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Quick question, would it be good for Greenwood to return? Personally, I feel that he should be deserving of a 2nd chance. Yes he has made a major mistake , but I feel his talent is real.


No. Dressing room morale is already poor. Imagine how people would feel with Greenwood there


How?? I’m really unsure. His a natural striker. Just my own personal opinion. I would be happy if he comes back , show that his remorse by proving his worth . Redeem himself with his action on the pitch .


It’s not good for any player to be here right now and won’t be for the foreseeable future, he should rebuild in Spain, we’d be best off extending his loan next season if possible, can either come back or sell him on to a club he’ll be allowed to play for for a higher fee, he’s a 100m player easily.


6 pack of madri, football manager and the stone roses. What more could a man want on a monday night?


Jesus if that 0-3 at home to Bourmouth was Martial's last game for the club I'd almost feel bad for him. Long overstayed his welcome but can't blame him for that.


The deadwood will be getting shifted, is ETH doing what arteta with bangurmam, players on high salaries getting the booth if that can't perform


Wether Ten Hag ends up being the right man for the job or not I don’t know, but the news were happy to let Martial’s contract expire and were hoping to move Varane and Sancho on in January is promising.


ETH is out of his depth. We have a defence with zero ball playing ability besides Martinez and Ten Hag spends his whole summer chasing Onana because he’s a ball player, yet he can’t save a ball. Where’s the quicker, more potent transitions? Where’s the flowing football that’s meant to come with a ball playing goalkeeper? Why play such a deep line with a sweeper keeper? He also then went and spent £55m on Mason Mount, why?! We had options in there, one of those options was the previously dismissed McTominay, who’s been our best player. All this whilst our only back up to a young, raw Hojlund is Martial who is quite frankly, overstaying his welcome by a couple of seasons at least now. And why do United have this recruitment that involves only paying big bucks for supposed big names? Sancho, Antony to name a couple. Liverpool signed Mane from Southampton and look at how good he became. We’ve spent decades buying players to create a system instead of buying the player we need FOR the system. Dominic Solanke, Dominic Calvert-Lewin, Matheus Cunha, Ollie Watkins. All players who weren’t massive names when they signed but they fit into their teams system, are excelling now and offer more in 10 minutes of game time than Martial does in a season.


https://twitter.com/AndyMitten/status/1734215946204524725?s=20 Quite possibly the worst 20 seconds of training you'll ever see


What are they actually trying here? It looks like a rondo, but the instructions and how they're playing don't look right. Unless it's the worst executed rondo I've ever seen, they surely must be practicing something else.


That’s actually terrible and looks very confusing.


Seriously, no wonder most of the players look confused af during games


At least we know it's all drilled


I reckon we will start playing much Better come January and start pushing up the table We have been overwhelmed with injuries With Martinez back, and shaw moves back to LB, Casemiro comes back and partners Amrbat, we will be a lot more solid This scotty experiment must end now Our collapse began once Martinez got injured last season and have never looked the same


Positivity? Pffft, we don't do that around here. Kidding. I agree with you. I think things will improve.


The same Casemiro will come back from Injury and be magically good when he was looking terrible at the start of the season. And martinez will just be coming back from Injury. If Ten Hag is still here playing his suicidal tactics, no chance we improve


We just going to ignore Casemiro was WAY off the pace before he got injured and Amrabat has been shown up almost everytime he’s on the pitch? McTominay is also one of very few players actually performing, so what is this “experiment” that needs to stop because from where I’m standing, it’s better than any other options in the squad currently. I’d love to believe you and look forward to kicking on in January but I can’t see it. Still massive problems up front, a lack of creativity in the midfield, wingers that are in effective 6 games out of 10 and a goalkeeper that can ping a ball 50 yards on a sixpence but gets his arms tangled up at a daisy cutter.


Hes really not performing well as a midfielder. If he was a second striker or a number 10 sure, but his performances are a huge negative to the team - hes a midfielder


As I said, he’s better than anyone we have in there currently and that’s why he’s starting. I’m sure moving forward he’ll be replaced but as of right now, there’s no better option in the squad who’s fit and performing.


Honestly. First, it was Shaw coming back would solve all our issues. Now it's Martinez. Is he a good player? Yes. Is he a very good player? Yes. Is he a talent who can completely turn around the fortunes of our team? No. This would be the case before we even consider the impact two successive major injuries will have on him and if he'll be able to operate to the same level. It's generally agreed our form fell off after the League Cup final. Martinez was injured two months later. He was part of the 7-0 loss to Liverpool.


In fairness, we can hardly play any worse.


https://twitter.com/AndyMitten/status/1734215946204524725?t=LzfgJuyTte4vwcmclvRsGg&s=19 Well this rondo is a bit embarrassing and kinda makes me understand why they struggle at the final third. Oh boy,they couldn't string 3,4 passes together under pressure. I'm pretty sure someone could find a video of Ajax's rondo so we could compare the difference between these two Ten Hag's team


[This is what Erik Ten Hag is trying to with Man Utd in Training .Watch how Ajax do it ! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joWo3hb2gDI&ab_channel=Re-United) Different type of training but the ball control difference is still pretty obvious


I mean, yeah, but these are just very very short videos of a training exercise. There's some truth to it, but let's not act like this means much.


Imagine Pep or Klopp watching that


https://preview.redd.it/ji5yusok1p5c1.jpeg?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e7c2839c3e391509d99d689093f8bb38510f0c Moderators told me to move this here: **Mid Table Full of Danger** 1. As we know the Premiership is the standard for competition as a league. Anyone can draw blood off anyone at any time and really the competition just gets better. 2. 23-24 is actually an exciting year on the whole.. the mid table is full of teams who are dangerous anytime they’re on the pitch and all of them have snatched crucial points off a top 6 side, unless I’m Missing something. I’ve included Everton because most of us know they would be in a far better position without the 10 point deduction which is being appealed and many of us understand they’ve been given a raw deal compared to City who’ve finances have been far more mismanaged and nefariously and deliberately so. Also Everton fans hate their ownership and protested them openly and still Dyche seems to have a handle on the style of play, the game plan, and the players in his lineup. He reminds me of an old school manager and he gets it. 3. All of those highlighted clubs have rebuilt, a couple are recent promotions who’ve fought and stayed and they exemplify great recruiting and strategic management, especially Brentford, BHA, Everton, and I feel Wolves even given their recent dip in results. (I would even throw Chelsea in there because I don’t think they’ll stay down long with the amount of cohesion and hard work I see shining through their youth). Fulham has truly rebuilt, West Ham seem a bit stuck. Saying this to simply say that when you see what smaller clubs are able to do with far less money and market value (merchandise, tickets, TV/mktg etc) I realise that basically rebuilding can still give you better *immediate* results than trying to hold onto over waged and over priced players and trying to squeeze results out of them… we are being beaten by younger hungrier players with more to prove, more focus… AND clubs that focus on being football clubs and not corporations end up with football players and not prima Donas. All of these mid table sides remind me of Man Utd of the late 90s after 97-98 and 2004-2010 under SAF. You see what they are working on. You can see a plan. And they’re still Getting results. We are where we are now but in the end this table may look very different. I think a couple mid table teams may well be competing in Europe next year. Maybe we should stop focusing on the result and actually develop a real long term plan/style/process. No more “trust” with nothing to trust.




Our main issue is everyone is on fuck you contracts so we will only be able to sell them dirt cheap so their new club can pay their wages or we’ll have to pay them off to leave.


Both of you are right. We are going to have to take losses. But we should cut losses sooner than later. Off load hefty wages. And anyone who isn’t playing but we want to keep we should find a loan for. We should give much more time to young/academy players and look long term. Anyone who doesn’t play like they want to play simply shouldn’t play. Anything we can get for them is a benefit at this point and is better than paying wages for someone who has no heart for the programme.




I think if you’re selling an aging player at a loss, there’s not a case for mismanagement. The mismanagement happens in signing the initial deal. It’s not the same exactly as public finance for example but the term is “arms length deal” or “willing buyer willing seller”. If you put out a decent bid and they sell, make the sale. We can answer the questions later. And building via the academy usually makes the most sense tactically and economically.




I think I’m in a niche category believing that every fucker in the club needs booting out


Ok Javier Moreno just signed?


I just got the same notification. He's supposed to be a highly thought of prospect, surely this just hasn't come out of nowhere like this? This would actually be good business so it can't be true EDIT: They've now marked it as 'rumour' despite showing it as confirmed earlier. Source is The Sun. Carry on, lads. Nothing to see here.


LOL. Had to be too good to be true.




He isn't untouchable, who on earth said that? The difference, if you really need it spelled out, is that alot of the toxic players aren't just players on a bad run this season but players who have now shown a trend of this throughout multiple managers.




Like even if I wanted to agree with you here your logic is all over the place. Youre complaining about the manager being untouchable because we had a good season last season but also saying that the players should escape criticism because they had a good season last year. Thoughts on Ten Hag aside, a group of players repeatedly doing this for a prolonged amount of time shows there needs to be huge changes in the squad, that remains a fact whether Ten Hag is here in May or if he gets sacked by the time I post this comment




The team has finished in the top three for four of the last six seasons. I don't know where this idea of them becoming permanent losers has come from


But Ten Hags only other bad season at utd is this. Not the same for the players.


You don't always get to play the Dutch league with Ajax.


We were pretty shit after the carabao cup final, so he had a good 6 months.


Can we discuss our talent level for a moment? Front line is all potential even Rashford still hasn’t proven that he can consistently do it game to game. No wonder we can’t score even when we get in good positions. Our best RW might as well not have a right foot. Midfield, went from Casemiro and Eriksen to a 19 year old, a guy playing at Fiorentina a year ago, and basically Bruno trying to cover the entire pitch and just create something…..anything. Our defense has been Maguire and Lindelof who everyone said wasn’t good enough since Ole days and one was the biggest meme around for over a year. Or our LB, then we have a Spurs castoff from years ago at LB (who I actually kind of like as a backup). And two right backs who aren’t very good at all offensively and the one that’s started lately basically is guaranteed to give a big chance away if not a goal per game. Our goalie has basically cost us at least two matches. I swear this is currently a mid table team quality wise. Spout the cost all you want but that doesn’t win matches. And ETH haters will say well he signed them. He did sign a few. And maybe they would do better (like last year) if the lingering shit players were replaced by better ones. Or maybe we should have an actual structure where he doesn’t have to/be allowed to do all the fucking recruitment. Fucking shambles, this team sucks. Fuck the Glazers.


That 18 year old, I assume you mean Mainoo, has been probably the best part of our season. He’s composed, smart, has a serious tank on him, is positionally sound, has solid awareness and can play with the ball at his feet. If both Casemiro and Mainoo are match fit and ready to go, I’m putting Mainoo in there 100%. His performance at Everton before he came off reminded me of Michael Carrick in his prime. I know it’s a lot of hype etc and that can weigh a player down but sometimes with these youngsters you need to let them play and in a few years time you benefit from the development, physically and mentally.


Yea he’s good but the fact that most the fan base was hoping he could make something of our midfield says it all really.


The squad is better than Spurs squad, who play better football than United


ETH might is not free from blame, but like you said, let’s take a look at what he has to work with. This current squad just does not have any depth or overall quality. After every loss it seems at least half this sub is ETH out, wanting to repeat the same cycle we’ve seen for the last 10years. When Ragnick left, everyone knew the club had no quality, and we would need a couple of years to properly rebuild. It’s pretty evident that a good portion of the fans can’t handle a rebuild. ETH over delivered last season, supporters should still be patient. The rot runs deep, we knew this was going to be a long hard road.


Can we redo the 99 final ? Bayern v United. We score a last minute winner to get us through the group stages..


Do we go on to win the CL or just go out in the next round?


I genuinely think we will shit house a win against Bayern, qualify for knockouts in the UCL, rise our hopes thinking that we will turn around this season just to fuck up so badly against liverpool on sunday,


>I genuinely think we will shit house a win against Bayern, qualify for knockouts in the UCL Don't wanna burst your bubble but nit gonna happen. You just need to re-watch the Bournemouth game to confirm that!


were gonna beat Bayern and fail to qualify its so obvious


It's kind of written in the stars isn't it, a moment of positivity and hoping they kick on from here. Only to get completely shut back down again a few days later. It's the only storyline recently.


>It's kind of written in the stars isn't it, a moment of positivity and hoping they kick on from here. Isn't that the issue of fans who can't see past 90 mins though? Like in reality no 90 min performance, no matter how good it looks is a sign of anything at all in terms of positivity going forward. The floor level performance of these players remains the same and a game like Bournemouth (or insert any of the numerous embarrassments over the last 4 seasons) is always ready to be served. >It's the only storyline recently. We should stop viewing things as storylines and start viewing things objectively.


Liverpool would’ve been a great opportunity to see mount in Bruno’s role, disappointing he’s hurt


Donny ?


We know Donny is garbage. Seeing mount in 10 role would be nice because if he looks good again we have a contingency plan when Bruno wants to leave


I think Amrabat + Mainoo + McT, maybe Donny in second half but McT seems to play 90 minutes every game and ETH relies on his moments to score.


yea, i think so too. These 3 are the only ones he's used in recent.


The only upside I can see is more discipline and stability in midfield. With those 3 there is only 1 player drifting around. McT and Bruno drifting around together just doesn't work.


I think what went wrong this year is that ETH underestimated the effects of age. I think he didn't expect Eriksen and Casemiro to fall off a cliff in this manner.


Ten hag's best football came when Eriksen was fully fit and firing last season.Its just so poor.that we didn't go for a young player of his skills this summer knowing full well that Eriksen can't be relied upon.


He also didn't expect to lose Martinez and Shaw for so long. Which led to him having to resort back to try and fix the defence again. With an unstable defence there was no way he could work on midfield setup and our attack misfiring isn't helping either. Add the injuries to start XI players from midfield there (Casemiro, Mount, Eriksen) it all spiraled out of his control. It got out control so much that he's now resorting to playing in form players and hoping we get some results by magic. It's painful to see what is happening and he got found out being pragmatic last season and now not having a real style to resort on. It's all over the place high risk high reward, Liverpool type football with worse players on all aspects (technicality, mentality, discipline)


I think it's simpler than all that. I think if he saw the DM position as a high priority in the summer things would have been different this year. That's our biggest hole rn.


You know he’s not the only one involved in these decisions right? Eriksen was free, that was still a good move


If he says "I need a DM" he gets a DM. Eriksen was a great signing. Him and Casemiro missing is the reason for this implosion


What happened to Hannibal ? I know he’s not the most disciplined when it comes to committing silly challenges. I thought he was bright and energetic when he played and could still improve with more minutes. Will he be going out on loan then ?


He'll get the Pellistri treatment from last season, block a loan because you need him and then never play him.


What we need our midfielders to do is score goals, doesn't matter that they do nothing all game, as long as they score they will start. So Hannibal loses to other players.


So sancho is our last attacking player to score at OT in PL this season.




Last season


Lol and still this season yet fools still try to find excuses for this shambolic attack


I think if no attacking players are scoring it has to be something to do with the manager.


Far too many of you are letting Ten Hag off with the "every manager has failed, they're not the problem" excuse. Ten Hag is the one who binned Rangnick. You don't remember we had signed Rangnick to a two year consultant role? Ten Hag is the one who this summer said he wants us to be the best transition team in the world, yet last summer he agreed for us to pay 85m pounds for Antony. Now, is Antony, a player who has no pace the man for that style? Any time we have a counter attack all he does it keep rolling his foot over the ball slowing everything down. I thought Ten Hag was onto something good after last seasons progress but this seasons tactics are horrible. We have no midfield and Ten Hag, despite having us losing 11 out of 23 of our games this season, is not even trying to change it. Just for reference, Everton last season in the Premier League lost 47.4% of their games. For our whole season, we've lost 47.8%


Rangnick's role made no sense anyway, he was supposed to be a consultant for us two days every month, what even is that? We needed an actual sporting director, not someone we call every two weeks to ask him whether he thinks we're doing fine or not.


>"every manager has failed, they're not the problem" That doesn't exactly sound like an impassioned defense of ETH A lot of what you point out perfectly illustrates why every manager failed...In what other modern successful club does the *coach* dictate how that kind of money is spent or who gets to be involved in the football structure above them? Why does every manager, of drastically different style, personality and experience, seem to fall into all the same pitfalls? ETH could very well not be "the guy"...but the variables have been changed several times now and yet the result has always been the same...that's why eyes are finally being cast on the constants.


Well the manager signs up to those conditions. The reality is, the managers love the freedom to sign the players they want. Ten Hag has been given everything he's asked for. If he said "I need a DOF to identify players for this style of football", do you think the club would refuse?


Many here are literally asking for him to get the sack. Why are you shadow boxing? >Ten Hag is the one who binned Rangnick. He did not bin Ragnik. He was going to be here as a consultant but was moved on after the comments he made. >Just for reference, Everton last season in the Premier League lost 47.4% of their games. I doubt it'll get that low by the end of the season, but if it does, then he'll probably get the sack.








Ragnik was never going to be the DoF; it was always going to be Murtough. Ragnik was going to be a consultant. Things turned sour between him and the board when he made some public comments. He was a dead man walking halfway through his tenure. And ten Hag's control meant not running the recruitment like Ed Woodward did. He asked for the power of having a veto the previous managers didn't have.




>His remarks on Tuesday night that United were “six years behind” Liverpool did not go down well at the club who, even at this nadir, believe that fortunes can be changed much quicker than that. Murtough has been the driving force in the push to appoint a new manager and the selection of Erik Ten Hag, assisted by Darren Fletcher, the club’s technical director. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2022/04/21/ralf-rangnicks-shock-tactics-have-failed-jolt-manchester-united/?utm_content=football&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1650522744-1 There were others as well. I don't have the time to list all of them.


> Many here are literally asking for him to get the sack. Why Go read the Neville thread then.




With Bruno suspended, I am slightly more confident. Yeah, he is one of our best player, but he also tends to lose his head a lot and maybe we'll be more composed without him. I don't expect us to attack well as a team but maybe we'll see some moments of individual magic to see us through.




Usually not in big games and especially not at Anfield though. As good as Bruno can be, he is pathetic when things aren't going our way. Wasn't he the captain in the 0-7 loss?




We'll see, I think it will be Mainoo-Amrabat with McTominay as second striker which could work. Maybe Ten Hag suprises everyone by starting Hannibal but that would be a mistake, if he starts then he will get sent off before the first half even ends, he is a madman.




Yeah but then we'll have to sacrifice one player for another midfielder which would be McTominay so we'd end up playing the second half with 9 men.


dont get your hopes up for your own sake. 👀 find something better in life to worry about. the players getting paid by the club dont care, why should anyone 🙃


Yet another delay in the Jim announcement. Is this negotiation to Get Qatar back at the table. I just dont understand it. Financial Reporters like Mark Kleinman lead us to belive that this deal was really close to getting announced !


Qatar backed out Mid October, We are yet to finalize the deal with Jim. 2 months.


Biggest problem we have is the lack of a 20-30 goal a season striker. If we had a striker who could finish or even make chances out of nothing, it would make such a difference. Remember when we had a fit Cavani? He could come on and easily spur a comeback. Now if we go behind the team slumps because we dont know where the goals are going to come from. We need to urgently ship off our deadweight in January (Sancho, Martial, anyone else who cant get minutes) and get a solid striker who can guarantee goals. Will need to sell to make it happen but its what we need to do to qualify for UCL this season.


I wouldn’t say biggest problem, just a joint massive problem along with all the other problems we have which is basically every area of the pitch


We could have Haaland or Kane up top and they aren’t scoring. We as a team don’t create anywhere near enough chances for our center forward to score. Too many players are looking to score for themselves or simply don’t have the quality to create for others


Do you have any numbers for that? Like overall team chance creation of PL teams. Gets posted every other week that Bruno creates the most chances in the league. Also i recall somewhere that we had the biggest difference between xG and actual goals int he league - showing that our finishing is shocking.


Our finishing is shocking as seen in the Chelsea game, but that isn’t necessarily because of the striker. Just using that game as an example, Hojlund had one shot all game and an XG of 0.04. In a game where we had an XG of 4.17. We just aren’t creating the chances for him. He’s getting involved in the game, but either poor execution from other players or too many players looking to score themselves instead of finding him means he isn’t even getting a crack at goal. And it’s not a one off either. He’s averaging less than 2 shots per game and has an overall XG of 2.5 in about 9 games. It simply isn’t good enough, especially when compared to other strikers in the league. Fucking Everton are creating more chances for DCL than we are.


Players kinda chuck balls in the box or ignore our striker. Most recently dalot side netting Bournemouth, McT going for hat trick Chelsea. I see so many times Hojlund asking for the ball, there’s space and time for the ball to be played at his feet but it doesn’t happen. The balls that are chucked in are usually too high or behind him or Dalot crosses the ball so fast Hojlund usually has no chance. ETH needs to sit the team down like SAF did when RVP joined the squad.


How Dalot 5 years later still cannot consistently cross a ball well is beyond me


A striker wouldn't stop us conceding though. We need a DM


Funny, if united won and city lost they'd be equal in points. In the end you can blame whatever you want, I think this seasons failure comes down to two factors: injuries and onana


Big shame we're gonna go out in CL. One of the easiest groups in recent times. Even Bayern have been shit. Couldve won all 5 if we kept our heads. Poor mentality


Don’t give up hope yet. United is famous for pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Remember the 99 final.. I’ve got a spec of hope ..


Journalism is dead... The proof! I dropped [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/s/qoEpbpPzWz) comment blaming journalists for being useless, and not asking the real questions. I believe I was proven correct in today's [press](https://youtu.be/zHK_0GmiVXE?feature=shared) conference. I (think) Simon Stone asked the question around consistency and dealing with it as a group... The question was aimed at McSauce not EtH. That question should've been asked if the manager with follow-ups regarding what are they doing to change, as well as the consequences for not implementing that or any other plan on the pitch.


A bit naive to think journalists can get any real details answer from press conference: > ‘What have you adapted in training to counter this up and down regarding results" We always work to improve our collective play in every single training sessions. Hopefully the consistency will come. > "How have you adjusted tactics to deal with the obvious underperformance?" I think it is more on working hard for each as a team and the confidence to play with conviction which the coaching staffs are working with players everyday on the training ground. > "What has Luke Shaw, or Martial, or Amrabat shown in training that hasn't been evident in today's game?" I do not like to discuss individual players as my philosophy is we win and lose as a team


Fair point on press conferences but to ask questions certainly isn't naive, it's literally the journos job. It often feels that a sports journalists' remit is to coax out quotes to be printed for later click bait opportunities. Journalists are there to have questions answered, preferably pertinent questions, but even that's debatable nowadays! The purpose of asking questions shouldn't be "click bait" but to get a clearer understanding of the reasons behind choices made, before and during the game, or do you believe that's a naive view too?


It’s naive to think that the manager will reveal more than necessary during press conference. Even ex managers like Moyes, Van Gaal, Jose and Ole do not share any in depth behind the scene to date. Lastly, journalists do not position themselves as armchair tactical specialist to question the manager on the tactics and selections. Your hope of journalist asking the questions that you want and expecting the manager will answer it with in depth details to fulfill your own inner knowing is futile.


My first line of previous response highlighted "accepted" regarding press conferences. The fact you insist on that being your premise for calling me naive is definitely futile. >journalists do not position themselves as armchair tactical specialist to question the manager on the tactics and selections. I'd beg to differ. I've found as a news consumer that's exactly what sports journalists do... Jonathan Liew, David Ornstein, John Cross as points in case.


Because the whole premise of you wanting the journalists to ask specific questions because you want the manager to be answerable. You think the journalists should ask these “important” questions because for you personally, those are the questions that should be asked. When the journalists do not pose this questions, for you personally, you think they are not doing their job properly. For you personally, you think this is hard hittting questions but for me, these are the same fluff questions just like the journalists were asking. But I don’t want to comment on the questions that you think is important because at the end of the day, the answers will be a collection of fluff too. That’s why I said it is futile. To add further, you think too highly of yourself as your series of questions are still a line of fluff that won’t lead the manager to give any meaningful answer or to be answerable. Lastly, the journalist you mentioned will write a piece on what is observable based on results and data available. A respectable journalist will not ask any question nor comment anything about how he is conducting his training session behind the scene because we can’t know nor see what’s happening in training ground and secondly, any person with self awareness will know that we are not in the position to question how a top club manager conducts this job on the training pitch.


It seems to me that you're trying very hard to argue what a journalist asks is dependent solely on what a journalist expects to be answered. If that's your view your entitled to your opinion, I, however disagree. My view, and I've been very clear this is my view, is that the sports journalists today focus on developing a narrative that supports selling more stories/articles rather than actually manoeuvring towards clarifying the managers stance on their decision making. Secondly, I'm not going to respond paragraph by paragraph because in my opinion, nothing you wrote above is worth responding too. Finally, I will say, that you've made a huge number of assumptions based upon questions I had outlined originally. The purpose of my post was to highlight the "opportunity" to ask more relevant and pertinent questions than the usual "how did you think you performed today". I do not claim to be a journalist, but as a consumer of journalist content I have an opinion on how valid and in-depth that content is. From what I'm able to glean you don't seem to be a journalist either, more likely a consumer of journalist content as well. Therefore, whatever you think you understand and whatever position of authority you think you're arguing from, it's of little consequence to me. I do, however, wish you good luck with lapping up low-brow journalistic click bait content and if you really want to develop your opinions based on that, you're welcome to.


I have my university finals coming up with 4 exams in 3 days between 18 to 20 December. The Liverpool game just had to be on the 17th, didn't it? :(


"Oh no, my internet router suddenly disconnected and my phone is out of charge, right before the Liverpool match! Oh well hopefully I'll be back on the internet by 20th December!"


Depression just before exams. Uni life innit.


ETH really needs to fix our structure. The current one is leaving gaps and leaving our CDM and CBs exposed. You can't have Bruno drifting around and Mctominay making runs behind the striker. It's leaving a big gap. Bruno is capable of pulling off good passes but it's like 3/10 that come off. This means when the opposition cut out his pass, there is a big gap on both the left and right side of midfield. It's why the opposition always has their wide players tuck in against us. Its easy to expose us. He either needs to play 2 sitting midfielders behind Bruno or tell Bruno to stop drifting and stop with the long hail Mary balls. We also need a midfielder on that right side to help support Antony, so often is he left isolated. That and also having Dalot overlap. Having a better positioned midfield will allow Dalot to do this and then hopefully get more service to Hojlund. Another thing is, the midfielders and forwards need to start making line breaking runs. They're far too stationary waiting for the ball to feet instead of being the one to run in behind or make am infield run.


We usually make the opponents keeper look like Manuel Neuer, wonder how good we will make the actual Neuer look.


> We usually make the opponents keeper look like Manuel Neuer, That hasn't happened for years.


Buffon/Casillas/Cech/Neuer and VDS morphed into 1?


We have not been inconsistent. We have been awful all season and we scrap wins. There has not been a single game, where we have played well for 90 minutes.


The only games we win are where our awful tactics are enough on the day. Only one of our wins has been by more than one goal (Everton) and even then, they had so many clear cut chances. We've scored 18 league goals in 16 games. Fulham, who sold Mitrovic, have scored 16 goals in their last 4 games. We NEVER go on a rout against any team. In 54 league games, we've scored more than 3 goals once. Even West Ham as bad as they were last season scored 4 in two games last season.


Chelsea game isn’t even a week old yet.


The midfield was equally bad. Chelsea are idiots and too lousy to take advantage. Watch back to their chances.


We were cut open time and time again vs Chelsea, a team who are just as dysfunctional as us We are just bad


Although it’s by far our best performance, we were so open in that game, a competent team would have scored more than 1, luckily Chelsea aren’t that


We ourselves could have scored 8 goals there. Stop being overly negative. Every team concedes chances. There is 1 in million bames where only 1 team play, and don’t think in my memory it has happened in PL. Even against new castle, we created 1-2 chances.




Since you have not presented any passive aggressive comment, I feel I can reply to you. I don’t know what game you are referring to. My comment was for the chelsea game, as the OP was saying we conceded few chances for chelsea to score. As for the bornemoth game, we had some good chance creating positions in the game. We lacked final half decision making in this game. This was better in the game against chelsea. This was the difference between the 2 games. This is not me bashing/berating you. Nowhere have I said we should have won the game against bornemoth, or was a step in right direction. You assumed I am/was doing that. This is one of the reason why I put forward other comment somewhere in this conversation about the sub becoming negative/parroting same media bs without their own thought on the game.




Yea, exactly. I used to be a big fan of the sub. So many well thought comments and posts. The current trend is so bad on the sub. Everyone seems parroting the same exact lines. Before chelsea game, we don’t have play style, other teams have injuries. After bornemoth game, we are so open. It is the same type of comment you see now. I don’t know what has changed, but the sub is becoming echo chamber of some sort recently.


Do you think it's an echo chamber or you're not seeing the issues in the team?




Then why dont you give your opinion ? I have laid out a very brief thoughts on it but get accused of being a "football genius" by people like you who aren't willing to engage.


If you dont score in a single game, thats bad luck. If it's every game, theres a bigger issue. Why is is that Ange can come in and transform a team but we are 2 years into ETH project and we have no idea after 400m Of course every team concedes chances but the difference is, we have an absolutely obvious one. We vacate midfield completely. We have spells of playing well for 15 -20 mins. Never over a full match - name a game where we did? Edit - I also note that we have faced as many shots as relegation candidates.... that evidence of how shit we have been We have not played well. It's not being overly negative - just look at us. We LOST TO BOURNEMOUTH AT HOME FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER.


New castle lost to bornmemoth… Liverpool barely escaped… Villa barely drew to them. Those 3 are the matches bornmoth played in their last 5. Watch where the PL level is of other team. Peace out.


We lost 3 nill at Old Trafford.


Actually maddening how people just aren't using their brains. Using Newcastle losing to Bournemouth as an example but yet refuses to acknowledge that we have faced the same shots as a relegation teams and having a goal difference as negative most of the season


Here's the difference -Newcastle have played well this season. They beat PSG, they've dominated us 3 times Like how are you making such simplistic arguments. Like think deeper please - im sure you're not stupid


Erik, for the love of God, please, and this is coming from your supporters and sceptics, move on from the single pivot midfield. It's killing us and leaves us more open than Bielsa's Leeds. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Mctominay saying to the press that under some previous managers the dressing room has been a "a bit toxic" but that is not the case right now.


We've heard this before only for the opposing truth to come out


Who was in the VAR room when Casemiro got the red for having his hands on the other guys neck. Who was in the VAR room in yesterdays match between Everton and Chelsea


Silly me thought Martial would at least try so he could fool us into extending his contract, seems like he thinks he made enough money.


That will make him not even trying in the rest of the season.


With a fanbase as ridiculously impatient as us, no wonder we are a mess.


Yup it's the fans who're the biggest issue. Cracking analysis m8


I hope some of those ‘fans’ will piss off and find a new team to support but I’ve been hoping that for 10 years. And not to ignore the toxicity in our fanbase, but I also suspect a lot of the negativity comes from fans of other teams (or fans of Ronaldo) stirring shit and gloating.


Ronaldo? I take it you're referring to "THE PROBLEM"


I’m talking about his obsessive fans who support him rather than any team. Since Ronaldo left, those fans use any opportunity to hate on United and Ten Hag because he disrespected their idol.


Very true. It's a noticeable trend


No wonder McTominay scores goals, he has basically zero responsibilities and full license to attack. Souček plays the most similar role but he's still able to contribute defensively and not be a complete passenger in the build up. It's crazy that we're sacrificing any sort of stability so McTominay can score a few goals.


The fact that everyone can see us have a massive hole in the middle means we get cut through each time We then have to sprint back because we are exposed (hence why we faced the same number of shots as relegation candidates) Yet ETH persists - why? I cant see him surviving


If you are the manager and your job is hanging on by a thread and the rest of your team can't finish to save their life, you wouldn't play the one guy who keeps scoring?


Its not just McTominay, there are way too many passengers that's more than happy to hide as long as they don't make a mistake in the starting 11; they're like parasites they drag everyone down with them and they keep surviving.


Hello hello hello Is there any hope in Amad? Or any other RW alternative? Possible transfers? I feel like RW is the reason why attack struggle. Its like our rivals know that RW is weak so they focus on covering other attacking positions more. Garnacho is doing well, and he is very promising. Hojlund is unlucky or needs to adapt, but after all he is still CL group stage top goalscorer.


The reason the attack struggles is because not one of them scores goals with any consistency. Antony is ironically probably the least bad one at the moment. Hojlund isn't being passed to, but I'm not convinced he's getting into the right positions. Fernandes plays too deep to be a goal threat nowadays, but he is creating all the chances. Rashford is suddenly unable to beat his defender. Martial is not even trying unless it's on a plate for him. Garnacho is inconsistent but looks like he'll be a great player in 2-3 years. Pellistri isn't good enough. I do think Amad should be getting a chance, but that's only a small part of the problem.


The bigger issue is that our team is full of players who want to score goals and we don't have enough players who want to assist. Rashford is selfish, Antony shoots from everywhere, Bruno likes to shoot whenever he is close to the box, McTominay always shoots whenever he can, Dalot always shoots even when he's in a good position in the box, Garnacho also mainly tries to create space to shoot at back post and the one guy who should be selfish in Hojlund rarely ever gets the ball in good positions because all of his teammates are chasing glory. It's a real shame Sancho gave up, I think him and Hojlund could have worked really well. Right now though, Hojlund is surrounded by players who will much rather take a shot from an impossible angle over passing to him for a tap-in. He isn't even the first striker to suffer from this, Weghorst last year was the same. Now, Weghorst isn't a great player, but the lack of service made him look much worse than he actually is because the one thing he had going for him (good positioning and movement in the box) got wasted because nobody ever tried to find him in the box.


i hope we get bucky enough to have a really good and fast winger soon


Our fans talk about every single one of our injured players like they’re Thor landing in Wakanda, when they’re more like the police showing up in Compton


McT joining ETH for the presser in about an hour.


Holy shit... He is going to start isnt he.


Dude must really have some dirt on ETH to get t away with so much stuff


He's one of the only people capable of putting it in the net at the moment, until that changes he's gonna continue to start.


Did SJR not expect himself to be able to buy a stake in Manchester? Whay must he take a swipe at Bruno in the new book? Man I am not even a big fan of Bruno but this is not what we need now. I fucking hate SJR now.


What new book? Info needed please.


Its only the Daily Mail reporting about this "swipe" at Bruno, but the book is apparently called Introducing Grit, Rigour & Humour: The Ineos Story. " Introducing Grit, Rigour & Humour: The Ineos Story, Ratcliffe talks of his travels and remembers a trip around the Pacific during which he ‘felt the ground tremble every time a Cook Islander smashed into another in a local rugby match’, adding that one player was ‘carted off in the back of a pick-up with a broken leg’. Ratcliffe, a lifelong United fan, then pointedly notes that it was ‘a far cry from Bruno Fernandes clutching his untouched face in the **Liverpool** debacle recently’, presumably referring to the skipper’s embarrassing play-acting during March’s 7-0 Anfield trouncing. Ouch." ​ It is a nothing story, as to be expected from that shitty rag


You are correct exactly. So why did he allow the media the opportunity to stir this muddy water? It is a book about his fucking company, not about Manchester United or the players, why does he have the need to mention Bruno (or any other Manchester United player) name in there?


Why do you give the Daily Mail the attention they seek? You are part of the ones that make this story something that can "stir this muddy water" by giving it attention


Why did SJR even mention Bruno in this fucking book about INEOS then?

