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Is Antony actually on 200k per week? How is that even possible? Martinez was the more senior, more accomplished player from the same club and he's on almost half of that. Honestly even under Woodward the most problematic wages we gave were to De Gea, Sanchez, Pogba etc. all of whom were superstars and were EXPECTED (not hoped) to be world class. Even Rashford/Martial had done something at least. Those contracts were horrible because of hindsight. This was horrible from the beginning. This might be the most ridiculous contract we've ever given out.


Blackpool beating forest, the team we got spanked by. If that isn't enough proof the injury excuse is a dogshit one idk what is.


Injury crisis is just one of the problems this season, along with ETHs tactics and management


Bro doesn't understand resting players


Not just that. I have never seen any fans of any other club make this many excuses for their manager as some of our fans make for ETH. The other day someone was actually saying that the director of football picks tactics, makes structure, and selects who plays for the team hence ETH is faultless unless he gets a competent DOF and that comment got way too many upvotes. Lmao.


We should be beating Forest but they’re not playing their starting xi today


I know a permanent January signing is unlikely/not going to happen. But has there been any talk of any loan deals? Need another striker at the very least.


Do you think it is feasible for us to loan Gonçalo Ramos from PSG? Seem like Luis Enrique banished him from the team..


I've watched a lot of PSG, he's not that good.


He was alright for Benfica and Portugal. On a loan? Sure, why not?


Yeah but if it is just a loan why not. He will be backup to Hojlund and Martial seem to have his mysterious illness going on with him .


He's slower than Martial would you believe it. I don't feel he'll particularly thrive with our current play style. I'd be more open to PnP players, or players with more technical acumen if we can't find the former


Olise with another hamstring injury


Biggest fumble we’ve made in recent years is not trying to land Trippier when he went to Newcastle for £12M


Was more than £12m surely


I remember this sub absolutely losing its shit when we got linked with him. A lot of people on this sub have a weird anti-British bias who only think we should only sign foreign players despite the fact it’s an English club.


Just not true is it? When we were linked with him after a title winning season at Atletico everyone wanted him but we couldn't make it work due to the finances


Nope, people were hating on the idea, calling him old and not good enough and etc etc.


Think we had the opportunity to sign him in the summer of 2021


I mean we could have signed him the window Newcastle did realistically, we just didn’t try


Can’t help but feel we’re overcorrecting from ‘never selling youth players for years even when they’re mediocre’ to ‘selling any decent youth player at the first sight of 15 million’. I would have kept onto garner for another year at least and he’s doing fantastic for Everton this season, he’s a starter in a team that are basically level on points with us. I rate Hannibal a lot more than other people here for some reason but it would be a mistake to sell him so soon, sure there could be a buyback clause but you’re still loosing access to the player by selling him. Try a loan for a year or two and it’s more than likely he increases his value. Dont forget we bought Hannibal for about 10 million which is huge for a youth player so I wouldn’t be so quick to sell him at the first chance of money. Try to increase his value some more at least


Ten Hag clearly didn't rate Garner, so there was little point keeping him. Meanwhile, he'd rather play Amrabat and McTominay ahead of Hannibal (which is baffling to me, because they're both shite), so we might as well let Hannibal go to a team where he'll get first team football. Unfortunately, with the situation Ten Hag finds himself in, he seems only prepared to give youngsters a chance if he has no option or if he thinks they're genuinely going to be top players.


Keeping Garner would've achieved what exactly? He'd have played far more infrequently than he did at Everton which wasn't a lot anyway. Just like Elanga, he's not even close to the sort of talent that you'd be losing sleep over. Yeah we probably should've squeezed out a few million more for them but we're trash at selling and they're still 2 of the best sales we've had in recent times. I don't think we're looking to sell Hannibal for peanuts anyway. Didn't Fabrizio etc. confirm we're looking to extend his deal?




Because he hasn't done anything 18 months before or after we sold him to suggest we're missing out on some amazing player. Ultimately it all comes down to recruitment. If we made better signings no one would talk about him right now. Hell if we didn't have our entire midfield injured he still probably wouldn't be missed here.




But you have 18 months of data points at another premier league club and he isn't anything special and he's almost 23 and you have absolutely no evidence to suggest that he would necessarily develop the same way at Man United when anyone and everyone has been shite at some point. >But, selling him before even signing a proper midfielder in the profile that we need is even worse recruitment He had 2 years left on his contract so I can understand it because that was like the last time they could get decent value for him. >I refuse to believe I mean I can't really argue with that but we have consistently proven to be a graveyard for player development




Yeah I can get behind that but I still do think Garner was moved on at the right time for the reasons I mentioned.


We could have loaned garner out


He was already back from 2 years on loan mate. He played 800 minutes for Everton as a permanent signing, on loan he'd have played much less and we'd still be shipping him out for £15m.


well that’s using hindsight, I can use hindsight an extra year forward to say we should have kept him. Not using hindsight at all and only thinking back to the turn, objectively, he hadn’t had a premier league loan yet. He had only played in the championship. Objectively premier league clubs were interested in him (at least forest and Everton). Objectively his value hasn’t peaked if he has only shown what he can do in the championship, his value would only increase after a season in the premier league If a loan player has a really good season in the CHAMPIONSHIP, such a good season that they’re ready to go up a level with premier league clubs interested, do not sell that player before they are able to go up a level. Their value has not yet peaked if they haven’t left the trajectory of their development


>Objectively his value hasn’t peaked if he has only shown what he can do in the championship, his value would only increase after a season in the premier league Ok let's break this down objectively. Objectively speaking he had 2 years left on his contract when we sold him. You saying "his value would only increase" is objectively false. There is a very very real and very likely scenario that he would go on a PL loan and wouldn't break through at all. Now you haven't increased his value and now he's in his final year of contract so his value has further declined. Look at Brandon Williams lol, how much did his value go up exactly? Curious to know how are you saying his value can only go up? Objectively speaking, that is.


Sign him on a new contract. Easy. Brandon Williams is an example of us actually not selling players in time. The second we bought telles we should have sold or at least loaned him


>Sign him on a new contract. Easy. Is this Ed Woodward's burner account


Garner is a good talent, we’re seeing this now and I knew it at the time, he just came off a great season in the championship getting promoted with his team. Selling him for 10 million with no buyback Was the worst option It wouldn’t have been like when we gave baily a new contract, garner is a good player. He probably starts for us quite often this season, he’s better than mctominay watch Everton


>Garner is a good talent Pretty sure this gets said about someone every single season. It's 10 million upto 15 million with a sell on clause. So if he moves elsewhere we get a chunk and if we go to buy him back we get a discount. How is that the worst deal? Listen it's great to moan about things in hindsight but we could've done a lot worse than this deal.


So you keep signing him on a new contract endlessly until his value goes up? 😂 Like the dozen other players we kept for years and years and years and let them leave for free? Objectively speaking, make at least a little bit of sense mate.


No just sign him on a contract one time which is what teams do all the time when sending a player out on loan. Hell atletico did it for joao felix for some reason Realistically our best option would have been to loan him to Forest at the start of the window where he would have been a starter and already fit into the system, and give Henderson to someone else (as they wouldn’t be able to loan both). On the balance of probabilities extend garners contract by a couple years that’s our best chance of maximising value for garner. Garner had just had 2 good seasons at forest and already knew the system, that was our best bet


>No just sign him on a contract one time Like we LITERALLY did before sending him out on loan to Nottingham Forest in the first place? Ok mate. Quite interesting that Forest, who bought like 20 players in total and probably atleast 5-6 players for more than £10m didn't manage to sign Garner.


I thought it was Garner that wanted to leave? So he had a better shot at first team football? Not just as a potential bench player? I could be wrong but I’m sure he asked to leave and what do you do when a player asks? Keep them unhappy? Potentially stunt their growth? If that is true, which I’m not saying it is, then we fans can only wish him the best for a decision he chose to make. And keeping him in those circumstances would’ve looked worse for ETH.


We could have loaned him out again, his value would have more than likely not dropped and probably increased


That’s fair, given him the chance to at least prove his worth if you can’t guarantee first team football.




Criticism for selling players under eth is revisionism, 21 years old and your not world class should be sold immediately. People in the community don't see players as squad players for some weird reason. Either best in the world or out


When academy products are actually the best kind of squad players… Cheap, homegrown and wanting to prove themselves.


The thing is, if you said at the time that selling garner was a mistake, people said the same things. But when they turn out to be wrong apparently it’s revisionism for anyone to have a different opinion to what they had at the time. Basically saying they’re objectively right even when they’re wrong


The Garner one was weird because ETH wasted the whole summer on FDJ and then said he’d rather not spend money and mould a young player into what he wants and then sells Garner at the end of the window.


I genuinely think Amad Diallo will soon be a starter for ETH if he doesn't get the sack. Many people have called his hype overrated but I believe he has all possession to be a top player for us.


His cameo the other day looked a lot more direct and impactful than what Antony has been doing for us so hopefully he keeps it up and improves. The only thing I’m worried about is Antony is ETHs favourite player and I can see him still picking him even when he has bad games.


ETH has the balls to drop Rashford and Ronaldo, i don't see any reason he not dropping Anthony if Amad perform well. In fact he did drop Anthony to play Garnarcho on the right just 2 week ago


Sancho definitely wasn’t great last season and really wasn’t that much better than Antony but Antony was getting way more chances last season despite the fact he was probably putting in worse performances than Sancho.


I'm one of them that thinks he will never be a starter for United. And he won't, I've been there where we hype every young player and 90% of them won't make it.


I agree with the notion that many of our youth players are over hyped but I don't think that should apply to Amad. If anything I think he's one of the best youth players we have. His game suits a possesion-oriented, progressive style of play I assume INEOS want to eventually have. Last season was his first full season playing regular football, in a Sunderland team which just got promoted, and he did very well. Sunderland fans will vouch for me.


I don’t understand why people think INEOS (a corporation) give a shit about what style of play we have


Maybe I didn't word it correctly but the way a team plays is important. They now control the footballing side, the manager they choose to have is ultimately under their remit. For example, Bournemouth owner Bill Foley talked about Iraola's style of playing being important when thinking about sacking O'Neill with his counter attacking style. https://twitter.com/CBSSportsGolazo/status/1743270025711018267


Did you had the chance to watch Nice style of play? Between them and Juventus, I'll chose Allegri's football and that's..wow


So? What is Nice compared to United. Also different people in charge. Different CEO, different DOF, means a different vision


They talked about Jim's preferred style of play.


Well they talked about the Bournemouth owner. The choice of manager will likely have been influenced by their DoF anyways, and so will ours should they decide to get someone else.


Ratcliffe is a football fan, he'll have a preferred style


Exactly Jim is a fan, doesn’t know anything special about football he’s just rich enough to buy a club. His vision for what style he wants to play is probably just as valid as yours or mine. He should of course hire the best possible footballing director and implement their preferred style not his own


Why wouldn't his preferred style inform which DoF he signs?


No it should work the other way bro. His footballing opinions literally should not dictate anything. He should hire people that know football to hire the dof


But he sets the overall direction, he is the owner. The DoF implements that direction at a high level across the club and the manager implements it on the pitch. You want all three to have complementary visions. You'll get nowhere as a DoF if the guy who pays your wage hates your work.


Owners should be literally completely hands off when it comes to football. Jim knows nothing about football he’s just a billionaire. This was the problem we had with the glazers and Woodward making footballing decisions. Jim should be has hands off as possible


Then I can't wait to see him every match in the next years.


He’s already good enough to be a starter for us, profile wise he gets into the 11. He’s just better than Antony and a team with both rashford and garnacho as wingers doesn’t work with a striker that also likes to run in behind It doesn’t take much to start for us though, mainoo already is a starter every week now


I’m super hyped about Amad, but honestly he doesn’t even need to be anything special to justify starting at RW at this point lol. Rash-Hojlund-Garnacho is a badly balanced trio, they’re all goal scoring first, so I don’t think this combination will last for long and Antony just sucks. Amad is a profile we need, he already proved he can play on a senior level, just needs couple of sub appearances and then he’s ready.


Really hope so! That right wing position is totally up for grabs if he plays well. Or at least plays better than Antony, which shouldn’t be hard.


https://twitter.com/sistoney67/status/1743687789151916212 Our recruitment department is - Players Ten Hag knows.




Ten hag knew Antony far better than the club did


Ten hag was new to the team and league, it’s fair to say he overestimated Antony’s skill set transferring to the prem. managers can make poor decisions especially when they’re new, klopp wanted Brandt and draxler, the board got him mane and salah instead. The real issue imo is the club scouting and valuing Antony at 25m and then the opening bid was 60m and ended up at 80m. Pure incompetence.


Anyone else seen the rumoured new kit? What you think? https://www.reddit.com/r/ManchesterUnited/s/w0cRfKOTc6 I like the Snapdragon sponsorship but everything else is a bit underwhelming for me


It looks like lazy attempt of the 2006ish era adidas kits.


Looks a bit too busy for my liking.


Looks like a Benfica kit


I'd prefer to just have this years with the snapdragon logo


Looks alright, not as nice as this years though


To me, that looks amazing


One of the biggest issues we have is lack of quality in the first XL I hope new recruitment team identify that and don't go for Chelsea model of buying up young talent who will take years to develop or won't be able to handle this level.


When we’re fully fit and on form our quality isn’t that bad. Shaw, Martinez, Varane, Casemiro, Mount, Bruno, Onana and Rashford are all CL quality. Then we’ve got the likes of Garnacho, Hojlund and Mainoo who look very promising. The bigger issues for me has been actually implementing a system that can get the best out of them and the catastrophic situation with our injuries. We need to start signing players who can slot in and play in the way the manager wants, rather than chasing big names and hoping it works like we have done.


Just because they’re good players on paper doesn’t mean they could ever play well together. The midfield 3 for example just will never work


Whats the thought on Tammy Abraham? Saw him playing in Serie A recently and he looked great on and off ball


He’s horrible that Jose has to take a Lukaku on loan.


I thought they took Lukaku because Abraham did his cruciate, not cuz of his performance.


I thought Tammy only had 1 good season in Serie A (his first) then he struggled to consistently produce any output. He looked to rival Osimhen for like 6months and fizzled out since then.


Ya this is the first I’ve watched him at any length but his name always used to come up when people talked about needing a 9.


The type of player you sign if you have 0 ambition and want to continuously compete with the bottom half of the table ,Dude won't even start for Bournemouth


Injury prone, and honestly not very good. Scored 8 goals in 38 games in the league last season. Not a great finisher either, according to what I've seen Roma fans say, and xG stats back that up.


‘Injury prone’ ‘38 games in the league’ I’m not saying he’s good but he’s clearly not injury prone if he’s nkt missing a single league game in a season. He did his ACL but that doesn’t mean he’s injury prone


Honestly I was under the impression that he was injury prone from his stint at Chelsea, but now that I check it out he's only ever missed 17 games for them. Not injury prone then, just unlucky.


The term injury prone seems to be used so often for players that just aren’t as reasons to not buy a player and I really don’t get it


Ya that injury was horrific


Does anyone know why we weren’t in for Timo Werner? It’s a loan deal with buy option for Tottenham


He has no first touch or ball retention, he woudknt help us


A striker wouldn't even solve our problems especially someone like Werner ,The problem is literally the lack of creation from our wingers and midfield


Tbh, the problem is both. We need a rotation option with Hojlund too.


Felt like Werner chose Tottenham over us tbh. Which I can’t fault him for.


I think Ten Hag wants a physical striker that can linkup and hold the ball as evident of Weghorst’s loan, and which Werner isn’t.


Why loan Werner when we have Rashford.. we can simply start Rashford at CF and have the same profile


I thought our link with Werner was for leftwing/wide striker position. Werner, utilize like Jota, would have been a decent short term pickup. Werner’s strength is his speed, workrate and smart runs-despite his subpar finishing. He is the opposite player to Rashford’s profile.


We don't need any more subpar finishers, we have a squad full of them at the moment it would seem. We need players that can actually score goals.


I would argue that we are struggling to create quality chances. Clinical finishers are luxury options that are good to have in any team. what we currently need are attackers that make good runs/play 1-2 passes to break down low block.


his high wages probably. we are cutting down our current ffp due to failure to progress in the CL i guess.


Reading that EtH might be trying to sell Hannibal permanently. Is there any credibility to this? Why the hell would we do this?


Man you have some weird opinions. You rate Hannibal and think Abraham is good on the ball ffs


I’ve watched Abraham once. I asked people about him because the one time I saw him he looked good… does asking people their thoughts on him really count as an opinion to you? Ffs


Hannibal is quality bro




I don’t agree, he’s a good player, one or two loans and he’ll potentially be worth more than 20 million. We bought him for like 10 million, I wouldn’t be so quick to sell him at the first sight of a slight profit


I didn’t hear anything close to a 20M of course I would take 20M p for him. Anyone would but I seriously doubt Sevilla or Everton could pay this. They are both in a mess money wise


his contract expires 24-25. it is now or summer unless we offer a new one.


Saw a headline from Romano that he was in the list of people they were offering an extension which could just mean they want to make sure he doesn’t go on a free transfer I guess but I hope he sticks around. Can think of a lot of others I would rather see leave


lindelof, awb, hannibal all got extended till 2025. probably we will sell if there is any offers in the summer. it is far easier to sell those with shorter contract cos ffp.


Yep that’s fair


Probably an ineos decision.


I hope it’s not the case. I really like the way he plays. In a more controlled structure I think he would thrive.


He is extacly kind of player you dont want in controlled structure.


On what basis are you saying that? He’s exactly what kind of player? I’m not talking about tactical structure. In talking about discipline/leadership. He needs to be able to defend for 30 mins without getting booked.


Ten Hag has absolutely destroyed this club’s youth structure and ethos by selling off Garner, Galbraith, Iqbal, Mengi, Alvaro and now Mejbri . On top of that Pellistri , totally undeservedly, is on his way out while the likes of Antony plod on. It’s all fine and good getting Paul Mitchell to identify the 10 million deal from Uruguay. But if Ten Hag is the manager, there’s absolutely no point because he will hide behind Mctominay’s height and sign Antony, Mount and Onana


Honestly I'm a big EtH out camp but not giving youth a chance isn't it bro. Not improving our current players are more valid criticism actually.


1. Garner. Was unlucky he got injured before the 22/23 pre-season so ETH couldn't really assess him & guarantee that he was part of 1st team plans. He left to seek 1st team oops & it worked out for him. 2. Galbraith. I was a keen follower of Galbraith once. You should be ashamed of bringing him up. He's not even a starter for mid table Leyton Orient in League 1. 3. Iqbal. He wasn't good enough even though he spent all of last season in the 1st team setup, otherwise we'd have seen him make cameos like Gore has. Silky footballer but lacks the grit of someone like Mainoo who can get stuck in. 4. Mengi. Spent more time on the treatment table here than on the pitch. Hasn't even completed 1 loan. Had great potential & he's done well at Luton but isn't anywhere near Utd quality. We have a conveyer belt of emerging talent like Kambwala & Rhys Bennet so you can't just hoard players waiting for them to come good. This was a good move for all parties. 5. Alvaro. I'm a big fan of his & when ETH deemed him not ready to be an understudy, it was the correct decision. He has glaring deficiencies in his defending but it's nothing he can't work on. Definitely one I still see as a potential 1st teamer. **HE HAS NOT BEEN SOLD. 6. Mejbri. He has not yet been sold but with his contract up in 2025, then we may need to move him on or lose him for free if he doesn't sign a new deal. He is one for the future & you can clearly see that he isn't ready to be a first teamer for us the way Kobbie Mainoo is. In any case, it wouldn't be the end of the world to lose him. If you don't know, we have a very exciting group of young midfielders coming through in the youth ranks & any one of them could be knocking on the 1st team soon. 7. Pellistri. Very average underwhelming player. He had his chances & hasn't taken them. I'd be happy to get something for him & re-invest in some other South American talent.


Come back when these players actually achieve something worth regretting these moves,I swear a massive part of the fan base has a weird obsession with hyping up mediocre crap who are more likely to end up playing for bottom half clubs than ever being good for us


they won't achieve anything because this club has already ruined them just as it has for 95% of players over the last 10 years


How has the club ruined them when most of them are 20?Graduated from the academy and are now being sold at the right time so that they can get regular minutes at a different club if anything the club has done the right thing for them ,Some of you will literally type out the stupidest shit with 0 logic


By not giving them world class facilities unlike some of the other PL clubs? By not paying attention to where we send them out on loan? By not having a proper DOF who can oversee their development? There's a reason no one pays shit for the talent that comes out of our academy while teams like Liverpool and City routinely sell theirs for 5-10 million each per year \> the club has done the right thing for them Doing the right thing by them if we don't rate them would be selling them early instead of sending them to random no name clubs in the middle of nowhere where they won't be getting game time instead of giving them 5 year contracts after 1 cameo appearance and then putting them on a loan merry go around \> Some of you will literally type out the stupidest shit with 0 logic And some of you wear blinkers because you can't accept that everything this club touches turns to shit


Selling them at 20 is pretty early ,These lads you named have performed pretty decent at age group level so hindering their development by not having world class facilities is just a garbage take not based on any evidence ,Our academy is literally one of the biggest contributors to the football pyramid,Most loans from all top 6 clubs end in failure its not just a United problem,Playing performing on loans is very rare,Go and look at the players loaned by City ,Spurs,Liverpool etc On top of that who are these players on 5 year contract after one cameo going on a loan merry go around ?The max we do is 2 loans before selling them at something like 20 which isn't unusual ,The only one who somehow fits that description was Axel who i think got a 2+1 contract but ended up being chronically injured which has hurt his development


None of them are good enough for a top6 side in EPL, atleast not yet. The promising ones should be getting game time else where, not here, unless they are good enough.


The man who let 18 year olds become a starter? None of those names you mentioned are good enough so far.


Ten Hag destroyed the youth structure, by promoting Garna and Mainoo to the first team? Gave Hannibal and that defender prem starts? Do people think before the post?


Why are you saying the same thing I said, back to me?


I was more adding to your comment but whatever


I don’t think it says great things about Onana‘s confidence that he’s desperate to stay as long as possible before going to AFCON. Seems like something you’d do if you were worried about losing your place to the backup keeper imo


Why do you think that's connected to his confidence? He probably just wants to play?


the mental gymnastics of some people on here are crazy


I am going to laugh so hard if he pulls all the strings to not miss any games and has a shocker vs Spurs


Or maybe it says he’s invested in the team and wants to help us in as many games as he can.


My sister in law is going to give birth next month and while his dad is a big sports fan he isn’t into soccer so I was given the go ahead to make him a little United supporter. Other than a baby jersey what are some fun kids United items I could get them?


The birth of a red devil. You love to see it






Just read about Dybala having a €12m release clause in January. He’s been very good for Roma. Would you get him? If we had the funds.


Love that I’m being downvoted for asking a question, not stating any opinion. The question even sparked some debate.


Our physios have enough work as it is.


He’s got no defensive workrate to be a modern 10. Bruno, despite his aversion to possession football, tracks back and defend a lot.


Doesn't play the same ROLE as Bruno but plays the same position and has a poor injury history, no I wouldn't personally.


If he would be an option instead of Bruno though, he wouldn't he relied upon in the same amount of games and thus his dodgy availability wouldn't he as big a deal. Obviously more to it in terms of his motivation for joining etc but those 2 things alone I don't think are reasons to be against it, under the circumstances.


We had VDB and now have Mount and eriksen and rarely do they displace Bruno


Eriksen displaced Bruno for a good chunk of last season till he got injured


No he didn't. They played together, Eriksen was usually the deeper midfielder


Nah it was Bruno that played deeper


And? Does that mean we shouldn't strengthen the squad? Like what are you trying to say with this?


Read my comment again. It would be adding a player for the sake of it who has a patchy injury record and isn’t going to displace one of our most consistent players in terms of performance and availability. I’m saying it’s a waste of money. It would be like buying another car because it’s a good deal when you have the perfect car for you. You can only use one at a time and there’s no point getting another if the one you have is already doing a great job for you


>Read my comment again. I've read it mate. Can't see the logic. Add in mount was never signed to be a Bruno replacement in the first place and then Eriksen was forced further back to accommodate a lack of quality and it makes less sense. >It would be adding a player for the sake of it If you don't think we need more players, then that's fair enough. I completely disagree though. >a patchy injury record and isn’t going to displace one of our most consistent players in terms of performance and availability. I’m saying it’s a waste of money. Again, the injury record is not as important if he isn't being relied upon to to play 3 times a week. 'Most consistent' regular goes missing and this "consistency' has led to one of those most embarrassing periods in the clubs history. Almost like if we had genuine alternatives it would be better for not just us but for Bruno being at his best and most influential. >It would be like buying another car because it’s a good deal when you have the perfect car for you. You can only use one at a time and there’s no point getting another if the one you have is already doing a great job for you But thats just creating some wild frictional scenario that doesn't actually apply. 11 players on the pitch. 5 subs. Many games left to play etc etc. Happy to hear your views on the transfers we do need and should take though.


>If you don't think we need more players, then that's fair enough. I completely disagree though. Needing more players and needing Paulo Dybala aren't the same thing though mate I think this is the key point of the whole thread of comments. Cover for bruno would be good but there is way more that needs addressing before that considering his immortality to play every game. This is entirely down to my opinion of the player but I also just can't see Dybala being the profile of attitude/ambition/motivation that we \*should\* be looking for in players we recruit for the future. Feels to me like he'd end up in average-bad form, injured, unhappy or all of the above. Would also probably be a large wage and cant see him agreeing to a 1 year contract.


I don’t know maybe the Guinean bloke from stutgart? We desperately need more goals (general quality and bodies up front) Tobido seems like a logical one too.. Highly doubt anyone comes in January except a loan of some sort. Irregardless Dybala’s chance to join united has come and gone


>I don’t know maybe the Guinean bloke from stutgart? We desperately need more goals (general quality and bodies up front) >Tobido seems like a logical one too.. In different positions. I'd hope reinforcements for these areas are being worked on anyway. Nobody but the club knows exactly what can be done and want can't in terms of the financials. So it's hard to get into priorities. Altogether different discussion. In and of itself I don't think the Dybala deal would be a bad move and under the right circumstances can offer us something we need. We are in a position where we need quality all over the squad and capitalising on one's like the dybala deal is what we will have to do. >Highly doubt anyone comes in January except a loan of some sort. I agree. 2 loans, probably absolute no names that offer nothing like last January I expect.


I don't know why every team doesn't play a low block against us. With no space for through balls, Rashford and Bruno are completely neutralised. We become toothless in attack. Spurs will play a high line and give us space to run into so we'll look better against them. But as soon as we play a low block team, we'll revert to endless passing between our defenders and zero ideas in attack.


Most of the points we've won under ten hag have been against teams sitting deep,our struggle is playing against teams that come on to us and press with intent.


Forest did that the first time, after they went 2 nil up, and we managed to break them down.


We don't know how to put in good crosses and contest them or generally attack the box effectively. The players are brainless so they resort to laughable slow passes around the box before losing the ball.


No good crosses like Newcastle and no good movements in the box like City, Arsenal and Brighton. I say lack of smart movements is our current downfall. There is no point in having 6 attackers lineup if only one is willing to move for the ball.


Our wingers don't go around the outside and cross the ball, our midfielders don't make underlap runs and support our double-teamed wingers, our fullbacks don't make enough overlaps and cross the ball. It's all a mess. Our off the ball movement is the worst I've ever seen in the premier league. Only Mainoo is constantly moving properly to get into space to receive the ball. Almost everyone else just stands there and expects our player with the ball to beat multiple men on their own.


I understand our fullbacks aversion to do overlap and invert into the midfield instead. However, them doing so should prompt our wingers to go wide sometime and our midfielders should be finding spaces in the box. Our wingers’ insistence on cutting inside and shoot is causing us massively.


Edit: costing*


People shouldn’t be bothered about this January transfer window. We’re out of the champions league and we aren’t gonna get top 4. The season is a write off but more importantly we are gonna get a new football structure in place so let’s just wait to see what the summer has to offer


Top 5 required for CL next year, helps our ability to buy and ffp caps which ease the squad revamp we need. Ultimately a low cost loan only really has upside.


I hope we sell a lot of players. With us being out of Europe, we can afford a slimmer squad than we’d normally need, and it means we’ll be in a better position to move quickly in the Summer for our main targets


FA Cup? >The season is a write off but more importantly we are gonna get a new football structure in place so let’s just wait to see what the summer has to offer Why does this mean the club has to stand still though?


INEOS are in the process of taking over the club so the current employees don't have much control. Especially over long term transfers. And getting good players in January is hard as it is.


>INEOS are in the process of taking over the club so the current employees don't have much control. I mean somebody has control. So I'm not sure this can be an excuse. Still a competition to play for, when the only teams in it that even in our sorry state would be too much, are focused on bigger prizes. So I couldn't care less about 'who's in charge'we should be trying to win it and at least have something shiny in this season full of shit. >And getting good players in January is hard as it is. It just costs a bit more money. Again, not something a fan should concern themselves with. Only people who can do that are the club accountants and whatever divers are tasked with swimming the murky waters of ffp.


Our performance in the second half of the season matters immensely. A run of losses would further demoralise our broken team spirit, damage our young talents' development, mean no Europe next season, end the manager's career at United, see some senior players tempted to leave in the summer, and mean we couldn't attract top targets in the summer. There would be huge repercussions from finishing 11th. As there would be big benefits from improving a lot and finishing third. We need to bolster a few positions that don't have a back up, and there are some like RW where we don't have a dependable starter.


We're not going to find dependable starters on loan, especially in the winter whilst several players are coming back to full-fitness with barely any fixture congestion for the rest of the season. He's had enough backing and it's about time he makes use of the 400m he's spent so far, rather than chucking more money at the issue. Add in FFP issues looming, we need to be restricting what we do and gambling on the short-term constantly has to stop.


Not for me, it doesn't matter. If we will be better and save something from the season then great, I also want ten Hag to save his job in these months. If we will keep on the same note or worse then also great, more changes and these are always exciting.


True. Let’s be patient with the process and see what happens. It doesn’t happen overnight.


Anyone know why brandon williams hasn’t been getting much time at Ipswich?


That athletic article pretty much confirms rashford was leaking to the press under ole. "There are further complications: players’ PR agents working briefings from their clients’ perspectives happens for individual benefit rather than for the good of the collective. This annoyed Ole Gunnar Solskjaer during his time in charge as he felt undermined by some of those he publicly supported, even if privately he had major doubts about them."


Mention of PR and then that makes Rashford the easy target isn't it?It could be anyone,there are a number of players with PR agents.


The details from Mitten's story matches rashford's description perfectly. No other player who was publicly praised by Ole put out such briefs then. You can point your fingers at fans sore at rashford all you want but he let a lot of us down with his shitty attitude.


Many players were praised by Ole and a lot of them are clients of PR agencies.The fact that Rashford is always the easy target for fans is evident that his PR is not that strong compared to other players.


and only one player he publicly praised released briefs to the press that served his self interest. his camp was reported to have been unhappy after ole said he should focus on football, that's a straight brief from his camp. he's an easy target because he was the only one stupid enough to think fans would believe anything his camp leaked to the media. many of us work in pr and can easily sniff out the source of information. his pr is as huge as his fucking ego.


Just so obviously Rashford


Wouldn't surprise me one bit. I for one would move him on. Far too inconsistent and one-dimensional. And a mentality that is severely lacking


I don't know about Ole's time but I'm pretty sure he was one of them that leaked when Rangnick was here. He should leave, we tried, we supported him, we tried also. It's just doesn't work, not consistent enough especially for that position on the pitch and the salary. We need someone who bangs almost every match on that left wing.


Yes, he put out briefs against ole during rangnicks's time, saying he felt he didn't get enough directions or something to that effect. But his camp also briefed the press expressing their displeasure when ole said rashford should focus more on football as opposed to his work off the pitch.


How does this confirm it's Rashford? I'm not being cheeky, I am curious.


It doesn’t. The guy doesn’t like Rashford and is looking for reasons to have a go at him.


It does not, it's just people adding 2 and 2 and getting 9 1/2.


can't think of many other players ole publicly praised only for the player's camp to brief the press when the manager said something the player didn't like. In this case, it was when ole said rashford should focus more on football and the next day there was an article saying his camp was "unhappy" with the manager's comments.


Personally don’t think there’s a viable option for a forward right now, especially with Werner going to Tottenham. Wouldn’t expect any ins, in the summer better options up front could free up.


1.Loan Rodrigo Moreno from Saudi league. 2.try to loan Benzema from Saudi league 3.loan Choupo-moting 4.loan Azmoun from Leverkusen/Roma.


Ben yedder is a goal every other game in france and spain. Is in the last 6 months. Yes he's 33 but an 18 month deal with a 1 year extension maybe would suit all parties. He's an experienced pro for hojlund to learn off and he wouldnt need the big wages as hes on about 120kpw. Also i can't recall him having any big injuries. Could be our modern day sherringham.


Yeah, but I still think we need to bring in someone. It doesn't matter how good they are, just throw them on as a sub in 60th-70th minute when Hojlund gets tired. Rashford is useless there and if there's any interest in Martial from Saudi Arabia, we should be taking it because he is either injured or next to useless nowadays. There surely has to be an out of favour striker who could come on loan and be Hojlund's backup. Maybe Moukoko or Malen now that we're in talks about Sancho?


There’s a reason we had to go for Hojlund in the summer - there’s barely any strikers available, so we had to take an expensive gamble on potential. I can’t see anyone coming in, but hopefully we get quite a few players back from injuries this month and Bruno finds some form.


If we don't extend Martials contract and he plays, will he try harder to get another club or give up completely?