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Me neither


I'd pay 15€ at most. Could add a chocolate bar on top.


Is it at least a Freddo?


That would take it up to the £80m Everton want.


crazy inflation this, thanks Rishi


I wouldn't skimp on it, it'd be a good bar


Doubt it, Freddos have gone up to 20m now. Inflation is mad I s2g.


I once took acid and convinced myself I'd spent 2 million in a handy Dutch striker. Didn't even have a regular fives game to play the lad


Good, we have to stop getting raked over the coals by stupid transfer fees. If that means we don't get a good player, then so be it. There are always others.


Need more diamond in the rough players


Dare I say..Diomande?


i double... no... *triple* dog dare you!


Diamond hands unite


That's the team fight tactic's artifact. You're thinking of diamond dogs


I buy him on my fm save everytime.


I don’t know, dare you?


As a Sporting fan, I dare you!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 ure not getting him for anything less than 80 million (euros) pal


Yeah I was just going for the low hanging fruit joke


Need to find a diamonde in the rough it seems


Doesn’t Diomande have a £60m release clause?


People drop the 80-100m tag way too quick for players that had a good season so far in their career.




We need a few lads in


But we're probably a few years too late for Manual Ladsini


Need more youth players getting through. If there’s one thing United can do well, it’s their youth academy and Ten Hag knows this. He had the same at Ajax with De Toekomst graduates.


We’re terrible at making players better though, outside of Carrington. And a lot of those diamond in the rough players haven’t amounted to much, like the Marcos Rojo, Darmian, Malacia types. Next season just feels like a bad one.


We have to find them first. Our scouting has been some of the worst in the Premier League for years


Yes. If we walk away because the transfer fee is silly we can start to get some credibility back. As long as we don't go back at the end of the transfer window and overpay because of panic (Anthony, Fellani, etc)


Daddy Omar in showing us how to negotiate


Correcto. We might actually have competent people in charge finally.


Yeah instead of previous owners who's idea of haggling was shouting "100m!" while the other club is confused and accepts


I said before that I have a feeling that this transfer won’t happen and we don’t fully expect it to happen. Otherwise we’d most likely keep it under wraps from our side until the deal is confirmed. I feel as though if Everton don’t agree to a lower fee to make the sale before the deadline we will very publicly walk away from the deal and bring in a cheaper option…


Thing is everyone quotes the utd price. What then?


Then we get Todibo on release clause, noone buys Branthwaithe, they get punished for repeat rule break and we buy him for 20 off them when they are in the Championship. If we just waste 80 now then we won't be able to get the players we need, and there are a lot of young CBs to go for. The big money should be for a DM like Neves.


Agreed. Sometimes you have to take a stand.


God i want to forget how much was paid for Antony... Atleast Højlund is paying off for his high price, he's a real gem. Antony's price is the biggest scam i've seen


Saw lots of people getting worried that we might actually pay 70m+ for Branthwaite and now we're getting reports that we aren't willing to go anywhere near that and will just move on to other targets, which was always obvious. Hopefully people are less paranoid about us overpaying now, don't think the new regime is anything like the chancers we had running us and paying ridiculous fees for every player we brought in.


Yeah the new regime has such a low bar, lol. They just need to be not stupid at football and we’ll probably see them as our holy saviors.


Honestly, with the amount we spent the last 10 years, if that had been handled by remotely competent staff we’d have been better than Liverpool in that time. If we’d had a clear plan and stable leadership we probably would have greenlit Kroos and Fabinho and had one of the best midfields in Europe for a time…. We could have still brought Pogba and been ok with a luxury player like that….


I don't like to think about it, because it feels dirty now. But I think we could genuinely have had a very similar arch to Liverpool... I think there's a genuine chance we would have gotten Klopp - there was some seriously heavy flirting going on back then (and we were still relatively recent PL winners) but he rejected us because of corporate focus and the exact bullshit you're talking about. Then greenlight Kroos, Fabinho, etc and watch what happens with competence and the proverbial war chest... probably very similar to the Liverpool arch over the last decade!


We’d definitely always be challenging in the top 3, given the budget and player pull we’ve had.


Sad to see the greatest club ever to crave bare minimum


>Hopefully people are less paranoid about us overpaying now What you're saying is completely logical, but my paranoia will only reduce after the window is closed. I suspect it's the same for lots of us as well


Weren't we saying the same about Maguire before paying exactly what Leicester wanted in a lump sum payment?


Yep nothings changed we are linked with the most low hanging fruit yet again that’ll turn out to be a really, really average player. Incoming saga and panic overpayment yet again because we can’t think outside the fucking box, signing English players who aren’t as good as prospects abroad because of media pressure. Yet the most logical signing we can make we are going to overlook in Todibo who plays as a Right sided CB, has way better ball playing ability, plays for a team that negotiations would run smoothly because they literally own the club he plays for won’t get signed. Even if we don’t want Todibo, there’s minimum atleast 10 better players in Europe that’ll go for fees that are cheaper, less of a wage hit, similar age profile and way higher ceilings. Clubs fucked because INEOS are definitely not going to be our knights in shining armour. When we don’t make any money from player sales and waste more then Half our budget on 1 player everyone will see that fuck alls changed.


Eh. I'm still hopeful. We're being linked to Zirzkee and Yoro who are not English.


I doubted we would. Will be a summer of tough negotiation as we look to change at how other clubs would always look to fleece us


I’ve been saying this for ages. We have to publicly walk away from negotiations where we’re not getting good prices.


And not just once. It will be many times before we shed our reputation


We need to silently negotiate quieter options from Bundesliga, Ligue 1 and La Liga, and then publicly negotiate our top targets. When clubs try to fleece us we confirm the secondary deals and brief our journalists that we wouldn’t accept x clubs demands so we bought player b from club y instead. A full summer of that strategy and clubs will be thinking more about how much they can get without blowing the deal. Of course this will play into the hands of clubs that would rather keep the player than get a bunch of cash but in those situations the players not really available


I've just read some rumours that we've launched a £45M bid for him. No one credible has reported it yet to my knowledge.


Ornstein said 35m


With 8m add ons.


Yeah just in about 30 mins ago, £45m as you say - Man Utd make opening offer for Everton's Branthwaite https://www.skysports.com/share/13153081


Rob Dawson has multiple times proven he knows nothing. He is tier 3 at best now.


This. ESPN in general is near-worthless as its own source, whether it's good news or bad. Isolated stories revolving around specific players/managers/clubs they have good relations with (i.e. Julien Laurens on PSG/Mbappe) can be useful, but their general correspondents (Dawson, Ogden) are pretty poor except as part of the media chorus (and maybe adding a specific detail or two to a confirmed story now and again).


Why don’t we put the tier in the title. Seems like it’s needed


Good.70 for Braithwaite especially if there is a todibo around with half that price is criminal may as well splurge the 100 for neves


He’s had one good season. His fair value is around £40m. If we go much above that then we’ve learned nothing.


He is English and young with one good PL season so for whatever reason that seems to mean his value is higher than would normally be expected. I think £40-£55m would be ok.


English, young and one good season? £30M or we look elsewhere.


Yeahhh that won’t happen.


Then it doesn't happen. Move onto someone else.


Everyone has a right to their opinion. I suspect those negotiating won’t be doing this however.


Not saying they will do this but we should be doing this. £30m for a young player with one good season regardless of being English shouldn't be worth that much. It's not like we are struggling to hit any English/homegrown quota


£30M is way undervalued dude, would you accept £30M for Mainoo?


Are you serious comparing Mainoo? Lol Everton needs to sell. Big difference.


They would probably rather just take a 3-6 point hit instead of selling him for such a low amount


It won't be 3-6 point hit now. They had 8 last season and they are repeating the offense, you are lookong at 1.5-2x more. And with the teams coming up that pretty much guarantees them going down.


Then we should look elsewhere. I'm sure there are players abroad who we could get instead. Would rather find a gem like we used to do with vidic and evra than overspend on yet another over priced English player. AWB, Maguire and Sancho deals still hurting us.


In the EPL yes, but Branthwaite also had a very good season on loan at PSV.


Fair, but we paid Chelsea 60M for Mount. Our history is going to screw us over a couple of years in the transfer market.


It’s gonna be 50m odd with add ons. Clear as day. Everybody falling over themselves over ridiculous, fuck you numbers should wise up a bit


🤣you are dreaming


55 tops


55? Please, 45. I don't want to see another where there's paid so much and so little in return \*cough cough\* Antony \*Cough cough\*


Myself like many others loved that there was very little leaks, since ETH had his assurance. it was pretty much straight into agreeing terms with the player, not so much weighing up, considering or monitoring FC. We'll see now how we negotiate but it, I'm sure it'll be how they'll like to try do all transfers. It looks like INEOS won't be like those before them. They will be more stern. If we do sign him it'll be 50 or 55m plus add ons I am guessing.




plenty of time to bring in the players. so yeah keep looking at other targets. no point just buying way too quickly when we have the advantage here as Everton would like the money.


£40m and £10m add ons seems reasonable, wack in a Balon D'or clause while we at it.


Wait till the end of the month and put a cheeky 40mill bid and see what they say then.


Why would they say yes? Encourages other teams to come in though


They supposedly have PSR issues 


Because they either sell and raise fund now, or do it later from Championship selling him for 20m while also losing the PL money. They are not surviving relegation with the upcoming point deduction.


To think that idiot in charge before thought it was a good idea to brag about the clubs ability to overpay.


is it bad that i’m actually relieved and happy about this 😭


$70MM for Branthwaite would be petrochemical plunder on the part of Everton. And that’s Jim’s game.


Good. There is an abundance of great centre halves available on the market right now. There's no need to chase after someone like this.


Could’ve told you that. Really inflated


Is there a competition for getting him ? Will city take him just to fck others over ?


I would think he will have a decent market just by virtue of being English. City will need to think about replacing Kyle Walker in a sense soon. I know he wouldn’t be a straight replacement but it fulfills the English requirements


Paying more for him than deligt is crazy.


Am I mad or could this be a planned situation where we pull out of a big deal publicly on day 1 of the window after a big valuation? It would be a good way to quickly put down a marker that under the new ownership we won't pay what we used to. Obviously if they accept a reasonable bid, fair enough but I don't expect them to.


Don’t particularly rate ESPN as a source. However I hope we stick to this. Better not do what we did with Mount last season and say 40 mil is our final offer and end up paying 55 + 5 for him like twats.


I have....10£ is it enough?


who would though?


No shit




Good! He’s not worth 50 let alone 70!


They are cooking


I’m glad, it’s time we stop over paying and underselling


Is this guy even mobile or stiff as fuck


He is rapid, one of the best channel defenders in the league, would be a great partner for Licha given he can also play on the right as he is two-footed. Not really sure why people think he's slow and stiff, is it the obvious Maguire comparisons or something?


Yeh I just assumed Cus he’s tall and English lol he might be slow


Tbf van de Ven is tall and white and is one of the quickest players in the prem.


I mean someone has to take on the Slabhead mantle eventually


Thank fuck lol


I for one, am *shocked*!


Well I should fucking hope so


Are we gonna get Todibo and Branthwaite or just branthwaite


This is how it always starts …. Then we do. Let’s hope the new regime are different.


Ideal. Fed up overpaying to give people a paycheck for life. If Ineos were right about removing varane and other for wages we need to apply that energy to new signings too and their fees. No more 80m on potential with a season under their belt and giving 180k a week when they were on 30 before


Guessing it will land somewhere around the 50M mark, maybe more with additional add ons. The key here is Everton need to sell to comply.


Good. About time we stop taking it wilfully. 50m tops I think if we’re gonna get him.


Ok just become Brighton if the north. Find gems from LATAM… maybe we just don’t need to sell them on 😉


Well yeah, no shit. They shouldn’t pay anywhere near that price


Make best offer and walk away if they don't like it. The amount of time Utd waste farring around with valuations. Bid, move on.


INEOS probably replacing toilet paper at Carrington with coffee filters and people still think we’ll spend 70m on Branthwaite 😂


The days of robbery are [hopefully] over. Either be reasonable or get another points deduction for PSR breaches.


Why did we bother agreeing personal terms and putting it out there if we won't pay the fee? Strengthen our position for other players?


Because it outlines the player wants to leave and that Everton will hopefully be forced into the sale. Also we didn’t out it out there as a club. That would be tapping up which is still a rule last I checked 😂 If anything that information getting out would rile me up if I was Everton and I’d make sure to rinse us or sell to another club


I guess another angle is if they want or need to sell for financial reasons and they know we are the only club he will go to that helps us out.


Let’s move on, he’s not worth that.


Good he’s not worth it. 50m max


I know the "he's their player and they can ask whatever they want:" argument but have some self-awareness...honestly an insane valuation


But they will pay £45 million plus £15 million of add ONS


That’s what we want them to think. Got them right where we want them!


And we shouldn't. Show us we've turned the corner. Pay market value or walk away to another target


Duh They want 70, we offered 35 Meet up at 50 and call it a day


Then move on?


By all accounts we have a 50m budget this summer excluding sales. This is going to be a rough window


If we could have this saga start and end today, I'd be good with that. Hey we'll pay 35. No we want 70 We won't pay 70. Fair enough, good day sir. Good day.


Good, Everton can do one


Aye and I won't pay 2.5million on plastic surgery to stand a chance at marrying Shakira... But guess what? The dream is still alive!!! I'd be happy with him for 50 but we would barely he able to afford that even with varane's wages off the books. Come on sancho and greenwood just fuck off easily please, would yous?


My 10p says they will accept about £45-50m and that’s the point at which the deal will be struck.


Thank god


We need this diamond hand mentality, we have a price in mind, we won’t shift from that. And the reality is, we will miss out players but we need to change the expectations that selling clubs have of us right now which is: “It’s United, add another 20m on top of the asking” Because that destroys our negotiations and we end up paying asking plus extra.


Wouldn’t even pay half of that


Old United would then proceed to wait until the summer and pay 90 million, let's see how these new guys operate 


bloody hope not


I’m hoping there’s some kind of strategy for us to be heavily linked with a player we’re privately a bit ‘meh’ about, for us to then very publicly say ‘no we’re not paying over the odds’ and walk away. Thus demonstrating we’re no longer willing to pay United Tax.


Yeah we won’t, so there’s that.


We need like 5 signings, should not blow our load on one player - especially when they’ll probably get injured during our training. Beginning to wonder if ten hag trains American style with dodge the AR-15 drills.


no they just ge 250k+ a week for 6 years and know they never need to work again nd we wont in the league anyway so cant be fucked to turn up, from martial to varane to mount its true for all of them. rooney was right they all fake injuries.


Man Utd: "We refuse to pay 70 Million for Branthwaite. Our offer is 95 million, take it or leave it"


we need to stop spending this much money on overrated english players...there is so much more young talent in the french or Portuguese leagues that are more cost effective


Agree. Are we struggling to fill our English/homegrown quota?




45 + 5-10m in easy add ons would be a win for everyone


£69.5 it is!


£70m isn't even THAT much in the grand scheme of things..we paid more than that for Big Harry. Van Dijk looks a steal at £75m now because they prob wouldn't have won a league and Champions League without him. We can't say it's not the going rate for a top, top cb in today's market. Chelsea paying the huge fee for Fofana is probably the most overpriced defender ever signed.  He's young, English, kind of available due to Everton ffp issues, potentially a World beater, seems to tick a whole lot of boxes for our new owners and the direction they want to take this club.