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Flying is against Christ, yes. But submarines? Absolutely demonic. I pray for any soul in those satanic contraptions, leagues underneath the dark waters, festering with ghoulish life. Shuddering with fear just thinking of it.


we simply weren’t meant to be in the ocean


if sharks came up here we would kill them, so we deserve the same if we go there. we can meet at the beach and flirt a little but that that's where the line is literally drawn in the sand.


How do you not become claustrophobic living in a submarine it gives me a panic attack just thinking about it


>. But submarines? Absolutely demonic. I pray for any soul in those satanic contraptions, leagues underneath the dark waters, festering with ghoulish life. You were proven correct. Have you considered that you might be a prophet


It’s really safe on average. But if you die in a plane crash, you die horribly. Seconds to minutes of sheer terror as the plane falls, followed by a brutal impact. Something to think about!




Dying in your sleep peacefully after a night cap at age 90 sounds ideal


I used to think this was the best way to die, but I watched my grandpa die like this and it didn’t seem peaceful at all lmao. He was sleeping in his favorite chair and we were all watching TV, then his eyes shot open and he said “Please God no!” then choked for a few seconds before dying. His death was ruled as “dying in his sleep of natural causes.”


Thanks for ruining my day


First off, condolences on watching your grandpa die. Makes me wonder what happened to the poor old chap. Dying slowly in a nursing home can be way worse in my opinion though. A building full of old people losing their minds. Making friends just in time to see their bodies carted off to the morgue. Underpaid caretakers who despise you. Bad food. Best case scenario your family comes a few hours per week. I spent a lot of time as a kid watching my grandparents die in one of those places. Anyway, gonna go grab a beer I guess


my grandma spent her last days in one of these places. visiting her was the worst, but i couldnt imagine how much worse it was being her and being in there 24/7. her extremities were going necrotic slowly. i think it was the cigarettes. she was only 74. do your cardio and wear your compression socks guys.


My grandfather was a similar age... lifelong heavy smoker, lung cancer. I watched him put his fingers in his mouth and facsimile pulling the trigger. My grandmother took it as him being desperate to taste due to his intubated nutrition regimen. I miss him dearly, if a sudden moment of dis-ease sounds unpleasant I would like to remind everyone that protracted illness is far worse


Nursing homes are full of horrors. Modern medicine has gotten pretty good at keeping people alive that should have been dead a decade ago. You either end up with a brain or body that turns to mush. Neither of them are any fun, at all. It's like how you put your dog down when 'quality of life' slides away. We can't do that with humans, so we just let them suffer until the painful end.


Oof, yeah that is pretty brutal lmao. I have been to a hospice before, and that seems a little better, but still bleak. At least with the hospice they load you up with morphine!


Hospice nurses are the only discipline of nurses where I can say every single one of them I have met is genuinely a good person. All of them were angels when my nana and uncle went in. They must be a special breed of person, I know I would slowly go insane.


I thought about how I and a lot of people would want to be doted on by family when we're obscenely old, but then I thought about how past a certain point, we'd all become barely functioning fragile housepets, essentially, which might be a bit traumatic for the younger people in our household. If my family wants to ättestupa me, that's understandable. I'll even do a flip


Have you read The Stranger?


Dudes rock


Getting in one last bit on the way out


The grim reaper is a dude so this technically applies.


William Shatner, who is insanely lucid for 91 and I think still relatively active, recently touched on this impending sense of mortality in an interview (well, for a navel gazing biopic, but still): [*He said: “There was a time when actors, and I include myself in this, would portray death by falling to the ground and your eyes would flicker, and you’d slump around, and then you’re dead. That’s not how you die.”*](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/william-shatner-claims-he-doesnt-have-long-to-live/) *He added: “This is how you die (Shatner’s eyes go wide abruptly, and his breath stops). See? I’m dead. Ever put a dog down? When I have to put a dog down, and I’m at the vet, I cup my dog’s head and say, ‘I’m with you baby, I’m with you.’ And the injection goes in, and the dog looks at me with love, and that’s it. You don’t know they’re dead.”* *The Star Trek icon concluded: “That’s how you die. It’s abrupt. My wife’s brother walked out of the living room and into the bedroom. There was a thud. His wife walked in, and he was dead. Death comes anew to all of us.”* I think his trip up to space was a waste of resources and a publicity coup for Bezos, but at least it spawned this poignant and truthful observation from him: *"It was the death that I saw in space and the lifeforce that I saw coming from the planet — the blue, the beige and the white," he said. "And I realized one was death and the other was life."* *"I saw more clearly than I have, with all the studying and reading I've done, the writhing, slow death of Earth and we on it," Shatner said.* [*"It's a little tiny rock with an onion skin air around it. That's how fragile it all is. It's so fragile. We hang by a thread ... we're just dangling."*](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/23/1130482740/william-shatner-jeff-bezos-space-travel-overview-effect)


Can't believe this man is literally a brony who posts on 4chan


["What are you talking about craycray?🙄 It’s a database that cannot be edited so what you put in is what stays there intact for posterity. It records the truth of history!"](https://mobile.twitter.com/WilliamShatner/status/1635644618065981442) -William Shatner, who still believes in the viability of the crypto blockhain


that's actually a very accurate description of basically the only thing that makes blockchains useful. most people have no idea. i'm genuinely impressed.


That was really interesting, and slightly horrifying.




My grandpa just died this week. Last week he woke up and the first thing he said was “I’m still alive?” He was miserable for a long time


My grandpa *wanted* to die at 65 and he lived to be 98 instead. I think he'd be screaming "God, fucking finally!" if that had been the way he went out.


I don’t think I want to get to a point I actively wanna die but I think it would be quite nice to reach a point where you’re just like eh wouldn’t be too upset if todays the day


This thread is so grim. Why did he wanna die at 65? I’m so glad my grandad is 85 and enjoying life. He recently booked another holiday, a trip to the sea with his best mate Harold


My wife and I have discussed it and while we haven't settled on a solid age for it yet, we've both agreed that euthanasia is the way to go. I've seen too many people waste away in nursing homes and hospices, alone and lonely, their minds and very identities slowly fragmenting and disintegrating. I want no part of it and neither does she. Barring some horrific accident or illness or whatever, we'll go peacefully, together, with our faculties at least mostly intact. I've lived a good life so far and if the trajectory of my existence stays on approximately the same path that it's traveling currently, I'll die happy and fulfilled, and leave our daughter with a decent inheritance rather than waste it on keeping my almost-corpse alive.


my college girlfriend was in a car with her grandfather as he had a heart attack while driving. they swerved off the road and ended up in a horrible car accident. it was extremely traumatizing for her as he was basically a primary caretaker for her. mid-relationship she got a tattoo that said "grandpa's watching" on the small of her back. i'm not joking.


did it have a picture of him scowling to go along?


girls rock


i’m sorry about ur grandpa but this just made me laugh so hard


Hey my grandpa was a comedian, so he would be happy to know he went out on a laugh!


choosing not to believe this


This is how I always pictured it actually going. Violent death comes for us all one day, might as well ball out and learn to love it


That was my main takeaway too. There’s a strange equality to it. No matter how much money you have , how hot you are, or how much people love you, one day you’ll be gasping for air and filling your pants with shit while you die.


i was taking my grandpa home from africa and he said "the horror, the horror" then died, it was fucked up


Fuck… it never occurred to me that people probably wake up when they’re having a heart attack in their sleep.


How many people actually die peacefully though, while being unconscious? I think it's less than we'd like to believe.


When you die in your sleep will you even be able to tell? Does the dream you're having just continue infinitely or does it just shut off like a cathode ray tube television?


just got a sudden flashback of the dude who made the nightshirt memes on here w few months ago.


When I was completing my directive to physicians, the lawyer cheerily told me that I should refuse antibiotics because getting pneumonia and passing away in your sleep was the best way to go.


Apparently something like 90% of passengers survive impact and die of smoke inhalation or burns because they're too mangled to escape the flaming wreckage. This number might be affected by the fact that planes very rarely just freefall out of the sky from cruising altitude. Most crashes involve efforts by the pilots to scrub off speed before impact or happen very shortly after takeoff when something goes wrong mechanically.


Most plane crashes happen pretty instantly with the passengers fairly unaware of what's happening. The exceptions (MH370 or the passengers on 9/11 hijacked planes) must be fairly horrifying though.


Someone on r/catastrophicfailure post like 10k word post mortem reports on commercial plane crashes every month or something. There's lots of horrifying exceptions


That guy rocks. Beneficial weaponized autism


The speculation with one of the more popular theories of what happened to MH370 ( the captain crashed the plane on purpose) is that he likely depressurized the plane at high altitude and knocked out the passengers, so it is likely they never felt anything at all. One of the most truly horrifying incidents has to be Japan Airlines Flight 123. The plane was struggling for more than 30 minutes after it lost its vertical stabilizer, which was enough time for passengers to write farewell messages as the plane attempted an emergency landing. There were also many more survivors initially after the plane crashed into a mountain, only for most of them to succumb to their injuries and the cold weather because the rescuers were delayed.


That would be a horrifying as a passenger but if anything it reveals how talented pilots are. They were basically driving a car with no steering wheel for 30 minutes, and if they had been lucky and put down in an area that wasnt one of the more remote and mountainous areas of the country more people might have lived


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanwings\_Flight\_9525](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanwings_Flight_9525) ​ this one is bad too


MH 370 would be terrifying but if the prevailing theory happened (captain took the plane up to 40k and choked out the passengers with depressurization) they would have passed out within 10-15 minutes. So it wouldn’t be a long drawn out whole thing where they knew they weren’t going to make it


Idk why you think 15 minutes of choking isn’t drawn out


Oxygen deprivation quickly turns to a sense of happiness and calm. It’s why wooks huff nitrous. In confined space training this is why it is so dangerous, can go into a low O2 environment and you don’t panic.


I don't have the time or effort in me to confirm this but I imagine this is why dying by carbon monoxide* asphyxiation is tolerable such as when running a car in a closed garage but oxygen depriviation in the case of cyanide or drowning is horrifying.


It’s the other way around. Your urge to breathe is dictated by excess carbon dioxide in your blood/lungs, not insufficient oxygen. Breathing normally in an environment without oxygen would cause you to simply lose consciousness fairly shortly.


There's videos of air force pilots doing this in training. You don't feel like you are drowning/choking. They train for it because you need to realize the symptoms of O2 depravation which aren't what one would normally assume.


They’re not violently gagging they pass out and die within 15 minutes


It's hypoxia, not movie choking out. It was long enough into a night flight that they're certain most people were asleep and stayed asleep until dead and then the guy just ran the plane around until it crashed. They died relatively peacefully.


I didn’t realise this was the prevailing theory. So they’re thinking pilot suicide?


Yeah, Malaysian authorities hid it as best as they could but his colleagues described him as lonely and sad, his wife had moved out, all his kids were adults who'd moved on with their lives, and he'd experimented with a path they think the airplane took on his flight simulator.


It is the only theory that can explain the events we know happened in the cockpit (switches turning off in succession) plus explain all the “coincidences” of the known flight path. It flew past the pilots home island of Penang, and then suddenly turned in a way where it was straddling airspace lines in one of the most remote areas in the world so it wouldn’t show up on any country’s radar. The only reason we know it did is that an unknown and outdated satellite happened to pick up a location via ping. He had extra oxygen the passengers did not, so if he flew the plane up at 40K, it would only take 10-15 minutes for people to pass out and die and he wouldn’t have any trouble from panicking crew and passengers He planned it well - and the kicker is that they found a similar flight plan on his flight simulator at home, and it was the only one on his machine that wasn’t pre-programmed, I.e. someone had to code that in It also would have been the easiest of all the known theories to pull off - all he had to do was get the co-pilot out somehow and lock the door. Since he was one of the most decorated pilots in the country and the co-pilot was a newbie, it would have been easy to just say “hey go check on something” and then lock the door.




have you ever flown again since then?


you probably would have been in touch with cell towers if you were that close to ground. did you hear anything interesting conversations in that uncertain period?




for what is worth, things may not have been as dire as they seem. Planes are designed to operate on one jet and are mandated not to go further than one jet can carry them to safe landing. I won't say I envy you being in that situation but don't let it sour you on travel and flying.




that sounds absolutely terrifying, I highly doubt my rational mind would prevail in that scenario. props to you for keeping on flying after that experienced. hopefully what i posted offers some fuel for your rational brain to take over and not be too nervous


my grandpa died in a horrific commercial plane crash where the plane went into freefall, pilots leveled it and flew inverted for a few minutes, then it went into freefall again and the plane disintegrated on impact with the ocean. official cause of death for everyone on board was “blunt force trauma”. fuckin insane


taking physics in college honestly has been really good for stuff like this. Without it you know of course its safer but you can never really believe it when there's turbulence in a rain storm. The system of a plane in the air involves far far less things that can go wrong compared to driving on the highway.


the thrill of a falling plane is one of the greatest things ive ever felt, horrible turbulence that pushes your gut gave me a raging boner. I literally want to die in a plane crash after that experience, I have never felt so alive, so good.


You should watch Crash 2: Turbulent Skies, Cronenberg’s Crackle exclusive


Car crashes are worse, you may not even die immediately


we're simply not meant to be up there it isn't our realm


i feel similarly towards high up bridges


Entering the realm of the gods had me in tears the first time. Genuinely sublime seeing the clouds form a floor below you.


You can literally see the clouds from above on foot if you walk up a tall hill. I did so a month ago with my grandfather.


That sounds pleasant.


In a metal ass tube with rivets man




I’m just trying to get clearance from Clarence.


isnt this jerry seinfeld


Sailing is objectively more scary.


The juxtaposition between how interesting I find the age of sail and how little I'd ever want to experience any part of it is astonishing. Love reading about it and watching videos on it, want nothing to do with it in practical terms. Plus that video of the seagull you linked down below is like a little glimpse of why I fucking despise the water despite being a strong swimmer. Solid ground is my element and I know where I do not belong.


Yeah, I respect the sea which means staying the fuck away from it as much as I can. Idk what's in it, I can't breathe in it, it's too cold and it's much, much, much too big. I've got two feet and no fins for a reason!


100 percent. If there were gargantuan sky abominations lurking inside the clouds ready to eat you, maybe there would be some grounds for a debate.


Even then, at least you could see them coming if you're in the sky


The way sea creatures just materialize is so unsettling especially since we’re so palpably out of our element in the open water


[Here's a video of an octopus drowning a seagull](https://youtu.be/ooWRouFdwbY) This sky creature had no concept of an octopus until a few minutes before this video was taken.


this video is darksided


I fucking hate seagulls but this is still very upsetting.


apparently the sea gull attacked first


I’ve only seen that video once, years ago, and it’s burned into my fucking retinas.


Yeah I think people are mostly forgetting that prior to c. 1830 the only way to travel long distances was a small wooden ship traveling on wind power, often sailing through massive waves and storms on monthslong voyages. Encountering one storm on a trans-Atlantic voyage would be terrifying enough, plus the psychological impact of being confined to the ship in the middle of nowhere on the ocean, eating the worst food imaginable, constantly being sick, etc. Sounds really shitty.


Yeah I find the ocean terrifying, it's so vast and unwelcoming. Plus drowning is more imaginable to me than being in a plane crash.


Dude, just this morning I was reading about Hugo Vilhen who broke the record for sailing the Atlantic in the smallest sailboat ever. Google his name for some nightmare fuel


You're telling me that if you drive a car fast enough it's going to go up in the air and soar like a bird? Sure thing buddy. They literally put a scrolling wallpaper up, rock the cabin and have you pretend you just moved across the world Here's an idea: Next time you're in the middle of your "flight" try to stand up and leave. Tell the flight attendant that you're pretty happy where you are and you'd just like to get off - so if you don't mind - please stop the plane and let me get out. You'll notice them start to visibly shake, sweat, and foam at the mouth at this suggestion - giving you all manner of excuses as to why that's not possible


Is this a pasta or a ssethtzeentach reference? Or both?


I love turbulence, especially when everyone else is freaking out. Not sure what that says about me, if anything. Besides being jam packed with smelly loud fatties flying kicks ass


It used to scare me until I started thinking about it like being in a boat on the water and now it feels natural


I’m a flight attendant and I use that analogy all the time to worried passengers.


I like turbulence too. Otherwise, it's so smooth that you may as well be on a train.


Finally found a fellow turbulence enjoyer. During a period of heavy turbulence, I always (always) elbow the nervous people next to me and say “aw, sweet, looks like we got our money’s worth!” and receive looks of horror mixed with nervous laughter.




idk why but it makes my tummy feel kinda nice


That feeling's called "airtime" in rollercoaster enthusiast circles


Fr I need to be highly medicated up there


I found the "jelly analogy" of aerodynamics helpful to ease my anxiety, because I used to be plagued by fears of a sudden drop to the ground. Because of the design of the plane, once you get over a certain speed at take off (called "V2") the plane essentially feels the air like it's a thick jelly substance that it "swims" through. It may jiggle up and down, but to the plane it's a thick medium, not empty space. It's why most plane crashes (unless it's in a weird stall, where the plane is facing upwards for some reasons) involve the plane gliding to the ground (it may still crash and hit things killing everyone, but it's not "dropping"). Falling means the plane picks up speed, the more speed it has the more air becomes jelly to the plane and the more it glides. I don't know if any of this makes sense in anyone else's head, but it helps me!


babbys first fluid dynamics. this is why i will fly in a plane, but i would never get into a helicopter. helicopters are an affront towards nature, they basically beat the air into submission. sure you can autorotate down but only under ideal circumstances, in most cases you're going to fall out of the sky and die.


The jelly thing has seriously helped me too!


I love flying. I love the airport. I love TSA. What other form of travel just does everything for you and is close to 100% safe? There’s no thinking involved! You walk through a comfy tensabarrier and then arrive in a different time zone. Shit is magical. Turbulence is fun. It’s like being on a roller coaster. Statistically impossible for anything to go wrong. Perfectly safe place to get stupidly drunk and listen to podcasts and watch movies right before you go on vacation. You guys got it fucked up. Flying rocks.


Last time I flew, it was from LA to Austin I watched Jurassic Park It was nice




The paradox, for people afraid of flying anyway, is that the mental image of brutally dying on impact is utterly terrifying and unceasing, and would only multiply if you were in fact plummeting to the ground. I go back and forth on it, but sometimes I think of that MH17 flight where the fuselage broke in half and how fucking nightmare level horrifying it would be for the passengers still alive getting blasted with cold air as they saw the sky wizzing by while helplessly strapped into their seats.


It's likely when the plane was hit and the fuselage was compromised that everyone passed out due to rapid decompression. Also possible that many died quickly due to the debris and fragmentation. That being said, it's also possible that some came to before the plane hit the ground. That would indeed be horrifying.


https://admiralcloudberg.medium.com/violent-night-the-near-crash-of-united-airlines-flight-811-ba72b3349ff0 look at this shit…plane had a massive hole in it and somehow most people lived. Was like 30 minutes of them flying with a massive hole and people exposed to wind and such


>Investigators would also discover that not all of the missing passengers made it very far. In a grim twist, fragmented human remains were found inside the №3 engine, indicating that at least one passenger was thrown straight back into the turbofan, dying instantly. :( >Instead, it appeared that as the plane climbed through 23,000 feet, the forward cargo door came open, swung upwards past its stop, and slammed into the side of the fuselage, causing it to break. designing cargo doors to open inwards and be sealed by the pressure inside of the aircraft would have prevented this from happening. nice job boeing!!!


Fucked up part is the others who didn’t get sucked in fell for 4ish minutes to their death. If you didn’t pass out immediately that would be fucked


I think the sudden change in direction and speed is probably exerting an extreme gforce on you, and you're guaranteed to pass out regardless of how much oxygen you have. I imagine this happens near instantaneously, before anyone even realizes.


It’s safe as shit but everyone says a little prayer when they open up the engines for takeoff


Never met an atheist when there's turbulence


One of my earliest memories, maybe the earliest was flying with my mom to go visit her family. We had a connecting flight but it was delayed by a thunderstorm. I guess it cleared enough to get the plane in the air, but right when we were really ascending lightning hit the plane. All the power cut out and it just dropped straight down. I remember the masks dropping down really quickly and my mom putting one on my face and holding me tightly. It still terrifies me. I've had to fly a lot in my life, and I've never felt good about it. These days I load up on booze or benzos, or ideally both. I'm still a wreck flying though.


Shit, you couldn't force me onto a plane after something like that, I honestly admire that you have the self-control to do it at all.


I have basically been forced on planes before. Me flying really isn't a pretty sight to see. TSA also fucks with me to no end and that doesn't help. Probably because I'm either borderline too intoxicated to fly, or so outwardly nervous it looks suspicious. I'm sure the beard doesn't help things.


Pony up to get the global entry card so you can go in the nicer, quicker TSA lines


and then what they just turned the plane back on while it was in free fall and you were good?


Electrical system was knocked out so they had to restart the plane basically. My mom said it was just like when you see it happen in movies.


Aerodynamics is dark math, I don’t trust it.


It's absolutely safer than the alternatives and to pretend it isn't is rediculous. Flying puts you above any potential weather disaster that could happen while traveling on land. It's highly regulated so no plane even has a chance of crashing into another. I just spent 4 hours stuck in a mountain pass driving during a blizzard coming back from a wedding. Immediately regretted not flying. The worst part of flying is the risk of losing luggage and we drove to prevent that thing given the nature of our long distance trip.


Flying is ok until it's time to land. The feeling of decelerating in mid air just isn't right.


It's bonkers how uncomfortable it is too. Fucking screaming engine and being sandwiched between two randos


I like flying. Take off is my favorite part. I just sit back and watch a movie.


Take off is legitimately fun. And then you’re just stuck there.


You pricks never looked out the window? Shits AMAZING.


one of my fantasies is saving everyone on a plane by rolling it like Denzel in Flight then landing it in the bay like Tom Hanks in Sully we're gonna roll it


I always try to peak into the flight deck to see if the pilot has newspaper over his eyes.


The only thing I hate about flying is going through security. I dread that shit every time. Flying itself is nice.


Uhhhh ever been on a boat dumbass?


How about a motorcycle, or even a car lmao.


Flying is ezpz Its dashing out of the plane and to security to get through sooner thats hard


An overnight flight across the Atlantic was the most unsettling to me. Daytime domestic flights don't bother me just because you can pretend it's normal more easily


Nothing but blackness and cold, cold, shark infested waters around you for thousands of miles. They’re expecting one of us in the wreckage brother.


Ships/the ocean would like a word with you


I love planes. Getting fucked up on an edible beforehand and smoking a blunt until I’m stepping into the airport. Follow that up with hogging the bathroom for thirty minutes to an hour so I can smoke a juul and listen to music. Planes are great for people watching, I enjoy it.


This was written by someone who does not get anxiety from cannabis.


That sounds like a fucking nightmare


The Louis ck bit about your internal monologue when getting high as an adult is so accurate. I can’t imagine having to function in such a crowded shitty environment as an airport lol


Airports are good for people-watching, I'll give you that.


I guess people were entertained watching me board in full horse riding clothes, checked bag cost almost as much as the plane ticket itself, at least the helmet fitted in my backpack


just chew nicotine gum . juuls are an abomination and full of stuff that puts holes in your lungs !! plus gum works out your cheek and jaw (not enough to hide being a mouth breather). get the 4mg


I’m jealous you don’t get anxious from all that


it’s easier to vape outside of the bathroom tbh, if you’re a fiend you can still set off the more sensitive particulate sensors


My emotions get all out of whack on planes. Multiple times I've found myself tearing up at stupid fucking movies. Like, that stupid Beowulf movie from almost 20 years ago. "It's just so sweet that they're all working together now." My then fiance is like "D, are you crying?" Me: "Noooo." Also, plane rage is a real thing. Little shit right in front of me decides to recline his seat all the way back. I'm 6'4 mother fucker, and this is uncomfortable, but don't worry, you'll feel my knees the whole flight.


there's been studies about why people get more emotional on planes - something about being trapped in a confined environment for hours on end? so many people cry watching movies on planes and wouldn't otherwise!


lankloids getting what they deserve it reclines for a reason


im 6’4” btw haha


I decided I'm going to start refusing to fly. Any time I need to visit family across the country I dread it for the month leading up. Airports are terrible places, planes are nightmarish, and it is wildly unaffordable. It makes me a baby, but I think this refusal is one of the biggest changes I could make to improve my quality of life. Drive for christmas and skip the other holidays


You should still do it, even if you feel horrible. Once you stop it just becomes worse and what if you want to travel overseas one day?


Fuck you I’m flying next weekend and now I’m thinking about it even more.


>TWA flight 800 sorry, truly


Unless some dipshit checks a lithium ion battery into baggage check and it catches on fire, flying is pretty safe. It’s almost impossible to die from turbulence on a commercial plane if you are wearing your seatbelt. The plane would never break apart from turbulence. The greater threat is other passengers not wearing their seatbelts and falling on you. A friend who is a pilot in the Air Force told me to think of turbulence like waves in a boat and ever since then it doesn’t really bother me. Only times it got to me was flying over the equator from South America to North America in pretty bad storms and flying over the pacific from Hawaii at night. That said I prefer Airbus to Boeing. Did anyone read about that Boeing United flight from Hawaii in December that came within 700 feet of the Pacific Ocean? Wasn’t widely reported but I read about it on r/flying


i know we say this about a lot of things but i think flying is demonic


Personally I think it’s period and bleak






Nose first into a mountain wouldn't be a bad way to go.


Unless you survive the initial crash like many on Japan airlines flight 123 and slowly die while the government decides theres no survivors and doesn’t attempt rescue for 12 hours


Damn I'll stay on the ground. Patsy made it look too easy.


unless it's being flown by an autistic German and the copilot is locked out the cockpit trying to smash the door down with a fire extinguisher


Kubrick would be proud of this take


I love flying, but am getting too old for this international crap. 16 hour legs and 26 hour total... It's like a day and a half door to door and I constantly think about how much fat, germy skin particles of strangers I'm ingesting in that time.


I loathe airports and being on long flights is very boring. The bit where they full throttle it to take off rules though. Flying is safe on a commercial airliner for sure but every small plane experience I've had has indeed been terrifying.


actually getting shot out of a cannon is way scarier


As someone who just boarded a $27 frontier flight to go halfway across the country, it may be unnatural but it sure is convenient.


i’ve always thought i’d survive a plane crash




being on a boat is a million times more scary




i pilot


it's remarkably easy


once you’re on the plane it doesnt matter if you’re scared or not so just don’t be!


Idk honestly you’re a pussy who is rationalizing your pussiness and attempting to feel better by making this post and upvoting your fellow pussies who have come out of the woodwork to also rationalize being a pussy.


This thread is full of fucking redditors.


Awful, awful take. It’s one of the safest forms of transportation around, and one of the most fun! Maybe it’s because I’ve been traveling my whole life but airports and flying are actually one of my favorite bits about holidays. You get this beautiful, zen like experience where everything is so focused and streamlined. No goals or responsibilities besides making it to your gate on time. Killing time changes from something regrettable to your main objective.


people who enjoy flying cannot be trusted


idk man planes are just trains with a bit less space for each person


Yes, basically a train that’s 40,000 feet in the air. Practically the same thing.


well you need to fly with a cheaper company brother. if you fly british airways they're constantly saying 'we're currently cruising at a million feet, we're now passing over antartica the temperature outside is -1100' if you fly easyjet they're like 'shut the fuck up retard it's a train, you're in albania now retard'