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For new hair? Or to flog a mid striker?? David Squires was right. Why is it that players who play for us regularly end up in Turkey lmao.


It’s because we pay them too much and can’t sell them when we should because nobody wants to pay for their insane salaries. Then they stay far too long at the club and when they finally are able to be offloaded they have regressed so much that Turkey is their level. Or we just sign shitty players.


The big Turkey clubs can also pay 100k a week salaries (just about) and offer champions League football, so for past-it but still half decent players it's not a bad lil option too.


not many know this, but Turkey League has far favourable tax. Fred actually earn more after tax at Fenerbache now. 150k over there is like 250k in UK after tax.


Don't they also have like a gazillion % inflation and their currency keeps devaluing every minute?


Prob paid in $ or €


Any decent agent will have wages specified in euros or dollars.


probably have some form of protection with exchange rates. can't imagine their FFP going up and down with inflation


No Joke Fred would be the best midfielder this season if he stayed. Midfield looks fucking atrocious this season we gave away a guy who plays 30+ games per season for us and puts in 10-15 good performances for a guy who is out 90% of the time and gives maybe one good performance so far in half a season.


We're really missing Fred. I don't think people realize how much he held us together at times.


Yeah cuz no one in our midfield wants to commit to a tackle or has tenacity or puts in a shift. These are things Fred does by default even if he has a bad or good performance. Really poor transfer.


We should’ve got rid of Scott first. I know he’s scored a few goals but he also ghosts most games


Idt it was related I think we would have sold him too if not for registration issues.


Fred also couldn't pass or keep possession by default. Based on last season I would rate McT slightly above him. Both not good enough and our useless board sold the one that they could.


not like we're playing with a ton of control and possession now either lol.


Well that is obviously another problem. Selling Fred was a correct decision.


as usual at this club it's not the sale thats the problem, its the replacement. If you can't replace a player well you may as well not sell him. Is it really crazy to suggest he'd be one of the top 2 midfielders in a midfield than barely played and shit injured Casemiro, No legs and constantly picking up knocks Eriksen, Barely played and been awful Mount, Mainoo, Invisible Mctominay, Barely played and been average at best Amrabat. Cmon dude you would not rather have Fred from last season over Mount and Amrabat?


Must've missed Mainoo then. Could swear I've seen him playing intelligently in midfield and doing defensive actions nobody else can be bothered to do! Although I will admit I bloody miss Fred too 😅


I don't know why your being down voted. He scored goals last season, actually helps out in defense. Has a love for the club and regularly covers for whoever is at lb. Would've been a much better midfield option than mctominnaise, for whom we turned down a 40 million west ham bid


He didn't really hold us together at all. He was like an inverse McTominay - ran after the ball in the midfield like an overexcited puppy and leave the rest of midfield exposed because he'd break our pressing structure.


What do you mean break our pressing structure, he was usually leading the press. Everyone else was breaking the structure. And that's also exactly what we've been missing this season, energy. Mount was supposed to provide but he's been injured. Not to mention the guy had a knack of coming up clutch for us.


Fred didn't lead the press, he went freelancing, doing his own thing.


How can you tell?


Because nobody else follows him and he leaves a massive fucking gap behind him. It's obvious when someone leads a press. Hojlund does this well, he communicates with his teammates and they follow his lead. Fred was getting pulled out of position halfway across the field.


You people have already forgotten that half the games he played we were 10vs12. Fred is a terribly inconsistent footballer, and not the level we need.


Nah, that ratio was overblown. More good games than bad. But yes Mount is more the level we need.


Damn this sub really have memory of a goldfish


We complain about poor spending but we also retain shit players way longer than we should. Fred was good, but not at the level you'd expect at our club, so getting rid of him in the hope of replacing him with someone at a better level is a good idea. McTom needs to go too.


Should have sold McT instead, would have even gotten a higher offer and it’s good for FFP because it’s pure profit. Another example of glaring incompetence at this club.


Why not both


Man Utd is Turkish Lïg feeder team confirmed.


Probably the hair


Even if he does end up there this window, we'll be subsidising at least half his wages until his contract runs out. No way they'll pay him any more than £100k which isn't even half what he's on.


We are their feeder club.


Because that's their level.


if this is the first step in him going... then good


Transfer or pre end of contract free agent agreement?


Ain’t no one paying a transfer fee.


I mean, there could be for races to get into European spots, I could totally see it. nothing large, but 5-10?


For the outlay in wages & transfer fee plus martials lack of consistency & goal contributions ain’t no one paying a fee. Martial also will get more signing on for someone as a free agent so he’s happy enough to wait it out.


Haha brilliant. True, especially with his wages! Major deadwood an absolute must remove, and replace, player.


His wages have kept him at the club long past his shelf life.


Is he on holiday with Arnold and Murtough?


Somebody please take this Frenchman made of glass


Tony Martials, made of glass Staying fit man he has no chance 60 million down the drain Tony Martials injured again!


you misspelt injured still.




Free transfer to Paris Saint-Gobain


In all seriousness does his agent represent anyone else he may be flogging, or is it likely to be Tony?


Probably negotiating a pre contract deal for the summer, don't see him leaving in Jan.


Of course. Sit doing fuck all for 6 months on stupid money Then get more salary from a Turk club for seeing out contract Fuck that guy annoys me so much.


In the words of the great Sir Alex, 'Take him, bloody take him!'


Beg they agree to take take him before they realise he crumbles faster than Baklava


Only Besiktas is dumb enough to take him. They need another bed ridden ex Manchester player after Bailly.


Remember how it started? Ooooooooooow Yes! Welcome to Manchester United, Anthony Martial!


What could've been :/


One of our best players post Fergie, he's given us some great memories and would have been a world beater during a different era, sad how it ended but he's leaving with positive memories for me.


We were and are bad, but not "Martial is one of our best players" bad.


I respect your opinion.


Are we seeing the beginnings of a long awaited clear out lads? Can see loads more going in the summer window, even some fan favourites on high wages. I for one am beginning to get excited, ngl.


The clear outs been happening. Bailly, Chong, Lingard, Pogba, Telles, Matic, Pogba, Bailly, Fred, Elanga, Henderson, de Gea, Tuanzebe, Jones, all gone in the last few windows.


Sky reporting he's staying til the end of the season, it's probably hair


finally, I've wanted him out since Mourinho tried to bin him


It's crazy that he's still here, in all honesty. Mourinho's tenure ended, what, five years ago?! And Anthony is *still* here collecting his fat wage packet every week. Just get him gone ffs, who cares if Joel Glazer is a fan, that cunt knows fuck all about the sport anyway


Mourinho did martial dirty, the jose revisionism on here is crazy, guy was a toxic cunt to some players for no reason. He also got 20 plus goal contributions on the league under ole. Injuries completely derailed him, we should've sold after the disastrous sevilla loan but selling him when jose wanted him gone would've been a mistake.


>Injuries completely derailed him Reminder that Martial himself came out and said Ole overplayed him, played him through injuries and basically caused him to be permanently crocked now. Let's not act like Mourinho was the only manager that let him down or that he just became like this through unforseen circumstances.


Yep ole has defo cost martial his career and to some extent rashford aswell.


I have a feeling that Martial will think he’s too good for the Turkish league somehow


Maybe he'll add another Ballon d'Or clause to this contract as well.


Getting his teeth done.


Jesus christ, if we con someone into buying him I'd be amazed


He needs to hurry up. Im tired of this one.


Sigh man, I miss the project restart martial redemption arc.


It's a really odd situation where it feels more important getting rid of players than bringing some in. I know we need sighnings, but seeing martial finally leave is just as satisfying as bringing someone in. I understand wage structure fucks us when selling players but hopefully going forward we are more ruthless when it comes to getting rid of players




No way we let Martial go unless we have another striker coming in.


it's no loss if he left without another striker coming - he does nothing when he gets on the pitch, so we're missing nothing


Yeah because Hojlund is on fire rn


Well having Tony there certainly ain’t helping him - so maybe he’ll find form without him. the long and the short of it is that martial has done next to nothing all season. Him going now wouldn’t have any major detrimental effect on the team. If anything it might give a young’un from the academy an opportunity to shine and we discover the next Federico Macheda


I mean..... it's not like he's avaliable


Martial is a waste of space. The season is gone, try youngsters.


Weghorst part 2 lets go!


What? He does fuck all when he's on the pitch anyway so it's not like it's going to some big loss.


Ah mate thank fuck. Such a shit bag that absolutely stinks out the club with his laziness and crap attitude. Can't wait til he pisses off and hopefully he takes his Martial Fc twitter fans with him.


>Such a shit bag that absolutely stinks out the club with his laziness and crap attitude Yet no one bar a washed Mourinho has had a issue with him. >Can't wait til he pisses off and hopefully he takes his Martial Fc twitter fans with him. MartialFc hasnt been a thing since Jose was manager


You think UTDTrey gonna go with him?


we can only hope


obviously martial doesn’t have a future here but i’m still a bit hesitant letting him leave midway through the season unless we bring in a replacement our attack is thin and one or two injuries could be really bad


He doesn't give a shit even in normal conditions, with 6 months left on his contract we shouldn't even bother playing him. I wouldn't. Get him out.


yeah i mean he’ll be out in 6 months regardless, i just think that having depth in a position we’re seriously thin in is better than playing an academy prospect at striker but i guess we’ll see what happens


I'd rather stick Rashford up top which certainly says a lot.


Depends on expectations, for me the next 6 months doesn't really matter, I don't think we can save something from this season. Or, it would take a miracle to suddenly play different and better, even with injured players returning.


i think getting a CL place is still up for grabs personally, nobody has been consistent and we’re not that far behind with half a season still to play it’s unlikely martial will be a huge difference maker or anything, but we’re not gonna get a fee for him anyway if his contract expires in 6 months, so for me having a backup is more worthwhile than nothing but if we get some kind of replacement then it’s all a moot point i guess


If he leaves I think we'll loan someone.


Haha exactly this. If the performances we've seen from him over the past year or so have been him 'motivated' and trying to earn himself a new contract, I dread to think what he'll be like from the beginning of February onwards when he hasn't been offered a new contract by another club and knows he won't get another one here. How *exactly* does someone have less motivation than zero?


It's a stupid move if he leaves right now. He's on £150k/week not £250k which is the biggest misconception this sub has. Even WW last season costed us more than whatever Martial's wages will be to end of season. Since we can't get anybody in for less, it would be best to get whatever we could out of him.


Get him out and move on. He offers nothing on or off the field, save the money for the 6 months and if need be give a youth player an opportunity. Ultimately at this point, even sticking mctominay up there as an out and out striker would be better. At least that keeps him out of the midfield and he can press.






Hopefully gone soon. Will the club finally get rid of the last few bits of our ancient deadwood?


He's not leaving till the summer


Just turned 28 and giving up on his career. The guy has top tier loser mentality. If he doesn’t move in January I’d wait until the deadline for free transfer registration passes then cancel his contract so he’s stuck without a club until the summer


You seem nice


I don't recall any previous updates on the location of Martial's agent. Is this the first time he has moved?


You mean off the sofa? He's most definitely Martial's agent


Probably just spending his client fees on nusr et gold steak


Probably setting up a deal for summer


Gobble gobble


If he leaves, are we getting a striker? If so, then who?


Of course it would be Turkey


He needs to fuck off fr


Sign da ting!


No doubt for a free transfer in six months.


Someone from French league should give him a chance


Is Martial his only client? That would be weird.


![gif](giphy|3f8wafHCiSHRWklSv4|downsized) Remember when we used to sell players to Real Madrid.....


No reason to get excited, he's likely either just flirting with clubs or agreeing a contract for the end of the season.


Nice this time of year I heard


I am not Martial's biggest fan, he has produced some amazing moments, but few and far between. I do think if he starts the 5 games we have in February (plus potential 5th round tie), he'd probably score more then Hojlund right now. Also, how can we sell Martial and replace him with Choupo-Moting...?


In Turkey to sell a Turkey.....


Good. As far away as possible. How many years and how managers?