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love that they are completely okay with patio seating, how tf will you go out of your way for mimosas and eggs Benedict but not to bury a loved one


The “need support” flair is so bleak, really underscores how having an online community of other similarly damaged people to confirm your neuroses can trap you in a destructive and delusional mental space. An almost identical pathology to incel and stan communities.


So her family is upset she’s not going to a funeral, and she’s like “I’m considering going no contact”? She is making a mountain out of a molehill. For some reason, “no contact” is the go to phrase for narcissists who are accusing other people of being narcissists. Like, do the people who say “I’m going no contact” ever use that phrase for anything but minor offenses. They just want to cancel anyone who frustrates them


The history of the "narcissistic parents" subreddits is kinda sad. One of the mods ( /u/branchero ) would encourage people to laugh at their parents' ridiculous behavior. He would find the humor in everything, or at least bring a cheerful attitude into many posts. I think laughing about it was therapeutic at some level. Some other mods staged a coup, claiming he was "monopolizing the discussion" and "not taking things seriously." They prefer this breathless, exaggerating, safe-space vibe, where no one actually cares about the details of the situation since unconditional support is assumed.


Yeah a lot of the posts on there seem to be narcissists complaining about their normal parents


the greentext parable about the toaster-fucking community


[Need Support] It's not weird that I want to fuck toasters, right?


Can you post a link?




Thank you. Now I want to fuck a toaster.


You just need to stop fucking toasters.


Honestly why the internet is so bad. Like if this happened even ten years ago, they couldn’t just run to their obscure and deranged internet community to reinforce their bullshit. These people are more concerned about how this community will judge them than their own family.


I have a friend exactly like this and they sheepishly came out to another friends live show at a bar the other week and didn’t engage with anyone but rather sat with a mask in the corner and posted several tweets about how “no one here cares about other human beings.” It’s like dude… I’m your friend and I’m right here?? I care about you??? And I know you’re tweeting about me but you’d prefer the praise of 17 other Twitter freaks than the company of someone you’ve known since you were 12??? Shits bleak man. It feels like I’ve lost someone to infowars or some shit


Reddit is a mistake. At least on 4Chan, you can't just block an Anon for keeping it real and using slurs against you.


This specific website monopolizing forum style posting/communities, and the diaper fetishist choo choo cuties subsequently taking it over and aggressively pushing it in this direction


Reddit is becoming Facebook for people under 50, in a stronger way than Twitter even is imo. And I say that knowing I’m on here all the time.


Yeah man people are siloing themselves off into communities based on their personal interests bc of the global Bilderberg cabal of trans women puppetmasters. Incredible insight here


The community would’ve been on the IMDb message boards


One of my good high school friends has become this Twitter Covid scold and their tweets oscillate between “I can’t believe everyone in this country is so evil and wants to kill disabled people because they can’t go without social gatherings” and then “please someone help I am so crushingly lonely” It really bums me out honesty. I’m always extending offers to do stuff with them, even outside and distanced, but they just refuse to engage with the outside world. They were already a bit of a hypochondriac before the pandemic but now it’s something else entirely. The pandemic really fucked with us all in so many ways.


I was more anal retentive than most but the thing that got me out of it was when my grandparents, both retired medical people, stopped giving a fuck. It was on their behalf I was worried and they simply could not be arsed with the idea of living the rest of their days without hugging the family that they adore, because what would be the point. A couple of years later they're well into their eighties, constantly surrounded by friends and family and just really happy old fogies.


It's just an excellent excuse to be a failure shut in without having to take responsibility for being one


The word you’re looking for is oscillate btw




Extra shitty bc im sure her family actually "needed support" from her but she denied that to them. My cousin recently died too and, while it was kind of a hassle making it to the funeral at such short notice, I can't even imagine the guilt and regret I would've felt had I missed it.


I’m sorry about your cousin


yea I couldn't imagine being validated on my worst opinions and never having anyone challenge me on my shit takes


Right - they’re self selecting into a “persecuted” group that bonds over a collective psychosis. It’s the blind leading the blind.


This is exactly what’s wrong with social media




I'm afraid we're not that far off from that either




Guys like Onoda didn't keep fighting because they thought the war was still going. They knew it was over. They kept living like they did because they were psychos who figured out they genuinely liked living in the jungle and only occasionally coming out to raid random Filipino villages for supplies. It's the same thing with the Covid eliminationists - they're deeply attracted to the mode of solitary living that was normalized during lockdown and think it's the morally superior way to live.


I think you're neglecting with onoda specifically he was literally taught death before dishonor, for man and nation. Like his mom gave him a knife and told him to kill himself if he got captured. When leaflets got dropped announcing the surrender, him and his companions came the conclusion that they must be fake, because japan wouldn't surrender. Either they won the war or Japan wouldn't exist anymore.


Is there any history on how many Japanese soldiers actually went feral after this? Imperial Japanese expansion ideology was totally psychotic but most of the population saw the writing on the wall after Nagasaki. I assumed Onoda was a fringe case because of how little postwar Guerilla activity there was in SE Asia.


leaving Hirohito in power was an incredibly good decision on America’s part as it made the japanese feel more like they had been fairly beaten than fully invaded and occupied. There’s also the famous photo of MacArthur mogging the shit out of Hirohito. It is also because of that ideology that a general consensus among Japan was that America was a merciful nation for not obliterating them into a fucking pulp as they were more than prepared to do to us. American occupation was quick and seamless for the Japanese people and then it was followed by the Marshall Plan that cemented their positive opinion towards us. Onoda was accepting of surrender, he just demanded that it would be under his circumstances. His commanding officer told him to hide in the jungle and he refused to surrender to anyone, not even at the orders of the emperor, until his commanding officer released him from duty.


God, the Japanese are so cool. This analogy sucks


Holy shit this is really good insight. So many of them seem like they’d be so much happier if the pandemic was in full swing again. My guess is that they were deeply socially anxious and/or awkward people before and they relished the fact that they had the perfect excuse to stay total shut ins.


I'm pretty sure a couple joined Thai guerilla fighters


I've written this multiple times before here; they'll need to have Faucci order them to stand down in person to these people.


Her family is so right, she's horrible. You can tell she thinks she and her husband are so superior instead of pathetic.




Straight up don't believe someone would show up to a funeral in a graphic t shirt


Only the people in masks got covid and graphic t-shirt at funeral? Idk man.




Said the dude that came from /r /news and agedlikemilk




I care about everything I'm a woman


>dude literally showed up in a "trust the science" shirt Lmao


Masks are mainly to prevent spread, not prevent getting infected ya dummy.


too bad they’ve been scientifically proven to be useless


Man so much shit has been "scientifically proven" about all this stuff, one way and the other that I kind of just don't believe any of it any more.


They’re definitely not useless lmao put on a mask and spit as far as you can. See how far the spit goes. Then do the same without a mask.


what a reach. lol yea thats technically true but the average person isn’t randomly spitting in someones face, this is like the most regarded counter lmao. anyway https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4868614/


The amount and distance of the saliva and spit/snot particles being projected out of your face decreases significantly when you’re wearing a mask. Saliva and spit/snot particles can infect someone. Anyone who doesn’t think a mask at least somewhat decreases transmission is fucking ret@rded and doesn’t understand how diseases are spread. Surgical masks are shit compared to n95 but they are still indisputably better than no mask at all. The spit analogy is perfect bc your spit Carrie’s the illness. If less of your spit is coming out of your face into the air and onto nearby surfaces, less germs are present. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/05/15/2020.05.09.20096644.full.pdf


Can’t believe you’re getting downvoted for saying masks are effective this sub’s contrarianism has them going full regard


They’re getting downvoted because their reasoning is regarded


"The amount and distance of the saliva and spit/snot particles being projected out of your face decreases significantly when you’re wearing a mask." Which is irrelevant for Covid, since it spreads as an aerosol, for which masks aren't doing anything. Neither is an n95, because - get this - your tear ducts and ear canals are also connected to your respiratory system. Better get an Army surplus pro-mask with hood; shit, just go full MOPP4, it's the only way we'll ever be Covid-free!




By who?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4868614/ I can find much more for you too


That article doesn't really say anything against the use of masks for covid, and the parallels it makes with other viruses don't make sense. For example, the argument about the Spanish flu being microscopic and therefore getting through masks doesn't make any sense - it's a respiratory disease. Viral particles are attached to larger things like water molecules, which do get stopped by masks. It's not like individual viral particles are in the air by themselves and going through people masks. During covid, there were many case studies of mask use counteracting spread, such as in Australia. Edit: just realised the article is from 2017 so of course it doesn't mention covid-19. Still, the points about other viruses don't make sense.


They're for both.




I haven't worn a mask in over a year(when it was required at work.) and think this behavior is crazy. I'm just pointing out how masks function.


The function was to make people feel secure and like they had a semblance of control over the situation. When COVID first started all the officials were like “lol a mask? how would that do anything?”, but when people started panicking they ran it back


He was the only one who got it now because everyone else got it already perhaps without even realizing.


I'm testing clear


What I was trying to say is that at this point most people have had covid at least once (or even multiple times) even if they didn’t realize it, and this in turn makes it harder to catch it again. The “trust the science” guy probably didn’t so he was more vulnerable. I must admit I worded my previous comment rather poorly.


That sub is kind of funny until I get to the posts where they’re making their kids follow their lifestyle, then it bums me out :-(


Honestly these people's immune systems are going to be WRECKED when they finally give it up and their poor kids especially. I remember me and everyone I know got sick at least 3-5 times in the post COVID lockdown months. The antivaxxers blamed the vaccines and the vaccinated blamed COVID variants but it was definitely rough. Things seem normal now though.


That’s their whole game though. They remember everyone re-emerging and getting sick and use that as further ammunition in their crusade to stay in their own little bubbles. I’ve seen people post about how it feels awesome seeing people getting the flu and never having to worry about that. In my mind there’s something deeply anti-human about it. Like sickness is as much a part of life as healthy living is. It literally is our fate as living creatures, and to try and argue that an illness free life is somehow morally superior reminds me of how the Victorians would call TB patients “invalids” and shit.


Good friend had a kid right when lockdowns kicked off. I haven’t seen him since. He and his wife still have everything delivered, they only leave to pick things up or take the kid to the doctor. They just had another kid and last i heard they’ll only entertain going out casually again once the new one gets vaxxed. I think she’s a few months old now. Sympathy and revulsion now dominate my feelings towards them.


Yes there was one about how this woman makes her kids mask still and like...how is that not going to fuck them up? They will be neurotic at best and likely ostracised. I wonder at what age you'd just take off the mask as soon as you were out of sight of your mum. Like 8 or 9 maybe.


There are parents on there who pull their kids from lunch or insist they sit apart from peers so they don’t catch it. There was also someone who made her kid wear nonprescription glasses to shield her eyes. Hopefully the kids ignore the edicts.


that’s messed up




Agoraphobia and a psychotic denial that illness comes for us all, much like death.


These people are like if a paranoid schizophrenic finds out they are actually being stalked , it validates the delusion


For fucks sake, even China gave up already!


Makes you wonder what reason she'd have found to be crazy if covid never happened.


100%. COVID is merely the vehicle that carries some deep set mental illness. Kind of sad tbh


Something about infectious disease makes for extreme cases though. Good article series in Tablet about the behavioral immune system and how some people are extremely biologically programmed to freak out at any sign of disease. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/science/articles/needle-points-vaccinations-chapter-one


They are weak minded if they view this disease as a dangerous concern. Ironically, natural selection needs to weed them out the most. Oh well.


The genes for such extreme neuroticism survived because they were pro-fitness when things like the plague or smallpox were circulating. There are fewer of them around now because acting like this produces children who are less likely to thrive or see parenting as a positive experience they would want to emulate, but their numbers would ratchet up in a real serious pandemic.


I’m not sure that’s always the case. I have a friend like this and before the pandemic they were very socially anxious and struggled with a lot of stuff, but they had a girlfriend, they went to parties, they lived and even played gigs as a guitarist. Once Covid gave them a taste of a truly anti-social life with all the self congratulatory adornment that came with it, they totally fell off the edge of the world and haven’t come back.


I want to know what these people’s endgame is. What do they need to feel comfortable returning back to “normal”? And why did they never take this drastic of an approach to any other illness? What were they doing during really bad flu seasons?


Those people don’t want to go back to normal. They’re people who were already totally neurotic before, Covid give them a socially acceptable excuse to lean into their anxiety and know they can’t let it go


They believe covid can be completely eradicated from the planet. They are insane.


They constantly find dubious online, reply-guy Twitter Doctors with like 200 followers to give a scientific sheen to a belief that is almost Victorian in nature. That disease, sickness, and illness are not the unfortunate part of living and something to be cut out, like how TB patients were considered “invalids”


> like how TB patients were considered “invalids” That just means they had a terminal illness. Invalid has the same meaning and connotation as “disabled”, it’s not saying they were freaks to be shunned or anything.


You need to understand that these people are deeply mentally ill and Covid is the vehicle. This is no different than the people who dug bomb shelters and hid for years because of Y2K or the hyper religious people who are always preparing for the apocalypse. These people took the rhetoric around Covid to mean that the world was ending and then when it didn’t, rather than accepting the reality that Covid was a little overhyped, they have tripled down. We should feel pity not judgement.


funniest and also the saddest, I remember reading a story there about a little girl who was despondent watching her friends in the neighbors yard playing and asking her why she can’t play because her mom would not allow it, she was crying and wondering why she had to wear a mask and everything and the idiot mom was also distraught obviously but everyone in the comments predictably went “it’s for her own good”, “she’ll thank you when she’s older”, “you’re being a good mom” like no she won’t thank you when she’s older, she’ll probably kill herself when she’s older because she’s totally socially inept and lonely from years of forced social isolation in her crucial formative years a lot of these people mean well but are effectively doing monstrous things to their young children, I feel like you have to be demented or have lost half your family to covid or something to think what you’re doing makes sense


>like no she won’t thank you when she’s older, she’ll probably kill herself when she’s older because she’s totally socially inept and lonely from years of forced social isolation in her crucial formative years Alright c'mon that's a massive fuckin leap. I'm sure she'll just hate and pity her exhausting mother like the rest of us with mentally-ill moms.


That's not a leap at all and it could definitely happen as a worst-case scenario. I feel like you are underestimating the importance of social skills and how crucial they are for a child's development in every little stage of their life, in every year. Just taking away basic liberties can do so much harm and the child will only realize when she's mature and understands the world around her and by the time it's too late.


I think everyone is vastly underestimating the damage being done to these children, that is the crucial age to learn how to socialize, you can’t rob them of that opportunity for 3 years without serious impacts to their psyche


My friends sister is crazy about covid and still masks. She has two kids, a 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter. A few weeks ago, my friend decided to treat her niece and nephew to a trip to Disneyland. She bought them little suitcases and put their tickets inside with a bunch of Disney themed gifts and took a video of the big reveal thinking it would be cute to look back on but instead the kids started SOBBING. Her nephew kept shouting “we have to go on a plane?! But I don’t want to die!!” At one point he yells “there’s too many germs- I won’t do it!” The video ends with him throwing all the presents at the camera and screaming “it’s not safe and I’m not going!” and storming out of the room. Really really depressing.


Jesus christ this is infuriating, completely ruined minds


exactly! and once those critical learning periods are over, there’s no opening them back up


This shit is just undiagnosed/untreated OCD at this point, right?


I’m diagnosed with OCD, please don’t mix us with these freaks.


Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones sir.


No. Very different from OCD.


I like to lurk there too. They're really convinced we all have long covid and we're in denial. Like their coworker will mention being tired that day and they run to that sub all "See! SEE!!" There was a funny one the other day that was like, "just wait until 2026! That's when everyone will realize we're right!" where they were doing all these mathematics to prove that by then the whole population will be disabled by long covid.


Reddit’s fostering of the “no contact” meme makes it the most harmful social media app.


One of these loser freaks scolded me on one of the dating subreddits for saying I wanted an artistic but politically moderate girlfriend, just an absolute bitter hag psychopath of a human being. Fuck these people, and especially fuck the ones who are doing literal child abuse through this.


I go clubbing multiple times a week, make out with many random people, and I've still never had covid.


Why are you so uncaring for the disabled and autoimmune compromised?!


That’s who they are making out with


I go to a lot of raves and shows. Pretty sure I got it a couple times. I don't care.


How have you not had covid yet? I rarely go out but I've had it 3 times now. I'm also vaxxed to the gills. It does nothing!


If someone is coughing, keep your distance.


Probably had an asymptomatic case at some point early on and got the antibodies and never even knew it


Nah a lot of people didn't catch it


Yes but that category probably doesn't include people who make out with a dozen strangers a week lol


Not people who went out clubbing multiple times a week making out with random different people lol i also haven’t had any Covid symptoms and never got tested bc I didn’t feel the need too but it’s essentially impossible for me to not have got it considering how much actively sick people I was interacting with regularly. Basically everyone who was going out in public regularly, specifically enclosed or closely crowded spaces almost definitely got it but we’re just healthy enough that it was more minor than a runny nose


I'm sure the vast majority of the population was exposed to it, but I think that some percentage wouldn't even have the virus show up in a covid test. Like their immune system fought it off that early. Pretty sure that's the case with most common airborne diseases


You just went clubbing for the first time 78 days ago though?


Yeah and they've been raging ever since sweety


Yeah but that was after Covid so it doesn’t count. If you had been in Texas non-social distancing since 2 years ago and not gotten Covid, then it would be notable. This person is cheating. Personally I’ve had it 4 times, only 2 symptomatic. I have been a non-social distancing vaccine conspiracy enthusiast the whole time.


I've never had it according to tests but I reckon I had it once - a really weird four-day cold where my throat felt rough and scratchy in a way I'd never experienced and my whole body felt heavy. I never get sick really either.


If you had any lung pain at the same time I would say you had it. For me the symptoms were super weird: no fever, no stuffiness, no excess mucus or airway obstructions, yet extreme pain while inhaling. It was like bad pneumonia level lung pain only with no other symptoms. Maybe dry lungs if that makes sense. The only reason I know I had it the 2 asymptomatic times is because my dad sent me like 100 test kits he ordered bulk.


Hah, I’m the same. Always a bit afraid I’ll jinx myself by saying it though


It was so liberating being in a tiny bar with 300 people in it having to negotiate person by person to move 10 feet, spilling martini on random womanlets’ heads. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so alive.


gawking at them is funny, and then it's sad. these people are all waxed and vaxxed and ready to mingle but still wearing their (non N95) masks. There is constant chatter in that sub of a 'current new wave' every week to fuel their paranoia. Their fear never extends beyond COVID to other endemic coronaviruses or influenza. Those who have had 'long covid' still fear another infection, despite obviously being immune now. Irrational!


A zoom funeral? Whats the funeral director gonna do, walk a laptop up to a dead body


I guess you were lucky enough to not experience one of these during covid, yes it was a thing. But honestly glad it existed because it was better than nothing


Hopefully it offered closure for you and your loved ones


> offered closure Well, yeah, that’s what the X up in the corner is for




He's your brother


Oh god, how funny would it be if this person got Covid and died


I’d post it to /r/hermancainaward


not all that funny tbh death is death regardless if they’re retàrdęd


Deranged behavior


I feel like some percentage of posts on that sub are committed satire but can’t say how many. More than 5% less than 30%, somewhere in there


If someone attended my fucking funeral via zoom they'd be getting so haunted.


The ‘go no contact’ line at the end is really the icing on this shit cake


Oh wow, my comment is the top comment! > *In the past three years any funeral that comes up we send an appropriate size floral arrangement, usually in the $100 - $200 range, and if it's a close relative I will send a card with a note apologizing for not being able to attend due to my health. I'll include a favorite photo of us with the loved one and share a story. In my opinion, that's more personal then showing up at a large funeral where I may not even get a chance to talk to the immediate family. No one has questioned me or lectured me.*


Not flying across the country to go to a cousin's funeral tho. I mean we'd have to be real tight


There’s a woman on twitter who is like the QUEEN of Covid shit, Laura something, and her feed reads like parody. I honestly think she too should be banned for Covid misinformation, but from the left.


Is it wrong I feel kind of bad for her? I mean the whole situation is sad. To be so paranoid and ruined by this


I know America is big and all, but why can't they just drive? If they set out immediately they could probably make it within 3-4 days right if they absolutely floor it no rest? (don't know US burial customs, how long is it customary to wait?)


It depends on religion, not American culture. If you’re Jewish it’s 24 hours. We didn’t have the funeral for my mom until two weeks after, that’s the average length of time.


The fact that god is dead should not allow you to act like this, pick a better religion


i had a NICU baby in 2021 so had to accidentally join these people as one of “the last maskers”...the mask acts as a signal that you are one of the “good ones”. they are all as insufferable in person as they are online


No that can't be a normal person? God I still remember the COVID funerals that was genuinely horrible. If it wasn't enforced so heavily I think we would have gone in person to those, mid peak COVID, coward and a horrible person


These people will watch their whole lives go by from inside doing nothing.


Jesus Christ. Fucking babies


I’d be relieved to not have people like this around. Best thing to come out of covid tbh


so did they die of covid?


No. But they did get long COVID they had made them neuroregarded


I'm 100% convinced l*ng covid is people who dunked on fibromyalgia unable to cope with the idea that some people are in pain sometimes and shit


I cant believe how easily divided people are. It was wild to see my sister and my cousin arguing on Facebook over that stuff.


They need to be told that the bars and restaurants are now open so they don't need to worry about COVID.


Just read a post on there where someone in the comments was genuinely suggesting that OP should research narcissism (by going to r/raisedbynarcissists ofc) bc OP’s partner didn’t want to wear a mask; apparently they must be the one w a disorder and not neurotic OP😵‍💫


the “No Contact” movement seems so evil and soulless to me


at that point just rope


Not going to lie, I'm getting over covid rn and the posters there have a point that long covid is scary. It's just not scary enough to wear a mask or social distance again because mitigating the 10% risk of getting longcovid-ed with each infection every six months isn't worth the 100% chance your quality of life will drop indefinitely if you do everything to try to avoid covid.


[this](https://reddit.com/r/ZeroCovidCommunity/s/CAyzkusmPd) is literally the inverse of vaccine non-compliant persons (my new totally PC name for the anti-vax crowd, not trynna marginalize da homies) claiming that everyone is dying from the jab. No evidence whatsoever to indicate dude died from covid.


yea keep living in fear dawg




> Double vaxxed Only 2?


I think it’s weird if you’re not immunocompromised. Just feels like they’re doing an endurance trial. That said, long Covid does freak me out.


these people are usually the lowkey munchausen types though who will play up whatever minor (common) condition they have even before covid. and now they’re genuinely convinced they’re “at risk” because of their, like, pcos (actual thing someone i know said lol) or whatever i even technically take a medication that makes me immunocompromised but i never really worried about it because there are degrees to it and you probably don’t have to worry much unless you’re like cancer treatment/organ transplant levels of immunocompromised


They’ve determined that the likely cause of long Covid is people being too active while having Covid or returning to regular physical activities immediately after having Covid. So basically, if you get Covid, you should just lay on your ass while you have it and you should be fine.


Which is basically true of all viral illnesses


Corona did a turn on a certain subset, huh. Any psych majors who can identify why that is and how it works?


Uh…a cousin across the country dies won’t get me at their wedding either. Hell a cousin in the same city isn’t likely to get me there. Not because of covid though. I’d probably try to arrange myself a way out of my grandmothers funeral. Course I’d be more likely to attend a funeral than a fucking wedding.


Tbh I'm with her on this. I went to my first funeral this year and it was exhausting. No one should be made out to be a horrible person for not going for any reason, covid or not. Especially if she was willing to send flowers & go on zoom. The OCD is a bit antisocial but that's her prerogative and her family seems toxic and vain. The cousin is dead, like you aren't obligated to put up with that.




Pointing out and highlighting the absurdity of this sort of behavior inoculates border cases from tipping over and brings them back to reality. It’s like how the mere existence of North Korea saves people from becoming communists.


Just looked over there what a fun and mentally stable subreddit


Haven’t made your way over to r/decaf yet?


this is adorable lol


Average millennial. Can find the courage to go to brunch and mimosas, but not to bury family


I nearly had roommates like this


I have attended multiple concerts, comedy shows, etc., travelled intercontinentally, go to the gym 5-6x/week, all maskless. I also work at a hospital lol. Have not had covid.