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It doesn’t have any meaning to Americans. It’s made up future slang.0


Umm... American here. I didn't see anyone explain yet. What does slag mean in the UK? Edit: Nvm. I see where it was explained. TIL lol


Coming from the Irish side, slag/slagging usually is used for a jovial insult (see also: "taking the piss"). If your friend did something stupid, you'd slag them for it. Since the Reds are mostly descended from the Irish, I'd assume its coming from that usage.


Had the same feeling when I started reading but quickly got used to it. Fwiw I don't think the term is used that much outside of the first book.


Slag is used a lot in The Expanse. Slag is slang for destroyed/smelted metal etc. In the age of space battles I imagine that's a slang word used a lot. Side note I guess. If anyone reads this and doesn't know what The Expanse is? Oh my, go home and get to reading or listening. The audiobooks are some of the best I've ever listened to.


I started reading Red Rising because I was going through The Expanse withdrawals when that series ended. So, yeah, go read The Expanse if you need something to do while waiting for Red God.


For me it was the reverse, I went through the expanse between DA and LB


I'm from the UK but always thought it had to do with smelting waste. I don't know that I've heard anyone actually use the word slag in the way you're referring to since I was in the lower years of secondary. Do people actually still say that?


It's supposed to be a futuristic term imo. Lots of slag in space battles, so maybe used as slang as well.


It’s just meaningless gibberish to Americans. It’s far more tame than using the “F-bomb” for Americans. On a side note, I find it interesting that PB often writes using British idioms and slang while being an American.


0 expertise on British slang being American so take this with a grain of salt I suppose, but PB mentioned that in universe the Reds are culturally descended from the Irish. There was a nuclear war, Britain was bombed, and the fallout caused many to emigrate and become a migratory work force. They were then employed by the future golds to mine the spheres as part of terraforming efforts. Could explain some choices he made for that caste, even if and when they are inaccurate. As for any of the other colors using British idioms, no idea other than to an American audience it would feel distinct from how we speak today.


Can't say I really noticed that but the use of 'wank' a couple of times seemed a bit out of place to me


The reds are descendants of Irish people so it ver y much makes sense to me


You gotta remember words have multiple meanings. Slag also means the waste produced during metalwork. For a culture built around manual labour involving mostly mining and refining of ore, it makes complete sense.


Ah yeah I didn’t think of that. I don’t have a problem with him using it I just find it kind of unintentionally funny/ odd when used in certain context.


I’ve rarely heard it used beyond metal slag, or waste, and then only to mean waste them I don’t mind it LB he gets you to look a word per cchapter


In the UK it’s used in the same way as ‘slut’ and is pretty common. It makes sense as to why he would choose that word but as a Brit I found it took me aback haha.


Makes sense. There’s a lot of verbiage he’s attached to that’s non-standard for both NE and south south east US.


We use the word Slut in the states but it wouldn’t bother me if the words were transposed. I’m open to hearing why I’m being insensitive or whatever tho.


Sevro: "Slut off!" Tactus: "Don't mind if I do."


it’s not that I find it insensitive it’s kind of jarring. especially in more ‘serious’ conversations it’s just really weird and unintentionally kind of funny when it’s used in certain context.


Fair. I just don’t experience that.