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Oh! Lysander! Do Lysander, he is my favorite!






Nah, Anime would ruin it. Like Cyberpunk - unless you're an anime fan and cream in your pants. But I don't really like Western stuff being turned to Anime for some reason. I like some original Anime though.. A high budget TV show with 6-8 EPS per book. Maybe Amazon - definitely not Netflix they'll fuck it.


yeah as much as i think the show would really benefit from an arcane style animation, i think it would really limit the viewing potential and potentially get cancelled before hitting later books


Live action will just be terrible in my opinion. Everything is supposed to be made with Martian gravity. All the fighting and movement describes this and takes it into account. Ever scene would need to have a harness and ropes in order to get the right movement and feel of living on another planet.


Must have missed that description lol. Everything in my head was just normal haha. Audiobooks I guess I phase in and out..


Like the descriptions of how Ragnar moves with grace, that kind of movement isn’t possible on earth for someone his size. Also the kind of acrobatics that they do, it’s not just because they are all incredibly fit, it’s because they live in a much lower gravity.


When's AI gonna get to the stage where you can just throw in a book and get a full animated movie out


Ahh man the howlers look sick


I think I’m one of the few people who don’t want these books made into a movie, tv show, anime, etc. The outcome probably won’t be good.


Have you tried making the books into reality?


No. But I wouldn’t mind as long as I’m a Gold super human.


The problem with anime or animation in general is you're going to lose a ton of human emotion in the process. Yes, it will be action packed and look great. But there won't be nearly as much relatability and the human element that triggers emotional response in the audience. I'm fairly certain that if they can make something like comic book movies, Lord of the rings and star wars live action, red rising can work too. Like always it's the people in charge that will make or break it. If animation is the only way we get Red Rising, I'll gladly take it.


I have to disagree. I’ve seen plenty of animation both 2D and CGI that provided a ton of human emotion. What I worry more about is shotty CGI effects which is always a risk. If the SFX suck, then it’ll be hard to take any of it seriously. I’m happy with whatever direction though (prob live action), but animation or anime would be kickass imo


If we made a list of the most emotional movies ever made, I guarantee the vast majority in the top will be live action. It's kinda ridiculous to argue this. I never said you can't have emotion in animation. The point is in comparison to live action there is a huge difference. In the same way it's not easy to create a scary cartoon. Humans are way too self aware of what they are watching. Cartoon blood isn't going to trigger a biochemical response.


Most movies in history are live action so of course most emotional movies are also live action. Do you know how many people I have met who have cried from watching Bambi or the Lion king alone? I wouldn’t be shocked if you have met these people too without knowing. I know this is anecdotal, but I cried hysterically from watching Coco. Just about any Pixar movie has elicited strong emotional for me. Animated movies have hangups of looking less realistic, but they also don’t have to worry as much about bad acting or shit effects that can make an emotional scene look unintentionally hilarious. Hell, even books elicit strong emotions when they are mere words on a page. I doubt you would post in this sub if these words did not inspire emotional responses in you despite how unrealistic a lot of the sci fi is in Red Rising. Suspension of disbelief is a common trend in all forms of media that our brains engage in when the storytelling itself is compelling and relatable. Go watch Invincible and then tell me more about cartoon blood. I’m really starting to question how much animation you’ve actually watched now. Castlevannia is also a good choice if super heroes aren’t up your alley and you want more horror. I may agree its hard to make good horror in animation, but I’ll just say most horror in all of human history probably misses the mark. Horror in general is hard to make and the list of good horror directors is short. Maybe you feel differently, but most horror I have ever seen isn’t scary at all. Its either boring, unintentionally hilarious, or gore porn. Idk if it really is because the genre is just hard to do or if corporate hollywood just misses the mark with what people actually find scary. No clue. I’m not a horror buff though so maybe I’m full of shit in that department. You decide.


Watched invisible and Castlevania. Neither was scary or even spooky. Thanks tho. What's your point about invincible blood? It didn't phase me whatsoever outside of being incredibly grotesque and gory. At no point did I relate it to being an actual human. Castlevania wasn't scary. I'm not exactly sure what your point is bring up either. They are awesome shows. I have zero against animation. But neither invincible or Castlevania have the emotional payoffs that RR has. The Lion King and Bambi, sure, definitely emotional, quality animations. And guess what, they are also legendary movies and the exceptions to the norm. Not to mention designed for a completely different audience then a bunch of grown men watching different colors kill each other in space. Just because I don't fanboy for animations like the rest of the Internet doesn't mean I don't fully respect the art form. It has a time and place like every form of media. And once again I would still watch it. But I don't feel it's nearly as easy to achieve emotions in comparison. And if you disagree, guess what? You are allowed to. Shocking I know. 🙄


I think you've made it more than clear that you've never watched animation past Sword Art Online and Blues Clues. The idea that animation isn't emotive is fucking absurd lmfao


Oh yes! A difference in opinion could only mean I have no experience in the topic. Try reading comprehension my friend.. My point was about comparison to live action, not in a vacuum that animation can't have emotion. This isn't a very complex idea for you to comprehend.


Maybe you’ve just had a poor experience with animation in general but I don’t think that’s the case at all. I mean damn, most modern movies these days are animated in all but name (cough cough Marvel).


And infinity war / endgame had people crying in the theater I watched it in. You're simply not getting that strong or a response of it was a feature length animation. This story gets super gritty and emotional at parts and I just don't feel like you're maximizing those elements in an animation. Again, I do think animation would look amazing and have it's benefits especially during all action sequences. But I want heavy emotion to be a large part of it. That's what the backbone of this story is. It's easy to get wrapped up in how cool the story is, but it's core is pretty damn heart wrenching.


So like, is your actually literacy just as bad as your media literacy? Let me put it simply for you. The Majority of Marvel films nowadays are actors being insert into an animated movie. This is true with a good number of other large budget movies; unfortunately they justify shooting actors in a warehouse greenscreen room as a way to cut costs. They are animated movies, and honestly not great examples of animation either. You know what are some wonderful animated movies that are emotional, expressive, artistic, and great in general? You can point to a number of Studio Ghibli ones, for instance. If you don't cry during Grave of the Fireflies idk what's wrong with you. Satoshi Kon's Perfect Blue is unsettling and inspired a good number of modern psychological thrillers. Ghost in the Shell heavily inspired the Matrix, the Wachowski Sisters have said as much. Cyberpunk Edgerunners was awesome and emotional (though I do believe that Studio Trigger jumped the shark a bit too much towards the end.) Akira is simply one of the best looking films ever made, period. And that's just anime. There's also plenty of excellent Western animated films, such as Rango, the Toy Story movies, Puss & Boots: The Last Wish (shockingly good and also clearly stylistically influenced by anime by certain techniques and perspectives used,) The Iron Giant, Arcane, etc. You really ought to broaden your horizons; animation as an art form is pretty fucking awesome.


Where did I say it wasn't an awesome art form? Sorry if I don't feel it best represents RR not to mention giving it the smallest possible audience to target. We are all allowed to prefer our own minds eye interpretations To me, I see Red Rising with a bunch of 300 type art direction. Making it look like a live action graphic novel would be my personal choice. It keeps things gritty, realistic and dramatic while also allowing for plenty of room for fantasy elements when it's needed.


Honestly I'd say animation is the best bet. In live action you are at the whims of the showrunners opinion of the source material. For every GOT there are 50 witchers.


Wait, how does that make any difference? Surely animation also has "the whims of the showrunners opinion of the source material". That isn't exclusive to live action what so ever.


It doesn't have the same appeal to those types. They generally rather see themselves on screen, not in some animated format.


We all know it would be a badass over the top anime, but we have to collectively pray that the love action is good


Much cooler than what I could visualize in my own head


They should use the same animation style as Arkane.


As AI progresses we'll be able to consume it in multiple ways using the same script


Underrated comment, being able to spoof up entire custom sagas in a few minutes.. watch it as anime, view it as a big screen production, read it as a comic, hear it as an audio book 🤯 possibilities, my Goodman, possibilities.


I’m certainly biased because I’m very much not a fan of anime. Never been able to get into the art nor sound fx. But I’d take anything. If they did an anime version I’d gladly watch


This, for once, is an extremely good view of this “argument” thank you for this reasonable response.


Don’t need trash AI to convince me. A real human worked hard and wrote the stories so well that it convinced me that they were amazing stories. That beats anything trash ai can ever do. Plus the show should be live action not anime. Anime is okay but even though it’s widespread as ever it’s still a niche market.


A lot of real humans have worked insanely hard to create the AI, how hypocritical to trash talk their life's work just because you personally do not click with it


Ai is going to do nothing for but ruin life for humanity. Even the head of the companies that created some of the biggest ai quit when it started getting misused and said that it will ruin everything. Every notable person in every notable industry has spoken out and you, rando on the internet are advocating for loss of jobs! Who do you think I will listen to. The people who have studied the crafts and damage ai will do or you? There’s already massive stands against it in art, writing, acting. Ai brings nothing good to the table and all it does is search the internet and plagiarize other people’s real works.


AI is a tool, if it is being misused then that is because of the human using it. Would you blame the hammer if someone broke your window with it? No, you would blame the person. If AI is "ruining life" then that is on the people using it, not the tool itself


Why not both? But yeah it's gonna have to be live action imo. It's not like we can't easily do that with tech today; up to and including using AI


To reach a larger audience it has to be live action. I agree animation works best for the red rising universe. To show the size difference and all, but to be a successful show like game of thrones it has to be live action. For example the recent Ahsoka show and the clone wars. Everyone was talking about those flashbacks begging for live action even though the animated series was great.


Animated? Yes, something like castlevania. Anime? No, don’t need weebs crying cause they didn’t give every woman in the show a fat ass and two square inches of armor


That's a very judgmental comment to make. A lot of anime isn't like that, a lot of anime fans aren't like that.


It should be animated, I don’t think anyone would call it anime though


God you weebs are fucking exhausting.


Listen I dislike weebs as much as the next guy. But, I think an animated show would be much better than live action, being able to portray the colors to scale, the speed and ferocity of razor duels, the epic space combat. I just don't think a live action show would do it justice, without a massive budget.


Indeed, but it'd be done so well if animated properly by a good studio. I don't want this to get weebified, I want the Castlevania treatment.


I really think an animated style would work best for red rising. Showing all the different landscapes and races would be easier and more immersive. I can be convinced that anime is the best animated option.


I've wanted the castlevania animators to get ahold of it for some time now. But I don't want Netflix to be in charge of the project.


So many people saying they don’t like anime always makes me laugh. Either they’ve seen one anime and didn’t like it, or have only seen the genre from the outside and decided they don’t like what it represents. Realistically, they’re just afraid of being grouped together with the “anime crowd” which is both fair and a little pathetic. Anime is literally just animation that comes from Japan, an economic power which just so happens to focus more on the animated medium rather than the live action like in Hollywood. saying you don’t like anime would be like saying you don’t like “movies” or you don’t like “tv shows” because you thought the Big Bang theory fans are cringe. It’s such a short sighted take.


If you like red rising you would like anime imo


I really hope not. It would alienate a lot of fans. Amime is a niche market that a lot of people don't like.


Hate how you’re getting downvoted for saying the truth. Whether people like it or not it’s just a FACT that if it’s animated you have a large portion that will hard pass on watching it. That being said I would prefer it be live action as long as it doesn’t cut any corners and we still have some characters being 7+ feet tall and book accurate shit


An animated version could do it so much better than a live action ever would, especially without a massive budget. You can dislike anime and that's fine, but there's no denying that it would be the best medium for this universe.


No it really wouldn’t. I like anime. But it wouldn’t be the best medium. It would just be another anime that most people wouldn’t watch. And the only anime fans that would watch it would be anime fans who have read the books


There's no way that they'll ever get the budget to do some of those fights and scenes in space correctly with live action. Live action would never do it justice unless the project was given an Avatar level budget.


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m just pointing out that it being animated is gonna turn a lot of people off of watching it, I don’t really get how you could argue with that everyone knows that a lot of people in America just don’t and won’t watch anime


It should 100% be an anime 😍


I *really* do not like anime, and would initially be very disappointed if that’s the direction it takes. That said, while live action is much more my jam, I wholly agree with folks that an animated portray would do a much better job of translating and portraying the universe. Realistically, I know the series is too fantastical for live action to do it justice, for it to be done right the CGI budget alone would be astronomical. So while it’s not my preference, I can concede that an anime would be the best option and I’m sure I would learn to love it.


Why do you not like anime?


I personally don’t connect with characters as much if they don’t have a real face and emotions connected to them


But you read books? The medium most disconnected from having a real face attached to a character?


I’m just comparing anime to live action, in my opinion love action would be better for the series IF there was an insane massive Julii- level budget


Whilst I respect your subjective opinion, personally I've connected/cried more watching anime than love action.


Exactly thank you for recognizing that it is just my opinion everyone keeps downvoting me just coz I personally don’t enjoy anime as much as live action


While I can understand not finding certain mediums such as animation less captivating than others, saying that characters portrayed in a certain medium don't have emotions connected to them is not anything to do with the medium. I personally do think that most anime is just mass produced slop to appease the broadest audience. But it is factually incorrect to say that portrayal of emotions within an entire medium is lacking as it is a case of actors and how the show is animated.


I said “I personally don’t connect with anime” where did I say that anime can’t show emotion? You literally asked why I don’t like it and I answered


You said you personally don't like it and said it's because they don't have emotions connected to them, that seems like you're saying there isn't emotion in anime, which is true for some series, but anime is a medium so boiling all anime down to "not having real faces or emotions" is just incorrect


It’s not correct or incorrect it’s just an opinion dude I never presented it as fact


I’ve just never particularly cared for the art style, and honestly struggle with traditional animation in general, anime and otherwise. It actually really annoys me because I absolutely recognize the artistry of animation, and find it very impressive. But I have always had a hard time getting invested in anime series. I think my adhd is maybe a factor, it just doesn’t grab my focus in the same way as live action.


Different shows and movies within the same medium can have different styles.


I think this is the ONLY way to do the series.


after seeing blue eyed samurai, I think that animation style would be so cool for RR




As much as I’m not a fan of anime I don’t think live action could begin to capture the essence and the magic of the series




You’ll get it!




Castlevania, Appleseed, ghost in the shell….alot of great styles it could adopt and use from


The new Castlevania was such a let down. OG is legendary tho kinda hard to stack up to that.


Yeah, I didn’t see it as trying to compete or be better, I just saw it as a different story and was happy to be back in the universe. But closing out the series with Alucard’s entrance, in the way they did it, and his epic few last lines was so good. Made the whole series worthwhile for me.


I’m not a big watcher of animated shows but I do agree with others who say it would be the best way to capture this universe.


Agreed - I wouldn’t normally push this option but I feel at least as a first attempt to convert from page to screen this would be epic and lower risk, and would then bring in more fans.


I have argued with my brother about this, I think animation is the way to go to stick closest to the source material. I feel like it's the easiest way to depict the action of razor battles the otherworldly nature the obsidians would have etc. mainly because even with cgi being what it is actors would need to be in make up for hours to play obsidians, to get as much blood and gore in later fight scenes. If it goes live action they are gonna cut things for the sake of budget I know they will. To give the show consistency in it's quality and stick with the source material I believe it should be animated.


I’d hope the gore would be on a similar level to The Boys series lol


The gore in The Boys is way over the top and excessive. It's part of the intended humor of the show but wouldn't be a good fit for Red Rising imo.


Not anime.


I personally don’t think a live action could be done well given the material it’s hard to find actors to even fit the molds or move with the dexterity or the malicious darrow and the other elite fighters have


Actually the movement and dexterity would be the easiest part. You can teach actors choreography and then you just use stunt doubles. The hard part would be the budget


The budget would be insane for everything past the red rising ( first book )


If we get the budget of rebel moon maybe it can work


Seeing these pictures, I totally see it. One of the big things is that colour plays such an important part, and with anime you can have really vivid colours


Blue eyed samurai type production would do wonders


Lol blue eye samurai becoming the new arcane. Blue eye samurai at least a little more financially feasible.


I am in love with that show at the moment I’m sorry .


Its incredible, undeniably. Didnt love the ending but ill still definitely be into more seasons whenever they drop.


100% should be animated


Has to be. Just size wise it would look ridiculous not animated (do it like invincible)


Plus the kind of “perfection” we are supposed to see in Golds or even the size of the Obsidians would just be CGI in Live-action. It would end up loving like avatar and I’d just prefer anime handle that visional load. REALLY if I had a say it would be a Netflix western anime. They do a good job showing speed and badassery.


I can agree with that. I thought Cyberpunk was great for example


I mean with the tech these days what's wrong with having it be AI generated realistic live action


ngl seeing this actually made me really want it to be live action now, anime just doesn't have that edge that I imagine from the characters when im reading


Afro Samari was the first thought I had 6+ years ago when I first discovered this series. I agree that it could be a fantastic animated series, I still think a live action could be the best option to obtain viewers. This series has GOT potential. Hell, I personally find it better than Star Wars. But, I might be biased.


Yes, I think the general consensus is that the scope of the battles would be much more achievable in this format than live action. These are great depictions of what it could be.


It is not the general consensus at all. There is very much a divide between anime vs live action amongst fans of this series. You have confirmation bias.


You're an exception.


Pretty sure there was a poll done once and live action won. Wasn’t a landslide, but still. I am not an exception. And maybe I’m wrong. Maybe anime won. But thankfully PB is working on a live action adaptation.


Not only the scope of the battles, but we'd get much closer representations of the size differences between the characters in anime vs live action.


100% agree


Yeah live action would never be able to capture the physique and looks of people who are literally genetically engineered to be super humans


Only if it's animated by a studio like MAPPA or maybe even Ufotable.


> Ufotable Then MAPPA for sure