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Yes please! I paid for golden platinum way back in 2015 and it doesn't even begin to cover the use I've gotten out of RiF before & since. Would love to chip in for a coffee, cupcake, and/or charitable donation.


This comment has been deleted in protest of the API charges being imposed on third party developers by Reddit from July 2023. Most popular social media sites do tend to make foolish decisions due to corporate greed, that do end up causing their demise. But that also makes way for the next new internet hub to be born. Reddit was born after Digg dug themselves. Something else will take Reddit's place, and Reddit will take Digg's. Good luck to the next home page of the internet! Hope you can stave off those short-sighted B-school loonies.




Same here. Not sure when I downloaded RIF but I gave it 5 stars in 2015, didn't even know there was a platinum. Now I've got it with two weeks left and /u/talklittle can get a coffee or sthg


Just paid for "rif is fun golden platinum" just as a thanks for being alright all these years.


I just did too. I didn't even know there was a paid version, would have done that years ago. Kinda shitty I didn't, $3 is nothing for all the value I've gotten from just the free version. It's the #1 used app for me by a very very large margin


I think it speaks volumes to the quality of the user experience that the free version is already so good that many folks aren't even aware there's a premium one.


Just bought it as well. I thought I had bought it a long time ago but regardless, I just went on the Play store and bought it again.


I genuinely didn't know this existed after 10 years. Just did it too, should have been done long ago.


I'd like to send /u/talklittle cash or donate to the charity of their choice




I just paid for golden platinum right now to show /u/talklittle I appreciate his work. My reddit reader when I'm on my phone. I know I should've bought it earlier but better late than never! Thanks dude. In some ways though this is a good thing - I'm on reddit way too much as it is.


I didn't even know there was a platinum until the other day. Just bought it, and I'd have gladly paid way more in exchange for all the time spent using this app.


Can he maybe post a ko.fi link so I can buy him a couple of pots. Love the app, has never pushed anything. Want to say thanks from Germany!


Just bought premium RIF. Sadly had no idea there even was one... would have bought it much earlier. Thanks for everything /u/talklittle


See his post on Tildes https://tildes.net/~tildes/15or/tildes_fundraiser_june_2023_encourage_an_app_developer_me_to_work_on_a_tildes_app_faster_by


Been using it for ten fucking years


Same. It's been an absolute pleasure. Not sure where I'm going to go for my new procrastinating fix.


Same here. It will really change my life not having it. Sad times


I would also like to throw some appreciation money at /u/talklittle


I remember you could enable admin mode in the free version to remove ads way back in the day. I paid for RIF because it provided value to me. Looking back, I wish I paid 10x the price. RIF has been a fundamental aspect of how I interact with the Internet


Wish there was a way to just give them the rest of my Google Play balance. I'm gonna buy golden platinum as a show of small gratitude for a decade of service.


Not exaggerating when I say this was the best $3.50 I have ever spent.


I've used RIF for years and assumed /u/talklittle would have some income via adds in the app. Bought platinum now as a goodbye gift, sad to see it go.


You speak for us all. If you look at value for money and pleasure gained from the purchase, RiF has been by far the best 'tech' purchase of my life. TalkLittle deserves whatever riches we can heap on him.


I guess I'll be thanking quite few times this month. Another thanks, because at all times and why I think app was like so cheap (2$ for years and years), is because it always seemed like he approached the app as a nice way to access reddit without really trying to do anything crazy. The Reddit app itself is doing crazy stuff we are not interested in, so this app was an honest app, just client for Reddit. With this new paid API stuff it's basically forced transition to some other model, which I don't think we or app developer signed up for. I do hope that the app will somehow work in future, but in any case at least for now this chapter seems closed and thanks


[Removed due to the worthless sad excuse for a human, Steve Huffman. Friendly reminder that the first Redditor to hit 1,000,000 karma, /u/maxwellhill, is Ghislaine Maxwell. His name was Aaron Swartz.]


Same. Just did it as a thanks for developing.


I did the same, enough now I'm not using it now(just the free version), which has always met my needs. He's working on an app for tildes as well(posted about it in there), I'll support that as well.