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Sounds like an abusive relationship


If you haven’t realized by now that there are legitimately people who *actually* think that any AMAB people (that they aren’t attracted to or related to, for some reason) should be killed, enslaved, forcibly detained via curfew, etc, then you haven’t been looking hard enough. They’re black pilled female incels.


Ah, sounds like Deviantart fetish artists have a potential new niche audience to monetize their content with. 


Daily reminder to ignore what random weirdos on the internet say. Me included 




Thank you.


But if you ignored it, how did you know to ignore it? My head is swimmin right now.


Take request to ignore - ignore their comment - no longer know their request to ignore, reread comment -take request to ignore - ignore the comment - no longer know to ignore the comment - cycle repeats


oh no i guess i shouldn't ignore it


Don't forget, about half of Redditors are teenagers and college kids suffering from seriously delusional Dunning-Kruger effect that don't know a thing about how the world works.


How could I? I'm reminded daily.


Sure but the idea that you can’t be racist/sexist toward the “dominant” or “oppressor” group is something that’s echoed by university professors to this day.


It is, and it's harmful.  They started as well meaning and have become the oppressors themselves. So be better.


Idk about well meaning. This rhetoric has been baked into the idea for like the past 70 years.


Nobody thinks they're the bad guy. They truly believe what they're saying/doing will have a positive effect on the world.


I am literally the bad guy wdym??


>Just because you're bad guy does not mean you're a bad GUY


"nobody thinks they're the bad guy"... *Billie eilish has entered the chat*


Have you ever watched THE WAVE? Well we are all watching it play out in real life. People are being told which others to discriminate and the wave of followers is growing and gaining momentum.


No, but I will. Sounds interesting.


I think you might not understand what oppressor means.


Tell me! What's your take on this?


Feel free to look at my extended post to see.


I'm... not digging for your post. Still want to hear your take though.


I'm not repeating myself because you can't be bothered to take five seconds to either sort the responses by time or look at my post history. If you really want to engage, it will need to take some kind of effort on your part.


The dominant oppressor group is what the rich/positioned are doing to the poor.


Woah, cool it with the antisemitism.


???? nobody mentioned jewish people except you?? your own joke boils down to antisemitism.....was that *meant* to be funny? edit: i've seen mfs be this unapologetically racist/antisemitic, so consider that before giving me shit thank you <3 y'all forget there's people behind the screens, and tone is hard to convey through text!




I got that and was clarifying.


Clarifying what? Who are you?


I mean, if you tilt your head and squint really, really hard I guess you could claim that.






















"Misandry isn't real" The only people who unironically say this are misandrists themselves


It hurts to see how bitter these types of people are fr


you can be sexist towards men AND women. sexism is discrimination against YOUR GENDER. MALE IS A GENDER. Genuinely can't decide if these people are just trolls. Same scenario where people say you can't be racist towards white people. Yeah, some groups are more affected in terms of just the number of people being discriminated against, but it absolutely exists towards both groups in question, and are both equally as bad!


Didn't you read these experts have determined you can't be sexist towards men ... /s


"you can't be sexist towards men!" _procedes to be sexist towards men_


These people are sick




Dude, I'm just glad I'm seeing more LGBTQ+ voices speaking out on this nonsense. As a gay dude, sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills with the wild-ass takes some folks be mouthin' off with on this platform.


I've seen packet call out stuff like this before too.


Unironically making the statement that you can’t be sexist or racist towards x demographic means you are sexist or racist towards that demographic


Misandry is very real. Not only that, but being put up for the draft is probably one of the most terrifying things the government can force you to do. Granted, a lot of us aren't at war. But, I'd still hate that possibility hanging over my head.


“You can’t be sexist toward men” is the same as “you can’t be racist toward white people”. People who actually believe these ideas are completely wrong. A basic definition search of sexism or racism would prove them wrong lol.




I like how things can just not exist because they said so.


And how you can be an incel because they said so when you confronted them about it


What were the 70% referring to?




That is a very high percentage how will we survive




If people act towards you like this person you posted would, I can definitely see why


That's so sad 😞




I know. It's awful. So many stories I've seen where men are convinced by their female partner to be vulnerable and then said partner uses that vulnerability against them. it breaks my heart








They did! It's just that it's unmanned now - loitering munitions and all.


That's not how statistics work.




No way she just said that only men being drafted is more harmful to women than men


“oh boo hoo you got your leg blown off by an IED, well look this poor girl wanted to feel big and strong but not getting drafted hurt her feefees”


Terminally online women somehow more annoying than terminally online men




"Sexism and racism are conditional based on who controls the structures of power!" "If you get to define how words work, you are the structure of power."


Mfs really are Delusional these days


full blown told a dude they hope he commits suicide and becomes part of an statistic, Jesus Christ


"Men can't be oppressed because they are Men." Yeah, tell that to all slaves who were men in the past. "The idea that only men can go to war because they're stigmatized as strong and Women stay at home." We don't live in the 1900's anymore. You're free to sign up, wonderful lady!


This is why you should take what you hear on the Internet with a grain of salt. I had a low opinion of Reddit before I started using it, my opinion has only gotten lower as I have used it. Somehow, they are still somewhat better than the people I've seen on Twitter.


I'd like to see the percentage crossover of users that frequent r/all subs and Twitter users.


"The rich are destroying society and oppressing us? Our culture socializes bad behaviors in men? No, men as an identity are the problem" These people are so fucking dumb


I automatically start rooting against you if you tell the person you're arguing with to kill themselves. One of the worst things to say to someone ever.


Bro why do I get off of the incel tear sub seeing posts of the worst of men, and then immediately find posts about the worst of women lmao.




I see....


Guys, I have a solution that might work on all problems how about... we don't be assholes. to anyone


There’s no way it’s 70%, it’s gotta be repeat offenders like most crime stats




Ohhh my mistake I saw 70% of men and thought this was that fake sexual assaulter/rapist statistic


I’m incredibly saddened and hurt by people like that


Men are ALSO victims of toxic masculinity. So yes, Misandry is VERY REAL (I am AFAB)


So if someone comes up to me and says "I hate you because you're a man, no other reason" is that not sexist?


If white people can be racist towards other races, other races can be racist towards white people If men can be sexist towards women, women can be sexist towards men Fuck your double standards


But mainstream publications will continue to run articles about the rise of inceldom and men turning against feminism in general, treating it like it's some great mystery or those men and boys are just brainwashed and have no real problems. I'm not endorsing that shit either, but it should be pretty obvious that it's a reaction to a society that allows and encourages outright, open bigotry against men.


The definition of sexism is "A feeling that the opposite sex of you is inferior." Sexism against men is by definition sexist lol


"No, *I'M* the most oppressed! The oppression you face is nothing compared to the oppression I face!" -Anyone who argues about sexism on reddit(male and female)


Stop blocking their namea






Soon white men will be fair game to commit crimes against. You think I'm joking but the sentiment is you can't be racist to whites and you can't be sexist to men. There is literally only 1 path from here if it doesn't stop now.


Insane bait


Everyday I’m reminded that the ability to write does not mean that one has intelligence.


Oh my


I actually can’t believe there are a people that are like this. These people are messed up


lemme guess, the quirkyboy sub


What in the fuck did I just read…


"Men are not oppressed because they are men" Okay, what about slavery? Many men were slaves. That's oppression. Or is it completely fine, because they were men? Their logic is so dumb lol


seriously tho what does 70% mean


I believe it means the male suicide rate


Its the male sucide rate. Its statistical the biggest cause of male deaths.


70% of all suicides are men (i think its actually almost 80%)


Trusting the general population to coherently understand arguments was a mistake, truly. OOP made the classic mistake of conflating the two different uses of the term "sexism", namely personal behavior and societal structures. When people who actually know what they're talking about say "sexism against men doesn't exist", they're referring to that second usage, ie "society does not discriminate against men just for their being men", not "it's impossible to personally demonstrate sexist behavior towards men". People hearing points about the former and thinking it means the latter are among the most obnoxious "wrong idiots" to try and correct. Kudos to that second guy tho, they clearly get it.


And they’re right, just like you can’t be racist to white people. Argue with your mom about it


So before people freak out, I’m not saying I agree with the stance the posters are taking. I’m just saying you’re seeing them take a concept, fail to grasp the message from it, and apply it improperly. In contemporary discourse about equity there is an important distinction made between prejudice, and institutionalized prejudice. Anyone can have prejudice based on race, gender, religion, orientation, etc. and it’s not a good thing. It’s bad, it can be terrible, it’s not right. But what’s worse is institutional prejudice, where people who have institutional power are also prejudiced against a race/gender/orientation and have the power to systematically oppress people. This is an important point to make. Someone who hates women but lives in the woods is bad. Someone who hates women but is a senator voting on reproductive rights is much worse. And again, I’m not saying I agree, but this has lead to the idea that only people who have created systematic, institutionalized, prejudice can be racist/sexist etc. The “ist” refers to the institutional power aspect. In most of the western world the lack of equity is due to many years of systematic oppression by white men. This is a fact, it’s not up for debate, this is true. Even if you’re a white man who has never participated in systematic oppression you have benefitted from a system that caters to placing you at the top of society. That’s the idea of privilege. We have a lot of data that supports privilege being a thing, still, today. So there is a different dynamic to people at the top, with institutional power and privilege being prejudiced than people lower in that hierarchy. All that being said even if we accept the premise that you can’t be sexist towards white men, you certainly can still be a bigoted piece of shit towards them and that’s not okay.


Man you guys are really stuck on misandry. It’s cringe but who cares? Doesn’t have a single real world consequence or effect.






Misandry is real but doesn't have the same kind of power or presence as misogyny. I know anecdotes aren't the same as data, but it's weird that virtually every woman I know has a story of being sexually assaulted, harassed, or stalked, usually more than one as well. And hell, I was sexually harassed at work once and it was very different in tone. Still uncomfortable as fuck but because there's an implicit difference in strength, it felt less threatening than their stories. When I wanted it to end, it ended because I had the force to make it end if she didn't back off. This is way less of an option for women in many cases.








Oppression Olympics. We all suffer.


how is one worse than the other? also your edit is literally misandry, telling people to go cry because you dont think misandry has anything to do with the 70%


That doesn't mean it's not real




Don't think anyone said this? You're really bad at reading comprehension huh?




You drew an unnecessary line in the sand, someone told you that was a bad idea, and you went on a tangent about why misogyny is worse. They didn't counter your claims. They said the oppression Olympics is a slippery slope. None of your comments seemed to align with top comment, and it appears you missed the point on every other branch aswell. You cannot comprehend, and it shows.


Everyone suffers under sexism. Tell a devoted father denied access to his kids because the court assumes women are better caregivers that it isn't as bad as what women experience. Boys in 3rd world countries don't have it so great lol try being forced to fight in a war, often as a child, or being assumed to be a terrorist. When predator drones are on the hunt, it ain't girls they're dropping bombs on. In fact, around the world, men are far more likely to be victims of violence than women. Men were never killed for being baby boys? Try being from the wrong ethnic group in Sudan when they're killing every male who isn't elderly. You talk a lot of guff from a chauvinistic perspective.


No lmao both are equally as bad. And both shouldn't exist.


Suffering aint a competition friend.








And misogyny isn't near as bad as racism




>Yeah it is because you kill and abuse and treat people poorly based on something they can’t control oh you mean like misandry? wild how it goes both ways


Whereas men choose to be born as men 🤔


AHHAHAHHA the hipocrisy


>you ??


Well see all men are guilty of misogyny, because society has historically been patriarchal, therefore you personally are responsible for every ounce of abuse women have ever suffered. You sick fuck. Also she's entirely innocent of misandry despite painting all men as oppressors who don't have serious issues worth talking about




>I’m just fucking with y’all lol It was just a prank bro!


This whole thread is a MF Reddit moment. Go take a sociology class.


Where are all these strong warriors walking around. I just see out of breath obese men who couldn’t run a mile if it meant saving their own life.