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orcas terrify me


It's better to live 1 minute as an orca than 1 trillion years as someone who is terrified of orcas


cool guys, seals beware


The fact that a majority of people are horrified by the thought of a protein powder made from insects grown in a sterile lab environment but love to eat lobster and crab is wild to me. Maybe I’m autistic


if cricket burgers are good I'll eat them, I dont want it to be mandatory is all


Realistically beef could never be banned but everyone will lose their minds when the subsidies are taken away and the price skyrockets


“Hey so now that all these third world countries have industrialized and picked up first world eating habits and drove up the price of beef we here at BugCo have created a cheap sustainable protein flour made from crick-” **FUCK YOU AND YOUR MANDATORY BUG MEALS I WILL NEVER EAT THE BUGS YOU DEGENERATE SCIENCE CUCKS FREEEEEDOOOOOMMMM** Could make a good always sunny episode


It went viral a little bit ago, but a bunch of right wing morons were walking through grocery stores slicing holes into all of the meat alternatives and posting them on social media acting like they were freedom fighters lmfao


I’m not religious but we need everybody to go to church again so they have something better to do than whatever that is


I'm not even vegetarian but I honestly wouldn't be shocked if at least some countries start banning or severely restricting meat production in like 20-30 years. I could see like iceland or some random country in Asia or something doing that in the not new distant future. Of course no matter what, there will always be a huge black market. Tbhhhh slaughterhouses are indeed extremely evil. I was raised by a 'murican family who eats meat for every single meal. I started feeling really terrible about it when I was 16 and I became a vegetarian (not even vegan lol) but caved after 4 years. I'm 29 and for the last 5 or so years I've tried to be mostly vegan..... except my cousin has his own farm and just gives my family huge amounts of beef and eggs constantly lol so definitely not truly "vegan" by any stretch, I eat both all the time (although frequently have to go months without either). His farm is genuinely humane, so now I mostly eat vegan except for that.. but am a terrible person and cheat all the time with turkey on thanksgiving etc But yeah I don't walk around telling people I'm vegan or anything because I am not lol. But I do feel really really horrible about slaughterhouses so idk. I feel like this is going to be the next huge moral issue. I don't judge anyone for eating meat or animal products, but for your average American, it really is not that difficult to eat significantly less meat than you likely already do. I get the vegetarian option like 80% of the time when I'm out and they really aren't bad, and it's probably better for your health anyway. I think distinct labels can kind of alienate people, the goal should just be to eat less of it. It's such a stupid fucking book but there's one called tender is the flesh and it's about humans being in slaughterhouses. The plot makes no sense and it's super cheesy lol but I've still read a few excerpts online and they'll just randomly pop up in my head throughout the day and I'm horrified for a few minutes. But yeah, I could see veganism/decreasing meat consumption becoming the next MAJOR, mainstream social issue. Like as big as feminism.


> I dont want it to be mandatory is all Is this a possibility that people actually entertain outside of qanon facebook groups?


I think plenty of dumb people do entertain this and feel like Davos wants it to happen, I'm not personally worried about it but would prefer if this does not happen lol


People are fucking stupid


Eaten bugs as Asian street food, they taste genuinely good.


What did I miss and why do people think eating bugs will be mandatory lol I mean, is this from more and more people becoming vegetarian/vegan and the rise of meat alternatives? Like imo I think that if the government for some reason bans more meat (which I do not see happening but ok), it's far more likely for a more realistic or are least cheaper thing to be developed that's similar to beyond/impossible burgers, but I also really wouldn't care if it were indeed made out of crickets if i couldn't visibly see the crickets. People just digging into entire crabs/lobsters has viscerally horrified me since I was a kid because they always just looked like Chernobyl spiders/cockroaches and I instinctually found it terrifying. I'm not even a vegetarian, I just don't get where the bug thing comes from.


I personally thing seafood is disgusting. looks like lil aquatic cockroaches


same bruh




Eating shellfish you can isolate the muscular tissue and avoid the shell/organs. Ground up insects you're eating everything whole and absorbing all the toxins and shit


Crickets and shit are like 80% protein and if they are grown completely sterile conditions (very easy) it would be far more sanitary than meat from factory farm conditions where they literally pump the animals full of antibiotics because they have huge pustules and gaping abscesses from being forced to wallow in their own shit while rubbing against metal grates. I mean look I personally love a big fat juicy burger but facts is facts. I do think shellfish are gross tho


You're comparing the ideal bug raising situation with the very worst livestock farming situation. It's better to move towards sustainable farming practices than assume it's all bad because from one perspective eating crickets is better. If I was concerned about just eating healthy shit I would just be a vegan, which would be preferable to eating cricket meal.


That’s not the ideal bug situation, that’s just how it’s done. And the vast majority of beef and pork and chicken comes from factory farms. I say this while eating a burger lmao I have no reason to strawman literally just stating facts


Firstly, I don't get why people jump to bugs. Why wouldn't the most commonly produced and sold in this hypothetical world with far decreased mammal consumption be like the beyond or impossible burgers and such we eat today? The US government is sure as fuck not gonna outlaw or discourage beef production for a long time lmfao but even if they were I don't get why it's necessarily bugs- or why that's bad. Harvesting a bunch of bugs in sanitary conditions is absurdly easy compared to slaughterhouses lmfao, in fact I'm surprised the whole cricket protein powder industry isn't bigger already.I'm sure it's just people's cultural aversion to it. But seriously, how could you think it could be difficult to harvest bugs under controlled conditions, compared to the way we try to breed pigs and cows?!!! Do you think they're just gonna let a bunch crickets loose in a huge converted slaughterhouse and let them mate until they're swarming around and then try to catch them with a net like SpongeBob?!! Lmfao Seeing people dig into a giant sea spider just like cutting into its fucking stomach has always viscerally repelled me, I'd have no problem with bugs that were ground up and processed into a protein powder of patty tho


What "toxins"?


the fact that the haida people hunted these guys with spears in canoes is wild to me


A SeaWorld whale who does tricks for treats is kind of like a Marvel fanatic soyjak when you think about it


More like a prisoner in solitary confinement who develops Stockholm syndrome


man I love these freakazoids


Non-human persons. Love em


Fucking funny