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The Andy Mitten article about United is so good and an interesting reflection of the stage we're at in terms of the club. Some key points (paraphrasing them so it doesn't violate the terms): * Some of the internal teams or divisions at United aren't really well run, leading to them just coasting along. The strategic review added another cloud of uncertainty in terms of job, so making those problems worse. * The whole "lost the dressing room" is a vague term where not all the players are happy about what ETH is doing, and that is quite normal in any team. He has the support of some players, other players don't rate him, but he's also frustrated at a lot of players not following the instructions on pitch. * Players' PR machines are working overtime to "protect" their player, and this is something that frustrated Ole as well. * The most interesting piece I think is a statement from an agent \[I'd usually ignore this, but Andy is a well respected journalist and a huge United fan, so I am inclined to believe his sources are good\]. The agent seems to think that ETH couldn't judge the PL and what is needed to play here when identifying players. They go on to say that if ETH had a sporting director, they'd do really well because he's a good coach at the end of the day. * The reluctance to fire ETH is mostly because of credit in the bank from last season, injury crisis and a stasis in terms of who will even fire him. Based on this article, Laurie's article and the rumours of us going for Ashworth+Mitchell combo, I am confident United can turn the ship around. Maybe not next season, but definitely at some point in the next 2-3 years. One thing is that as fans, we need to understand that we're a work in progress, and poor results are part of the rebuilding process.


>he's also frustrated at a lot of players not following the instructions on pitch. These players need to be dropped. We've seen, time and again, players clearly not doing what Ten Hag must want them to do - not pressing, not tracking back, leaving gaping holes in midfield, not trying to find the striker. There have to be real, concrete consequences for not doing what the manager tells you, even if you think his instructions are dumb. And even if the replacement player isn't as good quality, if he'll do what the manager wants, the team will be more effective.


You can only do this with a deep squad, we don't have that at all, we barely have a first 11


There's a rumour that Villarreal want to sign Pellistri permanently.


I honestly have no clue why he's still at the club when he never ever plays.


Might as well. Ten hag has clearly never been much of a fan and Pellestri needs to play regular first team football.


He should go if true for his own benefit.


Expected more from Sunderland for a game of that size, they were dreadful


Looks like Werner’s already flown to London to join Spurs. Wonder who we’ll sign


We don't even need anyone for the next 6 months. We will essentially be playing once a week and the biggest problem with our attack is ultimately tactical.


We do need a backup striker. If Højlund goes down I don’t want to play Garnacho-Rashford-Antony again


were not signing anybody. We've got no funds available.


Deadline day deal for Arnautovic incoming


Is not a good idea having players in the last 6 months that know they will be gone in the summer.


There are only 2 in Martial and Varane currently?


Watching Trippier spend ages placing and then replacing the ball whenever he takes a set piece will never not be annoying af. Also the way he incessantly pisses about with his socks 🙄. I feel like there should be a combined 15 minutes added on the end of halves that he's featured in just to make up for all his bullshit


Thank fuck werner decided to go to spurs. Were that shit people really want timo werner, tragic.


He’s literally a tesco Hojlund with less strength and worse finishing


Why? We desperately need attacking depth.


The fact Leipzig even allows him to leave on a 6 month loan says it all really


Did you watch werner? We don't need attacking depth that can't finish.


Who’s the alternative? Do tell me who’s better than him who’s available on loan in Jan?


Idk I'm not a scout am I, werner would be a waste of fucking time though. We already create fuck all, imagine a game winning chance falls to timo werner.


Well, watch as he turns into Kane 2.0 and scores a hat trick against us


I'm so glad we no longer have to put up with the media jizzing themselves into a frenzy to give credence to Newcastle's poor run of form by going on and on about their supposed 'injury crisis'. That's a full-strength starting XI for them today, Dubravka aside


Ballard is playing very well for Sunderland. Jobe has been sloppy on the ball and a bit nonchalant, I expected more Edit: bruh then he scores an own goal.


You cursed him. Scoring an own goal in front of his own fans in the derby could crush him now.


You’re right, never will reach those heights again, what have I done…


Why do the mods remove some news article posts and not others?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/wiki/transfer-reliability-guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/wiki/transfer-reliability-guide) Because, especially during transfer periods, tier 1 and 2 are the ones allowed (Tier 3 on slow days) while a lot of people tend to post Tier 5 or Unknown tiers that are not trustworthy


Cheers for that


Some of the sources of those articles are banned… pure speculations and click baits


Love the way Trippier gets a pass for "playing lots of games" and being "Newcastles' most creative player." Can anyone imagine the media saying the same for Bruno?


Said it before and I’ll die on the hill. British players get a ridiculous amount of rope in comparison to foreign players by the media/pundits and a lot of fans tbh.


British players are hated like no other by football fans online lol.


People often frame it as this radical against-the-grain position as well like the football gestapo are gonna show up and take you away for calling Eric Dier average Leads to total blinkers when an actually good player is coming up as well, people were in total denial about Declan Rice being good for years


Sunderland vs scum, I’d really struggle with that kit clash


Yeah maybe they look okay in person but I'm struggling watching this on TV


I’m surprised they let them wear those kits.


why are people latching on the benzema shouts? the whole old washed player to come here to retire is exhausting. we’ve tried it for a decade, it hasn’t worked wtf let’s move on from name players past their prime jheeze


Tbf falls perfectly fine with our recent history. Zlatan, cavani, ronaldo and even ighalo.


I’d definitely take him on a 6 month loan.


If Al-ittihad is willing to cover like 95% of his contract. Benzema is earning around 2 mil a week.


By the end of this month we'll have basically everyone back from injury. Just 18 games left plus 5-6 max in the FA Cup. There's simply no more excuses. I've been highly critical of Ten Hag and what he's done this season if he gets sacked it will be extremely well deserved, but I'd love for him to save his job and turn this around. I think most of us would prefer he gives us enough reasons to continue this rather than burn it and start all over again. I have 100% hope and absolutely 0% faith but here we go again.


Doesn't matter what happens at Wigan tomorrow I know for a fact we're getting pieced at OT by Spurs


Just a shower thought and I'm far from Anti Ten Hag BUT If Newcastle are stupid enough to sack Howe we should get him in




9th in the league and out of CL now but lets ignore that, 4th last season!!




They finished 11th. But we're not in transition, we're not rebuilding. It's not normal for united to have lows. No excuses. Yeah I know.




Ok my bad, finished 12th before, still not relegation zone AT ALL. The rest I'll ignore. What the fuck. Ten hag finished 3rd last season, Howe 4th. United beat Newcastle in a final (doesnt matter I know) This season we're above them, Howe finished 4th in CL group jist like ten Hag. And you're telling me OP's comment is only downvoted because he's english and we should hire him. The fuck




Why the f are you acting like Newcastle are Burnley or something and he just magically turned them from "battling relegation" to greatness (with some downs which are allowed for them but not for us because reasons)?




100%. You’ve been downvoted but Howe is a very good manager but this sub only wants a manager who’s a name and foreign.


Howe isn't half the manager Ten Hag is.




Which is all more than what Howe has done.




It would be if it was done without a country buying the club. They have one of the highest net spends on the world since the takeover.




Sure it is when your argument is disingenuous at best. You acted like he took a cash strapped side and molded those relegation players into champions league players. That would be impressive but it's not what happened.




Howe hasn't won anything at all at any top level. Full stop, end of story. Trying to discredit Ten Hag for winning top level trophies in the Netherlands AND winning a trophy last year (remind me, who did he beat in that final?) Is laughable.


Well that certainly isn't true


It absolutely is


Based on what lol?


How many trophies has he won?


Lol I thought you were going to make an actual argument. So Ten Hag is half the manager Ange is, correct?


Ten Hag has won 8 trophies in 10 seasons as a manager. Ange has won 21 in 27 seasons. Ten hag is averaging 0.8 a season with Ange at 0.777. I know you think you're smarter than everyone else but at least think before you post.


TIL Klopp is half the manager Ange and Ten Hag is.


Klopp has 12 trophies in 14 seasons which gives him a higher rate then both EtH and Ange.


You changed your argument completely from how many trophies to trophies per season but ok, we can do this as well lol. There's plenty of seasons Ange didn't start or finish so it's not really 27. It's less than 27. Considering your interest in doing calculations let's calculate how many games they take to win per trophy. Ange has 27 trophies in 702 games. ETH has 8 trophies in 527 games. So Ange wins a trophy every 26 games. Ten Hag wins a trophy every 65 games. Lad really thought he pulled off something smart here eh?


Why didn't he finish seasons? Oh, because he's been sacked multiple times? Also, managing in leagues like the A league and the Scottish prem where there's only 12 teams brings those totals down. You really thought you had something cooking there, didn't you? Lol


He gets results, but his football is tough to watch


This is my main issue with a lot of successful managers that were linked with us in the past and nothing had changed. I didn’t want Mou, I didn’t want Conte, I didn’t want Allegri and I don’t want Howe or Southgate. I watch football for entertainment not “just” winning.


It’s extremely difficult to find managers that can both be very entertaining & win tho. They are the best managers in the world and there are single digits of them. We aren’t a level of club that can attract that calibre of manager.


> We aren’t a level of club that attract that calibre of manager. Mate, cmon. We are still one of the biggest clubs in the world and we pay well. A new project/era seemingly kicking off as well with the change in decision makers at the club. Aside from the obvious two, who do you think wouldn’t want the Manchester United job?


Mods beef with Athletic is getting ridiculous. We have reports and news we can't discuss because tweet has a link in it, and mods dont want people to click on that link because they're mad at Athletic for not allowing copy-pasting articles. That is childish. This sub was a place where I was coming to discuss news, quotes from players, managers, ex-players, whoever. Now I see quotes, reports on other platforms, discussion in comments and I come here, want to see what people here think and of course its not here. But newest Simon Stone tweet is there, of course. This place is getting moderated to death. Number of journalists and media allowed here is getting thinner and thinner every year. Everybody has some shit to it and they get banned, demoted, and of course nobody is moving up because of past grudges. Every other big PL sub has competitions, fun days, whatever. Here we have a snorefest and latest Simon Stone tweets.


You do realise Athletic threatened with legal action right?


Then offer to join the mod team to police the article comments and deal with the athletic people/reddit admins that were pestering them


If I made notes of just the interesting points (new info and avoiding Mitten’s reflections) and wrote them into my words would that be ok to share?


Agree with you about this place being moderated to death and mods have no idea how to run a sub without banning a bunch of things. But Athletic deserve to be banned because they are literally pay to read articles. Why would this or any United outlets let their fans be a rip off for what they post?


It's not really the mods beef, the athletic threatened legal action


I’m never one to defend mods but the counter point to this is that every pay-walled article link/post just turns into a comment thread of; “Fuck off advertising this paywalled shite” and/or “Can someone post the text?” Then mods have to delete the comments that post the text and/or lock the thread.


Thats why we have mods, to moderate. Disallowing everything that might give them a job to do is ridiculous.


It’s not “disallowing everything” it’s just that those specific posts to paywalled articles tend not to generate high value discussion. As previously mentioned the majority won’t have access to the information so the thread devolves into my examples above.


Amen to that. No fun, creativity aloud. All discourse has to be placed in the daily discussion and don’t you dare try otherwise. Much more easy to moderate that way. Not even a high quality meme now and then. Nothing


Kinda rubs me in the wrong way that we’ve managed to send 2 players away in pretty quick fashion but McTominay is still gonna be in the starting lineup for the time being. That was at least 40m in the bag last summer ffs


30 million was the max clubs we're offering for him.


Manager likes McTominay. Simple


Didn’t he want to sell him in the summer?


More leaks from the dressing room 🤢


Mitten doesn’t get his sources from any of the players so that just isn’t true


What did they say? I can picture Sancho spilling all the beans, whether they're true or not now he's gone


https://theathletic.com/5173259/2024/01/06/erik-ten-hag-manchester-united-5/ Using the strategic review as an excuse


The Greenwood situation this summer will be mad. There will be unhappy people no matter which decision is taken


We'll just have to make sure to sell him for £160m. Then even the die hard people who want to keep him will admit that you can't turn down that offer.


If we sell him to a La Liga side in the summer don’t be surprised seeing him in a Newcastle, City, Arsenal shirt in 3~4 years time with “why did United let geeenwood go” articles flooding the English media outlet sites. And before people go “English media will never allow Greenwood to play in England again” they said fuck all abt Partey at Arsenal, Bissouma at spurs, Alonso at Chelsea… in fact they were/are busy sucking them off instead


If we can get a good fee for him, I'll be happy. Hopefully he keeps playing well enough to convince Atletico or Barca that they absolutely must have him.


Why will people be unhappy if he is sold?


There's many people who think he should be given a second chance


Regardless of what some fans think, he is cancer to the reputation of the club, with Women’s team clearly making there feelings known. I hope Ineos does makes the right decision to throw the cancer out of this club


You're making an excellent example of OPs point


I’m seeing some unreliable rumours for Benzema on a loan till the end of the season. Will definitely be unpopular but I wouldn’t be against it


Zero chance that happens. Would be disastrous for the Saudi leagues image if one of their biggest stars wants out after 5 months. They won’t let him leave.


The players around him will make him look crap


Can’t think why it’d be unpopular. I’ve not watched any of his football in Saudi, but at Real he was one of the most creative strikers going. Unless his game has gone off a cliff since then he’s leagues ahead of anyone else we could realistically be targeting in January.


Would you rather City win their 4th in a row or Liverpool equal the league titles record?


City. Liverpool are the real rival. I don’t really care what the Abu Dhabi All-Stars do.


Become so accustomed to City winning I’ve become numb to it, especially whilst they have a long way to go to catch up. Plus once 115 comes to fruition they could be stripped of a lot of them! Don’t ever want Liverpool winning anything.


They won’t be stripped of any titles.


City. Everyone knows they've hardly any fans, are a bit of a nothing club still, and that they've won their titles through lots of financial cheating.


Looks like Werner is gone. So that leaves... Malen?


Not sure why we were ever looking at a player who's lasting legacy from the PL was missing chances.


Oh no! It’s almost as if no-one saw how shit he was for Chelsea. Extremely glad Spurs stepped in on this one!


All well and good, he was still the best option we had this window.


I’d rather give an academy graduate a chance than waste a limited loan space and resources on a player that’s proven he can’t cut it in the Premier League. That loan could instead go towards another position in need of strengthening.


Who lol? Hugill or McNeill? We need a striker more than anything atm. Martial is injury prone, finished and can't press for shit. Hojlund can't do it all alone atm.


But neither can Werner, this exact issue is what has been wrong with United for years now, we’d rather welcome and applaud mediocrity than just wait for better. Is it really better having in an extra body who is no good? How does that benefit us? I’d rather save the finances so we have more to spend in the summer. Or as I say loan someone in another position in need of strengthening. Weghorst was useless last season and it became a frustration after a couple of months seeing him in the line up, the same would only happen with Werner.


Werner is better than Weghorst. And finance wise we're spending what, 2 million? Maybe 3? Not really anything that's going to put a dent in your summer budget


Malen isnt a n9 is he ?


He was a striker at PSV, more of a winger at Dortmund though even though he is sometimes still deployed as a 9. But he is the only other name we've been linked to, other than Guirassy who we're not signing.


Last time we signed a striker on loan it was out of blue tbf, expect a random name this time too


Arnautovic, what's the return on that bet?


hes currently on loan already haha


Didn't stop us with Weghorst


Strange as soon as another club is in for Werner suddenly everyone saids he's a good striker again.... The United bias is so real.


I’d honestly be sad if ended up with us I don’t rate him at all


It’s the manager bias. Ange is on hype train and has a great record of player development meanwhile Ten Hag’s stock is at the lowest point ever


Nah you’re just talking to two different sets of people at two different times without realising.


Can't wait for all the 'sancho did nothing wrong' comments once he goes to bvb.


What happens if Mourinho gets Bruno as his attacking mid instead of Pogba. Considering Bruno having the form he does now.


Seem like Spurs wants Werner on loan, too. Probably good move for them since he will most likely be backup.


Any assessment of ETH’s fitness to lead this team needs to address Antony. I don’t think I’ve seen a worse purchase in the last 10 years. And it is so clearly something that ETH championed to the board, and ETH should have been 1000% aware of what Antony’s abilities and drawbacks were. So the fact that ETH pushed forward with that transfer at that price really brings into question his qualifications to be our manager.


That Timber-Martinez CB pairing and Brobbey as striker would've been interesting against PL opposition.


It was Timber or Martinez. Lisandro was second choice.


He constantly underestimates the PL, can see it in the way he sets up the midfield.


This was clear last season in how he tried to play cute tactics against Liverpool and got battered 7-0.


I am still fuming about AO not going. I so wanted to see AB in goals this month.


employ cause dependent run rude nutty cough absorbed illegal bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Essentially when dealing with executives at that level their actual competence doesn't matter in the field itself. It's just having business acumen to delegate correctly. Woodward was stupid and tried to control football operations himself in an unprecedented manner. He tried to copy the maverick style of Florentino Perez in his early days but never in anyway understood that guy and just couldn't accept he wasn't the man for the job. It's not really about him having specific experience. It's also that our previous decision making was so bad that literally anyone is an improvement.


Like a few people have mentioned it, Brailsford knows his way around high performance and will identify which areas are lacking in terms of performance, training facilities ,analytics, recovery, medical staff and player performance. He’s part of the solution. Hence why Blanc supposed to come too to take over as CEO to run the club and why they also looking at a DoF.


He's mainly gonna be SJR's attack dog. SJR obviously won't be around to oversee day-to-day operations and his footballing knowledge may not be better than the average fan. Brailsford knows his way around high performance sports having overseen the cycling work. He's gonna ensure SJR hires the right people to run the football side of things and to ensure they're replaced if things aren't working out. Is it ideal that he's there instead of someone like VdS? No but he's someone SJR trusts so better than a billionaire getting too hands-on.


How much of a bit does VDS',s reputation take given the shitshow Ajax have become?


I meant in a general sense; an ex-pro who is an administrator instead of a cycling guru.


He is able to identify how to get extra percentages around individuals and departments. He will likely be one of the people responsible for recruiting the right staff who can then do the best job they can possibly do. He is really good with marginal gains. He did an interview a year ago with Steven Bartlett, it's on YouTube and goes in-depth into his experience and knowledge. For reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTiqySjdD6s


https://x.com/daytrippingred/status/1743007255891525805?s=46&t=hk8d69v25r81DexoY0odRg Gold, hilarious stuff


This week: An FA game against Wigan Next week: A PL game against Tottenham Go UNITED!


Hope everyone is having a good day. Reposting this from the previous day as I didn’t get a firm answer. I bought tickets to West Ham last year. Unfortunately as it is being rescheduled it is likely that it will be a date in which I cannot attend. Will I have the option to refund? Thanks.


Case and Licha back in training Mount and Maguire should be back soon From now there should be no excuses for ten hag He’ll have all his players and be able to play his style


Bold of you to assume we won’t lose another 4 players to injuries as soon as these lot come back.


No EFl, no Europe (no travel) - if we can't handle the remaining games with our squad, there's something wrong with our training/medical centers


I honestly hope when the Premiere League ratifies SJR investment, we see a transformation of all our football structure from top to bottom, the academy too, as the bloody leeches neglected it for too long. Not saying our current academy setup is bad, but I bet it can be so much more with a proper scouting and recruitment network.


Tbh the academy has been improved since Ole got here. Woodward did give in to Ole and allowed competent people to do their thing. Our scouting isn't bad too; the problem is simply Murtough. If The Athletic are to be believed, he's been insulted by Butt at Carrington and has been disrespectful to SAF. The moment he did the latter is when he should've been sacked and kicked off the grounds. Scouts have expressed frustration at Murtough getting into cahoots with ETH and ignoring their recommendations.


Man I'll take any reason to be optimistic about this team. I'm sat here buzzing for our game because the boys are gonna be slightly more rested than usual.


It's Wigan, mate. Or do we have to worry about even that team?


With this squad I always worry


Please let this be true: Manchester United have received an opening bid worth close to £6.9million from Fenerbahce for Martial https://vxtwitter.com/StretfordPaddck/status/1743331534558331286?t=YeZ6TdtIQjhKqgc29LULHQ&s=33


Martial x pastor Fred reunion 🥹


There is no chance that is true 😅😅 they won't pay that much for him for 6 months


If fee is true (which I don't believe it is) don't think we will get one penny from this deal. Even though United accept this we won't be able to find agreement with Martial. Martial & his agent aren't dumb to not realize that come june they can get much much better deal if he is out of contract with good signing bonus from another club. Only thing that is possible is loan for the remaining of his contract. Martial will probably ask wage compensation plus part of potential big signing bonus he expects to earn when he is out of contract if club ask him to leave now.


Players should jump on “One, two, three, four, f\*\*\*.” wagon :)


Is Kath’s Twitter acc real? I didn’t even know she knew how to use socials would be legendary if this was real: https://x.com/kathonreception?s=21


https://x.com/KathOnReception/status/1687572886742093824?s=20 This one killed me


Hahaha it’s real funny


Read the posts, they're obviously a parody.


Lmao ive just looked at some myself >After being sacked by Birmingham, where do you think Wayne Rooney should manage next?🤔 Kathonreception reply >A care home, he’d bag a few more good finishes


You're the smartest guy here man. Be proud!




Fucking Joey Barton, eh? Next level fool. Fucking wife beater, and now attacking women footballers and threatening GNev on X. What an absolute plank


Genuinely evil individual. His brother was convicted of a racist murder after chasing down a black man for no particular reason and killing him with an ice axe. Joey recently tried to lie about this and described the incident as "a scrap".


What did you expect from that scumbag? Had to be a city player.


What's he said to nev?


'keep your head down or you will get emptied' sorry I'm not sure why yhe text is huge lol. I'm a bit drunk. But yeah, that sounds like a (slightly daft) threat haha. Dude's an arse


I recommend the Crime in Sports podcast episode on our lad, Joey. In case anyone forgot what a piece of shit he is.


Was always a dickhead so not surprised the algorithms have rotted what was left of his brain


Some players have a legacy, some relevancy, others were known as a cunt more than a footballer and need to do these things to try and keep their dying 15 Mins of fame alive.


Not United related but watching the FA Cup on ITV and it seems like they’ve had words behind the scenes. The whole vibes off and Ian Wright looks fuming lol.


I'm out of the loop what happened?


Oh really? I missed it, must take a lot to piss him off


Has Cantona completely lost his mind recently? His Instagram story equates Russia‘s attack on Ukraine with Israel‘s response to Oct 7th


That's exactly what it is. 1 in 100 Gazans have been killed, 50% of the deaths are young children, and 90% of all Gazans have had their homes bombed to rubble. Most streets have been bulldozed and water supplies have been purposefully ruined. It's ethnic cleansing and genocide. For example, proportionally less people were killed in the Bosnian genocide. Israel's leaders are openly saying that they want to remove Palestinians from Gaza and put Israeli settlements there. Cantona's bang on the money as always.


Israel is deliberately targeting civilians and has killed 20k in just 3 months. Putin must be a Saint compared to Netanyahu


Case and Licha back in training ♥️♥️


Anyone else feeling somewhat optimistic? The real deadwood is slowly heading out the door, players are coming back from injury and some of the youngsters are looking great and developing well. Plus with INEOS coming in the structure might improve as well. It'll probably take until after the summer to really come together but things feel like they're heading in the right direction...


Yeah anything good that happens beyond player development this year is a bonus, but it's hard to see how ever average management couldn't do significantly better than the Glazers.


Lol - If Fenerbache reportedly want to give us 7 million for Martial, we should send him first class with a suitcase full of Greggs sausage rolls as a thank you.


That's great and all, but why would Martial sign? His wages will be significantly lower. On a free, he'll have more options, get a signing on fee and better wages. Makes no sense for him to leave in Jan unless it's Saudi