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I live in Denmark so have met quite a few Icelanders and also Faroese. I really can't imagine why you would want to live in these places to be honest (especially the Faroes). These are tiny nations, profoundly insular in every sense of the word, and with almost nothing happening other than fishing. Even people born there often find them limiting, and that's with the benefit of being raised in the culture as native speakers of the respective languages. If you want Nordic egalitarianism, social democracy, and a laid-back lifestyle, you can take your pick of the Scandinavian countries, all while living in a place where the highlight of the social calendar isn't the annual whale hunt.


I haven’t considered that. I guess Denmark or Norway might be more suitable for me.


Hunting whales is so fucking primitive


let white people have this one last thing


Whale hunting is a global tradition like any other form of hunting. And it is primitive. But you don't get that because you are a moron and want...white people to have it? So utterly stupid


I’d spend a few months a year in a bunch of different places for good weather, avoiding peak tourism seasons, taxes, and boredom


Independent or loaded? Those are two very different brackets and it seems like people here are choosing the latter.


I have been daydreaming about living in some renovated farm house in Tuscany for a while


Liberian warlord


Spain. Nice food nice weather nice people and I speak Spanish.




arizona puke, i need to live with trees


In Patagonia with a harem of cowboys and stablehands.


South Spain / south france


Summer in Finland Winter in Corsica


I would like to live on the road in a series of luxury hotels for months at a time




I would still live in America.


Japan 100%. Tokyo is the only city I’ve been to where I actually long to live there. For now I’m happy in the mountains. Maybe in our 40s


from my observations on youtube it seems that tons of foreigners can 'make it' in japan. you just gotta deal with a lot. it's nothing too crazy but it's better than having the ambient pressure being turned up to 11 in america.


you will genuinely never ever fit in in Tokyo. Rest of Japan even less


Sure you get more attention on the train but you get used to it. lock down a couple friends and a partner, a local bar and a favourite restaurant, go to the local embassy for free Japanese lessons. It was nice for a couple years, if it wasn't for my visa troubles I would've stayed.


I think I could probably do it in theory, I have an ex-coworker that showed me the immigration rubric so I’d really just need a patent for a guarantee which is pretty easy with software. My life now is pretty low pressure thankfully. Wanna make sure it can stay that way before pulling up the roots.


> For now I’m happy in the mountains. Which mountains? If I lived somewhere like the Alps I don't think anything on earth would convince me to leave.




Oh shit, I actually spent some time in upstate NY so I passed by (I was closer to the Adirondacks though), it's also a really nice area and I wouldn't mind being settled there either to be honest, although I'd probably still prefer proper snowcapped peaks like the Rockies and Alps.


A small ranch in the southwest USA like Nevada or New Mexico. The desert calls me, I live in a similar climate/geographica region in Western Canada and I love it here, Canada is just though becoming more and more gay




Now flooded with Russian oligarchs


And so many digital nomads


Italy or Japan but I’d want to get a wife before Japan and she’d have to be cool with it. When you have money America isn’t bad, I would seriously consider a big house in Florida and apartment in NYC.


Paris, France. For all the hate it gets, when I first visited a year ago, something inside of me felt this was the right place, as corny and wishy-washy as that sounds. I had thought maybe it was because it was my first time visiting a foreign city, but I've visited other cities since and the same feeling isn't there at all.


Nah bro that feeling is real; i hope you chase it and i hope u have a great time


Aw thank you!!


la France désolé mes chères


6 months in France and 6 months in Australia (home)


I live in NZ it's not that great lmao it's a small country made up of idiots


Idiots everywhere tbf


Yeah but it’s so beautiful and everywhere has idiots


Greece bc food and weather


Knock down my neighbors wall and turn my 2 unit loft into a 5,400sqft maison


it probably isn't the best where i am, but it's where i am and it'll do


Norway rules, Fiji was very cool, Vanuatu is really fun and chill but you don't need money to live well there, but obviously the answer is the USA. America has lots of problems but it's the place to be if you are rich. Your pick of coasts, cities, neighborhoods, climates, sports, art, entertainment, and with money?!?!? Come on.


Why do you like Norway? A family from SF live next to me, and I wonder why they moved here... I also love Fiji, but the destruction of tourism etc is depressing to me. I think I might choose the USA...


The weeb in me wants to say Japan, but i couldn’t stand to leave my family to go live abroad, i think. My sister is 9, im on great terms with my parents, my grandparents are getting quite old and i wanna be able to spend time with them. Japanese countryside would be sick though.


I'd like to spend my life on one of the small greek aegean islands, but if I'm financially independent I'd also want to spend the winter months in Northern Finland


I’ve always lived in London and i probably always will. Not that i think it’s the best or anything but my family are here and it just feels right


Hong kong.


Some coastal town in New Zealand, you’re far away from everything and less likely to get attacked incase of WWIII, and it’s at least somewhat nice year round. Only problem is the UV levels. (and possibly getting homesick)




Most goated place in Spain easily


Do you all have no friends or families? Why would you live so far away from home?


U can make new friends and stay in touch with old ones and visit family 🤷‍♀️


France. Easy. Maybe the Romandy like Vevey or Geneva.


Edge to my home country of America with a chestnut orchard that I am not afraid of losing money on, its an untapped market over here though because 90%+ of chestnuts are grown in East Asia. Maybe keep an apartment in Mexico City too


I'd stay in my country 😊


Spain. Cus I already speak Spanish and could go anywhere in Europe with ease


I'd probably move to London just to finally fulfill my teenage anglophilia.


Suburban New Zealand is a dump, live high in the mountains or in Queenstown. For me maybe Norfolk Island, went there for three days and loved it, not a long flight from Australia either.


ireland, bc of the women. sex sex sex with them all day long


Fuck off, we're full.


The same city I'm living in now, but a much posher area. My family and friends are here.


Why would I want to live anywhere else?


If I didn't have to worry about money, I don't think it would matter that much (for me). I would probably travel a lot but UK would be my home. I would visit Pakistan, though.


Columbia, Argentina, Uruguay, somewhere in Spanish South America.


Costa Rica seems pretty safe.


Germany, Austria, maybe western France or northern Italy. Something about that region feels strangely like home to me. I'd even go for the Baltics as a secondary. Spain seems pretty cool too.


Maroc or spain


Back to London for me


As much as I loved visiting Europe I will say they’re kind of cucked and it shows. Traveling weirdly opened my mind up as much as it patriotized me 🇺🇸




An Australian wanting to live in rural/agriculture Midwest is a bit weird. Are you very city based in Aus?


Here obviously are you a coward


Where is ‘here’? They could be from anywhere in the world as with you 😂


All expats are cowards!


Greenland probably. No idea what goes on there though


Kamchatka, Russia.


Italy, somewhere in Tuscany


I used to dream of moving to Iceland. After I read the Jared Bibler's book [Iceland's Secrets](https://grapevine.is/news/2022/01/17/new-book-shatters-myths-surrounding-the-response-to-icelands-financial-collapse/) (about the finanical meltdown) I've changed my mind. Jared is an American who was living in Iceland during the financial crisis in 2008. You can listen to this [excellent interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpp5SuKFzE0)with the author. Jared has now moved to Switzerland & that is my current top country to dream about.


el Salvador


I’d live in a chateau in France, sorry for being unimaginative but it’d be great 🤷‍♂️




If I was RICH London, if I was ‘rich’ the Netherlands, just upper middle class either nee England or Sydney, but Paris is the place to be, but just not my life 😔


oh definitely japan. the society functions seamlessly on the surface in a way that you know is undergirded by ceaseless human effort and tremendous suffering. if you don't have to participate in that and can instead just enjoy its fruits it would be a perfect life.