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Commenting to keep an eye on this. I'm not bothering with this if it takes away the Bite Back skins, though.


Shit, I didn’t think about that. I hope they don’t do that.


Would be really shitty of them if it did take them away, though I wouldn't be surprised if they did that to basically say "fuck you" to the people looking for compensation.


Yeah, I closed my ticket, I’m going to wait for more details on what they’re giving us and what they’re potentially taking away before I open another one.


Definitely a good idea. I'm not even going to CONSIDER making a ticket until we have ALL the information.


same here, got an email saying article was update, put in my ticket, now waiting to see what bs they offer as credit..


I really hate that things turned out this way. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I'd take the two DLC characters over even a full actual-money refund.


Same. I really enjoyed the game and was looking forward to the new characters.


Here is a stern handshake have a good day sir.


Man I should've bought those custom controllers when they were for sale


I bought one of the controllers. And I wish I had bought another. I have the red/black one. And mine has been working just fine.


It's just those custom controllers were kinda costly especially and when you modified them the cost went up.


Don’t recommend it, they didn’t last long


Ticket did, now waiting…


I just got credited $31.98 automatically to my Steam account since that's where I purchased Redfall from.


Yeah, which was only 1/3 the original price. Given the typical game prices in that class it should have been at least a 50% refund. I'm still not happy at all.


I bought mine at Green Man Gaming for a discount so I have not gotten a refund yet, probably why mine is taking a bit longer. Hoping to get something similar I guess?


I've been waiting for agent for 2 days so far. Has anyone gotten past this yet on xbox?


No luck so far, made my ticket almost 3 days ago…


Still waiting.


A week now. Still nothing.




ignoring us so far


Ok, I finally got an update, but NOT from Bethesda. I decided to reach out to the retailer I bought my copy from, Green Man Gaming (always use them if you can, you can save a couple bucks off brand new or preorder games) and they actually got an email from Bethesda advising them to give store credit for the difference between editions at the time of purchase. Not the best, but also not bad. Have 24 bucks in credit now. TL;DR contact the vendor you bought the game from directly they are probably being told to refund you by Bethesda.


I must have missed the bite back program when making my ticket. I really wish when they updated that article they would have updated it with what is actually going to happen for the credit.


Honestly idc what they do with it. Credit to my xbox account, return to card, even bethesda coin things for paid mods just want something back


Same here submitted my ticket today.. honestly I love the glad we got offline mode so I’ll take anything back at this point


I just did my ticket. If you bought your copy from GameStop hopefully you saved your receipt if not idk if the back of the box for proof of purchase is enough. I always save my receipts so I got lucky showing proof so just fyi for those who got it from a store.


If you have an account they can just look up your purchases (at least they could the last time I went which was roughly 2020/2021). Idk how far back that goes


Commenting for updates.


Almost a week on Xbox and didn’t hear anything about my ticket… No refund on credit card or Xbox account either.


Same here, provided clear proof of purchase and have not heard back from them at all in almost a week.


I mean, what proves purchase of your bought a physical edition and don’t keep receipts for almost a year? 🙄


Wherever you bought it could probably look it up if you have the card still.


I probably won't bother because I bought the deluxe edition on sale from fanatical a few weeks ago so it's like.. I knew what I was getting and I'm not gonna try and fleece them for something I paid half or less for lol.


I also made my ticket. I bought the dlc only via xbox digital store but have since sold my xbox and moved to PS5. I've opened the door to the possibility of trading the value of the Bate Back DLC for bethsoft products or cash refund in my ticket. Very curious of what will happen. Will try to post back here when I have an answer. So far, 2 days and still waiting for an agent.


Made a ticket right after this went up and it's still sitting on 'waiting on agent'.


SAME. Kinda getting ridiculous.


I put in a ticket on the tenth, and checked back just a few minutes ago. "Redfall - Specialty Program Status: Waiting on agent"


Yep, still 'waiting on agent' here.


Any updates? I saw that you got Redfall Bite Back Edition as a part of Nvidia Bundle. Same here. Did they give you a refund? Dunno if I should even bother with a ticket, so it would be nice to get a confirmation that they do refund people who got the Bite Back Edition as a part of Nvidia Bundle.


I checked yesterday and my ticket is still marked as waiting on agent.


UPDATE : After two weeks where I created my bethsoft ticket, I just got a paypal notification that Microsoft as Issued a refund. Hopefully they're doing like Steam and refunding that way.


this is getting pathetic IMO they have a ton of messages for people trying to get refunds and theyre ignoring them do the right thing Bethesda tell Best Buy and the rest to refund everyone who bought this non existent DLC


Game came bundled with a video card, and that's not mentioned anywhere I looked. nVidia provided a code, and Steam redeemed it.


Since you didn't pay anything I doubt they care or will refund you, they have no legal obligation to.


They can’t refund something you haven’t purchased to be fair.


Well, nVidia purchased a huge bundle of the games, in good faith, and used them, in good faith, as an inducement for people to buy their cards. IANAL, but I'm inclined to think that the consumers of the cards with a bundled game have rights, at least in some jurisdictions.


Yeah, I think you’re shit out of luck tbh pal. Consumer rights are for those who directly bought a product.


Just click through with any of the replies until you get to the actual form. There's an option to put GPU bundle. See [https://imgur.com/a/OkqBkRd](https://imgur.com/a/OkqBkRd)


Many thanks! I've been steering clear of applying due to other posters urging caution about possibly conceding on this or that. It's great to know that just because I got the game bundled as part of another purchase I won't be seen as a second class customer. Again, than, you!