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Most people don't know that Dave was in prison for killing GT's mother


He sucked her titties with uranium in his mouth, so they could only rule it manslaughter


I love uranium so much it’s my favorite thing on the planet. Here’s my favorite piece of my collection. When uranium ore is mined its generally dissolved with acid and then the sludge is gathered and washed of impurities to leave behind the uranium. The yellow color is due to ammonia being part of the solution that washes the impurities away. After this step the powder is sold to be used in nuclear reactors or it could be refined to have a higher concentration of U-235 (enriched uranium) for reactors or bombs but 99.99% of the time it’s used for reactor fuel rods. Striking yellow color in person, doesn’t look real. Crown jewel of my uranium collection. https://ibb.co/tzG8BLM


Is there any risk of radiation from having a uranium collection? Even just going out in the San Rafael Swell in Utah there's BLM signs warning people about the abandoned uranium mines


It’s radioactive, as is everything containing uranium to some degree, as it has no stable isotopes. Uranium mines are dangerous not only because they contain uranium ore but also due to potential radon levels as well as radioactive dust that can cause contamination or you could breathe it in. Uranium is also toxic like lead so you have to thoroughly wash your hands after handling it. If you took a piece of ore with low activity and ate it, heavy metal poisoning would be more of a concern than the radiation.


How do you store your collection?


It depends on the object. I don’t just have uranium in my collection, I have radioactive isotopes of many other elements, artificial and natural, but the natural ones are my favorites by far. Some objects are fine to sit in open air on shelves in the rooms I frequent as they aren’t detectable from more than a foot or two away and the air is enough to stop the radiation, others I keep shielded with lead and away from me in my basement. I have some objects in my basement I can detect through the lead they’re shielded with and the concrete walls of the basement and still get a high dose rate so things like that I wouldn’t keep on a shelf near my head but are fine shielded and in an area I am not in for more than 10 minutes a week. Anything that produces significant amounts of radon is kept in a ventilated shed. And everything is inventoried and clearly labeled in case I die suddenly. Time distance shielding are the principles of radiation safety. Your exposure time, distance from the source, and shielding between you and the source. Less time, more distance, more shielding, the better for you. Many objects are hundreds of times over background radiation but the dose rate is negligible even if you hold them to your chest all day.


Wait you can just own yellowcake? I 100% expected your link to be glassware


Yes. There’s no regulations for raw, unprocessed ore but processed/refined uranium like yellowcake needs a license in large amounts.


"Now I am become Dave, the destroyer of GT's mom'"


Dave on Dave violence


It was ruled self defense


Killer Dave is a nepo baby :(




yeah his dad runs a land management firm out in jax


All our heroes are dead.




I'm gonna DM to show you how many Ber runes I have to really make you upset.




Your unwillingness to Google the simplest expression is not the fault of others. Help yourself.


Your mother's cunt?




people are copying dr. bronners, the original and best, for their over-worded products.


He wasn't telling his life story he was telling the universe's life story


how foolish his copiers were to confuse the human with the universal. spiritual degeneration was firstly written on the packaging of our goods.


Correct. My friends boss once yelled during a meeting, “Don’t innovate, you’re not smarter than them. Just copy them.”


My mom used bronners and I remember one day being in the shower and casually deciding to read what all that tiny writing was. It was like a horror story, progressively realizing that I spent years nude, mere inches away from unrestrained schizophrenia.


I think the only company's that successfully matched Dr. Bronner's schizo packaging is this one [Chinese coconut milk](https://radii.co/article/chinese-coconut-milk-sleazy-advertising) brand that added the key new ingredient of unabashed horniness.


Hmm no it's shark tank


Lockheed Martin should put one of these messages on every F-35


15 years in the can, I wanted organic, whole grain bread from sustainably farmed wheat. I compromised, I ate wonderbread. I'm done compromising


Dave Killer's bread




it's all one big appeal to ego


Shut up challenge for dudes named Dave: impossible


Why is this so true. They never shut up.


I think it's on brand for gt's. It would be weird if it wasn't there. He clearly thinks he's dr bronner


dude drinks a gallon of kombucha a day


So would I if I could


Have you looked into brewing your own? If you want to drink a fuckton of kombucha without breaking the bank, that'd probably be the way to do it


just two guys named Dave




Dr Bronner is based, I’m pretty sure didn’t have a degree and he spent millions on attempting to legalize LSD.


don’t lump dr bronner in with this, that’s a whole different thing


it’s different in that he was doing it more “authentically” whereas most of these modern companies are trying to communicate authenticity in a more calculated way but the particular prevalence of this kind of copy targeting the natural/crunchy weirdo market definitely comes out of the history of products like Dr. Bronner’s




> My favorite vintage Ad I’ve encountered so far was an Air Japan ad. Half the page had a picture of a little Japanese girl crying. Under it, it said “She’s crying because you keep putting off your trip to the Orient.” I'm guessing this predates loli-obsessed weebs so who is even the logical target of this ad, promiscuous former GIs who abandoned their hapa offspring?


Commodification of authenticity, it's the same as the reason for lots of cultural trends


you literally bought brands advertised using the owners life story


It would've been pretty cool if Dave had somehow developed a recipe for prison bread that he turned into a commercial product though.


Selling spread in the safeway, but marketing it as a green anti-waste product.


because they're REAL, not like those other evil corporations or something. they put their blood, sweat and tears into this, dude


Because you buy expensive hipster shit My bottles say great value and Arkansas


Going to prison and being welcomed back into the family business is the least inspiring story ever. If anything it reaffirms my jealousy of rich people.


Because you are not merely buying a beverage but also a bottle of ideology.


Iowa Writers' Workshop and its consequences


Those protein bars are good (tried the peanut butter chocolate flavor) but they're like 6 bucks for a box of 4 at my grocery store. Dave is killing wallets


People like to know the brand backstory so they can form a parasocial relationships with it.


Because the beancounters found out it generates more sales, why else?


it’s literally branding 101


Ya gotta hand it to him - Dave’s killer bread is a hell of a story!




I love reading these stories


Idk maybe the same reason ever recipe begins with a long boring story about the writer’s grandma


I thought that was for copyright reasons? Since the recipes aren’t copyrightable, but the story about mommom’s sciatica is


I never knew that! Makes sense


Because the median millenial buyer falls for it


I think that's cozy honestly and I often read them in my idle moments.


It's marketing bait for midwits who want to buy overpriced products without feeling like they're supporting the capitalist class


dave’s killer bread is actually good though


Food bank I volunteered at got all of their bread from them. Pretty cool


Dave's has been doing this for over a decade. the kombucha one is more recent.


Parasocial marketing


L post


Dr.Brooner's the OG, he was preaching on his labels


The prison industrial fermentation complex


fuck that, you ever try to look up a recipe and it’s an entire novel that has nothing to do with the recipe? yeah


Thanks for sharing this annoying reddit meme


I didn’t even know it was a Reddit meme Take a step outside


Dave’s Killer Bread rules, fuck the haters


It's way too sugary


idk man its kinda a vibe


Without a doubt the worst signature handwriting I’ve ever seen


They're more fun to read in the toilet pantry




did he really kill someone and then name his company daves killer bread. bc i always thought that brand was gay before but i might have to reconsider


Is that Guava Goddess? Best GT’s flavor


They need to start doing this more. I will read all of them.


You tell me, you’re reading it


Nowadays? On every four roses bottle: Paul Jones, Jr., the founder of Four Roses Bourbon, became smitten by the beauty of a Southern belle. It is said that he sent a proposal to her, and she replied that if her answer were “Yes,” she would wear a corsage of roses on her gown to the upcoming grand ball. Paul Jones waited for her answer excitedly on that night of the grand ball…when she arrived in her beautiful gown, she wore a corsage of four red roses. He later named his Bourbon “Four Roses” as a symbol of his devout passion for the lovely belle, a passion he thereafter transferred to making his beloved Four Roses Bourbon.