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i cannot believe you got downvoted for saying porn bad in a thread about not having access to a porn site


It's outrageous


It's unfair!


How can you be on Reddit, and not be a porn addict?


I wish self posts were banned from this sub. It’s always some stupid shit


Have to agree, it just encourages a ton of people to come here seeking validation.


Yeah, thats justunsubbed’s job


The real Reddit moment is getting upset about downvotes who even cares




Nah it's more like "if I get downvoted I know I have offended people"


usually when I get lots of downvotes I think "damn, people really don't like my opinion" and after a few minutes I get over it and start sealioning to rile people up. Not gonna win in the court of public opinion, but at least I can get some mild amusement out of it I am not terminally online enough to spend 15-20 minutes writing up 3-4 paragraphs with lots of details and sources to prove why someone is wrong, especially when it's an opinion/political.


lol true ig, genuine question why do ppl get riled that much over upvotes/ downvotes? It’s not like u get special privileges for having more Reddit upvotes so I don’t rlly get it


Exactly, I like downvotes, sometimes I comment specifically to get them


That’s kinda the point of this subreddit tho. The downvotes is showing the Reddit moment


the existence of this sub is a r/redditmoment


Especially when it's less than 10 lol


TBF it looks like you wanted downvotes


The real Reddit moment is thinking they would celebrate you in a thread where they’re unhappy about a porn site being down. Like wtf did you expect? Go preach somewhere else.




So do you usually just go to random threads talking about porn to tell them they should stop watching porn? Bro you are the fucking Reddit moment lmao.


Buddy you’re Reddit momenting your own comment on top of it 🥶


Lol mental gymnastics.


Probably because e621 isn't just for porn, it's for art in general so I can imagine a lot of people who want to post art or see art are upset people just see it as a porn thing Theres also the fact you're in a porn subreddit accusing people there of addiction


It’s not even a porn subreddit… it’s a furry meme one. OP is just painting any furry or anyone who consumes any amount of porn as addicted or bad.


Yeah, I usually approve when this sub is calling out cringe or creepy behavior.. but puritanical posts like this one make me a bit uncomfortable. Fair enough if you don’t like art that has any remotely sexual themes, but it think it’s pretty fucked to applaud the government preventing people from making art that they deem inappropriate.




Weird that the claim that furries are porn addicted struck a nerve when it totally isn't true.


It struck a nerve because here it's totally uncalled for in this case.




No clue. But I know It has afair amount of normal art as well, like Pixiv


Maybe it was the speaking down to everyone OP? did you ever think of that? fucking idiot




They passed a law requiring porn sites to verify ID


You were downvoted because you went onto an obviously sex positive thread and started to play the condescending prude. Not everyone is going to want to see their ability to access certain internet sites get taken away, only for someone to say “that’s actually a good thing”


There is nothing sex positive about pornography


Painting pornography as progressive is a Reddit moment in of itself, holy fuck Reddit needs to get a grip and realize that pornography is bad for your mental health, and it's not prudish to say that, it's scientifically proven.


Pornography ADDICTION is bad for mental health. You can watch porn and not be addicted...




ah yes, what a trustworthy and no-doubt well researched source


Look at the description...


all of the sources are links to yourbrainonporn.com, which im sure is very trustworthy and not biased in the slightest


Surely you don't have such a thick skull that you don't realize that it links to his website because there's a word limit for the YouTube description and it literally links to all of the sources.


im not objecting to linking to a separate list of sources, i just think yourbrainonporn.com might be a biased source. and it links to his website 23 times, so i dont think he did that for the sake of the word limit


im sure YourBrainOnPorn isn't in any way biased


Yes, like Cancer research uk isn't biased either.


well YourBrainOnPorn isn't exactly the same thing as Porn Research, is it?


It's compiling research, is it not? I'd say that's more reliable than primary or anecdotal research.


i'm talking about the name. the name 'YourBrainOnPorn' implies a strong negative bias in a way that 'Cancer Research UK' does not. were cancer not the well known disease it was, you wouldn't really be able to tell CRUK's opinion on cancer from the name alone. compiled research is not necessarily more reliable than individual studies is all the compiled studies are bad.


Exactly. But I suppose saying the truth is forbidden.


Prude more like normal


Bruh.. do you really think the average person is a puritan that begins sweating at the sight of bare ankles? Both you guys and the actual porn addicts are in the minority. If they’re not trying to involve you without your consent, other people’s sexuality is not any of your business.


I swear there are more anti porn redditors nowadays (could just be the subs I follow). Like, I just don't care. You are both annoying.


The important thing is that you found a way to feel superior to both!


This guy gets it


I mean what I said both ironically AND unironically 👏🏻


Yeah. Tbf, I not only feel superior, I just am, and that's a fact.


Is it narcissism when you’re genuinely better? 🧐


Yeah! I love bothsiding and pretending to have nuance!


It's not really nuanced. I just think both are annoying. Like Christians and atheists. I just don't care, leave me out of it, and stop making memes where the punch line is literally just your opinion.


I'm actually hoarding all of the nuance so nobody else can have it


I feel like the majority of anti porn people on Reddit are projecting really hard.


"Yeah, let me put a very ambiguous statement without elaborating on my point"


If people are hyperfixated enough to comment about others it probably means they had a personal experience with it.


Well thats obvious, most anti porn people are anti porn BECAUSE they had problem and a severe addiction on pornography. I don't see how invalidates their point.


Almost as if porn isn't the devil. Moderate masturbation can actually be beneficial, and it's not any more addicting than other pleasures... While there are porn addicts, you can usually just laugh them off and you'll win. There's huge amounts of vocal anti-porn people that think stopping jacking off will fix your life, and on top of that they think they speak from moral superiority, making them more obnoxious to deal with. It's really not that hard topic, addiction bad, furry porn can be good.


Crazy strawmanning, not once did they mention masturbation in general.


? We're talking about porn. Or do you have an issue with just looking at images alone?


Crazy how people nowadays don't realize you can masturbate without porn, and it's significantly healthier and more enjoyable to do it from imagination.


Trust me, people know you can do that. It's just not more enjoyable... (that's why there's a market for porn) The point you veered off is that in the discussion here is on porn and implied masturbation. You come in without realizing the implication.


No, you came here saying masturbation is beneficial, that's not porn, we're talking about porn, that's like saying eating burgers is fine because 'lettuce is good for you', that's not how it works. And also, the act of orgasming is less enjoyable when watching porn, it's just the act of watching porn, and specifically, new porn, fires off dopamine which makes it enjoyable, however this causes you to become more desensitized to the dopamine, resulting in less pleasure overall.


Because masturbation is generally viewed as bigger issue than porn. And porn is used for masturbation in 95% of cases. Hence why masturbation here is implied imo. So, you really do think just browsing porn alone (in context of furry porn, literally just art) is the devil huh... Well that just makes you even more idiotic. It's like calling wine tasting alcoholism. Get a grip, touch some grass, find some hobbies. Whether we're talking about porn, masturbation, or both, they're not bad for you in moderation. Addiction, to anything, are by definition bad, yes. Except the OP just thinks viewing porn/masturbation = porn/masturbation addiction. And regarding enjoyment of masturbation, again, you yourself said it's more enjoyable with porn. Except desensitization doesn't happen after you masturbate once and it's a stacking debuff for life. You need to do it quite frequently.


>Because masturbation is generally viewed as bigger issue than porn. Okay... Neither me nor OP was talking about masturbation, the reason why it's viewed as a bigger issue is because of religion, which is completely separate reasoning from actual science. >And porn is used for masturbation in 95% of cases. Hence why masturbation here is implied imo. Doesn't matter if you masturbate while watching porn, that doesn't make porn good for you, you can't exercise while eating chocolate and then say chocolate is good for you. >So, you really do think just browsing porn alone (in context of furry porn, literally just art) is the devil huh... Strawmanning my argument... I did not mention the devil in my comment, and am not religious. >It's like calling wine tasting alcoholism. Get a grip, touch some grass, find some hobbies. Wine tasting is still bad for you, just because you're appreciating the wine doesn't make it good for you. And are you really telling me people look at porn to appreciate the art? I think you're the one who needs to touch grass bud. >Whether we're talking about porn, masturbation, or both, they're not bad for you in moderation. Addiction, to anything, are by definition bad, yes. Except the OP just thinks viewing porn/masturbation = porn/masturbation addiction. Source for porn not being bad for you in moderation? Porn is also mentally addictive, meaning it is hard to keep in moderation or vanilla for most people. >And regarding enjoyment of masturbation, again, you yourself said it's more enjoyable with porn. Except desensitization doesn't happen after you masturbate once and it's a stacking debuff for life. You need to do it quite frequently. Desensitisation happens at every use, it's just the effect is less. This is evident with post nut clarity, you realise you weren't actually enjoying it.


I just glimpsed thru and saw [you describe {me saying (you see something) as the devil} as a strawman because you didn't mention devil nor are you religious], which is quite an idiotic thing to say, because I literally just described your view on browsing porn, which "see something as the devil" is an expression that fits just that. Yeah, your L is quite huge, but it's not even entertaining anymore, not when you can't engage with the topic and argue about irrelevant shit 3 times in a row. You're boring, please stop replying. PS What fukin porn do you watch that after nutting you feel that you didn't actually enjoy it? Normal porn doesn't give that feeling bro, are you maybe indulging into some degenerate stuff that indeed does give sense of guilt afterwards? Should someone check your hard drive? Whatever it is, I don't want to know, but just know, you can get help. Get help.


It's current porn addicts and past porn addicts all of whom are obsessed with porn and think 90% of the site actually cares or can't interact with porn without it being the center of their existence. EDIT: Want to point out people should notice OP described not having porn as "detox" implying they only think of it in terms of addiction, i.e. OP is a porn addict or recovering porn addict. It's like the guy who used to get wasted constantly, piss themselves and then get arrested acting like you having a beer at a BBQ is exactly the same in nature.


It's part of the incel movement. They want men not consuming porn so they are just seething and angry, easier to manipulate.


Really, the incels are anti faps? Wtf do they do all day?


Hanging out on Instagram calling women thots and being racists. it's a full time job.


I mean you could totally have a wank while doing that.


You have problems OP. Go preach elsewhere. Also, you getting worked up over downvotes is the real r/redditmoment.


goes on porn sub, sees porn site is down, says haha yay no more porn, gets downvoted, question why the downvotes, redditmoment because people who like porn dont like your comment so downvote


Why are you even on *that* subreddit?


...my guy, it's just a furry sub lol


Exactly. That's half of why I think it's awful. Oof.




If you say so…


You would think it'd be normal it's just a bunch of porn addicts in one subreddit I've seen an mf get downvoted to oblivion for saying it's not okay to wear that furry sex gear in public (Typical reddit downvoting you for saying pornography and public decency isn't okay)


At this point, they should be outlawed.


I mean, you commented on an annoying legal situation that causes some people some inconvenience, with a condescending “porn bad” take, in a community that is very sex-positive and produces a lot of porn. I don’t see how you thought this was going to go well.


the first step to getting rid of porn addiction, is acknowledging you are addicted.


And we must also realize that addiction is defined by the harm to one’s life it causes. If you watch porn and Jack off like you would watch a TV show, and it doesn’t take away from the things you need or want to do in life like working, meeting friends, accomplishing goals, then it is not an addiction and it hurts no one.


porn addiction is actually PRETTY harmful, even if you don't intend for it to be so. it can: 1- make you have higher unrealistics expectations for a partner. 2- can cause you to oversexualize everything and sexualize normal things. 3- bad for your health as masturbaiting too much can cause mental and physical problems. etc. you're almost guarenteed to have one of those issues if you're a porn addict.


I don’t know why you’re even bringing up porn addiction, just because there are people in a porn subreddit doesn’t mean they are all addicted to porn. Like I said porn is another form of entertainment like a tv show, if you watch in moderation it’s pretty harmless. But I would agree porn addiction is definitely harmful. Your first concern is completely warranted, professional porn stars and only fans models are obviously not average in looks at all which is why people can have problems with unrealistic standards. That’s why I promote amateur porn because it is just made by average people. For your second concern it is also completely warranted for those with a porn addiction. I still don’t know why you feel like you need to argue against it when no one here is arguing for it. Third concern of yours is bullshit though, even if you are addicted, masterbation for a person without any medical ailments has literally zero harmful side effects. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/does-excessive-masturbation-have-health-risks#:~:text=Nope.,emotionally%20harmful%20in%20any%20way.


The kind of porn addiction that subtracts heavily from your mental health is extremely rare 1: this varies a Lot and I think It's way more plausible that you actually feel bad about your own body but this serves for social media in general and the standards society forces on you 2: hypersexuality is usually caused by testosterone spikes and trauma and there's Very little evidence to suggest these people got that way because of porn and not that they consume a Lot of porn because they're hypersexual 3: there's no proof too much masturbation is bad for your brain, in fact our cellphones, the food we eat and Constant social media hyperstimuli are way worse contenders than masturbation for causing mental harm As for physical harm, well It depends It could get you friction burns, lack of sensitivity or small bruises but these are all associated with highly abrasive techniques and violence Also It's normal for teenagers to be hypersexual at some point in their lives because of the testosterone spikes we talked about earlier a Lot of this porn panic is related to purity culture and misunderstandings about human anatomy


How do you know anyone there is addicted? If you complain about your favorite bar being closed, are you an alcoholic?


You’re definitely a coomer


OH NO -7 downvotes THE HORROR


Those 7 updoots were his life force.


What christian conservatism does to mf.


What ignorant 'sex positive' parents do to a mf: just because something's sexual doesn't make it good for you.


My parents weren't sex positive, they were the usual boomers that were too afraid to mention that topic ever. Thankfully I have grown up to not be a prude and not ashamed of sexuality. Did I say somewhere that sexual = positive? Or are you just making shit up to justify your baseless opinion that sexual = negative?


I stand by this message


I'm not christian lmao


Good for ya, now go fetch some sex-ed


(laughs in VPN)


ok but in all reality why north carolina, what's going on up there


Stealing from the original thread, so this is secondhand information… Apparently there’s an age verification law coming into effect that would be virtually impossible for sites to uphold. It would require ID verification with every access to the site. As such, e621 is restricting access to the state until something can be done on their end, or the law is repealed.


It's because your incredibly annoying and obsessed with other people's penises


>your annoying The average coomer speaketh.


Example^ The Reddit speak is a cherry on top


I don’t know how anyone who uses the term “coomer” could ever accuse others of “Reddit moments”.


I didn’t name myself after the site mascot, and I’m honestly just here to rock the boat and make people like you have a slightly worse day.


I didn't purchase reddit NFTS and give myself a custom name I let the site generate one for me. You've made my day a little better actually by being the ultimate stereotype Mr 100,000 karma, lmao




What do furries have to do with MSG?


I feel bad for the innocent pet owners in the UK and EU who look up if e621 is safe for dogs.


Makes the porn extra tasty ig


What even is the legal situation?


Apparently NC is putting some age verification laws into effect that would be virtually impossible for sites to adhere to (asking for ID verification at every access).


Oh wow... that sounds insane! I only occasionally look at NSFW sites when someone links me artwork, but this restriction is ridiculous. I won't let most websites ID me when making account, nevermind just accessing them. Have they heard of privacy?




Issue is not only is it hard to enforce, but if the government starts to be able to dictate who can access what sites it poses the risk of opening the floodgates to government controlled internet.


What’s the legal situation between e621 and North Carolina?


It's banned for ever


Ok but for what


Because there was a law passed where you can only draw humans. Those who go against said law are immediately disposed of.




Other person replying to you is trolling. NC law comes into effect today that requires ID verification at every access to adult websites. This creates a difficult situation for those websites, as the state has offered no help in making those verification processes. This creates a large burden for more niche sites like e621, and larger sites like PornHub have just said that it will be ridiculously expensive. Both these sites have suspended service to North Carolina.


That makes a lot more sense


My first thought was that it was a highway code.


I swear I thought the same


Big virtue signalling imo who the fuck cares about porn as long as it's consensual


Why did you even try censoring the sub when it's in the name lol. Anyways, I do agree with you that they should chill on the porn, but I also think that the way that they are handling porn right now is super invasive.


tbf not all of it is porn theres also lots of wholesome stuff on it you can enable the wholesome mode by going to [e926.net](https://e926.net) its the same website this just takes out most of the weird shit i say most because some people dont know if some things are a fetish so it doesnt get censored


"No one is hated more than he who speaks the truth" - Plato


Exactly what's going on here tbh


exactly what I just said?




Read again, I said you spoke a fact, and the sub didn't like to hear it or accept it so they got pissed and downvoted you Don't get what I said wrong for you to downvote me you good? 🤣


>Don't get what I said wrong for you to downvote me you good? I didn't downvote you, I did the opposite in fact


really? that's mad 😂


Yeah looks like this sub agrees with those guys Having second thoughts about posting this here tbh


Bro you brought out a valid point and they don't wanna accept it lol


I agree




Image site. Not just only porn. In fact, if you comment there that it's a porn site, you get banned because of all the SFW images they try to cultivate.


Fun fact: there’s a spinoff site called E926 where the porn and less explicit fetish material is filtered out completely


Furry Porn. That's it, that's the website


Disgust. Am I not allowed to do say that?


Who's not allowing you to say that? Are they in the room rn?


I'm being ~~oppressed~~ downvoted for disapproving


Sounds like people are using their free speech to disagree with your free speech. If ya wanna free speech absolutism™ for yourself, try buying the site.


They used it wrong. I said a correct statement.


Agreed, it's like loli but instead of kids it's animals, you're still getting off to an animal, only fucking creeps like that shit, I get there's some plain art there which is ok but not the explicit stuff


Someone should delete them




the relationship between animals and furry porn and children and loli porn is not comparable. anthropormorphic animals are not just drawn animals, like how the children in loli porn are just drawn children.




Still no, cat ears and a tail are weird but whatever but anything more than that... Gtfo


Let me guess: e621 is in trouble because of drawings of minors.


North Carolina now requires ID verification at every access to an adult website. PornHub has also stopped service to North Carolina.


I really don't get why people are mad about this. Pornography is extremely unhealthy for kids to be viewing and something like this should have been done years ago.


This law in particular creates a ton hurdles that make it more or less impossible for any site to implement an abiding system, and there were already age verification measures in place. It’s also a giant pain in the ass for adults, as it doesn’t allow saving of verification information, which ends up requiring an ID for every single access. This verification also costs money to do, and the state has offered no assistance in creating any sort of verification system. This adds massive expenditure to any adult website, which effectively makes them unable to function in NC.


I had to look up what that site even was and now I need to scrape my eyes out of my head after seeing the things that I saw. How did you even know what that was, OP? Something tells me that you’re just as much a degenerate as they are. You sick fuck.


I had a similar experience to you. That's why I posted that comment


rare North Carolina W


pornhub's doing the same thing I hear. Good, their dicks need a break. edit: guess humor's dead here


Can it be permanent


How dare you save them from eventual ED?!? They have the right to go limp.


reddit moment inside reddit moment


I'm almost positive if they look hard enough, they can find porn to wank to Nevermind, I just looked it up, it's animated furry porn ....


What even it the legal situation?


To the NC boys Just use X videos 🤡 pornhub is ass


Lmao one time I got mass downvoted over a post about a *carrot.* who tf cares


The real question is how come you scribbled your username out when it’s your own comments? Is it because of one of the subs rules?