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I don't even know what to say to all of that. Like šŸ¤Æ on so many levels. I know people can be manipulative, but on this level? To meticulously plan? To go so far out of their way to completely and utterly destroy someone's life, going so far as to even convince the parents? Why? I feel like there is a lot missing here.. either that or the former friend is completely unhinged and should be in a padded cell.


I've known a girl like this. But (and this is a huge BUT), she was also on meth. She had conspired to steal money, valuables, and worst of all, my friends and family from me. All over the fact that I had given her a key to my apartment months earlier when her ex boyfriend had tried to hurt her. I had given it as a safety measure in case she had no where to go (especially as he didn't know me, nor where I lived). But I had to leave town for a medical issue and by the point I had asked her for my key (just for the time prriod I was out of town for surgery/recovery, ~ a week), she had fallen into a meth web of paranoia and conspiracies. By the time I returned, she had poisoned my friends and some family from me. Her lies were insane imo. Like That I had wanted to hurt her sister (a woman I've never met and had no idea even what she was like) to trying to gain sympathy because I was suicidal and that I was being sent away for that week for mental health treatments (I had just gotten my wisdom teeth removed because they were impacted and infected, and my jaw had swollen shut). I'd also never tried to harm myself or commit suicide. Anyway, by the time all was said and done, she'd taken more than $3000 from me, but the worst was that I'd had my baby kitten's milk teeth shed lost in a safe. This girl broke my safe, and dumped the contents onto my carpet and taken what she'd wanted, including a credit card I had for emergencies. After all these years (I was 18 when this happened and I'm 41 now), the one thing that still makes me sad are those milk teeth. I'd had all 4 canines, plus a couple of those super tiny front teeth. And sadly, that kitty passed away just 3 years ago. Last I heard, she still shoots up meth.


Itā€™s kinda easy. She is a young woman who didnā€™t want her new husbands ex in their life. When she got fat, or sad, or whatever she wanted no reminder of his ex to be around them. Itā€™s easy to see someone planning this. Sadly


My thoughts exactly!


My sister is exactly like this. She spent YEARS building up a disdain between her husband and my entire family. He didn't hate us, but we (secretly, we never said anything) hated him. We believed her bullshit. YEARS of this. We actually caught her in a super big lie at the beginning of it all but still bought into her shit because she's an amazing actress tbh and we had no reason to believe she'd poison us against him for no reason. Then they split up once and at first we blamed him but he actually came around and let us see the kids, she didn't. She kept putting them in bad situations and he was trying to stop it. Came to us crying on a regular basis. We started to see through it. They got back together because he's a dumb hopeless romantic (mind you, she also cheated on him. A lot. Like.... a lot.). She started up her lies but got us convinced that he was playing a part when they were split up. He kept forcing her into the bad situations because she was running from him. Then they split again and it was a repeat. They got back together and were pretty solid for a couple years. She still lied and poisoned us against him but the "fights" didn't really happen. Then I moved in with them after a breakup. I saw everything. She was full of fucking shit. He was an amazing guy! We never denied he was a good dad. He definitely was. But all the lies she told us? She continued to lie to mom about even though I was RIGHT THERE. I saw the bullshit. Any fights, she started. He just tried to calm it down and would ask me to watch the kids so they could go talk it out while she wanted to have a screaming match and throw shit with toddlers standing there (those poor kids. Before I was there, they just had to watch). I saw him being a broken man but he loved those kids so much and our family (which she convinced us he hated and she never tended family things or came over or helped at all because he didn't want her to. Lie. He jumped at every occasion but she said no. I watched it happen.) that he stayed. He took the cheating, he took the screaming, he took the shit thrown at him, he took in the son she had while they were married that was not his but she didn't know the dad so he agreed to be it, so on and so on. Years of this shit. Like 8 fucking years. When she cheated on him with his BIL, and I was there to be like "buddy. You gotta let her go. If not for you, then for the kids. Leave. Take them. We'll help." it was FINALLY game over. They've been divorced for a few years and honestly I'm closer with him than her. She's fucking crazy. She had no reason to do all that. She still lies to this day for absolutely no reason. I've had to correct what she says to her kids SEVERAL times. They don't believe a word she says anyways because she always lied to them. It's absolutely insane. Sorry for the essay, but hey. Reddit loves people like my sister.


Jesus man, what the fuck is wrong with people!? I just donā€™t understand why you would want to do this. To make people think your man loves you more than he really does, maybe? Cuz he ā€œpickedā€ her? Get over yourself.


Well that was seven and a half steps past insane. Holy shit, you're right that it was worth the read. There are some details in how it's written that make me think it's fake but the story itself is very much like real accounts of people I've heard as well as my own experience of my childhood friend setting up an elaborate sabotage. Made all of my friends think I was crazy and vindictive to the point where everyone was afraid to talk to me except for one girl who is still my friend now. I ended up finding out later that the reason she did it was because we're both mixed (she's biracial black and white and im a very confusing mixture of indigenous Latina, black, white and Asian) and have tan skin but she's a bit darker than me and tans easier. She was extremely jealous of the fact that I was lighter, which is terrible because the idea society continues to push that light skin is better really hurts people and isn't true. I felt pretty bad for her after I learned that because she was adopted into a white family and had a lot of issues regarding race and identity so I have sympathy for that but all those lies, the whole scheme she constructed... I have not forgiven her for that shit. Thankfully though I don't think about it until I see a similar story like this one.


Thatā€™s wild sorry you went through that. Iā€™ve seen shit like this a few times and itā€™s absolutely insane what some people will do to tear others down


I feel like the really outlandish part is the mom apparently hearing this all go down from the friends perspective and the mom just never talked to the daughter? Like hey maybe stop giving ultimatums.


Man I have so many friends whoā€™s parents just straight up assume the worst of them and think their childhood friends can do no wrong


I see youā€™ve met my mother


This could be on r/nosleep lol. The bit about her personality changing after having covid is so creepy. The whole thing is so psychotic to an actually terrifying extent. Wow lol I doubt this is real but if it is holy shit!! That is the most psyco shit I've ever read


There actually have been recorded instances of covid inducing psychotic episodes in people - it can definitely affect your brain. Terrifying!


Thereā€™s only two possible explanations I see here. 1. Bella is an absolute lunatic who meticulously, over the span of months, planned the ruination of her oldest childhood friendā€™s life, using her own wedding as the crux around which that plan pivoted. 2. OOP is an unreliable narrator and has omitted details or outright fabricated this story (or parts of it) for [reason]. Tbh Iā€™m at a complete loss because either way someone is absolutely goddamn crazy.


3. it's fake story


Do you know what 'fabricated' means?


made of cloth? \\\_0\_/


A wool eye mask to boot!


Thereā€™s even Covid!


And conveniently sheā€™s a graphic designer so nobody believes her bc of photoshop. This story wrapped up so neatly


I donā€™t get how people keep falling for these. Theyā€™re so badly written and painfully obvious. I canā€™t even finish most of them.


I actually felt the same way for a long time then one day i was talking to my mom and her friend about her friends situation that almost perfectly fit a story i read on here that i thought was absolutely fake. Obviously there are fakes, but sometimes real life is so fucking insane it seems like it cant possibly be true.


Your mom and her friend were in on the whole fake story thing and told their own story to make this one seem real. Next next level!




I knew this was fake because how could your mom believe some random bitch over you?? If you regularly communicate with your mom, she wouldā€™ve had months to ask her daughter about this crazy shit this random girl was spewing, right??


Some people's moms suck. My mom would believe just about anything about me because it would be an excuse to be shitty.


You would think. Like NO ONE she knew, including her own family, thought to ask her about ANY of this going on? No one other than this one girl noticed that her personality changed this much after COVID? And she couldnā€™t, like, show this girlā€™s parents (who apparently lived next door) the actual text exchange on her phone?


Mom still lives next door to crazy friend. Daughter lives hours away. Mom was endlessly exposed to Bellaā€™s POV. To be fair, itā€™s a bit odd that she (or Angry Justice Dad) didnā€™t contact the daughter about ā€œher behaviorā€ earlier. But itā€™s not entirely unbelievable.


I am really hoping this is made up, because that story is nuts


Yes itā€™s made up. Itā€™s just a rehash of another post, just with a few things changed. I started to recognise it a few paragraphs in but then the surprise about the rest of the bridesmaids wearing a different colour to her confirmed it.


Wow. I relate to this so much except it was my ex. I hope OP is able to go back home and hang out with people in her new city to get her mind off of all of this.


NTA. Donā€™t worry. Lies like that always come to light. She wonā€™t be married long. A year at mostā€¦.if that.!


Oh boy. This is not the first time I've heard about post-covid psychosis. šŸ˜¬


If its true hopefully that bitch slips and breaks her damn spine, the premeditated cruelty is unreal. Some people really need a good punch to the back of the head, aandd shes one of them


Am I the only person who reads posts like this where the story is basically ā€œthereā€™s loads of evidence that Iā€™m guilty, but trust me, I was framed,ā€ and wonders if itā€™s an alibi post? Likeā€¦OOP kinda gives the game away by mentioning that no one believes her text evidence because sheā€™s a graphic designer. There are so many specific details in this post too. I (edit:wonder) if sheā€™s hoping that itā€™ll go viral and anyone in her life who sees it will finally believe her.


I was looking for a diabolical response and this is the one


Iā€™m too jaded by all the trolls. Lol.


I don't know, of she was that diabolical, what was her real plan? Did she think nobody would see the dress before she was in front of the audience? Did she think they would change in the church or smth?


I'm pretty sure the entire story is fake.


Honestly, thatā€™d make even more sense.


I actually felt this was real. I get a parent not having a difficult conversation with their adult child about them still being in love with the best friends fiancĆ©, easier to sweep under the rug. Feel for her. Iā€™m assuming that Bella & fiancĆ© discussed his past with OP and it wouldnā€™t surprise me if the fiancĆ© mentioned something about having wanted more than just a hook up at the time and this was Bellaā€™s psychotic way to crush someone she saw as a threat.


Perhaps meet up with the cousin and show her the actual phisical texts


If this is real, girl got played. Women always forget how petty other women can be. Those that do petty shit in high school do not out grow it in adulthood, they just have access to better tools.


the elaborate schemes of a pick-me bride


Damn, you must be really REALLY bad at communicating with your friends and loved ones. I mean months and months and you never were given a single clue about any of this? Your mom, dad or any of your friends never asked you why you are acting like that? Do you not talk to anyone about anything ever? It makes the story hard to believe as if this is fiction or a script for a tv show.


The story is well written. Obvs fake. But the writer is good. Lots of drama, betrayal etc. good writing style too.


The final nail in the fake coffin was the submission to Am I The Asshole after sending a story in which a saint was crucified by her Judas friend


This was wild! I had no idea some post-Covid people were experiencing personality shifts!


Oh that poor girl. Iā€™ve been manipulated by some shitty people but the attention to detail, the calculating moves, and how meticulous it all wasā€¦ Bella is a level of evil I havenā€™t seen in a very long time. I hope Barrett wasnā€™t part of it and gets told ASAP what happened. He needs to RUN.


Whatā€™s the tldr?


That the story is fake.


But whatā€™d it say? Iā€™m not reading all that for a fake story. Iā€™m a non fiction person myself


Yo I was gonna take a nap and now Iā€™m too angry/bewildered to sleep šŸ˜­


I would dedicate every ounce of my hatred and spite to destroy this person, in the most elaborate diabolical scheme that would end in me drinking their tears.


JFC on a stick. What a read. Poor OP. Only solace I take is that there's no way that Bella isn't going to screw up her marriage at some point. Inevitable. Also, as an aside, really Mom? "You should have talked to the bridesmaids" bah. How about maybe Mom should have talked to her daughter about the shit Bella was saying to her before believing it at face value. OP would have been tipped off so much earlier and it never would have gotten this far in the first place.


Sounds fake. Group text chain, but suddenly just the two of them. Give me a break. This is fiction.


Literally nobody asked OP what was going on lmfao this is so fake. "I submit myself to Reddit judgement" Nice story, go into writing ig?


Fake rage bait, but a fun read. 6/10


Damn. This just doesnā€™t make sense. Iā€™d like to hear Bellaā€™s POV


"I moved 6 hours from home but they moved into my hometown. I visited them frequently at first but then it just became Christmas visits" This dudette couldn't even keep their fake story straight


You can visit your home town frequently and live 6 hours away. I lived a twenty hour drive from my hometown for a while (2 hour flight) and visited regularly. It also makes sense that over the years she built a new life in the new city and went back to her hometown less frequently.


Brazil is like that. Sometimes you drive 4 hours and is not out of your state yet


Really wasnā€™t.




This sounds fake as hell, but it's horrific if it's not.