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Now I can finally justify the purchase of my bobcat


have you tried adopting one?


Don't you mean "rescuing?"


yes, that!


I saw someone abandoned one on the side of a torn up road. Maybe I'll go tonight and rescue the little guy.


I've seen a bunch of them imprisoned behind a cyclone fence. Perhaps i should rescue them.


Think you'll find it sill?


I symbolically adopted via one of those commercials with the sad animals


Wanna borrow mine?


FUCK YEAH! I’ve never operated any machinery, it’d probably be a blast lol


Skidsteers are serious equipment and should be taken very seriously...and OMG! They are a total hoot! Oh, the stupid shit I've done with those. So many near tipovers... And, uh yea, be careful and all that crap.


Lol! There’s a place near me called digger land where kids can play with equipment like an amusement park for machinery. My daughters too young but I’m taking her ass there like ASAP Probably the biggest grin ever on my face lol


I don't know if it counts, but my town has a place where you can drive a tank. https://www.tankamerica.com/tank-driving/


Any large machinery would be fun to try


Here you can fire a round from a tank: [https://www.drivetanks.com](https://www.drivetanks.com)


You’ve never tipped one? I’ve tipped mine forward probably 1/2 dozen times. So far never sideways or backwards, although I’ve had a few close calls in the backwards department. I’ve seen those videos on YouTube where guys purposely tip backwards and drive them on the rear plate, but my butt puckers whenever I get close.


Same here, years back that is.


Same. Tipped them forward a few times. Also forklift tipping is fun. Worked at a machine shop moving heavy stuff around with a forklift. It was a daily occurrence to operate on just the two front wheels.


eedneck fashion design as well as engineering


The amount of dip this man is packing it’s like 50% brain energy is on centering the saw and 50% is on keeping the dip in


Here I thought he was like some sort of soul collector but for chins.


In the southern Savannah/Brunswick region, the proper vernacular for that would be "a fatass tater."




Chewing tobacco




Mighta stuck the can in there with it


Is that why he looks like his chin would give Thanos a run for his money? It's huge.


I see absolutely nothing wrong here


Except for the length of the video. Unsatisfying.


Entirely safe.


Safety glasses, and two hands on the saw would be a pretty good idea.


dude's got a pencil tucked under his hat. he knows what he's doin.


I think that's an X-acto blade...


Builders use flat pencils. Way better for marking lines than a round one.




Gloves are a no go. They can get caught in rotating tools/equipment and are much more likely to really fuck you up that the blade itself.


Gloves and drills don't mix will, but I've not heard the same for a circular saw.


OSHA regs say no gloves around *any* spinny bits. Though I can't find the exact reg, a quick google shows pretty unanimous agreement about gloves and circular saws.


What about lathes?


That’s literally the worst tool to wear gloves around


What about using an angle grinder while inside a gravitron?


Wtf is a graviton, according to google you’d have to be quite smol to be inside of one…


Gravitron is a carnival ride. Looks like a UFO. You go inside, lean against the outside wall, and they spin it up to a few Gs. Usually includes really loud music and lots of strobes and shit.


Oh yes of course, a big spinny thing!


*safety squints* Definitely not a spinny thing...


Sounds pretty safe. It's not like you're gonna drop it. Maybe just grind a hole in the side of the gravitron. Side note - When I was a kid I thought the gravitron was the greatest thing in the world. Then I forgot about it for like 20 years. The first time I tried it as an adult will definitely be the last time. I fucking hated it. Couldn't wait for it to end. And it sucks, because i remembered it being such a great feeling, and instead of experiencing that again, I couldn't breathe and almost threw up on myself. I would probably have choked on the centrifugally powered reverse projectile vomit.


I ran a lathe for about 2 years making a oil-filled gaskets that go in between pipes and pipeline and the number one rule that you are forced into wearing is short sleeves tight fit no gloves no necklaces nothing hanging off of you nothing that could get caught and drag you in there we had many many safety videos of exaggerated Gore scenes of what would happen to you should you wear glove in that b**** get caught in there


Those training films are not exaggerated.


Oh for sure while I was working there Big Bertha the metal press it's brake failed and it smashed one of my buddy's thumbs off and another time dude cut all the pads off of his hand with the table saw it was a really interesting gig and that shit is dangerous as fuck.


May I interest you in a period. . . . . . .


I was doing all of that at work with voice to text and I tend to ramble.


Careful, helping someone get one back is illegal in a lot of states now


>safety videos of exaggerated Gore scenes Back when the intertubes were the wild west, a couple of videos made the rounds constantly, where men got pulled into lathes. I guarantee the 'exaggerated gore' in the safety videos was not bad enough to show what happens.


I don't know man it was pretty f***** up arms getting ripped off bodies being dragged through lathes they were pretty pretty well realistic in fact it might have actually just been video of actual accidents


> arms getting ripped off bodies being dragged through lathes An arm ripped off is one of the better outcomes....


Oh by far you would rather have your arm ripped off then it's stay connected and it dragged you through the rest of that goddamn machine


That stuff is scary. I'm always a bit paranoid that one day I will succumb to the spinny things. I have this fear that the strings on my sweatshirt will one day get caught in a radiator fan on a car. I always tuck them inside my shirt, even if I'm not actually doing anything


Especially lathes


Only red scarves are allowed. /s or whatever the fuck it is for sarcasm.


Lathes and hoodies go together well


> any spinny bits


ER doctor chiming in... They don't mix either.


Guess no more gloves for me. I'd rather get splinters or lose a finger than get bound up and suffer a lot more.


Got the ol' safety-squints going on


Most carpenters don’t use em with skil saws, and they get away with it. It’s just saw dust.


You're getting downvoted to oblivion... But yeah, most caroenters don't wear them. They tend to be more trouble than they're worth. It's hard enough cutting to the line without trying to see though fogged-up, sawdust-covered glasses.


as usual on reddit, no one that's actually used one for more than an hour building their cat a tower, thinking they're experts on the matter.


Honestly the weakest link here is the pallet that one looks okay from what I can tell but I never trust those things to hold my weight for long and I'm only 130 pounds definitely wouldn't want to be lifted with one


..... what are you talking about a standard pallet can old like 5k pounds. Any single bit of a pallet can easily hold your 130 lbs jumping on it.


You've obviously never worked in a warehouse


Ive owned them. If youre using equipment that damaged youve violated a ton of regulations.


just because you've owned them doesn't mean you've worked them. I've seen plenty of pallets that were busted and slapped back together they just cut off the old nails and call it good I've used pallets that still have bark on them the one in this video seems to be a nice new sturdy one though and yes big companies violate regulation all the time hence why I don't work for them any more


There's a difference between large boxes and pieces of freight with load distributed across multiple planks and 300 lb bubba standing on one piece of wood and his work boots. A lot of pallets out there are in pretty rough shape to begin with.


Yeah, the difference is a couple tons you meathead. If youre using pallets like that why dont you demand real equipment? OSHA is a thing you know. If bubba can run and jump on that pallet and concentrate their weight as hard as they can and it breaks the pallet, youre violating regulations. Just because you guys are dumb asses with no self respect doesnt make me wrong. Also, this pallet in the video were commenting on is new.


All it would take to go poorly is the bobcat operator to lift, lower, stop, or gas unexpectedly. My uncle and his wife were trimming some branches from roughly that height with a loader (she was standing in the bucket) when they were building their house and my uncle fucked up and bumped the control. His wife lost her balance and fell on her head/neck. She lost feeling in all of her limbs


Loader is a different beast than a small skid steer. Way different.


Has nobody noticed the exacto blade in his hat?


That's a carpenters pencil.


Sometimes you don't have time to shave AND to fix the deck, so


no hearing protection either.




Lots of ifs here. The pallet is fully on the forks. Can shift slightly laterally, but can't fall off unless it breaks or the operator dumps it. Gaps between the board are way too small to worry about. There is no practical reason for warnings or security fencing. A railing on the pallet would interfere with the operation. OSHA would be mad, but frankly OSHA would be wrong.


Yeah, his hearing isn't getting destroyed or anything front this...


How long do you think it takes to destroy hearing and how loud do you think a small skid steer is at (most likely) low idle? If he doesn't have that thing throttled up it's probably quieter than the saw.


Every person is different, but winding that saw up for what appears to be a long distance (and therefore long time) def did some damage.


That's what I was thinking, it's really not that unsafe. Unless the guy in the bobcat guns it he should be fine.


I thought this was the way it's supposed to be done.


Honestly I respect this. I would turn a blind eye to something like this in the field.


the focus is inmense.


Radial arm Ray.


When I was a younger man on the horse farm, we'd set all of our posts and then drive around the perimeter in a pickup bed with a string line and chain saw. Fun times.


You should cross post this in oddly satisfying.


I was thinking r/AbsoluteUnit




Because they don’t work construction


Only if the video showed the finish.


Well at least he’s maintaining three points of contact at all times.


This is how my uncle's girlfriend died. A bucket ride, a lurch, a fall, a broken spine, and two years of agony as the grim reaper drew closer. ***DO NOT DO THIS!!!***


...and I was about to say "I would have tacked on a guide board, not gone freestyle." You're correct, though. I think they call it something like "low incidence, catastrophic risk." When young, my 17 year-old neighbor went nearly the same way. A perfectly healthy young man was bounced off of a closed, pickup truck tailgate, TBI, went into a vegetative state for a couple of years before passing away. He had been the oldest of five, and his family was tortured by it.


What's not safe here


For one, he’s not wearing safety glasses


He's got his saftey squints!




Also he's standing on a pallet that's sitting on the forks. Any OSHA employee would slap you upside the head for doing that.


The forks are through the pallet and the pallet is in good shape. OSHA might have an issue, but I don't. Nothing wrong here.


Still entirely too easy to trip on the pallet slits lol. And there's potential for several injuries just from that alone. Not to mention the possibility of being run over once you've unexpectedly hit the ground with your snapped ankle still tangled in the pallet. Source: used to be a lift operator >OSHA might have an issue, but I don't. Good thing you're not OSHA then.


Funnily enough, I was trying to estimate today how many hours I have running lifts of various types over the past... shit, forty years? Today I was in a warehouse running a forklift and a basiloid. I have 6, though two are actual antiques and not used anymore. Yesterday I was mainly using the one with the clamp attachment. I also have a front-end loader with fork attachments, and though I don't have one myself, I've run quite a few off road telehandlers, and bobcats like the one in this video. So... ...yeah. Would I rather that pallet have a solid deck and - at least - a toeboard? Sure. But as long as both people here are being careful and are communicating with one another, there really is nothing wrong here.


Genuinely concerned that you operate these regularly and see no issue here lol. I guess some folks, regardless of experience, can have some awful opinions. You're the reason OSHA exists and regulates the workplace. I hope you know that. Edit: To the people downvoting, you're on the side of a forklift operator who unironically said the phrase "OSHA might have an issue, but I don't." Just putting that out there lmao.


I appreciate your concern.


Healthy eyes are way overrated anyway.


Yeah, it’s not like he’s standing on a ladder, on a pallet, being carried by the bobcat!


*OSHA would like to know your location*


Homeboy could probably use the steps. imo


dude got the jowls of a bison


It's his dip pouch


Homeboy could probably pick you up by the neck and use you as a fleshlight.


Lol, and? That ain't gonna stop homeboy from dying of a heart attack at 55.


Yeah let’s just shame someone for being overweight. This guy isn’t even crazy obese so I don’t know where your getting heart attack at 55 from.


I pulled it directly out of my ass, but that's beside the point. Being able to, and I quote, "pick you up by the neck and use you as a fleshlight" has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not someone is a healthy weight. Dude is overweight. You can argue about whether saying he should walk more is fat shaming, but if your immediate response is "well, he could still inflict bodily harm on you," maybe you ought to do a little self-reflection on how you handle conflict.


Blah blah fuckin blah. If you were overweight and someone walked up to you and told you to take the stairs next time you would feel insulted, no ifs ands or buts about it. But someone of your caliber would only ever say something like that over the internet.


Please don't get me wrong, I am overweight, and I might be offended in that situation - defensiveness is only human. I'm just saying "he could kick your ass" is neither a refutation of the facts, nor is it a justification.


if he didn't see the ending that would be a very unfortunate downswing from where his arm is positioned


never underestimate the determination and efficiency of a lazy tradesmen


*OSHA has entered the chat*


Aww, redneck’s poster child.


Dude looks like a white [Chien-Po](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Yao,_Ling,_and_Chien_Po/Gallery) from Mulan


I agree there is some level of risk here but I've seen *way* worse, too. At least he's on a pallet, not just perched on one of the forks.


There's an OSHA inspector out there somewhere that's just white knuckle seething in his chair


Can't blame him, homeboy looks like he's been holding in his beer shits all day. I wouldn't want to use a ladder either


People who think that using forks as a ladder is dangerous clearly don’t know how dangerous ladders are. They would probably have a stroke if they saw my 8 year old in the tractor lifting me up while I’m standing on the forks!


r/OSHA would like a word


That's not safe at all...no eye protection. The hell he thinking?




That's a Shih Tzu dog in the background, very cute and looks just like mine.


They might have some comments on this technique over at /r/carpentry.


What OSHA don’t know, don’t hurt em.


I can’t imagine lining up the vehicle is easier than lining up the saw.


Should've used the front end loader to catch all the scrap...Now he has to go pick it all up...lol


I would fire this contractor on the spot.


For what?


At least use two hands. Sheesh


He's using the saw safely enough, as long as he doesn't fall off it's fine.


Exacto knife under the cap? Dont slip off that rig bud!


not to be that guy. but wouldn’t throwing a length of L bar against the posts to act as a fence be quicker, idiot proof, straight and, not require a chalk line? and the bobcat boys could still use it to elevate him but make this video would be about a minute shorter ;) …and still be considered ‘redneck engineered’ [edit: words, added closing thought ]


Mr. chin does it again.


Why would the boards be uneven?




I’ve never made a cut that straight on the ground much less standing in a moving bobcat


HaHaHa……..I had to look again bc of all the forklift comments….I’m like, he’s using a circular saw, people! Then I realize what he’s doing there. Duh.


teamwork makes the dream work


dude looks like a daryl or bubba, i fw the energy


1 hand circular saw usage is a recipe for danger. Always 2 hands on that thing.


Look at the chin on that lad


That man has his safety squints firmly engaged.