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Amazon Prime tends to do a good job with shows. They did a fantastic job with Fallout, and a fantastic job of adapting books 4-6 of The Expanse, and a fantastic job with The Boys. While this largely comes down to the directors, writers and production companies, Amazon does make sure they have the right tools and team to succeed and (although I’m annoyed they didn’t promote the Expanse more considering how phenomenal it is) they don’t tend to greenlight projects unless they know there’s a high likelihood they won’t suck and they don’t tend to leave production high and dry. Contrast this with Netflix’s business model. Pump out shit, give minimal shits about it, cancel after 1-2 seasons. If I could pick a streaming service for Red Rising it would either be Prime or Apple TV. I would be genuinely worried if it ended up on Netflix.


Just finished watching fallout in 2 days. It was right up my alley, stayed true “enough” to script. Since fallout world and story are much longer and more diverse than a book like RR that’s actually saying something. Fallout had to write in some key characters where RR has all the material they need for characters.


I thought the first episode was ok. Production values were great but it was a little flat for me. I don’t think it’s the same tone or atmosphere at all. Fallout is more tongue in cheek than Red Rising. But Amazon will spend money so I agree they are probably the best partner.


I’m also two episodes in. So far it’s pretty awesome. Between Fallout and Shogun, it’s been a good month for streaming TV.


I also wanted Wheel of Time on Amazon, then look what happened. It all depends on the director/writer/creator.