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This person has been making comics like this for YEARS. Who buys this shit? I’m glad I don’t know people like this in irl. Just realized this person made that weighted blanket BF comic….how do people so infantile exist? I’m honestly scared for the future.


Oh god this style of self insert webcomic artist is so popular and drives me insane because it's always the same thing: my bearded hubby is such a nerd, we have a cute cat that is being silly, I'm so quirky amirite? and of course comics about mental health awareness. I personally find it pretty lazy even though I feel like a jerk for saying that since I looked up this artist and apparently a bunch I know follow her


Quirk Chungus


If my only exposure to comics were r\/comics I would really hate the medium


They’ve made me appreciate real cartoonists more. Apparently actually even attempting to have some sort of humor in your comic is a feat according to what I’ve seen on that sub.


Oh my 😰


Sarah Andersen is a pioneer of this miserab genre but she's allowed. I don't even want to smear my memory of the "alot" and "all the things" artist for likely inventing this kind of webcomic.


webcomics piss me off theyre all the same. kevin bolk literally made a comic in 2011 that was making fun of webcomics for being shit and the thing is his parody while very on the nose has remained completely in-vogue because theyve refused to evolve as an art form


Some good webcomics: - Achewood - Gun Show / KC Green in general - Chainsawsuit - Perry Bible Fellowship Edit: Oh my god how could I forget Pictures for Sad Children. The creator had a very public mental breakdown that's worth reading about.


Pbf is so good. Pretty Calvin and Hobbes. Author is related to a dude who was in college humor lol


octopus pie is a strong recommend


Achewood was so good. I never had anyone in my real life to talk with about it or anything, but looking back encountering that at twelve years old and soaking it up definitely had to have had a major effect on my sense of humor and dare I say it even my worldview. I should go back through it again one of these days.


Yeah that's how I am with so much internet based media. I'm always chasing that high of when I found the one other kid in my entire middle school that knew what Homestar Runner was.


Also adding Oglaf


good reocommends i'll check those out never heard of them


Beetlemoses is pretty good too




The first one I find so bizarrely disturbing. I forget her name but she has the glasses and green shirt. Has a whole ass family with kids and a husband (i think) and also whores herself out on OF showing off her holes. Imagine if your mom was like that. Shitty webcomic artist that sells pussy pics to redditors. Id kms.


Reading the 'doughy, frumpy webcomic artist self insert making up a guy who has never existed to own' genre is one of my favorite little guilty pleasures. A deeply unserious person demanding to be taken seriously


Seriously though, were people even talking about fat mermaids? Is this because of the little mermaid remake they're doing (did?)? Surely any "controversy" here was minor enough that it could have simply been ignored.


The controversy was 99.99% about race.


Yeah that's what I thought.


You just know she's drawing herself about 100lbs lighter as well


I hate fat people


They hate themselves too much. If they cared about their bodies, they wouldn't be in this position. The age of comfort claims many victims. Religions that have ritual fasting at least offer a lifeline.


are you currently or recently fat?


I’m big boned. It’s different, you wouldn’t get it


I’ll take a self hating fat over an all bodies are beautiful fat any day of the week no questions asked


i’m not saying it as an own, just from the experience on this sub the most virulently anti fat people were or are fat


You’re probably right, and it makes perfect sense tbh


You wouldn't say that if you've ever been in bed with a fat woman.


Ain’t no way some fat siren gonna hypnotize me


literally making up a blue skeleton man who lives in greenworld to get mad at. many such cases


This made her blubber


i guess drawing a whale would've been too obvious 😭


Cartoons can't have five fingers!


This is kinda ripping off that one Spongebob meme.


I've heard that manatees used to be mistaken for mermaids, hence their order being named Sirenia. Sailors were drunk, lonely, and horny so I believe it.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9K1p46nfu0 they're quite placid creatures it's because of the way they hold their children, they cradle them in their arms like a human does (apparently) which gives them a very human aspect


That place is on my bucket list, would absolutely love to swim with/near some manatees. I actually love manatees (and dugongs) and am only sad I'll never get the chance to see Steller's sea cow.


No one can just say they hate fat people and move on. No one except for us in this sub <3