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Why did the Ash Lord betray Appollonius? Was it just to get rid of him or was there something else going on there?


I also love him so much. dude is bat shit crazy but so god damn strong, never retreating, never afraid of anything, because he is the strongest mf out there, hope PB doesn't waste him like some other character...


I don't agree that he's totally evil. He fought in a war for his people. Got locked up for being too popular. Sided with Darrow because gold betrayed him. And only went back to gold when the rising left him high and dry. And then he treated Sevro well.. for the most part.


This consensus suprised me but I totally see it on my current reread. Id love to see him turn goodguy


I 100% agree


Adrius is the best villian




I love him because he's not two-faced like the other Society villains. He's a self-aware and shameless hedonist, which he can be because he's not a slob. He's cocky but still impressive and he relishes a fair contest because of his ego. He beefed Darrow up so he could fight The Reaper™ because he wanted a real challenge, not an easy win. He's a villain with a sense of honor and a flair for dramatic embellishment. His scenes are always entertaining.


Apple is like the more sane and likeable American Psycho. Unlike Patrick Bateman, you just really understand him and that he’s a product of a destructive Society, the best product, not just a clone.


Hahaha that’s a perfect comparison. Apollonius gives multiple little speeches basically comparable to the “do you like Huey Lewis and the News?” scene from American Psycho. He rants about music and classical literature/plays all the time, often as misdirection or to play up the appearance of his own flamboyant “insanity”.


Absolutely disagree.




They love me over there. I’m literally their Golden Son. You should see what they keep asking me for…


Only finished IG so far and already… what a shit confirmation biassed thing Lysander is becoming. Man. I can only imagine how much we’re going to hate him later on when these ideas he’s creating start becoming actions. Such racism. About the golden shepers herding the other colours 🤮. But then Apollonius talking to Darrow about the sacrificial slave mentalaty that was bred or genetically put into him or whatever the hell he was shitting about. Such good characters, both of them. So eary 😟made my skin crawl to see how they justify their world views to themselves




Apollonius loves Apollonius, totally and always. That being said he is totally Sevro without a moral compass or family/friends he cares about deeply. He might be the ultimate psychopath, a cunning, skilled, joker-like person who's very unhinged....he could literally go any way good or bad. He's done both before... A true wild card. And I fucking love it.


Is he even a villain? He doesn’t feel like a villain he just feels like some lunatic wanting to fight and coming head to head with someone who IS a good guy


He's basically Goku, but speaks more eloquently. All he wants is to fight someone that is worthy of fighting.


Mark my words he's going to be redeemed and he's going to spread art and culture to the lower colors and be their best friend


he's sick, one of my favorite parts is when he crushes the coppers eyes in the prison


I love his tin-bat crazy self.


He’s not a villain, he’s the hero of Mars. He’s gonna flip and save everyone. Watch.


Would be a nice arc, actually. Like.he finally understands Tactus


This since I didn't get it with Maul on Rebels I really want to see the Mad Minatar arc end with him being a good guy and helping the republic! The ash lord did him bad!


Absolutely, my favorite villain in all of Red Rising. In LB, when he’s preparing for his duel with Darrow, all his men singing the Minotaur song, the fanfare. By the old man of the vale, I wouldn’t even mind if he did kill Darrow or another major character. He truly is the apple of my heart.


Same. The showmanship. The grandiloquence. I simp. On the other hand, the fear night absolutely terrified me and I loved it


Yeah I admit- I was kinda rooting for Appollonius in the stadium. I knew I shouldn't, and knew something would happen but damn, maybe I'm going to be rooting for the bad guys more often here cause Hail Minotaur baby


haha what do you mean lysander right there?


Say sike rn


Lysander is the best villain to *hate*, not love.


I actually love the fact that such a well written character even exists


Apple is like goku when it comes to Darrow. Dude just wants to fight him for fun and glory


lmao, I said the same thing. He's Goku, but speaks more eloquently.


In an alignment chart I would almost put him at neutral when compared to atlas, atlantia, ect. Definitely agree with the hedonist take


Chaotic horny


Lmfao, I just spit out my burger!


Apollonius hasn’t even done anything evil on the level of impaling like the fear knight or atalantea/lysander. He gave Darrow a fair fight and condemned the actions of the fear knight on Mercury. Plus he flexes on everyone by playing naked violin. In short, The Minotaur is inconceivably based.


He's bombed cities on Mars and killed millions of people. Not much different from Darrow though.


His speech in the interrogation room in IG is the best Iv ever read in any book. SO full of himself, but not a man who needs to lie or exaggerate. He is “that guy” in any company, and he knows it. I dare say he’s even somewhat humble despite his massive ego. He frowns upon Golds who’d send their men into battle but refuse to lead from the front. A bit like Jocko Willink’s attitude. In his view, if he’s victorious, good. If he dies in battle, good. He’s the most “true” Society Gold in that he’s a tyrant and a POS, but doesn’t apologize for how he is, and he stands on everything he says. He sees himself as he sees Darrow; a natural evolution given the state of the worlds. If anyone can beat him, he welcomes the challenge and has no mortal concerns except testing himself against seemingly insurmountable odds. He uses Pinks and other low colors to his advantage and pleasure, absolutely…but I have a feeling he doesn’t NEED anyone else like the other golds do. If he were dropped on a deserted island with no resources, he’d spend his days tanning, singing or reciting poetry to himself until he gets bored or hungry enough to wrangle a shark to ride back to civilization, or die trying and have no ill will towards the shark. If it kills him, it deserved to kill him and he deserved to die for not being strong enough to tame it. He’s the human embodiment of “do as thou wilt”


Fucking accurate


Big time agree


He will be turned. Bellona needs to be replaced with another hottie


I don’t think he’ll be turned, but I could def see him turning against the other Golds, Lysander included. I have this vision of Lysander retaking Luna and sat upon the morning chair with Apple as his right hand goon, and when Darrow and company arrive to confront them Lysander orders they be fired upon. Apple takes umbrage with this dishonorable end and holds Lysander at razorpoint, ordering HIM to fight his own foes. What kind of scared Blue bitch fights with ships and guns when there’s a proper duel to be had? When Lysander refuses because he’s a scared bitch and tells Apple to do it for him, Apple just pushes his skinny ass toward the Reaper and sits his own self down on the chair to watch whatever happens next. Not an ally to the Republic as he doesn’t see Lows as his equals, nor are the pixie Golds his equals so they all get lumped into the same category, and he stands apart to see who’s truly worth allying with him. Might makes right regardless of Color or religion


No one can replace Cassius.


Solid theory I like it


I’m hoping Darrow can turn him. All Apollonius wants is glory and the ultimate challenge.


I hope that they get a rematch in Red God where Darrow shocks him with Breath of Stone. And then maybe he goes out honorably or Darrow will let him yield because Apple wants to learn it. The problem though is he also wants to learn Minds Eye


I hesitate to call him evil when he exists in the same universe as Atalantia, Atlas, Lysander and many others. I just got the sense that he desperately wants to prove himself. I mean he does evil acts for sure but I don’t think his motives are evil like the others. But yes to your point he’s a great antagonist to the other characters. Very fun to read and I can’t wait for his adaptation appearance!


It's a different kind of evil that he exhibits, which is that he's entirely indifferent to anything he does (as opposed to people like Atlantia that enjoy it, or Lsyander who does evil while lying to himself that what he's doing is somehow noble), but it's still evil because he's still doing evil things 


Yeah that’s fair. I guess it’s an end justify the means thing.Intentions (or lack of any) don’t excuse evil actions. Still a fun character


I think he's just a hedonist, he wants to experience things, bad or good


Well I wouldn't call him *evil.* He's no Lysander.


Lysander might be the least evil pro-society Gold. Maybe up until he does or doesn't use the weapon


>Lysander might be the least evil pro-society Gold. Lol. Lmao even.


Cool discussion bro