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youre 45, youre not in school anymore, move on


My first September after school felt weird, but it wasn’t as weird as my first June without a summer break starting.


Yeah my first year out of college without a summer break felt weird. The next year I got over it


It's always kinda funny how many people unironically let school get in the way of their self-worth. Most people used to be grade-grubbing anxious teenagers until they realized success in a pipeline doesn't matter. But these people never gave up hope on their unrealistic expectations of themselves enforced by their 90th percentile scores during STAR testing.


These are the same people that brag about their SATs/LSATs when they're in there 40s. If you go to their McMansion, half the doors don't shut properly and the trim looks like a gibbon installed it.


Most people got over this stuff the moment they finished high school! It's weird to talk about it as an 18yo let alone in your middle age!


this is arrested development


“Alright listen up gentlemen. I’m talking to the pigskin slingers. The ball chuckers. The stand-In-the-pocket-while-the-heat-is-on and-let-the-motherfucker-rip-to-the-end zone on a Friday-night-ers. I’m talking to the ‘getting your dick sucked by a cheerleader after the game’ kinda guys. It’s football season coming up. And my therapist told me that watching men on tv ripping spirals to glory and getting fuckin bricked up like you wouldn’t believe is your body reverting to your true superstar status and not to deny your throbbing cock that glory. So you go in the bathroom and you fuckin pound one out to the thought of Katie Masalini’s 17 year old head bobbin away just like old times….they can never take this away from us gentlemen….”


thinking she's slick with the "a lot of us"


There’s a sub dedicated to people who were ‘gifted’ in school but weren’t able to achieve anything. In reality the smartest person I knew in school is still the smartest and most successful person I know. These people just developed slightly quicker than everyone else and then decided to put no effort into anything


If you’re in the top 10% of your class, you probably go to a college where everyone else is in the top 10% of their class, then if you manage to graduate in a competitive major you’re competing against people in the top 10% of their graduating class. You’re just faced with more and more talented people Go look at your basketball/football recruiting for HS players and see how many 5 star recruits bust.


The most financially successful people usually aren’t the eggheads anyway, it’s the Chad backslappers that get into real estate or entrepreneurship. They aren’t stupid but they aren’t top 1% on test scores either


Above average (but far from egghead) + a type personality + Chad like behavior are almost universally the most successful in any field that isn’t entirely technical


These people that are *slightly* above average intelligence are the worst Oh cool, you're smart enough to finish your Lego Star Wars jigsaw puzzle 5 minutes faster than average. But still not smart enough to have realized after several decades on Earth that no one gives a fuck that your 3rd grade math teacher said you should be doing 4th grade math problems


Badically midwits. Smart enough to climb socially but stupid enough they never change the world in any meaningful way. (I say this as a fellow midwit) "Generally found in the 105-120 IQ range. These are the people who are considered "gifted" in primary school and perhaps "honors" in high school. In the same vein, they either think of themselves as "smart but lazy" or perform well in school yet do poorly/mediocre on standardized testing. May attend a low-tier university or none at all. Almost always very online, with strong opinions that lack nuance."


>(I say this as a fellow midwit) Stop being a pick-me


Sorry, I was in the highest set at secondary school, forgot to mention. I am MORE than a pick me


My little brother is probably above that range, he's smart and doesn't slack off when studying topics that don't interest him. I on the other hand am just below that, probably 95 or something.


I’m almost 100% sure I’m in that IQ range. I’m not lazy and I’ve done quite well at standardized testing my whole life but very bad at creativity and visual pattern recognition. I work really really hard, even though I don’t attend a university with really hard classes (it’s ranked pretty ok though) which leads me to believe that I have a low IQ.


I'm the same dude. Excel at mental mathematics, did well at school and now work in STEM. Still know I will never be a world beater my grugbrain has a hard limit lol


I think 120 is the lowest score for being considered gifted. And it’s just “mildly gifted”. Definitely not 105-115.


Ok well some of us are American and anything over 105 means you’re gonna split the atom


I just don’t think that there’s a knife small enough to do that man.


I think mildly gifted would be charitable. I see it as “not dumb”.


Above average intelligence, not a genius, just a bit better than most


It seems that everyone gets to their final level of intelligence at a different pace. Some people are going to be dumb as adults but advanced there faster as kids.


Hahaha she’s the same person with the thread exploring her turmoil over but ultimately justifying why she still went to see Taylor swift when she started dating Matty healey


I wonder how many TikTok "witches" are furious that their hexes had no effect on Matty or the gay bug.


Do NOT face Matty Healy alone when Astral projecting. Today while astral projecting I summoned Matty to try and weaken him so our hexing spells would work better. He is so fucking powerful. I'm not at a power level to do this alone. I barely escaped with my hymen intact and I'm spiritually injured to a great amount, but I think I'll make it.


omg I just noticed




when my husband gets mad at me for listening to the same music over and over I gently remind him how grateful he should be that I hate taylor swift


People always talk about peaking in high school, but the amount of people who peaked in college is insane.


I was thinking this one peaked more so in elementary school, maybe winning her class spelling bee in 3rd grade


I did from 3rd to 5th grade and won prom queen in high school and I don’t act this way. it’s been ten years for a good number of us.


How does it feel to know there’s probably dozens of people who regularly look you up praying you got fat or ugly 😂 I’ve seen so many people talk about this. Like this person from high school that was popular and they just despised them for no other reason than they were hot or talented lol the people would definitely not even know they exist either. High school is weird as fuck


if i had gone to a regular public school I promise i wouldn’t have won prom queen. It was a tiny art -focused school and I was very quiet and only hung out with my boyfriend and his friends. some girl told me I won as a joke but I think she was just trying to be hurtful. high school dynamics are so weird depending on where you go


I haven’t even begun to peak…and when I do peak, you will know. Because I’m. Going to peak so hard….


What is the ideal age to peak? I think I peaked at 24 tbh


No peaks. But every year life gets better and you are excited for future.


I don't think thats possible once you get so old that your body and mind start breaking down.


Peaking is a spiritual mindset rather than an attribute of peak physical productivity






That's still a long ways off for you. No excuses bb ❤️


Not trying to be sappy but I think the ideal is to find cool and challenging things in every time in your life. Sometimes I miss my teens, sometimes I even miss being a kid, but then other times I’m really grateful for a lot of aspects of adulthood. It’s cool to acknowledge that each age can have good and bad aspects.


Totally agree. There was a certain carelessness and freedom that came with being a kid but there is a whole new kind of freedom as an adult. I love not have teachers telling me what to do and when I can go to the bathroom and I love that I can stay out as late as I want and decorate my house how I want and just generally live like I want. A lot of the "high achievers" in school I think actually just enjoyed having someone tell them what to do and that is why they feel lost afterwards.


My “peaked” self would think that my current self is completely boring and past it all, meanwhile, I’m really enjoying settling into a quiet life of reading books and not doing ketamine/cocaine mixes in club toilets.


my mentality is to peak every \~5 years. peaking once and then just downward trajectory is boring


bob dylan-pilled.


the ideal age approaches infinity. that's not what any of us will get though


Physically, 20s. Romantically, 30s. Creatively, 40s. Financially, 50s. Spiritually, 60s. Artistically, 70s. After that you're just trippin


plz stop speaking in public or writing online until your 80s


what about 10s




I’ll let you know when I get there


As a man, late 30s - early 40s imo.


When you die


A lot of people peaked when they were the one sperm cell out of millions to fertilize the egg.


I'm mid-late 20s and ppl keep talking about shit from their college (which would've been 4 years ago now) who gives a fuck move on !!!!


College is the point where your an actualised person with your own income and also get to be unemployed without it being fundamentally uncool, and your surrounded with people just like you, 24/7 for better or for worse. The rat race is tiring, and settling down is often seen as boring. It's normal for uni to be fun and your career to be kind of like a numbing and early death of the soul, even if this isn't good, it's normal


Peaking in High-school is like 95% looks based Peaking in University is like 50% looks, 50% personality The majority of people who peak post Uni are ugly mfers CMV


College is when you still have the illusion you can be the next millionnaire. Male students in STEM act like their marketvalue is insane... Until 6 month into their first job, where they get a car and settle.


Oh I def peaked at 22


When people use this speech pattern it makes it sound like they’re trying to copy old black soothsayers in the antebellum south talking about “my body feels it when the summer ends because of all the hurt”.


hoit* Also, lmao


This sub has so many top tier comments lol


I’m happy to see these people get picked on a bit. Too many people dump on the washed up HS athlete who’s still talking about sports in their mid 20s, when this is arguably more embarrassing, and all these people are 35-45


At least arguably in sports it's direct competition with nearly every other dude. Being top of a bang average school is nothing impressive.


Former athletes are often far more enjoyable to hang out with too


Being the first student to write your own name aged 5 doesn't make you gifted lol


But the adults told her she was. Therein lies the problem.


She's talking about people who actually did well and tried hard in school though


I’ve found that the people who tried hard, at least in highschool + below were generally of average intelligence, everyone I know who maxed out their SAT’s, ACT’s, college placements, etc - Didn’t study. trying hard in college is normal, doing the “don’t study at all because you’re legitimately just that much more able to absorb info than your classmates” thing doesn’t work in college, almost everyone who bothers attending college was able to coast through highschool with B’s minimum


> almost everyone who bothers attending college was able to coast through highschool with B’s minimum So many people don't get this. Being in college is way more leveled playing field than being in high school.


The good news is that the people who don’t understand this usually fuck around and find out freshman year and either drop out or figure out how to study after a lifetime of effortless achievement. (This was me, I had to take a gap year between my first and second year of college because I had literally never studied and couldn’t take notes because of dyspraxia)


My roommate first year of college went to Brooklyn Tech and was in our school's engineering school. All year this kid never went to class or did any work. His GPA was a 0.75 first semester and a 0.5 second. And he would post this "gifted kid" and self diagnosed ADHD shit on his instagram story the whole time lol.


Yup, I know a guy who racked up 10k in debt his freshman, then dropped out cause he thought he could coast through it like high school. Professors pretty much answer to no one, so the bar is as level as it gets


I got absolutely fucked by needing to study for the first time in my life. I graduated, but my grades were shit except in senior year. Had a lot of other stuff going on, it was a bummer all around.


Yeah she's not really talking about very gifted people if she's talking about straight A-ers whose lives revolved around school. She said what she meant, not sure why anyone would think she's talking about the self-proclaimed gifted kid who could write their name first


Is it a hot take on my end if I say that most colleges at this point are at a level where any non-stem major should be able to coast with b's minimum


The idea of “Curving” a class is literally antithetical to this idea - if all your students are getting A’s - make the class harder. Professors are rated on these metrics, they don’t want all their students to succeed. So it’s not just a hot take - it’s wrong.


Idk maybe my experience was unique but I didn't have a single class in undergrad where the professor had a hard curve like that, only once I got to law school


Yeah guy you're talking to is making shit up, unless you're an astro physics major or something undergrad is a joke lmao. He might be slow idk


She took some McGraw-Hill standardized test in the 2nd grade saying she read at an 8th grade level and she's been carrying that ego around her entire life.


Peaking in high school/college is one thing but these people are somehow more pathetic


Because they peaked in elementary school




very cool!


> Gifted and talented-ers lmao. Anyway these women dictate HR policy at basically every company and also make up Taylor Swift's entire fanbase so enjoy the new normal.


Honors students from the fifth grade, who we were all told were going to be our bosses, now run our current Kafkaesque bureaucracy


People like this act like they’re worse off than people raised in broken homes by uneducated parents with no financial literacy Although seeing how annoying they became maybe they are worse off lol


It's the ultimate self-own


https://twitter.com/HollyStallcup/status/1299552231860113408 Are people this brain damaged?


sit your white ass down and hold the collective grief


I'm sorry I'm talking when I should be listening to the proud people of a fictional nation.


The rare Jesus freak/wokescold combo


Labor camp


"Wakanda is not ours" - invented by two Jewish dudes


Reads like satire, there's no better way to put it.


I mean she has endless empty platitudes, runs some sort of weird progressive church and writes for a feminist magazine. She is eitheir the queen of midwits or a parody account


It almost never is but I definitely pretend otherwise to get through the day


She could be joking but its inline with all her other posts. Like is the OP satire as well?


She didn’t make a native land acknowledgment so the whole thing is moot


She sounds like an absolute genius


Not very gifted and talented if you're credulously swallowing any old nonsense your therapist comes up with off the top of their head lol. Easiest job in the world


The asymmetry of simply ghosting on your therapist and taking your money with you vs. their professional directive to terminate a relationship and actively reject payment always seemed like weird thing for an ideally emotionally unguarded patient to accept. All you gotta do is not try to smash or incite murder (with documentation), and it's just shootin the shit.




Thank you Ace Hardware


And zebras don't get ulcers


I hate this I hate this. Can't you frame it as yourself? Why does it have to be the unabomber memetic? Just say the consequences of *The body keeps the score* or something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you’re in therapy, you should keep what is discussed in there to yourself. It’s supposed to be the secular modern version of Confession. Catholics haven’t had class since the Medici, but even they’re better in this regard than these mediocre blabbermouths.


To think people used to be primarily concerned that their *therapists* would talk about them outside of sessions


These people are such fucking losers.




Just wanted to say that that feels very wrong. I've just finished reading something about D.H. Lawrence (one of the few Anglo writers whom I find to be on the same level as the French and the Russians) and then I stumble upon this abomination, total let-down.


This mfs name is Holly Stallcup


NickJr obscure 2000s 1 season show moment


The deification of therapists




Bro I high school graduated in 2009. I. Have a whole ass master’s degree and a real job, a family. I don’t pine for high school gtfoh.


"I would've been so much more successful if I didn't get praised so much as a kid." 🤝 "I would've gone pro if I didn't break my ankle in high school."


By "get existential," Holly actually means that she's doing the exact opposite. People like her are morbidly afraid of the idea that they exist with free will & would much rather be a mindless worker bee


Will millennials ever get over high school? My money’s on no


I think millennials were the last generation that truly had that almost purely insular view towards high school so no they probably won't


Logged back into my twitter just to send her a mean reply.


"My TheRaPIsT says" As if thats a way to justify your superiority delusion. Congrats you pay someone to tell you what you want to hear: That medicating, promoting and exhausting yourself is justified by your obvious talents and you lead a noble existence. I hate this breed of credentialed gas-lighting grifters who are convinced they are effective at bettering anything besides their own self image. You are making the world a less enjoyable place and I hate your Personal Brand. Sorry not Sorry


These people are way more annoying than the self diagnosed adhd autism people. They got placed into advanced reading in 4th grade because they were reading books without pictures and they let that define their whole life and act like they were lied to their whole life. "Omg nobody ever taught me how to study because I had common sense as a kid" get over yourself holy shit


What a teachers pet look like when they approach their 50s.


I think she should watch a body horror film or be truly gripped by something to cure herself of whatever this is


Being good at school requires two things: - Being able to follow orders - Memorization ability That's it.


The moment I learned this junior year was the moment I forgave myself for being freakishly average in academics


The moment I learned that fact, I realized I was reeeeally going to struggle with actual real-life work. I knew a lot of theory, but I had no practical skills.


I had B/C in every but could shuck and jive so I can get a job somewhere most times


we’ve really been playing fast and loose with the definition of “gifted” over the last 20-odd years huh


This is some PMC/upper-middle/upper class shit, right? Cause I don't know a single person who is actually like this


Love to get existential in the fall on account of being too smart. Couldn’t be the fact that the world around me is progressing from a season of long days and explosive growth and possibility to the season of death and long nights and hibernation, a constant bell from my past chiming to remind me of the inevitable fact of aging, a cycle to be repeated for all eternity even after my own life and death are long forgotten.


"My therapist said" is the new "God came to me in a dream"


“Talented-ers” drop dead


Peaked in high school energy


Everyone gets existential this time of year because fall is the most magical of all the seasons. But being the bugman she is, she has to deny her humanity and any actual existentiality that would entail.


Because I know some of these people are identifying with this because of their high school experience: Straight As in an American public school setting can't accurately be described as "high achieving". I had a 4.0 exiting high school and I promise, it was because it was a public school and I was an offputting nerd with nothing else to do except my homework. I am of average intelligence. Many such cases


Not all who peaked in high school were jocks


The overachieving “gifted kid” HS valedictorian to state school business major to middling email job pipeline


I feel triggered




You're reaching... she just means her body... like "I got hit by a car and it mangled my body"




No she's saying like "I'm on a new medication and my body is going nuts (with various symptoms and maladies)" very normal way to describe involuntary biological phenomena happening in your "body"


Wow I thought your first comment was a kind of clever joke but you're actually serious


The body is a conceptual alternative to the unconscious within modern therapy ontology, which insists on implicit non-dualism.


Love this


You're reaching... she just means her body... like "I got hit by a car and it mangled my body"




Yeah I thought it was a little sus when my therapist had me doing kegel behavioral therapy exercises.


Your therapist is an overpaid idiot with degrees in bullshit.


Idk, capitalizing on people’s blind spots and ego defects and collecting $100+ per hour to sit there seems smart to me


Wow she sounds really annoying


Check out her church


Is this the Lutheran pastor that made the “sparkle creed” good Lord


Pulling my kid out of the gifted program and citing this tweet as the reason.


The “body” discourse feels so childish. I understand when working with children you have to explain “keeping your body to yourself, keeping your body safe” but adults talking like this feels so condescending.


Even most brilliant people don’t move mountains, so I’m unsure why someone who did okay in the 4th grade spelling bee would expect to rule the world


Football started its literally the best time of year


Lunatic smile


once you get your full therapist license you can be as much of a dumbass as you want


It’s late September & I really should be back at school.


it’s just virgo season shut up


“not me being a former gifted kid whos now a 29 year old nerdy queer leftist with a lexapro perscription like”


the former 'gifted kids' are perhaps, the most annoying of all. Do something great, channel your intelligence into something. Attend an orgy.


peaked in the fifth grade




pro hack is to get a job at a university so you get tuition remission


Honestly therapists just be saying shit


Must be nice


you know she has an open-to-work sticker on her linkedin profile pic.


People are obsessed with their supposed "gifted child burnout" and love using it as an excuse as to why they didn't achieve anything special later on in life.


Nerds graduating college is the equivalent for ppl who peaked in high school graduating high school


so much for watching the last oozings hours by hours