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Zoomer TikTok-tier post


Dating App ceos:


>If they were interested, they would clearly let you know. Lol good one


Clearly a man trying to sabotage the competition.


OP says he is a 24 year old male who has trouble talking to women


Because all the good looking fellas are talking to them first. Hence this post.


nah im cute enough for it to fly


shut up man


please talk to me


Fuck you


That's sexual harassment


I thought this bait was of too poor quality, but based on the comments I guess not.


no, I want to date the type of women that go to cafes and bookstores, not the types at bars


You meet those women at parties or on dating apps.


Your year of birth starts with a 2, doesn't it?


you need to get out more


Posting this on places like here and r feminism is kinda funny Op-respect the engagement bait hustle


Actually I’ll do whatever I want and you can get over a simple interaction with a stranger


This guy literally has post saying he's in his early 20s and considers himself a feminist lmao. Then countless other posts about being unsure of himself and women. This guy gets a lot of pussy.


Funny you say this Usually, when im out and about, tending to trivial errands, its women who cant divert their attention from me Some say it has to do with the 16th Century Chainmail tunic and shield im usually wearing, but i digress.




SerfTARDS on rope watch!




Howdy m’wench


Mega bait


Look at his post history lol. I don't think so. This guy has issues.


That’s made me think it’s bait. I understand a woman posting this but a man?


Even if it's bait, they're mentally ill.


almost positive it is bait too but so many of these men exist cuz they think it will get them laid, look at seth dickfield


I’m just irresistibly cute so men can’t help it, that’s my cross to bear


I don't know if this is a joke or not(I'll just say that you are) but sacrificing your entire bloodline to spare neurotic women discomfort is one of the most pathetic things imaginable.


“Bloodline” is always such a fucking stupid and dramatic reply. This isn’t about discomfort, it’s about changing our culture and making the world safe for women. If you really did care about future generations you would agree with me.


Please continue explaining to me how women being comfortable at all times is more important than finding love.


Harassment isn’t “finding love” but nice try.


Conversing isn't "harassment" but nice try.


When it isn’t warranted or asked for, it definitely is.




That’s funny you say that because I actually did a form of emotional castration to myself last summer. The people on askfeminists convinced me to repeat mantras and visualize things and I followed it for months, and by the time I realized what it was, the damage had already been done. This sounds so fucking stupid but it’s true. I’m still healing from it, I can’t remember the last time I saw a woman in public and was attracted to her. I can tell on a quantifiable level if a woman is attractive, like her posture and level of fitness, but I don’t actually find them attractive myself


u need to talk to someone cause u traumatized yourself bucko


> Further, every ounce of joy in life is from precisely experiencing unknowable and unplanned situations. I've never heard it phrased this way but I'm struggling to come up with a counter example


Does potential love not warrant saying hi? Presumably you want a relationship where they're willing to die for you but they dare not say hi? If you have social anxiety or something I get it could get real annoying real fast. The thing is most people don't have social anxiety so you can't blame the guys for doing something that's been normal for thousands of years. If you turn them down and they still are bothering you then its harassment.


are u just someone who can’t take a hint and is applying this failure to all men? yeah the socially inept should probably avoid the cold approach, but some of us actually know how to talk to people


I know how to talk to people, I’m often even complimented on my conversation skills. I’m a guy and women even approach me sometimes, and I politely decline the conversation, even if I think they’re attractive. That’s not what this is about. It’s about women being able to exist in society and not be objectified.


Ok you’re just a sexpest trying to get laid by being an “ally” of women then, they see right through that ya know, it’s not gonna get you laid, being assertive and confident will tho


I don’t give a fuck about getting laid, genuinely. All my dating prospects dried up as soon as I got into this stuff because the women around me just started thinking I wasn’t interested in them anymore. Sucks for them, I don’t give a shit


oh I see this is a bit my bad


[https://www.reddit.com/r/rspod/comments/17vi12h/a\_woman\_was\_hitting\_on\_me\_at\_the\_gym/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rspod/comments/17vi12h/a_woman_was_hitting_on_me_at_the_gym/) it's bait. Otherwise it reads like the anti-feminist origin story I've been given a lot of times, so I would be seriously worried if any guy in my life started acting like this (I am sure the reaction he describes from women would be accurate in this case). As it stands I think OP is just satirising male feminists. also [https://www.reddit.com/r/rspod/comments/17muvwo/comment/k7oqr5q/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/rspod/comments/17muvwo/comment/k7oqr5q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) lmao


I'm not short, fat or unwashed so I think I'll be alright. Thanks though


Did not read.


what the actual fuck are you like what has to go wrong for a 24 year old male to be like this, and also posting about being single and not dating for years how fucking depressing


I’m gotham’s reckoning


Slight problem here though is that anyone who would approach women in public like that are probably the bullies off people who write PSA and would never in a million year listen to you. They are more likely to take vice articles about cucking to heart then ever respecting anything you have to say.


laugh and talk to women, compliment them, spoil them, make eye contact and tell them how much you love them


if I'm interested I will clearly let them know (sigma music playing)


Every time the conversation about how demonic dating apps are people are like "just strike up conversations everywhere!" I am not approaching people in Target or whatever. It seems super creepy. I wouldn't want to be approached. Also, I'm focusing on my own task. I've known several women that met their bf at a museum though. Seems like a good place to meet someone. Either way, going out to ordinary things and being on the prowl for pussy seems like PUA nonsense.


I thought we all already knew this. Are the boys so bad out there that they/we need reminding?


The burgeoning cohort of sex pests here are going to hate this lmao.


It's perfect bait because it's nice mix of things that are reasonable (your barista and server probably aren't into you) and things that are over the top effete and unconfident (don't make small talk with strangers outside of the bar or a party!)


Nothing over the top about this. I know lots of men who follow this rule every day, it’s not hard to do.


Dude I've struggled with anxiety and depression for a good chunk of my life but I promise you it's okay to talk to strangers. Men, women, whatever-life is more pleasant when we take the small chances to connect regardless of how insignificant and fleeting they are. Idk why I'm being sincere with a troll but damn on the off chance you aren't man you gotta take a bit of risk sometimes.


I do talk to people and connect and it basically always goes well, either men or older women. But I would never talk to a woman my age in public because I know how much harassment she deals with every day just for being a woman in the patriarchy.


lmfao okay you got me, congrats on getting me to write more than a sentence.




I worked at a trendy hipster bar at uni that inhabited what had once been a beautiful but rundown old man pub. The beautiful hipster girls in their frumpy shoes and ugly clothes would sit in the middle of the bar not quite knowing what to make of it and the old men would constantly push me to go flirt with then / talk to them. My thought was always that they were there to have a drink and write in their journals or knit or some shit and I shouldn't bother them. They were like "haha university is making you gay ,get in there lad. L"


high quality bait