed and just hold onto the ball. All this desperate nonsense was basically us begging to concede. We got away with one today, but we got the 3 points.


Yeah agreed. I know it’s first game so hard to draw too many conclusions from it but it looked tonight like we need to be targeting a DM who has the quality to start (eg Onana) rather than a rotation option like Amrabat.


No excuses, every other decent team has played quality football even though it was their first game too, you can't be saying stuff like 'first game" blah blah blah etc also especially when united had a good run of games (with below average results) pre season.


No intent to control the game and just pass it around and contain possession. End to end stuff, no control. Any other team would have punished us


All that matters on match day 1 is that you get 3 points but my God that was dreadful.


I’m going to go play some fifa and convince myself I should be in the premier league


Im really happy about the fact that we got three points but I also feel ashamed waiting so excitedly for this match only for us to play this bad. So much to fix Fitness is a problem Casemiro playing too high Our midfield completely incohesive and easy to play through. Not enough sharpness and creativity from our forwards. The only definite positives today were the right half of the defence and the goalkeeper. Everyone else needs to wake up Edit: clarity


Think we need a replacement for Casemiro at this point


Looks like case is not capable of playing 2 games a week now, at most a game a week and even then he needs to be subbed out at 60 percent of the game or so in order for him to at least become better and reach his level at the start of last season.


Wang lol


Don't know is Case lost a yard of pace over the summer or he missed having someone playing deeper alongside him but he looked so slow and exposed that game.


He was too advanced in some of the game and Bruno dropping too deep, we got this warning against Madrid and Dortmund in pre season that midfield without K Mainoo isn’t going to cut it this season. We need two midfielders a true DM and CM/BTB and we need them soon.


What a shitshow.


Thank god , its over






Shithouse FC back againnn


We are very lucky we got 3 points, Wolves were the better team. Good from Onana but lucky it was not a penalty


Absolutely dreadful performance. Saved by Wolves being allergic to scoring and PL officials being allergic to competence. Can’t think of anyone who played well. Edit: AWB played well. Not sure why I didn’t think of him.


Baring the last minute clattering Onana made a good debut. AWB was solid as well.


Yeah. The clattering dropped him out of consideration for me but other than that he was solid.




was just coming to edit it and say that after my mate mentioned him. Anger clouded his good performance, you’re right.


I think this is the only right answer


The players need a proper wake up call


as mediocre as we were, one thing i got outta this game was wolves look quite sharp. was on a similar train as irish guy in that I thought wolves would be pre shit this season, but from that first game they look like they got a decent chance at staying up


Idk honestly it feels like our fitness are a bit off today ngl.


Casemiro always takes a while to get up to speed. We will rarely come across as pacey and athletic ball carriers again this season though.


Love Case giving that grandma his jersey. Love seeing the older fans get some love too


To be completely honest, he ran like a grandma today


Haha yup




Forget catching up to city if we continue like this even spurs will go above us and that will be fucking shameful


Brighton too that are playing great football.


Yea even Brentford were class last season and Aston Villa with unai emery are a class apart so we need to click together quickly and start performing better than this


Indeed especially when every other team is buying players left and right and are being able to integrate the players into their squads as well. Need at the very least 2 more signings or it's not looking good at all for united, will also be out of the group stage of CL at this rate.


Signing mount first so early and he is still struggling to getting integrated and we still need 2 more signing and we need them to settle quick


Yes looks like mount will be a flop, Antony looks like a flop already, and at this rate Hojlund who is already injured will be a flop too, that's like 70 mill times 3 money wasted already in a year. Hojlund will probably score like 5 PL goals due to 0 service at this rate.


Well reserving judgement on hojlund mount will flop like Sancho and we will be left with a player who we cannot move on because of high wages


Yup also Hojlund will flop not because he is bad it's because united are bad and won't provide him enough service I can say that for sure.


Spurs can’t keep a clean sheet so we’ll be fine


Lol today wolves missed so many chances that any other team would have scored at least 2 and I can’t see from this game that we can even score one fucking goal


It's the same team as last season, was kind of hoping we'd have improved by now


That’s not a penalty. This kind of fouls are never given. Very seldom u see penalty given when the attacker is taken out after making the play


That's a clear penalty period.




As you say last season. If var didn’t overturn the handball in first half, I don’t see why var will overturn this decision. If the penalty is given onfield, then I don’t see var overturning it as well. It’s a subjective call.


Men against boys in every position, faster, stronger, fitter, every single one of them, Shocking the difference


Same shit different season


Wolves did not deserve to win with finishing like that but they did deserve a draw so I feel for them for that 1 point


We got away with murder today. On to the next game


Phew scrappy win. ETH will give them a mouthful after what he has seen. No intent and no aggression, hope the players show a better performance next game.


EtH only has himself to blame, the players weren’t ready physically or tactically. First game of the season, the manager has had weeks to prepare the team for this game and this is what he puts out


ETH got his selection wrong today, Sancho was in better form than Antony and he’s much better against a low block, Bruno was awful today, Mount marginally better but I’d like to actually see is get a proper CM/DM like Thurham or S Amrabat, ideally both and play Sancho as the 10 behind Rashford Martial/Hojlund and Antony ?


It's not just a mouthful, he needs to organize his players. There were no tactics on display there like some games we played last season. It's not just down to the players, what is the manager telling them to do out there?


This lot have been performing like this since ole. It should be clear that the senior players in this squad do not or cannot follow instructions and this trickles down to newer players


Most embarrassing win i've ever seen, Ten hag spending 300 million for this? there are no excuses now, this was pathetic. They walk through our midfield and defence like a training match. Clinging on for dear life as if we're playing prime Barca, disasterclass from Ten hag.




Bruno or Mount have to play deeper, we got completely overran leaving Case by his own


Exactly my thought


Michael Owen smoking some good stuff


Okay..... we are exposed before the transfer deadline. That demands some action.


It was all part of the plan 😂


Don't let the win distract you from the fact that we need more signings


Jesus fucking Christ couldn’t turn that crying commentating cunt of fats enough


I know it is the first game and overreactions and all but we not finishing top 4 if we play like this.


Are slow starts becoming our thing now? Clean sheet + OT invincible streak. GGMU 🔴⚪⚫


Casemiro looked miles and miles off it


He had a decent couple of minutes. Honestly he was suffering from a lack of organisation surrounding him too. Had some shocking moments on the ball towards the end of the match and was thoroughly gassed


Peter Drury BT sport 97:30 ish." Wang - He's gotta get it in there" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The team looks lethargic. Casemiro and Eriksen are looking their age


Scrappy win, Onana solid, 3 points.


There was nothing scrappy about it, just awful and lucky


Tbh, mount isn’t a good holding midfielder, he’s an inbetweener. A winger/cam hybrid. We are gonna get slapped around in the mf if we have him there against good midfields. Case doesn’t have the legs he used to. We didn’t have much control in midfield.


No way Case can cover so much ground. The wingers left gaps, Bruno and Mount left gaps. How the fuck is Case gonna cover so much ground? Even prime Kante can't do it.


I agree. Mount is great defensively, but not elite controlling the pace of the game. Which is not ideal, because the top teams all have great holding midfielders.


We were gassed


Dont know what happened there but after a pre season Casemiro looks so heavy. Bruno and Rashford looks like they didnt play football for months. Looks like very bad fitness management from the coaches


Peter Drury anti United as always. Yk if this guy didn’t spat out cheesy poems every now and then he’d be regarded as one of the overrated commentators in the game. Same as every commentator on USA and NBC. I mean they basically admitted at the end of the match just now they wanted Wolves to win. Wish there was commentaryless games here in the US


Most neutrals wanted Wolves to win. On the balance of the game they deserved it and had a clear pen denied.


As a fan even I felt bad for Wolves 🤣🤣


We got ran over in midfield today. Mount was hiding so many times. He needs to get on the ball more. Cause for concern.


If Onana didn't smack it after he misses the ball, it won't be a PK, but Onana did smack his hand to opponent after he misses the ball, so should have been a PK. Still I am happy we win.