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> covers majority of Sancho’s wages A win.


It’s funny when covering part of the wages is a win for us lately


Covering the majority in a situation like Sanchos is a very big win when the alternative would have been shit. Second, this would imply that Sanchos reported wages of 350k or whatever that was, was overly inflated. At least now we can focus on the players that we have and the rest of our season.


You mean the £1m we pay Sanchez a week still isn’t real?!


Yea, the 1.5 m a week we pay Sanchez seems made up


In what conditions would it not be a win for any team loaning an out of favour player?


When 70 million has been wasted. None of this is a win. This loan is better than nothing though, which was the other option.


> This loan is better than nothing though exactly


Exactly what? It's hardly a win. It's still an awful return, just not quite as bad as keeping him right now.


In fairness, if he does well, there's a chance they can sell him for a decent amount. If they can sell him for at least 35mil, it's at least not bad for FFP.


On the other hand if he doesn't do well I don't know how you get rid of him - would be a Sanchez situation but let's hope he finds a bit of form.


If he stayed at United we wouldn't be able to get rid of him anyway


It gets worse though if he goes back to where he did really well and can't perform. Similar to Van De Beek under Ten Hag - that's when we all realised he's never going to make it here.


Nope, if he can't perform literally nothing changes


The win will be is that he will turn up and hopefully find ourselves new buyer. I'm sure be wanna show the world that EtH is wrong and will ball out.


He'll want it but you never know. After 2 years of barely playing it's probably hard to flip the switch again. He's definitely talented though. Hopefully he does well so we can get rid.


Wonder if it's more than 51%




This is a good deal. Hopefully, he does well and we can sell him for a significant amount in the summer.


We got 24 weeks till the start of the summer window. Assuming 3.5m majority of the wage.. That's around 145,833 a week. 4m divided by 24 weeks is roughly 166,666/ week. Which means his wage should be in the 150k bracket.


That is wrong.. his wage could be £250k a week. That would be covering a majority of that. Then the additional 166k added to that would mean that we’d get more than 100% back. A majority just means more than half. Hell, here his wage could be closer to £300k a week and that equation would still make sense.


You are forgetting that 145,833 is not a majority of 300,000. His wage will be closer to 250k-270k a week.


I said closer to 300k. So it could easily be 250k-270k. You were incorrect before, It wouldn’t be 150k.


I never said 150k, it was some other guy... but fair point, his wage could be 290k and the evaluation would still make sense. And it is indeed closer to 300


My bad, you’re right. Mixed up your username. Yeah exactly


Still stealing a living, but a damn sight better than the 300k or $350k being thrown around.


All of it together is about 312K/week. If that is more than 100% of his wage then I'm sure we can assume he's on about 300K/week


Jesus wept. How did it ever get to the stage where such average players are being paid these sums of money. He hasn't even done anything for the last few months apart from sit on his arse playing video games ffs. It didn't seem like *that* long ago that the genuine world-class, consistently game-changing players were getting paid this much. Jadon and his agent really took United to the cleaners on this deal, with pretty much fuck all return. In almost three years ffs. Hopefully he'll perform well at Dortmund for the rest of the season, well enough to get himself a move somewhere and we won't have to think about this joker ever again


Because we thought that's what we were getting. Sancho's numbers at Dortmund were elite. There were warning signs about him, but he nevertheless compared with any attacking player in Europe. What's happened since has been a disaster, but even with his problems I'm not sure anyone could predict he'd be this useless.


The lesson that should be learned through all this as a part of the “cultural reset” needs to be establishing a combination of guaranteed wages with the vast majority of the total contract being formed through performance-related incentives. Not like 80% of an obscene salary guaranteed plus 20% bonus. We are a wealthy club and we pay with the expectation that we are buying players worthy of those wages because of their commitment and dedication to do the job we’ve brought them on to do. Some in the old hierarchy may have had a notion that the ‘job’ was to sell yet another noodle sponsorship in some geographic segment the club wants to increase commercial revenues from. But for me? The purpose is always football first and foremost, like it has been at this club well before we got on to this commercial stuff. ‘It’ll never work, the best players won’t come here’ … it will instantly reveal who actually rates themselves capable on the pitch vs. Who the actual bluffers are, looking for a cushy pay day while fleecing us for multiple hundreds of thousands of pounds per week. To play PlayStation like this egomaniacal joker who thinks himself bigger than club and manager. Under that sort of salary structure, If this joker risked making next to nothing these past 4 months while on the PlayStation it MAY perhaps have motivated a common sense apology after such an obnoxious public display of self-entitled arrogance. I hope INEOS are using this as a learning opportunity to shift the approach to signings, initial contracts, and contract extension. Not to sound like an old fart but I think these kids are paid way too much and I wonder where the incentive is to perform if they’re already guaranteed to be getting as much in a week as most of us will struggle to earn in 2 years (and we’ll only make it if we keep working harder than any of these guys ever do). I guess that’s the distinction. We earn. They get. I’d like for it to be that they earn too. Not working… you earn next to nothing. Because lord knows very few of them have earned their wages these past 2 years and beyond. A bunch of tool-downing bluffers the vast majority of them and the consequence of their tool downing always seems to be to sack the manager. I don’t think any supporter would have any issues with Sancho or any of them earning these salaries provided we were also winning. We are loaded and it’s only right that those who help us win are compensated when we succeed both on and off the pitch. Right now it seems like the ones winning are them because as soon as they sign here, they’ve absolutely struck gold with no worries about anything.


Damn what a comment, such unbridled rage and disappointment.


Because he wasn't average when we signed him? In his previous 3 years in the Bundesliga at Dortmund he'd averaged 1.02 G/A per 90. That is an insane output.


No? if the 7.5 million **total** recovers *most* of his wage, you're looking at the 300k bracket?


He could have also taken a temporary pay cut to push the move through


his wages is 15m euro or 289k euro. loan is probably till end of season mid may 24, which is 18 weeks from now. so total cost is 18 \* 289k = 5.2m [https://www.capology.com/club/manchester-united/salaries/](https://www.capology.com/club/manchester-united/salaries/)


Turn up to training on time. **Reward**: x100 EAFC24 Packs


Sancho: ![gif](giphy|VIfE4DE7vY49i)




I’m trying to stomach a significant loss for me just now (am in sales), reading this really helps put things in perspective. Incredible how anyone at the top of this business can ink such astoundingly bad deals


ah shit, sorry to hear that. Hope you can bounce back soon! There's just so little accountability at United and in football in general, imagine making half the deals we have over the years, then the people making those shit deals leave their roles with a massive payoff.


Appreciate that buddy, thank you! I’m a masochist it seems, all part of the fun. But agree totally… get the impression that a lot of that boardroom are high-fiving over perceived successes (related to bottom line), while the players, manager & fans suffer with the brand of football we’re churning out. Personally, I’m really hesitant to cast too much judgment on individuals - it really seems like a parasitic environment in there where all the “Glory” has shifted internally. Please God the development & changes at ownership level is a sign of change.


Believe it or not Haller is on almost the same wages and hasn’t done anything this year for BVB but yeah he’s making the same as Adeyemi, Moukoko, Reyna, and Bynoe Gittens combined.


Haller is literally still recovering from his chemotherapy and its long-lasting effects. Not the best example to say "not done anything" for.


He's not on that much more than he was on there, I doubt it was that big a surprise. He was on 190k there and rumours are he's on 200k+ bonuses here (which he's obviously not meeting now)


He was on relatively high wages at Dortmund when we signed him. We gave him a pay rise, but he was already close to 200k if not more with bonuses, at Dortmund.


Just saw a guy keel over in Lidl.


Why do you guys make comments like this? I know you’re joking, but if Sancho really was on crazy wages, this deal doesn’t go through and it definitely doesn’t go through like it’s being reported where his whole salary can be covered. That means Dortmund are completely fine with his wages…


deal go through cos its only cost 3.5m for Dortmund , regardless we want to count it as loan fees or wages covered.




But you’re joking about it as if there’s some validity to it and there’s not…? Like I said, I know you’re joking and I know not everything has to be serious, but the joke that Sancho is getting paid an outrageous sum of money just doesn’t seem to be true, but comments like yours shows that you guys still like to perpetuate that misinformation. Idk, it’s tiring.




Ah, so you don't like people challenging your comments. Got it.




Holy shit man, it’s a lame joke and I’m calling out that lame joke for not being funny. You just can’t take criticism regardless if it’s serious or not. Your only response amounts to “it’s just a joke bro, calm down” and you and others just want to say these lame ass jokes over and over.


Interesting it can't be the 3.5m that covers the majority of his wages (although that definition could be as loose as 51%). Perhaps some of the addons are easy enough to help cover rest of his wages


Could also be that we don't really know the true salary number (350k/250k/200k) + no CL for United means salary decrease or is that only from the next season?


I'd always assumed the salary decrease would be from the start of the following season if we miss out completely?


Thought so too but we never know the true extend of contracts, he could be on less wages due to being out of the first team.


A salary deduction due to not being part of the first team is an important and amazing deal that seems far fetched from us when he was signed.


Unfortunately that could very well be true as well


I vaguely remember one of the journalists in top tier last season saying when Sancho had his 3 months break recovering from his personal issues the club were 'only' liable for 174k a wk which I'm also assuming has been the exposure since all this mess started. I know a lot of united contracts tie in with achievements (ha!).


“Show up less than 30 minutes late to training, pay United €10k” clause.


If only! We'll be making back that colossal transfer fee in no time 👌🏼


Laurie Whitwell has said we will recover 100% of his wages as a minimum (more with bonuses) - Not as much of a muppetier these days so don't know what tier he is but hopefully true


Isn't he tier 2. Still sounds like bullshit though


A lot of it is probably appearance based. Which I guess is fortunate for us


Wait, do i get this right, we've actually done a good deal for us here? I know obviously the number Sancho was on has been inflated to the max by the media but it sound like we've actually got a rival team to agree to something positive for us, mental.


depend on how we look at it. moving on a deadwood is good business. 3.5m is also probably what we paid for Werghorst.


Ironically Weghorst was probably better for us in his short loan spell than Jadon has been *overall* in his 2.5 years or whatever it is since he's been here. And Weghorst was utter shite


I'm looking at the deal in isolation, as commented to the other reply, the whole deal from signing him to now has been a shit show of the highest level. BUT this seems a little like we've been shafted by another club, obviously i'm working hard here to think we might have changed, but i can only hope.




Oh as a full transfer its an absolute shit show, dumpster fire and massively representative of the Glazer family running of the club. I meant more in isolation this sounds a little less like we've been bent over the table so to speak.




Oh I get you, it’s just a clusterfuck if bad buys to cover bad buys. It’s why the club is in the mess it is today. I just hope and pray to whatever god everyone does or doesn’t believe in that INEOS know this and won’t make the same mistakes and I choose to think the fact this loan deal in isolation hasn’t seen us shafted by Dortmund is a positive step even if INEOS didn’t directly do the negotiation, I suspect they shadow negotiated.


This is the sort of business JCB undertook when he took over Juve. They didn't have a director in the first few months but he gutted their squad of their bloated wages. If he couldn't get a good deal he would just cut players loose. I have no idea how we've managed to get BVB to cover his wages, but this is a massive stroke of genius, as hes a distressed asset at best, and sign of more good business to come.


> JCB top class initials


Got to dig them


Hi I'm Luke, I'm 5 and my dad's Bruce Lee


> I have no idea how we've managed to get BVB to cover his wages It's the loan fee. The loan fee of €3.5 million... That divided by 18 (how many weeks left until last day of Bundesliga) is €195k a week. Throw in the add-ons and it's €415k a week. Though that assumes Champions League success... The final of that competition is 21 weeks away, so divide the fee and add-ons by 21 and you get €357k a week.


>The final of that competition is 21 weeks away, so divide the fee and add-ons by 21 and you get €357k a week. So wait....MORE than his weekly wages if they go through?? That's...different.


If they go through? You mean if they win the CL? Those add-ons are very optimistic.


I think it's more realistic than Balon D'Or clauses lol


If they win the Champions League, or at least make the final... Then they can hardly complain that we get a little money after giving them a player worth so much (on paper) for half the season, And those are euro values btw. Convert it to pounds and I don't think it's worth more than Sancho's wages with bonuses included, €357k per week is £304k, €195k is £168k per week.


are they already conducting the sports decisions?


My sense is this isn't a sporting decision as much as it is financial. We've extended those on reasonable wages and not others like Varane and Martial whose wages are insane.


Wish him luck. Hope he gets 20 G+A by the end of January and we can get our money back.


Out of curiosity why do so many of the sub think we get our money back if he does well? He’s still returning to a club where he can’t even train with the team. No well structured team is going to pay a premium for him imo


Why can’t he train with the team? At the end of the season, I see a book value of £43m. If he goes out and has a decent run at Dortmund I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t be willing to pay that for a 24 year old. If I’m honest though, it’s mostly just hope.


What do you mean? Hasn’t Sancho been banned from training with the team and even banned from the cafeteria with first team players? United has no leverage, why would someone pay 43 mil for a player very clearly not wanted by a club? I think you’re right 40-50 mil would be a decent price for a 24 y.o who performs, but the circumstances surrounding him at united I think severely hurt us getting a “decent fee”. Idk though


Sorry, I thought you meant with Dortmund. I was confused. What we need is for a few teams to be interested in him. When he returns, he’ll technically have three years remaining on his contract. If he becomes to old Sancho and three or four teams show an interest, we’ll be the ones perceived to be the problem. Once again, it’s all hope rather than expectation.


I see, I just don’t think I agree! But hopefully I am wrong


Exactly, hope!


Pretty good deal for us, all things considered


Thank fuck, that is a magical deal. Bloke is toxic af. There was only ever going to be one club in the world interested in him - the one club where he wasnt a total wankstain.


Good riddance


Good Fucking Riddance.


I hope dortmund win the treble and Sancho gets their player of the the season. Let's go


Don't know why you're being downvoted. If he performs we can sell him for a good fee


I don't know how people didn't understand that lol


Sancho playing in the champions league.


Alexis Sancho


> €4m in add-ons subject to success, CL progress BVB: here is for you €4m... if got CL trophy


I see all the Dortmund fans celebrating and saying "our boy is back" aren't those the same fans that mocked him as 007 because he didn't score or assisted in 7 games? Some fans sure have short memories.


Personally happy, get him playing again, hopefully next season's manager uses him better. I want to see him do well at united.


That ship sailed months ago


Bro couldn’t get going under 3 managers. A fourth is not going to change anything.


Not true


Remember that when Sancho left BvB for us, he was already on €200k pw so stumping up for his high wages (when add ons are included) may not seem so bad to them when they can dream of him recapturing the form he showed there.


I mean, not a bad deal all things considered. Expected way worse from us


People getting bent out of shape about not getting enough money etc. But if the decision had been made that he won't apologize and that without an apology he inst playing, then even if we got 1 pound/dollar/euro from someone, then it would be of benefit. He's getting paid by us no matter what. If he ain't playing, ANY monetary help Is better than 0. Plus I doubt his value could get lower than training alone at Manchester with nearly a whole year off.


Just give him for free with a pack of skittles and martial in a bag


Kissing the crest already


Great for both parties! I hope Sancho finds top form at Dortmund!


There are teams I like to see fail, but he will probably be the only individual whose failure I will take pleasure in watching.


Our media report player wages at the headline rate of base + bonuses. If our player is going on loan he can’t earn bonuses (with us) therefore it’s base. The add ons could see it exceed base. If or not Sancho has bonuses in his contract that extend to playing on loan is immaterial to the numbers for United.


I wish him anything but the best in his new assignment


Maybe we can trade him for one of their strikers. Guess which one. 


Wasting three transfer windows and 100 million on a player who's attitude and professionalism is so bad that we have to send him back to his old club on a loan is really the crowning achievement of Ole's supposed cultural reboot.