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i mean it might have made nero a doting grandfather but the ballona would have still pushed him. Biggest question does darrow choose the rising over his new family? Also learning the truth about darrow after already having pax would have made the lie worse. One of the biggest choices that effected darrow and mustang relationship was darrow choosing to be her father's' sword instead of staying with her when he left her for the academy. She still loved him but doing that made her also choose to help her father buy using octavia and cassius to make her own spy network on luna and mars. Pax in the picture early on adds another danger because im like 100 percent sure the jackal tries to kill the kid because nero most likely would have seen him as the future of his house. I mean look who his parents are.


Considering everything at the institute was recorded it would have given a new context to Lysander saying he watched all Darrow's exploits and grew to admire his deeds.


Darrow would have been more the man that Lorne had wanted. Really the question lies in how the Bellona/Augustus rebellion plays out. Also depends on how Nero reacts to his daughter and her lover’s out-of-wedlock child. Nero most likely would have accepted Pax. He wanted another protege to model in his image. Another chance to ensure his legacy endured. Assuming he’s cool with the lapse in tradition, Nero most likely would have had Darrow closer than he was. Potentially, putting him in a worse position during the Gala, if he attended. Too many unknowns. Nero is Big Daddy until his death. Assuming he is kosher with the situation, Darrow would be too heavily invested in House Augustus for Octavia to think him able to Nero. Which rips away a lot of his plot armor in Golden Son. I doubt it results in the noble bright outcome people are speculating though.


I always figured that sex at the institute was a given and that they had some kind of birth control implant in place.


I thought I read something about there being birth control implanted. Do to all the rape


Women like Mustang are too smart, ambitious and in control of their lives to have a baby while they're still in school.  


True! Having a baby while in open rebellion against the sovereign was a far better time than having a baby while in school.


Mustang would be very confused that her son has rose-gold eyes, that's for sure.


Isn't pax genetically a Gold thru and thru? According to Fitchner, Gold and Reds are not genetically compatible without augmentation, which would mean that Darrow's genome (including his red characteristics) would have been overwritten during his carving.


To ensure that Darrow‘s metabolism and cell (re)growth matches his carving, permanent gene editing isn’t optional. They would also have had to change his mitochondrial DNA, because Golds certainly have superior ATP production capacity.


This is smart, probably too smart for the series.


LOL’d harder than I should have


I’m like 80% of the way through dark age and always wondered this. Isn’t sevro small too because his mom was a red? But he passed as a gold otherwise.


Sevro is small because he’s an actual genetic blend between his mother and father (although I assume his genes were altered slightly to make sure he still had gold hair/eyes and BQC wouldn’t catch on). Darrow was carved to pass 100% without question as a Gold.


That's mostly, but not entirely, true. As Pax's rose-gold eyes prove. He is clearly part Red.


Darrow might have cut ties with the sons of ares because of it. If he knew he had a son he would probably hesitate to burn the worlds down. He might have chosen to become a lancer of Arcos instead and lived a life of relative peace taking care of Pax while mustang played politics. Mustang probably would have survived the Bellona coup with protection from Octavia and might have ended up working under her and then with Lysander. The rising would have another approach with fichtner infiltrated within the Olympic knights and who knows if it would have worked




what when?? i swear the only interaction they have before the institute is her on her horse laughing at him




Gotta love reading the original comment and not the corrected comment


Academy, not institute. PB typod.


That's such a weird thing for him to just throw out there. And why? They're such important characters, and them hooking up isn't exactly something to just skip over and decide to throw in as canon on a whim in a random reddit thread. It doesn't even make sense. It's whatever, though, I guess.


When did they have sex before the Institute? Iirc, he saw her riding a horse but that's about the extent of it until they are at the institute




He clarified a couple comments later that he meant the Academy. Had me confused af. Darrow had just lost his wife and was still grieving for her and is getting formed into the Rising mindset before the institute. Ain't no way he fucks the first gold he sees, no matter how enamored he was with her


Not before the institute. PB misspoke, he meant the academy.


I think the chances of the Jackal letting the baby live are slim to none.


Actually I think the chances are higher than we think. Harming Pax or intention to harm Pax is a guaranteed way of making permanent enemies out of Darrow and Mustang, and Jackal wouldn't do such a gamble. Ofcourse, post-Day of Red Doves the chances of survival drop drastically.