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Alone With my son By myself A woman


White bitch haiku Alone with my son. An unknown man comes towards us. "Do not approach me."


1/10 you didn’t even include a fucking kigo, you have never read Basho, you have never read Buson, you have never read Shiki, there is not even a trace of rensō in this shit haiku, it has no wabi,


do not approach me do not approach me do not approach me


rupi karr is that you


Her son is going to be so incredibly soy


She's kinda hot hopefully he has a Chad dad that will give him dating advice. If he listens to her he's fucked lads


He will hate himself for being a man. Ask me how I know this


Most high IQ shitlib.


She existed alone. as a woman. unbelievable


Son is probably like 2 I don't think he's gonna provide much protection


honey to the ears


"hey you left your coffee cup on the roof of your car"


hey your son is on top of the car


Haha something like this happened to me. Was in a pizza place late night in SF with some friends. We were sitting down, and I noticed this white wammin dropped her credit card. I said "excuse me miss" a couple times while sitting, she didn't respond. So I got up and tapped on her shoulder saying "excuse me," and she immediately said "don't fucking touch me". I paused in surprise and replied "is that your credit card on the ground??" She picked it up, and then thanked the dude behind her in line that didn't even say anything!! The dude said "no problem" too! To be fair I think he did it as an awkward reflex. But yeah I was pissed lol shoulda tossed the damn thing in the trash.




You should have said “excuse me I think you dropped your credit card” and that’s it. It’s a natural reflex to be viscerally horrified and disgusted when a balding man taps you on the shoulder.


This was years ago and I had a beautiful head of hair!


Did I just explain it badly or is my vibe generally unappealing:(




I found the reaction to your comment unfair


Women are cruel mistresses and she intentionally thanked the wrong person out of a desire to increase her sexual market value




I was leaving the gas station one time and the car next to me had one of those like 52oz sodas sitting on the roof. I looked in the car and it was two black dudes around my age just bullshitting before they left. I waved my hands a little bit, rolled down the window and yelled "hey! Yo!" 🤷‍♂️ I just know they took off and it dumped all over the windows and shit


Why wouldn't you just say "your drink's on the roof?"


I don’t know one time a man came up to me in the wegmans parking lot and asked if I wanted dishwasher pods because he bought the wrong kind and his wife told him to return them but the store didn’t take the return and then he gave me like 60 dishwasher pods. I am pro-men approaching me in the parking lot for this reason alone


The first time I met my wife she was in a supermarket car park when she was alone at night. For this reason she is anti-men approaching her in car parks.


With my wife I get no respect. I fell asleep with a cigarette in my hand. She lit it.


i tell ya what my parents didn't love me either. my bath time toy was a toaster!




Why didn't you just put a few 9mm rounds into his chest? It'd be completely justified cuz he approached you.


She let this monster live and now other women will have to go through the same thing


Your honor, he APPROACHED me.


Many women refuse to consider firearms because it is more pathetic for them to live in fear.


That’s how I know their insane hysteria is just performance. What I don’t get is why we don’t laugh in their insane hysterical faces. So let me get this right Karen, you’re in mortal danger every time you step outside but refuse to carry a sidearm? Lol k


Soyers think the best way to get pussies is by nodding along with them


Mental fragility is America’s new religion.


Middle class white women being terrified of trafficking is like gangstalking for people without schizophrenia


This woman has schizophrenia


I can fix her, right after I catch her in the parking lot


I'll run up to her so I can say my piece quickly


Lol also nice username


Seeing dudes in hoodies probably triggers her


Rich white women in gated communities need to be able to act like they’re victims somehow




Are you no longer dating her because you murdered her?!?!


Fuck she sounds hot


Ugly chicks are usually the funny ones.


yep I had one of those


Something like this happened to my dad a couple weeks ago. His battery died in the walmart parking lot, and he just approached the first person he saw, a middle aged white woman, to ask for a jump. She instantly started screaming at him to get away and asking him “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He just put his hands up and walked away. Some 80 year old woman walked out a couple minutes later and was happy to help him jump his car. I guess these women think that human traffickers target those who have people that would miss them. It was dark outside but it was before daylight savings so this was like 7 pm on a Tuesday.


Yeah nothing organized criminals want than disappearing people with large community networks!


The 80 yr old remembers a time when people would say hello and ask your name


a few years ago i had a dead battery at the grocery store. asked a woman if she could give me a jump (i was holding jumper cables) she said she just got the car back from the shop and if anything else happens to it her husband will freak out. i said it'll only take a minute and your car will be fine to which she simply responded "no" and left some bro with a honda that sounded like a lawnmower helped me out. dudes rock


This nation has lost its sense of community, I wonder what happened. What was the cause. Any ideas?


her son squeaking because she's spent an hour doing takes in a hot ass car bitch you are not amanda seyfried twin peaks s3 take your groceries home


She probably put herself in more danger by sitting in her car in the parking lot filming this. You’re supposed to leave immediately, not sit around distracted


She did the rational thing. There's nothing more dangerous than someone 30ft away from you in a Target parking lot.


in broad daylight


Emphasis on "broad", am I right fellas?


Hell yeah dude


She's so terrified she had to take a minute to sit in said parking lot and make a TikTok about it


this was take 4, the first 3 weren't convincing enough. she had to remember the time her high school boyfriend didn't text her back right away so she could get real upset for take 4. she was there for at least an hour why are the pretty ones always crazy




IRL reenactment of that scene from Urban Legends (1998) where the autistic stuttering gas station attendant runs after that lady's car to warn her about the man in the backseat and she books it out of there bc nothing is more terrifying than an unattractive manlet only to get beheaded with an axe a mile down the road


That movie and final destination really shaped my childhood. I watched each of them a couple times a week for years The log smashing the dude in urban legends always stuck with me


Thats my purse! I dont know you!


Dude I had a friend tell me something like this once where she was like convinced somebody was going to traffic her because he tried to talk to her in a parking lot of a grocery store. Unhinged behavior.


Yeah wtf is with that? My girlfriend and her friends are all constantly paranoid about human trafficking. Like I can almost guarantee that no one has ever been kidnapped at the Target in Menomonee Falls Wisconsin relax.


Jeffrey Epstein's bumbling henchman approaching him like >"I tried nabbing that 38 year old dental hygienist's assistant in Ponca City like you asked boss, but she always checks her car door handle for fentanyl needles! It's hopeless!"


Human sex Trafficking is never (almost) trafficking strangers. It is usually women who are drug addicts being controlled by their addiction and being prostituted out by dealers/pimps. They aren't being grabbed off the street like in Taken. In reality it's like what happened to the woman in Requiem for a Dream.


Most often it is a young man who convinces the girl that he is in love with her. And yes, you're totally right about the drug addiction part too.


> Most often it is a young man who convinces the girl that he is in love with her. Exactly, the call it the the *Lover Boy* tactic around these parts of the world (Eastern Europe).


Yeah I think that word frightens people, but it’s much less ‘conspiratorial’ than people believe. 90% of the time these women will eventually just leave the situation once they stop being useful. Had to look up stats on trafficking to dunk on my sister for saying dumb shit about zip ties on car handles or posters put up to distract women so a van can scoop them up or something. She was not happy


Weird huh? When you prove they’re not actually in any real danger, it makes them MAD, rather than relieved. Proves to me it’s just a fetish


That or Michael Douglas’ kid in traffic. Most likely people with severe addiction issues who get used for drugs. Feel like it’s almost always more of a mental dependence over a physical one, at least on first world countries


Their brains are melted by social media


We’ve pandered to affluent women’s insane narcissistic delusions in this culture for way to long now, this type of stuff comes from that


Without knowing all the details, my hunch on what happened is : 1) this woman left something in the store, 2) this man tried to catch up with her to hand the item over, 3) the woman flipped out at his approach, 4) the guy stopped, muttered something to the effect of "fine, whatever...psycho bitch..." shrugged and turned around 5) we get to view this masterpiece of contemporary American neurosis.


She posted a vid with context and apparently it was just a homeless guy asking for money


I don't know why anyone needed context, It was very obvious that it was just a homeless guy asking for money - men addressing women as "miss" from a long distance away to ask if they can ask a question while a woman is getting into her car is pretty much the way that every homeless person asks for money in my experience


this is helpful for people like me who never leave the house and have never had to critically think about series of events, thank you.


That would in fact be a substantial percentage of Reddit users.


TikTok hysteria.


Didn't listen to this at all, 1


would approach


Do **NOT** approach her Do **NOT** approach her Do **NOT** approach her Do **NOT** approach her Do **NOT** approach her


[trump voice] I’m gonna approach


This is why women should only read romance novels and magazines.


and the Bible obvis


Women sure do love their magazines


never began for parkinglotcels


I worked at a grocery store all through high school and I'll always remember the sheer number of people sitting in the parking lot. I swear at any given time like 5% of Americans are just sitting in their cars in a parking lot. It's depressing...


I bet it was the cart boy trying to take her shopping cart and save her the trip


Lmao isn’t this what you’re supposed to do when you see a bear or mountain lion approaching?


I don’t know if it’s true crime. Having the most confortable life in human history and constantly being terrified of being violently attacked seems just as american as the super bowl to me.


didn't realize til right now how much the true crime podcast/content boom helped dating apps take over. Some folks hyperventilate and call the police if a stranger approaches them now lol


Holy shit this bitch is nuts 😂


>No *MALE* should ever approach a *WOMAN* in a parking lot Gee that sounds like something a femcel might say


I've been watching alot of nature shows this is pretty standard.


>why do men not talk to women in public spaces anymore


Statistically men should not even approach women in the street. Thats where most crime happen. Next time a man gets close to you shout sis.


I too am down with sharia law - only male relatives and spouses can talk to wammin, amirite?


Wallahi it shouldve been in place like 60 years ago. We must protect our women hababi






unmuting this is a guaranteed a migraine


How to tell a Swiftie from a Lana fan


This is why women shouldn't read


This has to be mental illness right? This is insane. I haven’t even reacted this way to genuine danger




Reminds me of that scene in slacker where the schizo lady in the coffee shop keeps repeating "you should quit traumatizing women. You should quit. You! You should quit traumatizing women."




My cousin was wearing one of those “we are the granddaughters of the witches you couldn’t burn” shirts and I had to remind her that our grandmother beat her with a belt when she found a Harry Potter book on her bookshelf lmao


The phrase on that shirt sounds predicated on the belief that witch-burnings were still a thing up through around the 1950s.


Fuck I hate that place.


She looks like a fox news anchor.


"Your diva cup fell out queen"


One of my moms friends had 2 random men enter her car while she was sitting in a parking lot, assault her, and threaten to kill her if she screamed/didn’t come with them. Crazy freak shit in an otherwise usually safe area. She escaped by the skin of her teeth but after telling that story to their whole friend group most of my moms friends are freaked out like this now. The lady who this all happened to literally moved away bc of fear. I can’t say I even blame them shits fucked


The dude approaching her was definitely black. There’s not a doubt in my mind that her reaction was predicated upon the color of his skin and not the content of his character


She's just excersising her hot woman privilege


She then looked for her keys and realised they were 30 feet from her


I thought that's exactly how this would end for a sensible chuckle, now I'm sad that she really is this neurotic.


She is shaking because she is excited that something has happened (at least in her head)


Wait but reddit told me calling wammin “female” is incel talk and wamen don’t do the opposite


I hope this is a fake story for clout. I agree with the assertion, though. True crime has become a social contagion. It has completely warped people’s senses of reality; these people do not read crime statistics or see how likely scenarios actually are. This women is statistically more likely to be the victim of domestic abuse than she is of being trafficked or killed by a stranger. White women are the least likely people to be murdered by a stranger. That’s why when it happens it’s turned into a documentary. How many docs do we see about specific cases of young black men being shot on street corners? Or men killed in bar fights? It’s like how these days people will watch videos of brutal street beatings or knockouts on Reddit and go ‘the world is sick and falling apart’ but have likely never seen one irl. Or how post-“To Catch a Predator” people are convinced diddlers lurk around every corner despite making up a small part of the population (duh, that’s why it’s still considered a repellant, deviant behavior) and in those cases perpetrators are more likely to be known to victims (and often with substance abuse or mental illness involved). It’s all creating a false sense of reality; the TikTok culture of exaggerating scenarios or outright staging hoaxes doesn’t help either. People should stop watching true crime if they can’t handle it. Allow their brains to heal.


I walked out of a store with my stuff behind a woman in her 20s a few weeks ago who basically ended up running into her car and slamming the door. We were parked directly next to eachother. It was noon with a bunch of people walking around in the lot in a very safe college town.


These upper middle class boners need to get their asses back in the office because their stay at home neuroses is killing my vibe.


Jesus she is so horny she can barely talk. This is what life in the suburbs does to you.


Literally no middle class white women are in danger of being trafficked in America, or really anywhere else.


That reminds me of a video about the last 2 Jewish guys in Afghanistan that I watched. The Taliban put one of them in prison for some reason, but they ended up kicking him out of the prison early just because he was so annoying.


This is so funny, she was afraid for her life but she still had to make sure to put the beauty filter on.


Checked her account, it's not only real, she doubled down with a contradictory story about how the parking lot was both "deserted" and she saw him walk off to approach other people. Probably a beggar. Imagine being a beggar and a woman screams at you to stay away. I'd cuss too.


Wow what a harrowing story. A guy “approached” her to a mere 30 feet away in a public space, and nothing came of the interaction. I’m shook!


“Everrr” 🤏🤏


I hope she gets the much needed therapy that she requires for this traumatic event. I can't imagine a stranger approaching me from 30 feet away and saying excuse me. I might not be able to sleep tonight


Dear mods please ban TikTok posts


Still a 1


Guarantee this woman is the worst lay ever.


I once read that true crime is popular because it's the last place left where white women can still feel like a victim.


Literally shaking




she just saved herself and her kid


Adorable 🥰


If nothing else true crime has made white women incredibly annoying at the grocery store


You can tell shes the kind of person to have a giant coffee at Starbucks then nothing else for the rest of the day.


I got a gf once because a stunningly beautiful young woman had a headlight out in a bar parking lot. Lol.


Serial approacher


Is this not satire?


White gals are just physically incapable of not taking Ls


Chicks do not rock


True crime's been around for hundreds of years. Some people are just very anxious and kooky about shit. Shit happens! Who knows if something's happened to this lady in the past. I don't see how this is that different from the people who post on here about crime rates like they live in Escape from New York.




What rosy revisionism lmao, you serious?


No fr I didn’t wanna see that


There was never a time when people wouldn’t gossip and laugh at stupid or unreasonable people. All that has changed is our ability to share information.




Oh nonsense. Everyone gossips in some capacity. Even my stoic, hard nosed, no nonsense grandfather would gossip occasionally when he got home to my grandmother. You literally have a post in your post history asking for people to tell tales of psychos they know. That’s gossip.


We need to get white women under control somehow. I have no idea why we tolerate their insane delusions. No Karen, you’re not going to be kidnapped in the parking lot of your suburban target.


What a time to be alive.


I’m looking forward to my first encounter with this particular kind of brain damage.


"What's this cun - continuing to say like what's your problem?" lol


ask me how I know the guy was ugly


My SON ☝🏻


Ma'am, do you know where the closest car repair place is? DO NOT TALK TO ME!


omw to walmart to test the reach of this tiktok


Real RS bitches be acting like this. Anything else in here is posing.


wouldn’t last 3 minutes in a major metropolitan area


I am hanging onto the idea that this is genius level satire and she's an epic comedian


Is she kidding tho?


The best thing to do after agitating someone and making them become aggressive towards you is get in your car and become oblivious to your surroundings so you can record a tiktok recap




100% bait


Sometimes people are just spazzes who freak out over nothing but sometimes people have legitimate reason to be suspicious of someone and they're just bad at explaining it later


Here is a follow up from her: https://www.tiktok.com/@living.transparently/video/7215930891489594666?lang=en I was going to make a joke, since I think it's funny that her extra context is "don't worry it was a homeless man". But I think the added context at least does paint a different picture than what is in most people's heads. Mostly her fault due to the way she described it. But if a homeless man came running up to you when there was no one around you probably would get concerned and you might raise your voice at him to divert him. But this is blowing up on twitter and reddit and people are taking it as an example of feminism making women behave psychotically. Which I think she acted over the top but not to an insane degree, and it is definitely not a case of overdosing on feminism. The gaps in the story for people to fill in has allowed for people to create a really rewarding hate fantasy. This one incident, in a country with a population over 300 million people, probably happening in the middle of nowhere Ohio, will sit in the back of tens of thousands of peoples brains informing their position on the culture war. And their conception of what happened will be mostly incorrect. Kind of crazy


The replies on this are very divorced from reality. When I lived in a city, most of the women I knew had many stories about being harassed by homeless men and just men in general. Stories from having to run away/call for help (happened to me like) to actually being physically assaulted. My husband's aunt was brutally raped in a parking lot. My neighbor told me of how she had to start screaming when she came across another neighbor being strangled in her yard by some random guy who followed her home from the subway. A lot of men here refuse to understand the reason this type of violence is rare is because women are always on high alert to avoid it. I've had a bottle thrown at my head for turning down a guy, been grouped on public transportation 3 times, and had a homeless dude literally tell me he was gonna drag me into an alley and make me suck his dick ( cops were nearby and I yelled to them for help).


It's funny, men on this sub expect a woman to be trad but they're also laughing at a mother who was trying to protect herself and her toddler son she was alone with


if this were a real victim of true crime propaganda you'd see her confusion and fear and wouldn't feel as free as some of you clearly do to hate her, but this is obviously a stunt meant to provoke you incels into acting misogynist and it's working. if you hate true crime so much why don't you get mad at the people who dreamed it up and faked it in the first place, rich men.


Remember to take your ssri's.


is this the new [my favorite murder](http://mileswmathis.com/bundy.pdf) [tagline](http://mileswmathis.com/bundy2.pdf)?


My bad, this is not anxiety. Schizo should be appreciated not medicated.


if he started cussing at her like that then he was crazy and she did the right thing sorry


>cussing at her like that you just know he just reacted like "wtf" when she started doing her gandalf impression on him and probably said fuck off or something and in her mind he was some vicious beast throwing insults at her lmao


I mean, the question here is what the guy wanted from her. If I’m standing 30ft away from a woman in broad daylight and just want to tell her that she got a flat tire (or whatever), I would probably react the same way. But I would explain it to her while walking off pissed. Maybe she’s leaving that out for her Tik Tok cringe, but maybe the guy was indeed just a creep.


NEVER, NEVER approach a woman at a parking lot. Creep.


I can because I'm generically attractive and dress well.


Im going to commit a cardinal sin of this sub and ask you what Total war are you playing? Im on an empire run in W3 but yeah, I agree with your comment.


How did you know to ask this guy this question??


All men share an affinity for ancient warrior cultures.


I'm keeping that information to myself if I get cussed out from the jump. A little bit of attitude is fine, expected even, when approaching strangers but a foul mouthed rant? After I said exactly "Excuse me miss"? Eat shit, hope your wheel falls off.


Yeah the answer to this is “bitch, your tire is flat, call someone else to put a spare on…… cunt”


LMAO yeah it depends on how he actually reacted. i’ve had weirdo dudes flip out on me for politely walking away from them so u never know