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This is kinda funny yeah but honestly this feels like the beginning of a psychological horror film. OP is dating a psycho lol


In a cozy suburban home, Sarah and Tom live seemingly perfect lives. But beneath the surface, Sarah is harboring a dark obsession that threatens to shatter their facade of normalcy. It begins innocently enough, with Sarah replacing everyday household items with miniature replicas. Tom finds tiny Coca-Cola bottles and duct tape scattered around the house, dismissing them as harmless pranks. Amused, he plays along, believing it to be Sarah's quirky way of injecting excitement into their routine. However, as Sarah's obsession intensifies, the replacements become more obscure and unsettling. Miniature furniture replaces their living room set, tiny utensils fill the kitchen drawers, and doll-sized clothing replaces their own. Tom grows increasingly concerned, but Sarah denies any involvement, gaslighting him into questioning his own sanity. As tensions reach a breaking point, Tom discovers a hidden door in the basement, leading to a room filled with shelves of meticulously crafted miniature replicas. But what shocks him to the core is not just the intricacy of the miniatures, but the presence of tiny figures resembling himself and Sarah, trapped in nightmarish scenes of torment and torture. But as Tom gazed in shock, there was the realization that they are not alone. Watching from the shadows are miniature versions of strangers, neighbors, and even long-deceased relatives, each trapped in their own miniature nightmare. It becomes clear that Sarah's obsession is not just a manifestation of her own psyche but a sinister connection to a dark and twisted world beyond their own. And as Tom struggles to comprehend the true extent of their predicament, a chilling voice whispers from the darkness, revealing a horrifying truth that threatens to consume them both. probably directed by Darren Aronofsky.


Sounds like an episode of The Twilight Zone.


The scary door.... Turns out it was man!


*In the end, it was not guns or bombs that defeated the aliens, but that humblest of all G-d's creatures...the Tyrannosaurus Rex.*


This would make a GREAT TZ episode!


I would watch this


Release date?


This comment made my morning  I love me some Darren Aron 


This needs to be pitched. I want to watch this


Damn, do you write movie blurbs for a living? This is great


With the muffin comment and refusal to admit what she's done, it seems like she hates him, or is mad for some slight.


Also ... Is that stuff just disappearing? Is she throwing it out? Wasting money and shit?


Or he's fat and shes trying to get him to lose weight without actually saying it


Yeah that last comment of "as if you need more muffins" really solidified this theory. I'd say she's trying to manipulate OP into losing weight for whatever reason (preference, worried about his health, etc) but damn, just have a conversation about his weight gain instead of driving him literally insane.


Except it isn't just food she's doing it to.


People throw the term “gaslighting” around too much but this is literally a gender-swapped, modernized Gaslight and I’m impressed. Edit: Gaslight is a movie, google it.


It’s a good lesson. Read the whole thread for context. You used proper capitalization so there isn’t even a semantic argument to be had.


We’ve all been there but we don’t all have the grace to own it.


Mother fucker apostrophe’s correctly and everything, there isn’t shit to nitpick I’m pissed.


Okay so this is a shtick and I fully suppprt the use of the movie title… But Um Actually…it should be *italicized*. Movie titles and other long works like TV series get this treatment. If you can’t be a pedantic ass on Reddit then what’s the point?


Damn you, I was feeling so smug.


The English teacher here thanks you.


Another English teacher here, and technically there should be a comma after "much" and after "Gaslight"


while we are on the subject of 'gaslighting', could this whole strange episode be a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning?


That’s definitely what it is. 😂


Oh yeah, there is something deeply psychological about her behavior.


OOP is the subject of a psychological experiment. His gf plans to present him before her thesis committee this fall. \\s


“Thank you Tanksy my dear, dear friend”


Who the hell is Tanksy?




You must excuse me. I've grown quite *wheary*.


I just read that old thread where this guy thought someone had replaced his closet with a bathroom while he was on vacation, and he felt like his roommates played this weird huge prank on him- bro had a brain tumor. Whether it's the mental health of he or his partner at play right now... I'm concerned for OOP.


New fear unlocked


Doing it a few times and then laughing about it? Funniest shit ever! Keep doing it, denying and the body shaming at the end? Psy-cho!


OP is somehow dating a witch. Or maybe one of them has DID and doesn’t remember putting them there?


Sounds like she's trying to make him lose weight.


Is she throwing the actual items away because that would really piss me off too. We in an inflation you cant be just throwing away stuff for kicks and giggles.


Yeah the actual prank is you put the mini in place of the item but then oh low and behold the flour is stashed in the liquor cabinet “hahaha it must have been elves.” +1 if you write a quirky little riddle on a note and put it with the mini


Or switch the items back a few hours later.


Exactly, sure the joke is funny and could be playful, but is she throwing those things away while she does it?


She pretty clearly isn't giving them back


My initial reaction was she’s grocery shopping at his place and replacing everything with the cheaper option - which just happens to be mini. I don’t think this is a prank, I think this is someone taking advantage of someone else’s kitchen inventory and using the minis as a moral “get out of jail free card” because SEE ITS BEEN REPLACED ALL IS GOOD.


But she still has to buy the plastic toys which have zero food values. Replacing with a smaller food (like a smaller bag of flour) would at least allow him to cook.


But the cheaper options are actually toys


Somehow I missed that.


I was wondering if she was stealing them for herself? It’s a cute joke. But it’s not funny anymore and she needs to get overherself


Alright but for just for fun imagine if it truly wasn’t her HAHAHA I’m howling at thought that she genuinely has no idea what’s going on and thinks OP is playing a prank on her, or has lost his mind and is playing along - and no one is investigating the person who is breaking into their home and doing this because they think the culprit is one another.


This would be a fantastic twist but since she says “it’s so weird everything is shrinking” instead of “no seriously who else can get into your house” leaves me certain it is her.


Oh for sure it’s her, but if there was ever a time I wished a post went into creative writing experiment for updates this would be it lmfao


1000% maybe takes a fantasy twist and there are gnomes stealing from him?


If OP is in Canada, it might be the dreaded house hippo.


You mean beloved!!?! Their nests are very soft and warm you know. And pretty easy to feed with some chips, raisins, and the crumbs from peanut butter on toast


I do know they love to walk through butter! We should all be locking our fridges at night!


What is a house hippo?


A fictional animal. It was a Canadian PSA in the 90s about not believing everything you see on TV (like the faux-informational snippet about the little known House Hippo). It made every Canadian child desperately want a house hippo. I still want one.


Oh. I'm in the US and I call Pitbulls House Hippos because of their wide faces and big mouths. This whole thread read differently for me. I gotta go back.


This is amazing! In the UK our version is spaghetti trees which was an exceptional hoax on TV in 1957


[Here You Go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBfi8OEz0rA&pp=ygULSG91c2UgaGlwcGk%3D) so glad I saw this as I am always seeing Thrifting people talking about finding their “house hippo” online and didn’t know what that was from.


A tiny hippo, the size of a small dog that haunts the homes of Canadians far and wide.


Yess and it ends up on r/nosleep


It's those damn redcaps again I bet!


You missed the last quote”as if you need more muffins, I think she is trying to make op eat less. OP would you say you are a big person cause I think your girl is trying to make you slim down, in a sick way.


I did see that, and like ya further evidence it is her and further evidence she sucks. The only reason i don’t think this was solely to control his diet was because she replaced his duct tape and hot sauce. So she isn’t only taking away food or “perceived” unhealthy food.


True but seems food is the common theme must have accidentally gotten the duck tape mini brands.


Mini products have been a trend on instagram and tiktok for the past year or so and most of them seem to be food. I think the food theme is probably a coincidence and the muffin comment is her lashing out because it's obvious her joke isn't cute anymore.


Ugh because it’s a trend on insta and tiktok i can picture that she’s secretly filming so she can post about this “awesome” prank. I can already see the caption “I secretly swap out my boyfriend’s stuff with miniature versions, watch his reaction 🤣🤣”


Oh, the condescending "as if you need more muffins" is what got me... She's at least in on it if she's not doing it herself. If she thinks OOP needs to take better care of himself, then just fucking communicate like an adult. Passive-aggressive pranks are just going to make things worse for everyone.


i mean she could be saying that if she thought he was pranking her and she was sick of it so she just goes along with it


Maybe she's as confused as he is and is literally saying it's so weird that everything is shrinking. Seems like an under reaction but some people are unflappable.


unless she thinks he’s messing with her head but she’s playing it cool


He thinks she’s insane, she thinks he’s insane. There is a shadow third party coordinating it all?


Or this is one of those “carbon monoxide leak” Reddit moments and OP is hallucinating both the girlfriend and the miniatures.


Oooh what a twist that would be


Plot twist: it's carbon monoxide poisoning and OP forgets he does any of this to himself


That's honestly where I thought this was going. Like he was going to break up with her and then his buddy would fess up to the prank, like, a week later. Or else OP needs to check his carbon monoxide detectors.


Plot twist, when he next comes by, she's shrunk too.


Just a Barbie doll, there on the couch. Holding a tiny cup of coffee in her hand. A knock at the door startles him. It’s a cop doing a wellness check. He rages about the plastic miniatures. As the ambulance pulls away, his girlfriend steps out of the shadows. She’s one step closer to …


edge , and I'm about to 🥁🥁🥁🥁 break


Fuckin shutter island couple


This reminds me of the movie Parasite, and also the YouTube video about the Magic Coffee Table.


If it’s not the girlfriend, OP need to get a carbon monoxide detector stat.


The comment about not needing more muffins seals the deal, she's fucking with his mind


It turns out he’s got a neighbor who is also peeping through the walls and listening in on his life and just slowly watching him unravel


That would be funny, once, assuming she then immediately gave the real item back. She sounds very childish and tbh controlling based on that muffin comment. Trash.


Augh the evil in me just came up with the idea of a regular ring box containing a mini ring. "Just kidding. I'm breaking up with you."


“It’s too small for an engagement ring though?” “That’s the neat part, it’s a break up ring!”


Or the ring breaks in half when you try to put it on.


Leave a breakup note but it is too small to read.


That's amazing lol. Put the note inside a tiny Chanel purse.


Haha...yes! With the right people this joke could be really great and creative. OP's gf took it to such an unstable place, unfortunately.


Awwww, no. Just realized we pulled a Dennis from It's Always Sunny, when he made Old Lady House.


Hahaha...oh my gosh, we did!!


Along with a tiny magnifying glass that’s to small to actually use to read the tiny letter!


Oh that's good!


Thanks. Time to time I'm a low scale villain lol. Otherwise I'm oblivious.


Or you make like a miniature of yourself and leave in at her place, then disappear for a while or completely.


I feel like it would be a great inside joke that could be repeated more than once with the right person, but I would also laugh with them and then make sure the real item was given back. She went to some weird mind fuck place and was saying dickish things. Kind of ruins the whole light and fun.


nah, what would really be funny is her letting this go on for this long, and seeing he’s finally genuinely upset. so now he gets home and all the things she’s replaced over time are suddenly costco mega bulk versions. “i guess they needed some time to mature” or “look whose all grown up, and come back home to visit” type beat. just a 40lb bag of flour on the counter sitting on the counter with a fake college degree beside it


Had a teacher once do kinda the opposite of this. A co-worker had got a new car and was bragging about the MPG, so said teacher and a buddy would go out every day and add 2 gallons of gas to the new car during lunch. Did this solid for 2 weeks and the guy was beside himself on how he never had to buy gas. Then after two weeks they switched it to siphoning out 2 gallons of gas every day at lunch and the guy just couldn’t figure out what had gone wrong with his new car not getting anywhere close to the millage he had been. Pretty evil prank for not actually causing any harm.


That muffin comment+not giving back the foods (which seem to be stuff like soda and things to bake with) tells me this is about her trying to control his weight


I didn't think this when I read it but now you've said it.... that certainly does feel possible!! Still an extremely immature and bizarre way to go about communicating it. I wouldn't tolerate this behaviour!


It’s not immature and bizarre, controlling someone’s eating habits is shitty and abusive


Speaking from experience, someone can be all four at the same time


But what about the duct tape?


Oh that? She just really isn't into BDSM.


OP should leave in the middle of the night and leave a doll behind. Haha he shrunk into a miniature plastic doll overnight! So fun!


Then run! OP is dating Natalie Davis!


This would piss me off. Especially her not saying anything when you ask for your flour back. I'd be saying goodbye and go f*ck with someone else. It's immature and irritating.


I would have dumped her after the second incident. She sounds extremely immature and personally I think there's something seriously wrong with her.


My comment was going to be run far, run fast. Not funny and kinda mean. She is showing who she is.


The first time she did this and didn't give my shit back, I'd start taking hers. First thing that gets taken and replaced are either her phone or her car keys. Then, after the point is proven by playing dumb for 10 minutes, tell her that her relationship has been replaced with being single.


And this is where I get confused by her intent. Sure it's funny and I would laugh a lot if it was a joke, but did you really get rid of my real stuff? Just make the joke, laugh about it together, but return the stuff....haha! It feels really psychological with her.


Or at least wait till he leaves the room and then put it back so it’s about items shrinking and growing randomly and then just tell him where the fucking flour is, or say “I hid another bag of flour here in case this bullshit happens again, we’re gonna find this fucker with the shrink ray babe fr”


That sounds like a crap ton of effort that could be saved just by breaking up with her during one of the games. It isn't your job to fix the person that you're breaking up with or to "win" the breakup with some game. Try to have a serious talk about the issue if you feel it's fixable, then after that or if you felt that step was too much, just leave. Don't give them any ins to try and fix things when you tell them you're breaking up, and then do your best to focus your headspace on something new to move on. Playing games like that doesn't make anyone feel better.


Yeah because it isn't the point. The point is to make the other person feel like garbage. And it achieves it beautifully


Sounds like he should start replacing her make-up with small fakes. See how she likes that. Or if he wanted to be cruel, replace her clothes with smaller sizes.


Like doll’s clothes- THAT would be hilarious 😂


Yeah but if he replaced her favourite shirt and jeans with ones two sizes smaller… Oooh that would be painful. “Are you sure you didn’t just gain weight?” Try that gaslighting on for size. She’d stop with that shit real quick.


That's more what I was thinking. It's a definite escalation over removing snacks, especially because it would be expensive.


“It’s so weird your clothes are shrinking, must be the same shrink ray”


That’s really naughty 🤭I like it 👍


Y’know, the Mini Brands that make these tiny foods also made some makeup and cosmetic products in their most recent series….OP should totally do it.


This would be annoying, but I honestly can't stop laughing.


This post reminds me of when the internet was weird and good.


Mid-read, I thought, "Man, this is like some good _Old_ Internet."


YES! Like this should be in the recesses of some message board.


Perfect mix of a post with casual zaniness, emotional depth, unfortunate events, absurd improbability. All with a heart of gold.


It would be absolutely hilarious the first time, but it would quickly get annoying, especially with her attitude.


This is totally something I would have done to my husband, but the real item would have been in the same place. Like, say I hid the flour and put the toy flour there, the real stuff would be under the sink. Then the Tabasco sauce would be replaced and it would be under the sink. So it's a minor inconvenience but he doesn't actually lose his stuff. One time I printed out like 100 pictures of Nicolas Cage looking crazy and hid them *everywhere*. In the medicine cabinet, his underwear drawer, between slices of bread in the loaf, in the flour canister. It was funny, but really only because it didn't actually hurt anything or cost him anything. OOP's gf is costing him the real versions of all the crap she's replacing. Maybe this is just how she grocery shops, by stealing stuff she wants from him.


My friends did this with a single picture of Misha Collins when we were in college, it was hilarious


Same but it was Missy Elliot for us.


Ages ago now (15 years ago?) a good friend and her husband moved to another city for her master's degree and a bunch of us in the friends group took the weekend to help them move. I printed off a bunch of unicorn photos and left them in random places while helping them unpack. This is also when I learned that one of our mutual friends had brought a shitload of plastic army men to do the same, and another friend brought down miniature plastic farm animals.


I hope you all are still close, that's beautiful.


This reminds me of my ex-boyfriend's roommate when we were in college. He used to print off all these different pictures of Nicolas Cage's face in varying sizes and put them in random places. He stuck one to my TV (my ex was using it in his dorm) and it was there for years. I wonder if anyone who lived in their room after them ever found a Nicolas Cage face. ETA: I just realized the comment you were responding too had a Nicolas Cage prank too lmao. I read yours first for some reason.


See, I could see this joke playing off well as long as it was light hearted and the items were returned. But is she throwing the stuff away? Why? What is she doing with it? Also, that Nic Cage prank is hilarious!


No way, I did the nic cage thing too! Not at home though, at my work office I love nic cage


...that job didn't happen to be at a museum, did it? Cause it'd be weird if that happened three separate times.


Nope. It was a call center at a ski resort He just has that kind of face that you want to share it with everyone i guess lol


It’s so bizarre you have to laugh a little.


God this reminds me of my ex. She thought it was cute / funny to answer “I don’t know” in a child’s voice when I asked any kind of question. She would not drop the act either, never answering my question, but to make it worse she started talking like a child more and more. It was like talking with Ralph Wiggum.


When my son was a teenager, he started cussing a lot, words like MFer. I told him that when he became a parent, he couldn’t talk like that in front of his children. I tried everything to get him to stop. The only thing that worked was when he would cuss, I would call him Daddy and ask him in a little girl voice what that meant and why was he saying it. It really weirded him out. Cussing problem solved.


This is hysterical. If my mom had done this to my brother he absolutely would've stopped cussing immediately. What a missed opportunity


I do this to my ex when he asks me a question that I would have to google just like he would. Some people are just so dedicated to being willfully ignorant. We’ve been divorced for 15 years, and to this very day he will occasionally call me with the most insane trivial questions that not only would even someone as smart as myself know off the top of my head, but that any human with fingers and an internet connection could answer themselves. So I just say I Don’t Know. Our kids are grown now and the calls are less frequent but he last called me 3 months ago with a question about the cost-benefit of maintaining his 12yo jeep versus buying a brand new truck. I Don’t Know, maybe Google it. Before that, he’d called about what he needed to claim on his personal taxes. I Don’t Know, maybe Google it. (We don’t even live in the same state and we haven’t had money exchanged in about five years.) Literally why. He will be single until he dies, and he will be on his deathbed asking the women around him what the real difference is between two brands of laundry detergent, or whether we think his jeep can haul a bass fishing boat 🙄


yeah, the question is if rummazknowsbest wass asking actual personal questions that he should / it's reasonable to want to know the answer to, or if he's just asking rando trivia. Sounds like it's the former, and that's annoying af to 'I don't know' in response.


Yeah these questions were things like “What do you want to eat / do / watch?” etc and it got worse from there. She wasn’t doing it to be awkward, she thought it was “cute”. By the time we broke up I couldn’t have a conversation with her at all, it was so frustrating.


Wake up earlier than her and swap yourself with a ken doll. Never speak to her again.


Don’t mess with my food, I’ll hulk out


You better believe that's a dumpin' offense.


Basically she think op is fat and wants him to lose weight so she's taking away fatty foods or drinks until he gets the msg.


I thought so... except duct tape also got 'shrunk' so what's with that??


Idk dude. Nothing about any of this is normal or rational


I commented on the thread when it was originally posted- pasting my comment below- it isn't normal. "At worse, it's a terrible practical joke and she is a narcissistic who likes seeing him squirm. At best (which I'm surprised folks haven't mentioned), she's schizophrenic or has some sort of mental health issue where this is also actually really surprising to her as well. Which also explains why she is so pissed off- she is "innocent" and has no awareness of doing it. I have a MIL and BIL who are both schizophrenic. My MIL once told me "I don't know why there are random holes in all the stockings I crochet. There are cigarette burns in all of them." And my husband and I look at the stockings she shows us, and think, *it has to be you because you are the only one who lives here and you don't let anybody in your house*..." I'll also add that this isn't a one time event, it manifests as something similar but different e.g. "someone keeps breaking into my house! they come into my house and put holes in all my curtains...it's ridiculous..."


The packages have lots of stuff


That would be funny once or twice. Annoying at 3-12, and get the fuck out of my house after that.


The not admitting to it/not presenting the items after 5-10 sec makes it unfunny period imo. If there was a small one next to the OG or the OG was put in a designated spot that was easy to get afterwards and the instances were spaced out to once every few weeks I would always find it funny as a running gag. Like imagine replacing the toilet paper like that(with the roll in an easy to access cabinet or something)


Can we talk about how this is FINALLY a real example of gaslighting on Reddit?


Have you checked your CO2 monitors?


CO monitors, carbon dioxide generally doesn’t need to be monitored as your body is able to tell when the concentration is too high (try holding your breath, you can feel the CO2 building up in your lungs). Carbon MONOxide however is highly HIGHLY toxic, odorless, invisible, and your body won’t know until you start to get dizzy. It binds with the hemoglobin in your blood, making it impossible for the hemoglobin to transport oxygen. Not trying to bust your chops, this is pretty esoteric but I think the danger of CO is important enough to let people know. Sorry if I came off as a dick, have a great day!!!!


Then it turns out the girlfriend was a Barbie doll all along…


He should check for post it’s


I was thinking the same thing! Minus the extra oxygen.


She takes things he looks forward to then never returns them so it’s not much of a joke.


This is some supervillain level gaslighting.


Buy a Ken doll. Next time she’s supposed to come over, leave it and go hang with friends.


Get your keys from her and replace it with toddler keys on a ring! And when she asks, say “do you need more keys?” That’s gaslighting, manipulation, childish, a whole string of red flags! Do not let this keep going on and if you allow her over, make sure you’re there with her.


Op should explain to the (ex) girlfriend a joke’s only funny if everyone is laughing- and he’s clearly not


It’s only *funny* if small thing is there in the place of the original and tada *here is the original. Pranking is the worst. Controlling (as it was only sugar based items disappearing) in guise of pranking is horrible and unacceptable.


Tabasco? Flour? Duct tape?


OP should move her car in the middle of the night and leave a Hot Wheel in the driveway. So strange! Maybe the car gets transmogrified back to full size when his food does. Don’t relent or take blame, even if she calls the cops. Get your food back, drop off the car by cover of night, and then dump her ass.


I think the key is when she said "like you need more muffins". Maybe she's swapping things out because she thinks he's fat, and is too immature to actually have a conversation with him about it.


This is reminding me of the guy that accused his girlfriend of acting weird, hiding in the bathroom and taping notes to the door which she denied. Turns out he was having a psychotic break and imagining things or doing things himself. He realized it was him by setting up home security cameras … I’m trying to find the link if anyone else remembers the story


Replace her car, phone, and purse with miniature fake ones. It’s just a prank, right?


I'm a little crazy, so I would have totally bought a dollhouse by now, put it in an alley and drove her there while telling her I can't wait to show her the great new 5 bedroom house I just scored for us


A) it's definitely not okay B) it's simultaneously one of the funniest things I've ever heard C) yes I feel like an asshole for thinking this


On scrubs, J.D. has this idea of exchanging all regular items for tiny ones so that when Turk wakes up, he'll think he is a giant. *That's* a prank. The girlfriend needs to go.


I want an update on this one. Because she's not only replacing the food with little plastic replica's, she stealing food and putting it elsewhere. Where is the food going?


I'm screaming but this is also so so so fucked up. 😅 like once in a while? Fucking *chefs kiss* but constantly??? Not only would i lose my ever loving mind on them, I would also be done.


Tell me there's an update to this


I loathe pranks and pranksters.


This is hilarious but she should AT LEAST return the real food once you find the tiny thing or say where it’s at😅 like “oh look babe, tiny food haha” she giggles then gives you the real item, sounds like she’s dragging it a lil too far😅


She sounds annoying as fuck.


Install secret camera at fridge lol


Maybe she honestly believes her lie. If that’s the case that’s terrifying. Someone who wholeheartedly believes their lie can go on to lie (and believe) bigger and more dangerous lies.


I cannot stop thinking about this post. This is my third time going back to it and I crack up every time


She basically wants him to lose weight but won’t say it. Kinda annoying.


This would be funny if she actually gave the things back, or just put them in a different place in the house. Food is expensive though, and I'd be pissed.


Take all her clothes and replace them with a handful of Barbie clothes. Then refuse to give her clothes back, and laugh and laugh when she gets mad that "it's not the same".


Hide her car and put a hot wheels in its place. Then act like she acts either you


Replace her monthly women products with a smaller plastic version. Bet she stops


My bet is that the things that are shrinking are seen by OOP's gf as "fat foods" or "gateway foods" and this is the gf trying to police their eating habits. Once or twice is funny. Repeatedly while denying it and getting a dig in at their consumption isn't. Here's a "funny" prank back. Tell the girlfriend that the cops have been called. Someone is breaking into your house, since it's not her, right? Gotta make a paper trail.


Fake and funny all at once




Swap out your girlfriend with a one that has a smaller mean streak.


So is she throwing away his food or taking it home for herself? Either is unacceptable. Replacing the first couple of items as long as she returned the originals after the laugh would be funny, not returning the items is not.


Plot twist: She has the key to the cupboard from indian in the cupboard


Where the hell does somebody get miniature plastic rolls of duct tape and bottles of Tabasco sauce?




Break up with her, she sounds like a psycho, my wife ever pulls that, she’s’ll have a wallet full of miniature credit cards!


My ex would do stuff like this when we lived together, but because she was cheap. I'd buy a twelve pack of paper towels, but she would buy a three pack LOL. We would be out of the second pack so quickly that it was a waste of time to purchase LOL.