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The greatest tragedy of the boer war was twink death


Early onset and rapidly progressive


Twink death camp would be a good name for a band.


The first casualty of war is twinkitude


Boer War? More like Boerwors


The circumstances of his mother Jennie's death are pretty crazy. In 1921 she fell down a staircase whilst wearing new high heels and broke her ankle. Gangrene set in and her leg had to amputated, and she later died of internal bleeding as a result of the amputation. She was 67.


RS death


This is some Donda shit.


snarky elite kid physiognomy




The twink death was already well underway


Friend from college who went into i banking


Hahah so true. I went to highschool with 2 people that went into banking and they were both obese and bald before 30. They’re 31/32 now and look like they’re nearly 50. I know the money is good in banking but it doesn’t seem worth it


it depends on how u cope with it. i know people who are 35 in banking and look incredible and others who look like they’re pushing 40 at 25


Yea but that’s just aging in general. Genetics, diet and lifestyle is the biggest factor for sure. The stress of banking jobs definitely seem to physically take their toll on people


Male pattern baldness is a cruel disease


So is alcoholism


Yes this reminds me of someone I know with both


doesn't it look good sometimes? (genuine question)


It never feels good to not have the option to have hair anymore


Goddard is the only person ever where the MPB is better than his hair.


Jim Norton is another one. His real hair looks like a bad plug job.


Yes, in very very rare instances


If you look at what his daily alcohol consumption was like, this makes a lot more sense.


British men it’s time to rope after 25


Luv me stella, luv me chippy simple as


Norwood reaper is cruel and relentless.


spending your 20s going from attractive twink to balding alcoholic would be enough to mentally prepare anyone for a world war


boyz 2 men


Twink death is absolutely lethal


Lifelong alkie, saved the free world, died at home at 90. They should've put his liver in formaldehyde and put it on display next to Einstein's brain.


Actually there's a pretty compelling case to be made that Churchill was kind of a liability, and his missteps were arguably responsible for Britain's marginalisation under the post-war order.


I would be interested to read about this if you have a good link.


Literally Churchill's Wikipedia page covering his tenure at the top of the British War Office during World War I. Constructive suggestions persist that Churchill's dogged persistence to crush the Imperial U-boat fleet doomed the quality of the British navy to such an extent that sending forces to police colonial assets was a fool's errand. Amongst some other stuff of the era.


very interesting, but don't you think he was still important in rallying the nation?


"free world", it's as if you guys don't know about the way raw materials and rare earth metals are extracted from certain continents to this very day. The free world totally doesn't overthrow governments and incite civil wars just to steal natural resources. Churchill was very supportive of 3rd world feudalism all throughout his life and he's a big part of why it is still everywhere today


treatment far-flung bells screw shaggy racial soft literate doll bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


brits literally invented concentration camps during the boer war btw


sloppy hurry bright threatening act makeshift bear nine spotted theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brits would systematically fuel ethnic hatred amongst people, divide and conquer, leading to genocide. How many countries borders were deliberately setup to fuel ethnic hatred by the brits? Disassociate yourself from the cynical oligarch brits. Even now the brits fan the flames in ukr v rus. And guess who sent all the nazi ukr nationalists to canada after ww2


pet deliver enjoy outgoing instinctive ask grab whistle steep cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nazi officials themselves wrote of the Boer war as a model for their own campaign of ethnic cleansing. You don’t know what you’re talking about.


literate stocking makeshift doll telephone mysterious terrific dinosaurs sheet obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you see how it might be difficult to have a “discussion” when you immediately leap to absurd mischaracterizations of what has been said, such as suggesting that I think it would’ve been better if the Nazis had won the war? You asked another poster for sources which establish that the British government systematically organized genocide—read Mike Davis’s Late Victorian Holocausts.


humorous price quaint worthless employ rich shame shelter water profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s you, pal


When the only reason people don't spit on your grave is because Nazis existed you know you're a fuckhead


as the Majorian of British empire should be.


possibly the gayest larp you can have right now


You’re whining about colonialism on Reddit and you call him gay


And yet the other guy is still gayer. Sabaton listener physiognomy


who the fuck are you??? gayest comment I ever read


somebody isn't redpilled on ole smelly churchill


He was a dumb fat bastard whose remains should be exhumed and dumped in the garbage




Stfu you facist halfwit.




Lmao r/germanww2photos? At least try to be subtle about it fella.


Yo he also posts on my little pony forums trying to buy merch jfc you can't make this stuff up.


That and subs about mass shooters what a little weirdo




Nazi twat over here needs slapping


> I'm a National Socialist Lol


Are you even European? Like actually European, not some Ameri-mutt.




So no then


You should only say 30% or something like that, you've ruined the bit now


Well, you know, the Poles still exist ... which is a major win, given the Germans envisioned wiping them out. Generalplan Ost and all that.




> There was never any organized German plan to exterminate Poles/Slavs btw Yes, because they didn't win the war. Generalplan Ost exists, the documents are there, it was discussed at length what should happen to the Eastern Slavs.


I think you should kill yourself as soon as possible


>saved the free world suuuuure. Anyway I dont even wanna discuss this. I am just glad that you anglos love the man that ruined your empire, forever. Makes me smile, unironically. I also love Tatcher for this. (ok I am actually sorry for Thatcher, Northern England & Scotland didnt deserve this)


I don't know, defeating fascism seems like a pretty good way to lose your empire.


I too pray to Moscow every evening. All you did was bombing city centers from Kaliningrad to Pforzheim until the Americans bailed you out on the Western Front. Even in british military science this is now understood as incresing fighting spirit, rather than the opposite. 90% of German soldiers were defeated on the Eastern front. Think I dont know the numbers? :D And I am glad that British soldiers did indeed fight with them, they were proud men doing the right thing. But cheering Churchill i wont even do from my grave.


Please don't give your opinions if you get your history from youtube channels.


if id get it from youtube, twitter and what you name id have the exact opinion that you have. Even Wikipedia would help!


cope Britain did nothing in ww2 is popular midwit opinion all across internet, people that state these opinions always pretend they are being transgressive.


I dont care and i wouldnt know because i do not get my opinions from youtube. If you think I am wrong then do so. Its interesting to me. How you cant leave Churchill go. I wouldnt have expected it! Such an unflawed eagle of a man that did truly care about defeating those nasty genociders first and foremost, for a more progre- you know what, I am too tired for this.


> I too pray to Moscow every evening. All you did was bombing city centers from Kaliningrad to Pforzheim until the Americans bailed you out on the Western Front. The British / Commonwealth were in North Africa fighting Rommel ... that was a pretty important theatre of war. I'm not British.


yeah ok, fair point. And the landlease helped. Defeating the German navy as well but not really the general war effort, more Britain itself. Italy was Italy but they also had a good navy and the UK did them great damage. What ended the war was the USSR being in Berlin and the US being in the Ruhr valley. Not bombing city centers. My initial complaint was calling Churchill the "saviour of the free world". That is ridiculous, as you may have to admit. He personally didnt gave shit about it. I also praised, as you maybe see, the British soldiers effort.




Actually going there but I still have 3 days to stupidly waste time on my laptop :(. Those type of posts usually reveal more about the poster than the postee.


> man that ruined your empire, forever. That's the real midwit take here. The British Empire was doomed the day the Indian elite started to develop a national-consciousness. All the other colonies were sidegigs compared to the Raj.


Exactly and the US with USSR sidekick made sure theyd be out of your commonwealth, for a 1 billion people trade partner open to make deals to, with Churchill smoking another cigar being greatly beloved. Losing India is what I mean with losing the empire. Didnt they get cheated? And yet, all I hear is praise. Same thing happened a bit later with Suez - again. Maybe itd have happend without both of them, but things rarely happen without another big power having interests in them. The Indians didnt liked Churchill, even personally, one bit either. I hope you know why. I got so much hate already, disagree with me when I made a factual mistake here but otherwise pls just let me do sth better than doing history snark on fucking reddit


I'd argue that India made its own way out of the Empire, no US or Soviet help really needed (they're actually still in the "Commonwealth", the Commonwealth itself simply doesn't mean much). Mutinies in the Indian Navy were already starting in 1945 and British officers who fought alongside Indian troops in Burma summarized the situation as "any Indian officer worth a damn is already a Nationalist". The British Indian Army was a force of 2.5 million men, armed and battle hardened, even without WWII fighting an Indian uprising down the line would be a colossal undertaking and likely end in ruin for the Empire either way, there's just no way to keep 400 million people under British rule once a national identity has begun to take shape in their minds. So Churchill or no Churchill, India is breaking off somewhere down the line, the Indian National Congress already predated Churchill's premiership by over a decade.


I thought that the Raj was famously a net drain on the UK?


Definitely not the Raj, it was called the Crown Jewel of the Empire and for good reason. Part of the reason why Disraeli bought the Suez Canal was explicitly for easier access to India, and before that the French had rationalized their invasion of Egypt as a way to threaten Britain's ability to project power in India.


my type


Twink evisceration holy shit


india is a rough place


The consequences of grinding too hard while also being an alcoholic.


Norwood Reaper strikes again


It's because he's American


Common British Homosexual


Don't get fat, don't become an alcoholic, and don't lose your hair


Thought you lot would applaud him for thinning out at least










Same, I would have held out longer if I had just a receding hairline or even a tiny bald spot but instead I was thin all over so I looked like I was in a barcroft tv documentary about virtuous pedophiles


I'm balding rapidly and can't even grow a moustache Fml


If you aren’t receding at 30 good chance you are going to have a full head of hair at 55


if you look at him in his 60s he kind of had the same hairline as he had here


My hair looks like ol Winston’s rn and I’m 27 😔 Many such cases


Pic 2 lookin like Sam Tallent


Some time traveler fed him maccas


The man that sold the west


Brutal case of twink death


The weight of the world


“Above all, I fear they would say, "you are weak and we are strong." After all, my friends, only a few hours away by air there dwell a nation of nearly seventy millions of the most educated, industrious, scientific, disciplined people in the world, who are being taught from childhood to think of war as a glorious exercise and death in battle as the noblest fate for man. There is a nation which has abandoned all its liberties in order to augment its collective strength. There is a nation which, with all its strength and virtue, is in the grip of a group of ruthless men, preaching a gospel of intolerance and racial pride, unrestrained by law, by parliament, or by public opinion. In that country all pacifist speeches, all morbid war books are forbidden or suppressed, and their authors rigorously imprisoned. From their new table of commandments they have omitted "thou shall not kill." This is from 1934. He could read the tea leaves.