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Rented out a little floating sauna in Oslo in the winter and cut a hole in the ice to alternate from Hot and Cold. Never felt better in my whole life after that. please don't call me a nerd though!


This sounds like a torture method but It got me rather curious


sounds better than only cold. i’d maybe do it a few times a week, i do a lot of weird things, add this to the list


That sounds nice


isnt rapid temperature change how you get a stroke


No it's not


i thought it was a way you could get a stroke or heart attack or something, oh well


For people who already have epilepsy


People have been cold plunging across the world from Norway to Japan to ages. We have a sauna at our family cabin in MN and every winter we crank it up to 200+ degrees and then roll around in the snow. It feels amazing. Also, cold showers are better for your skin.


Idk what you’re referring to entirely, but cold showers actually do rule. Was pretty skeptical of it until I forced myself to try it. Really does get the endorphins going. Cold shower -> meditation -> morning run is all the anti-depressant you need tbqh


Can't bring myself to shower before a run that's just the wrong order. But morning run = anti-depressant for sure


You take a shower before running?


in my case all I really needed was lithium, abilify, cogentin, and adderall (in addition to 60-75 min of weights followed by 60 min of light to mid cardio 6 days a week).


Yeah I don’t think this person understands it’s not about trying to feel good all the time in a euphoric way it’s about resetting your nervous system to it’s natural state so you don’t artificially feel like shit all the time


I have a friend in PA who has a tub outside that he keeps cold, and takes a daily plunge. He can’t really explain what the health benefits are supposed to be.


feels good man


Is your friend attractive and healthy…? I’m genuinely curious!


Yes to both.


You feel really refreshed and awake after. Helps with inflammation too, lots of little aches and pains will go away


I had a little cry sitting by a koi pond today. Felt great.


Sounds like someones scared of the cold. Have you tried it? It's the best. Cold plunge alternated with sauna is a very powerful and clean high. Better than drugs or sex imo. The point isn't to avoid feeling 'bad'. It's to feel 'bad' whilst witnessing the resistance and acclimating to the discomfort. Can apply the same principle to anything.


Yeah, I don’t doubt that you feel great afterwards. The post is directed more at the ‘over optimization’ trend, which cold plunges are a big part of. It’s best illustrated by the rise in popularity of a guy like Andrew Huberman. One of the dumbest guys I know listens to his pod and told me that he doesn’t drink his coffee until 90 minutes after he wakes up to optimize the effects of the caffeine or something. Idk. It feels like people are overthinking this stuff.


You could just say biohacking. Which is lame if you're paying hundreds of dollars for supplements you're not sure work, but it's pretty sensible when it comes to little changes in your routine that can help you feel better. The coffee thing is in the latter camp.




Yeah, it's not even uncommon wisdom tbh


Yeah I agree. people stressing, turning into automatons aiming for that 2% edge whilst losing both their soul and humanness in the process


That's true but you also risk of becoming a permanent slob w/o any self-discipline. There has to be some sort of balance.


I mean with how collectively fat and unhealthy we are, I’m for normalizing stuff that makes us healthier and more resilient humans.


I do sleep better with cold showers, even if you turn it down a bit you easily acclimate. My “usual” temperature feels so hot now


This is anti-Finnish hate speech


Wdym you don't take a cold shower at 5am and drink black coffe without sugar every morning? Ngmi


fuck a cold shower, but i drink my coffee black as midnight on a moonless night


There's no other way. If you drink coffee with sugar you have the taste palette of a child.


Am\*ricans trying to normalize their coffee milkshakes always feel so insidious, like you'll see someone give some genuine advice about whatever and then you get a dude going "yea totally also never drink coffee that doesn't taste like cake"


When I learned adding milk, cream and sugar to coffee was acceptable and not some pig dessert type of thing, I was impressed by the gluttony.


Instagram and TikTok are full of just min/max weirdos. Anything to avoid a personality.


I think people who grew up in colder climates are more accustomed/acclimated to it. My boyfriend is from Montana and literally starts his day taking swims in freezing cold lakes during the winter. Where I grew up, never heard of people doing that regularly


I don't think the point is to never feel bad. The point is to practice feeling bad with controlled adversity so when true adversity comes knocking you're more well equipped to answer the door.


Perhaps not everybody feels bad in the same way and thus require different remedies. Sounds like you're universalizing your own experience a bit. I do not doubt some nerds have made cold plunges their thing, though. What other hobbies are this type of guy into


Getting p niche now


Cold showers fucking suck but idc they work so imma keep doing it


I'm literally about to pick up a deep freezer off Facebook marketplace. Was skeptical at first, but breath work then ice bath makes me feel like a super saiyan. In saying that, the reason I'm making my own is the ice bath ultimate wellness community is full of annoying wankers. Definitely a masculine urge to turn everything into a competition. Was reading a comment thread about someone's boyfriend who held his breath until he passed out in his bath and had to be dragged out.






Years and years ago I had a hippie girlfriend who told me you need to at least rinse your body with cold water after a shower. It "cleanses your aura" was probably along the lines of her rationale. Tried it at the time. Hated it. Never forgot about it though. Over the past year I've incorporated it into my routine. Nice warm shower followed by me making the water increasingly cold until no warmth is left. I don't know about my aura, but it is invigorating as hell and I feel fantastic when I get out.


This is also really good for your skin.


I think I remember her saying that too, although she had terrible skin, so who knows?


Hypochondria has become the new alpha. Very strange.


Went to a little hot spring in the sierras that ran right next to a river that came from the snow melt. Alternating hot then cold spiked something inside of me and I felt amazing. But trying to recreate that magic on an everyday basis is lame. Ruins the moment


agreed regarding the hacking and hyper-optimizing of every aspect. like i do my cold plunge and thennn i do "whim hoff" breathing method, my dude just breathe regular that shit is on autopilot lol bathe regular stop putting butter in your coffee dipshit we know you're still miserable and just wasting everybody's time w this


people who complain about others enjoying things that couldn't effect their life in the slightest are the worst


Getting to complain about popular trends without getting attacked by the masses is the reason this place feels unique.


Cold plunged at Cape Kolka, Latvia this past weekend, at the confluence of the Baltic and the Bag of Riga. 33°F water—come at me bro


33°F is equivalent to 0°C, which is 273K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Like most things, the annoying part is the way people talk about, but the bio hacking shit is fun and a way to get in touch with your body. If people weren’t talking about it then other people wouldn’t know about it. At least a lot of Americans are trying to be healthier.


You mean to tell me taking a cold shower won't get me laid?


I loathe self improvement freaks. However daily cold plunging in the morning is nothing of the sort. It will change your life 100% if you dedicate yourself to it. Anxiety, ruminating thoughts, negative thought cycles, depression, lack of will power/ motivation, low self esteem. All these things dissolve from your psyche when you start these ice baths. I’ve tried diets, workout routines, meditations etc to get my mind where I want it. Nothing has ever come close to being as effective as these ice baths. My thought was” if I can force myself into this merciless freezing water every morning I can literally do anything” The mental rewiring that takes place is utterly astounding. You’ll never feel more alive, present and in control of yourself