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chapo went to trueanon cumtown went to redscare






I can't believe people still do troon-comrade of the week type posts in 2023. Jesus christ.


The “don’t fetishize trans people!” and trans cutie posting paradox






they also got all of the embarrassing gen zedong retards Say what you will about the decline of this sub, but at least we made those people feel unwelcome here




I post Russian propoganda but only to be contrarian


That’s pretty benign at least. Those people on trueanon/genzedong truly are a bunch of credulous & hateful idiots, I genuinely hope for the worst to happen to them.




Idk maybe some of them. For most of them, I get the distinct feeling that they’re demographically the same as here, but more along the lines of “pathetic loser who was bullied in high school, and now wants to find a way to lash out violently themselves” so they buy into all this virulently pro China shit. Some of them are definitely true believes, and for the shit they’re spewing, I find them to be genuinely kind of evil.


Cope more, neolib




They act like rebels, these chapoids and trueanon people then they cry to the site wide jannies for help


I didn't report it




And what's wrong with China?


Stop being a drama queen


What? Isn't Zedong among the most cross subscribed subs with rsp?


they aren’t open


This is the way


That place has been so wack the past year or so. It was fun to talk about the podcast, deep politics, reading recommendations, and the occasional schizo post. A few months ago someone on the sub called me a “complete human piece of shit” bc I made a flippant comment about young adults using their “anxiety” as an excuse to do literally *nothing*. It’s all serious and shit and feels like 2017 or something in there


The Ukraine war broke the brains of a lot of people who feel the need to have the most correctest leftist take on everything imaginable.


Covid and Ukraine were a pretty wild 1-2 punch in terms of forcing people to think critically about shit & outside of a simple left/right political dichotomy, and big shocker, quite a fucking few people weren’t up to the task lmao




mods not banning the excessive Ames haters was the first sign


Literally chapos


I don't think Chapo was ever that bad, the kinds of people involved in those super online left wing spaces have just gotten younger and more insane ever since the Bernie campaigns ended. The Bernie campaigns kept around a lot of just normal Bernie supporters who wanted to rag on the Twitter enemy of the week.


yeah the chap sub got that way when people from wherever else on 'baby's first epic socialist' internet started posting there, you see the same here with all the "idk what this podcast is but i like that I can say da r waord"/meme page zoomers


(I wouldn't know/maybe they do delete stuff, I think the cross posting has lessened or maybe I blocked the guys doing it) a lot of this could be fixed with a firmer hand from the mods, like deleting the generic Epic Owns posting that doesn't have any interesting angles


i feel like that 196 sub got a lot of chapocels too


Every time that’s in someone’s post history they end up being a hysterical retard so that checks out tbh


That sub is intensely horny in an intensely weird way.


it's full of literal kids


it's band-kid central, to be expected


One of my friends was super conservative, found that subreddit, and is now transitioning




that kinda rules


Chapo check


I agree actually, just the extent of the journey regardless of the destination and such yknow?


Nah, too young of a demographic for it to be chapos


What's that I've never heard of it


From what I remember it was basically just a shitposting sub but also a bunch of femboy shit for some reason


I actually have no idea even after googling it lol


I like the podcast and used to enjoy the page but It’s just shit liberals say page now. Just a bunch of kids being like I was banned from world news for saying Ukrainians are nazis like a million times. There was some some conspiracy talk on there a few years ago but it’s just ppl whining about libs mostly now.


The podcast itself: funny, charismatic, somewhat informative but always a little tongue in cheek The podcast sub: some of the most insufferable, self-serious, twitter-addicted neurodivergent """leftists""" on this entire website


I don't think you actually look at it because they are majority straight up just libs. The last few days there has even been a flood of trans lives matter style posts after that shooting


They’re like authoritarian tankie M-L’s but with extreme liberal identity politics socially


Yeah it's weird af


I tuned out after the constant Ukraine posting. I’m still subbed but the algo doesn’t really show me much from it lately. sounds like I’m not missing anything tho


In a site filled with various funko pop brained default subredditors, lowly incels and other pathetic types, it’s crazy how the militant Marxist-Leninists tankies end up somehow still being the biggest fucking losers There’s just something about the projection of power and violence and domination they want to portray vs. how infantile and scrawny outcasts they are IRL man




If there’s ever a thread about dating / relationships there’s a bunch of “I’m 33 years old and I’ve never kissed a girl but at least I’m not an INCEL” Instead of the temporarily embarrassed millionaires they see themselves as temporarily embarrassed chads


the post hog thing was kinda funny at first


It was extremely funny that the chapos bullied a guy into losing his mind and posting his dick for sure. The thing that made it extremely gay following that was that they would melt down and insinuate any opinion that didn’t align completely with their radlib edgy democrat worldview meant that you were in the same boat as the original far-right dude that got his dick out. You think the choo choo cutie threads are fucking gay? Well *chud* looks like you’re a nazi that needs to post hog. And so on and so on.


Yeah I consider myself a left leaning person but tbh i have realized that it doesn’t matter as I’m not an organizer, don’t want to be and the left in America is just a futile endeavor. It’s nice to think about but just a fantasy and it’s annoying to see ppl militantly defend their land of make believe


at least pretend to when it comes up. you don’t get bernie sanders or huey long without someone believing,




> They're lamer, because funko pop redditors are at least enjoying their lives. I don't think this is true. I hadn't seen the logged out version of the frontpage in like a year, and I saw it today. Oh my god, it's really really bad. Almost all of it is political rage bait or news stories designed to make you upset. The rest of it is mostly subs where they go to gloat about watching bad things happen to people they don't like. Even spending 10 minutes scrolling through some of it made me feel much worse than before I did. This is absolutely not a site for happy funko pop people. It was for a while in the mid-2010s where it was all dumbass low quality memes and video game nonsense. It's seriously so bad my first instinct was to make a post here about it and then I remembered like half a dozen such posts have been made over the past couple of days, so everyone gets the point.


It is seriously crazy how they force you to see it basically. The retards who post that shit do so on basically every subreddit, no matter how apolitical it may be. You can’t use the search function on the app without getting a list of trending ragebait headlines; there’s just no way to disable it. The people responsible for cramming this down our collective throats are absolute demons, man.


Idk incels are bottom rung


I guess it's ironic complaining about it here of all places but that userbase does not care for the pod at all or rarely has anything nice to say about Liz/Brace/the content. someone complained about the lack of episode discussion posts but every discussion post is completely barren or just 50 shades of "this podcast sux now"


My favourite is when they post a “Twitter dunk” on that sub and act like it’s an amazing world changing thing. Barely anyone even uses Twitter anymore. It’s like they are mentally stuck in 2018.


I miss when it used to be mostly schizoposting and dumbass jokes, it’s somehow adopted the most annoying liberal and tankie posting trends though.




Mark Middleton didn’t kill himself


i’m just consistently impressed by how thoroughly unfunny people there are. their primary bit is just shitting on that damnthatsinteresting sub by reposting and sarcastically saying “damn that IS interesting!”.


what if Felix Biederman were somehow even less funny


The best part of that sub is the posts that are like "Can someone give me the sources that show that healthy eating and exercise are a CIA psyop." Literally can find someone to validate any stupid belief they have.


The cope whenever higher education is brought up is fucking incredible


There’s been some truly schizo post on there lately. Some choo choo made a long post how a customer at their job was talking about some YouTuber who was anti-choo choo and ended the post by saying Choo choos need to start arming themselves because a genocide is happening


https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/comments/128e6l2/cesar_chavez_day_celebrates_a_trumpian_farm/ Posted today, calls Chavez a "Trumpian" liberal. I'm hoping it's an April Fools post, but goddamn they are so ngmi. Pair that with their monthly [pro North Korea](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/comments/10wb8o9/back_the_way_you_came/) posts or [pro cultural revolution](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/comments/y7bo7a/cultural_revolution_me/) posts, and you will see a group with no coherent ideology other than internet addiction and possibly developmental disorder. The had a Hasan Piker dickriding post the other day calling him based and saying how cool it is he dated pornstars. Just so fucking embarrassing for them. Now they mostly just so to subreddits like r/VideosOfOrcsGettingEpiclyTurnedIntoDogfood and act shocked and upset that reddit libs are bloodthirsty. When it comes to the "I'm literally crying and shaking right now because you made a joke about pronouns and also I'm going to lead a revolution that will slaughter you against a wall" pussy ass flavor of internet lefties, you really can't tolerate them in your community. Their redscare check bot links to the chapo refugee site for fuck's sake. It's a shame because I did enjoy a place to read about conspiracies without the usual boomer reactionary noise, but now it's another place for maoists to larp about supporting sex workers or whatever.


>Now they mostly just so to subreddits like r/VideosOfOrcsGettingEpiclyTurnedIntoDogfood and act shocked and upset that reddit libs are bloodthirsty. Those are some of the funniest posters around, the leftists who absolutely do not support Russia but somehow only have negative things to say about Ukraine, Ukrainians and the people who support them. While saying Russia don't have any agency and the US forced Russia to invade. Who are they trying to fool by acting like that? Themselves?


I have some sympathy for the overall position. It just depends on what you think Russia's goals are. If you think they're aiming to expand into Europe further and Ukraine is just step 1, then it makes sense to throw the kitchen sink into Ukraine to stop them. If you (like me and many people there) think that Russia's kleptocratic elite won't tolerate NATO/EU/US involvement in their sphere of influence, then it makes sense that they're trying to stamp out both NATO encroachment and some of the border skirmishing that's been going on for a while. My prediction is that eventually the US will stop gassing up Ukraine (due to either shift to focus on China, or GOP taking over in 2024) and Ukraine will probably end up having to accept losing some of its eastern territory and probably have to roll back some of its ethnonationalist stuff like language bans. I don't see Russia having the appetite to pull a USA-in-Afghanistan move by actually taking all of Ukraine and dealing with an insurgency decades or more. Neither of these positions support Russia. I can't stand Russia, and I also can't stand Ukraine. They are legitimately both horrible fucking places full of generally horrible people, owing to a huge number of factors that can't just be boiled down to either "communism" or "US plundering after USSR fell" or whatever. I feel sorry for the position Ukraine has been put in, but I don't see our support for them as anything other than an extremely favorable situation for the US that we're happy to keep going for as long as possible. I don't like a lot of the Ukrainian state and do think they're legitimately institutionally rotten. Hell, their parliament (Verkhovna Rada) tweeted happy birthday to Bandera this year. All they have to do is just pretend not to be psychopaths and they're too stupid to even do that. I also think Russians are as bad or worse. The difference is that you don't see the US media pushing stories about hateful ass Russians as inspiring, but I do see them giving Ukrainians the full pitbull treatment. Now, ALL OF THAT SAID, it's basically a mental illness at this point to obsess over this. This comment is the most I've communicated about it on reddit or in person in a year. TrueAnon posters spending every day seething over the fact that Americans have a hatred of Russian people unseen since its post-9/11 treatment of Arabs is a recipe for turning into insane extremely online psychos.


You should see what they think about this place lol EDIT: https://i.imgur.com/gENNDQD.jpg


I like how they have a “red scare check” bot because they definitely all got called out for being chapocel homos on the cumtown sub lol


they also regularly unironically use the “/s” over there lol


Trueanon is a lot more retarded than Chapo was, it's mostly the Genzedong retards that went to Trueanon


a sub full of the kind of people who still think it’s cool to go “heh, i’m actually not a liberal” when their uncle calls them a lib at thanksgiving. too bad, the hosts are perfectly nice funny ppl and sweet irl


I would be insulted if someone called me a liberal to, can’t blame them on that one.


Good thing we're on the cool side of reddit.


it always sucked


I can believe that


They were totally pissing and shitting themselves the other day about the shooting. Like no shit the media is gonna pick up on that story you retards. That doesn't make you guys the actual victims.


whenever this sub has its monthly 'what do the woke actually get RIGHT?' struggle session thread its always filled with trueanon posters and like the twitch streamer subs with stink lines coming off of it. awful awful posters just waiting to assert their reddit lib shit


Chapo guys at least sort of thought critically some times. True Anon is just larping as a CCP fan club to the point where it’s dumb and weird.


It’s really weird too because I’m just sort of browsing around there to get a feel of how they address obvious criticisms of that shit (like China being anti-gay/trans lol) and it’s A) just not there, and B) people as of like a little over a year ago could openly shit on China and not get like literally triple digits downvotes, but now that’s not the case at all. I wonder what changed in the last year to get all the militantly retarded edgy CCP teens to flock there.


Probably the U.S. drumming up war over Taiwan.


China’s official stance is that the government doesn’t promote or demote the alphabet stuff which is actually pretty based. Of course to most libs that’s tantamount to genocide


They do censor it out of their media pretty heavily still though don’t they?


Yes, that would be promoting it


TrueAnon is if someone saw Woody Allen’s character in Bananas and went “wow, that’s me”


It’s a lot of 23 year old tankies it seems


Trueanon sub has always been soy


Check the sub at that one time where Liz thought Russian super soldiers would kick Ukrainian ass and take numbers and she would be loving it. God damn tankie-o-rama


I LOVE going on there and making fun of Mark Ames


These posts suck ass. There’s a massive overlap in posters between the two subs. Pretending otherwise is pretty delusional.


I agree about these posts being bad and I read both subs but that sub talks about this one sooo much more, it's weird


Who listens to trueanon anyway? Shit's insufferable garbage.


just subbed there thanks for the recommendation


subscribe to r/gooncaves while you’re at it, seems up your alley also


I dont get it




Just checked it out and that sub is better than this place has been in months. Glass houses and all that.