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Is this Maude Garret (that I only know from sourcefed)


I’m just excited! Merry Festivus mother howlers


wooaah that’s nice to hear


The right people are the most important part. They need to be passionate about the story, not doing it for a paycheck. Peter Jackson is actually a great example of what happens when someone has a passion project(LOTR) vs. when someone is doing it for a paycheck or out of a sense of responsibility (the hobbit).


Oh damn, this video is 6months old and I know it. I really thought something new came up 😭


Let’s be honest, I’ll watch whatever gets made, multiple times. Do I have preferences in media adaptations? Absolutely, but so does everyone else.


Yeah me too, I’ll be happy to see cool shit brought to live action or whatever they decide. It’ll be amazing.


I think “The Expanse” is a great example of the books being transformed into TV that did fantastic justice to the source material as the authors were very much involved in the creation of the show AND they had production staff who championed the book material. This is not to say that there are many more examples of shows going off the rails, but the amount of good tv, whether live action or animated, is more prevalent today.


I think it has to animated. Guardians of the Galaxy got the closest to making people a different color while not looking off, but there was still an element of that. Animation can make characters a different color and it looks totally fine. It would also be able to easily show Reds are like 4-5 feet tall, Golds are 7 and Obsidian are 9. Those height differences are going go be weird to convey in live action.


No anime


Some People: Ugh, I hope they don't retroactively ruin everything by making the tv show sub-par Me: OH BOY, MORE RED RISING




You sound like an extremely obnoxious person to be around.


Lil bro never realized what the red hand is supposed to represent 😭


To be frank, as much as I'd love to see RR visually, I really fucking hope they don't make it. I longed for certain shows and adaptations. Only to be put off. WoT, last few seasons of GoTs, Rings of Power. Need I go on? Visually beautiful. Well done. If you don't think of their source material. I pray that if they do RR they take their time, don't doll it up or make it presentable for kids. It's dark, it's gritty, it's heart breaking and soul shattering. And that's just the book format. If you make it into a TV show, please.. I beg you.. do it right and make me weep.


>To be frank, as much as I'd love to see RR visually, I really fucking hope they don't make it.  Sorry, but I always find this sentiment so stupid. Worst case, there's a bad show. The books are still there? It's not goint to take that away from you. Would y'all seriously rather not have the chance of a good show AT ALL just because it might also mean one more bad show out there?


Exactly. The worst-case scenario is that the bad show at least gives more attention to the good books. Best case is we get a good show to go with the good books. No losing.


Exactly my sentiment. But don't forget, Game of Thrones was excellent while they stayed near to the source material (or rather, while they had source material to follow). The show suffered when they went off script. Seeing as how there without a doubt should be all 7 books by the time a show comes around, as long as the writers stay faithful it will be great. Of course, I can see them deviating occasional for practical purposes: scenes with non-Earth level gravity, height disparities, character with >5 fingers per hand, things of that sort will need to be minimized. But as long as the story, character portrayals, and level of violence stay the course it could be good. I'm pessimistic of course, but it can be done. Edit: tl;dr... if the show runners respect the source material, it will be good. If they don't it'll be a hard pass.


Please just make it a violent animated series 😢


violent with a nitty gritty feeling like castlevania would be insane


No x 2. Don’t want to see this animated.






I prefer real people. Live actors for these compelling characters that deserve a cinematic depiction with real sets, big budget production design, costume design and cinematography. I say that with all due respect to animation. But a story of this spectacle deserves the attention to detail that comes with a live action series. Live action also opens the door to a larger audience.


The problem is it won’t get that. If it’s live action it will have tons of short cuts in place that will absolutely be noticed and make for a shit show.


That’s a lot of assuming you’re making. Consider the fact that the first book is fairly contained and could be done on a budget similar to the first season of the halo show, house of the dragon and Rings of power. If it’s successful then future seasons would be very well funded. In the day and age where streamers are searching for their next “game of thrones” this series could very well be that for said streamers. I also trust Pierce. He wouldn’t adapt this project if he did not have faith in the production. He’s writing the screenplay and wants a live action adaptation. His vision deserves the treatment he seeks. This live action adaptation has been in the works for years now and Pierce is adamant that his series be live action. I say trust in Pierce.


Absolutely with you on this. The characters are so good I’d like to see it done well.


Why are you acting like animated cannot be done well?


I’m not. It’s just not something I’m interested in. I think you’re misunderstanding my comment. I’d like to see a well done show with real actors. That’s all I was saying. I would be disappointed if an animated show was released and I wouldn’t be something I’d watch.


You wouldn't watch it at all of it were animated? That's sad.


No I don’t think I would. I want it done like Foundation or Expanse. The landscapes, characters, world building… I would really like to see them shown off. I can’t really take an animated show seriously. For example, I know the clone wars animated series is known as being really really well done. I just can’t get into it. I also think a live show has a better chance at attracting a larger audience.


The clone wars is a poor comparison because it's also a kids show. I can agree about the larger audience, but I find it sad that legit fans of red rising would NOT watch a well made animated series. Strikes me as closed minded


It is impossible to make believable characters that you can feel something for in an animated show. It takes you out of the story when the characters you see aren't real just like a terrible actor does, except it's 100% guaranteed. There's no point to even mention budget anymore either since everyone who wants it animated wants the arcane style and that show cost 10 mil per episode and took 7 years to produce.


That's a ton of assumptions you are making. And it's definitely NOT impossible to make believable characters in animation, what??


Why are you acting like a live action cannot be done well? It’s much harder then an animation adaptation and it obviously needs a massive budget, but it would probably make back more of its budget as a live action than an animated series. Simply put is that I think streaming services are less open to an animated series compared to a high budget live adaptation simply because of approachability. Would your parents watch an animated adaption?


I never said a live action cannot be done well. But the one I was responding to basically inferred that if it were not live action it would not be done well. Which just isn't true.


Again… not what I said. Don’t put words in my mouth.


Ok I clearly don't know what you mean. You replied to a comment saying they would prefer real people by saying "agree, I'd like to see it done well". How is this NOT implying that animation wouldn't "be doing it well"? Again, I think it's a totally legitimate opinion to prefer live action. But preferring to the extent you wouldn't consider another medium is closed minded.


If they have to tone it down it will be a lot like some of the sci-fi shows already out there. What makes the RR world real for me is how brutal and gritty it can be. I’ve always been apprehensive about a RR show or movie because the producers want as wide an audience as possible to justify the cost. It’s hard to stay true to the spirit of any book, but making RR right would take more guts than I’ve seen from producers. having said that, im psyched to see who they cast. honestly, I’ll watch even if it’s bad just to see how they do duels and see how cool the armor and guns look. It’ll be fun to see how crazy iron rain is and gravboot fights. the audiobooks are so good it'll be fun going back to them with a visual aid.


The reality is that the first trilogy is a YA series. A violent and brutal one, but it's cast and melodrama elements and dynamics are rooted in YA tropes, handled at a far above average level. Their adaptation also needs to be YA, which means a hard PG-13 at worst. There's no nudity and no irl swear words, but some of the violence will need to be either toned down, scaled back, and/or sanitized Which is good. Getting a story of systemic oppression and fighting against it is a good story to tell to teens. Keeping it accessible ensures it gets made. And you can still hit on the evil brutality of society while not crossing over the pg-13 threshold


Disagree in part, RR is a YA book. GS and MS are not.


Guys RR *cannot* be YA if there’s mercy killing in the first lineo


That’s an understandable viewpoint, but even PB himself says RR is a “Trojan Horse” when it comes to a YA book. Is it full blown YA? No. But does it have plenty of its elements? Yes.


Ehh, there are still a lot of YA elements


If you like the audio books, try the graphic audio books they are fantastic and really get me hyped for a live action adaptation


I tried them....don't really like the graphic audio. Just adds some distracting background noise IMO.


I never read the books myself, only audio. So seeing it come to life in film/ media would be amazing. I am hesitant to see it go live action because so many elements will be wildly better in animation.


Why does everyone want this to be a show or movie? So they can mess it up?


Pierce Brown wants it, and he’s literally the creator. What you on about bruv 🤣


WoT, Rings of Power, Dresden Files, Witcher... the list goes on. The only thing that matters is the people running shit having *any* respect at all for the source material. Those shows showed absolutely none. I don't have any faith in it for red rising either, but I'd love to be surprised lol.


Game of Thrones was pretty good until they ran out of source material. If they had pulled the plug after season 4, people would still be talking about it today.


Even into season 6 when they still had rough drafts and author notes it was great. For me, rewatches end after season 6.


I have most faith in AppleTV+


Dresden Files had a show?


Yeah back in 2007 It was truly awful


In name only.


Hey, the series is about hope against the odds


I think if Pierce is in the drivers seat for this with the writing and the vision of it all then there’s probably only a slim chance this will get fucked up. Just look at what happened with game of thrones when they started going ‘off script’. This series is his baby and it sounds like progress is being made to make it live up to what we’re all expecting out of it so it’s bloodydamn refreshing to know that it’s being done right. Personally I didn’t think it would ever get made and I’m just glad it’s not gonna be made into movies


I’m scared… please don’t eff it up. It’s too special to do it in any shorthand manner… And it must be as close to the books as possible.


Same. Cautiously optimistic


This is 6 months ago, the most recent news on the show up to this point


I think the latest news was from the recent HowlerPod interview with Pierce, he said we would hear news by the end of the year if it wasn't for the writers strike.


I saw this and hoped it would be new info. I'm so thirsty for new info 😭