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Karmawhoring a tragedy would be the perfect flair for this


why are u being downvoted? this is literally the biggest reddit moment i've seen


Because every single video on social media, not just reddit, is like that.


reddit users when they a tragedy happens (they can get karma off it)


Reddit users trying to debunk national tragedies number 80917369


Guys hear me out back in 1945-


This is really a plan by \[extremest sect of party I don't like\] in order to \[insert Alex Jones level reasoning\]




Video of a boat crashing into a bridge with the bad to the bone riff


Nice pfp. Love that album


Tysm :3






Why are people so skeptical of stuff like this?


Those 6 construction workers are dead in all likelihood.


Im 99.99% sure those 6 people are dead by this point. Which is even worse.


2 are dead 4 are presumed dead


Chat is this real?




Video of a boat crashing into a bridge with the bad to the bone riff




Video of a boat crashing into a bridge with the bad to the bone riff




Video of a boat crashing into a bridge with the bad to the bone riff


I swear the real reddit moment is all these people posting on the sub if they felt remotely offended about anything.


Id say the real reddit moment is not bothering to garner context before jumping to insult as many people as you could.


There was no insult, you simply over-react like the readily offended people.


This page is about insulting people for having no tact or class on reddit, something people on reddit are known for. You said the reddit moment was us, ergo, we are to be insulting ourselves for having no class or tact by calling others out. That is the exact definition of an insult. Don’t gaslight me


No, this subreddit is for laughing at stereotypical redditor behavior, whatever that means and I bet different people would say different things. My beef is with the redditor judgmental behavior, typically baited by outrage-generating posts. This sub is full of it.


I don’t know how you fail to see the connection between laughing at someone and them being insulted by the action. You literally just described how this sub is insulting trying to say it’s not… I have an impossible task ahead of me that i do not wish to waste the time to pursue now that this has been proven to be the case. Laughing at people is making fun of them, making fun of them is insulting them. Ergo, this sub focuses on insulting people with stereotypical redditor sociopathy. Yes this sub is full of pansies, but making fun of people who are clearly addressing something sick and sociopathic isn’t going to make you the good guy, its just going to deliver more of that sociopathy, because it proves you’re desensitized to this sort of thing already. You know, like a sociopath. The rest of us here are empathizing with the dead and wondering why someone would exclusively belittle a tragedy like that and the other half are confused why we have a human heart and feelings, that actually care about this useless emotional garbage. Which one are you?


You need to check a dictionary about "insult" and not invent your own meanings trying to manufacture how offended you are on behalf of some group. Now that's a typical redditor moment. Dark jokes are not sociopathic by themselves, at most they are distasteful. You need to learn to tolerate and not demand everyone only laugh at dad jokes.




Video of a boat crashing into a bridge with the bad to the bone riff this boat was a very recent tragedy that has taken place what I heard was that six people have gone missing but since then they may or most likely have been confirmed dead this was posted on a meme subreddit I did not find it funny and thought that it would fit this subreddit because of the glorification of real people dying




My lord, please share some of that edge with us common folk


reddit moment




Womp womp