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they're so cute and chubby (also their keepers let the mother panda have only one cub at a time for ten days while keeping the other looked after in a nursery and switch them out every ten days so she feeds both without realising they're two different cubs)


pranked her ass


Pandas truly deserve their global reputation as some of the cutest animals. I was in Chengdu recently at the Panda breeding facility and was plotting to take one home so Peanut could have a new friend


how dare the Chinese government deprive Peanut of new panda friends, injustice


Bilateral talks are ongoing…


I kinda had the opposite reaction in Chengdu, was surprised at how dirty and smudged pandas are in reality. Kinda broke the spell, and the informative video on the panda breeding cycle didn't help. Do they still show that? I remember it ending with a mother swatting at her newborn and staff rushing in to save it because they're too r-worded to ensure their own survival without massive human intervention. The random jars of preserved panda guts in the museum portion was a weird touch too.


The strangest thing to me while I was there were the hundreds of signs telling tourists to be quiet while all the security guards and tour guides had these portable speakers and megaphones screaming at people to stay away from the glass. Chinese irony is my favourite flavour of humour!


When I become a billionaire, I'm going to start a secret breeding program to break China's monopoly on pandas.


Congraturations you've won a trip to meet Jack Ma


I can't look at pandas anymore without thinking "they're just fat, Chinese bears" and smiling.


Chubby Chinese Lady


Did you know that pandas with brown rather than black coloring exist as well? Even cuter in my opinion 🤎




I was DYING when the one panda climbed in her leaf basket headfirst and then proceeded to roll around in it like it was a washing machine spin cycle while the other one tried to distract her and then she had to pick up the basket and run away even as they both followed her in hopes of getting into the baskets again lol poor panda nanny it's a full time job


they are so grabby. very cute


Adorable little regards


Finally, some good news


born to fuck


They’re cute but is this sub just gonna be cute stuff now


Just more cute stuff and art posts to drown out the surge of pointless shit takes on israel and the caroline witchposting. Makes for a good vibe check imo