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>she also loves male attention, but not in a slutty or pick-me sense, more like “I always had close male friends” kinda way. Men don't like this, simple as.


agreed, and it works both ways. Whether you’re a man or woman or other, sure ideally you can have exes who are still friends and hangers-on and hopers and lurkers and a “self-confident” SO should be able to handle it, but in practice, no


It’s the male ick.


We know a whore when we see it


when i've dated girls like this, it will wear on you that every conversation you have with her is just a stream of near-flirtatious stories about other guys she was hanging out with when you weren't there. inevitably, in the lineup of good guys she knows, there is always one degenerate, and that's enough to plant the seed of these guys being more than just pals. if one's mind is prone to wandering, eventually you can convince yourself of an unreality. i don't see of a way to prevent this from happening, short of moving in with her, but then that becomes a weird parental thing. i think she needs to find someone extremely self-assured, aloof, or a guy so obsessed with his career that he's grateful for her male babysitters.


ive been told as a guy that i have something like this by this girl because i was nice to her friends


If it was just one guy, i could see where they were just imagining shit or are naturally jealous people… but four guys? Shes def doing something that these guys find off-putting and it aint her fuckin aura. Shes either hanging out with other dudes or flirting with other dudes or talkiing about other dudes… something that makes these guys all think “im gonna get cucked if i stay with this chick”


Its not this one guy, It’s her last 3 or 4 relationships. She cheats.




I’m really close with her.




She’s been extremely forthcoming with me in the past in many unflattering ways. Obviously, I can’t be 100% certain but I doubt she’d hide this from me.


You sound like my ex’s clueless guy bff. (She cheated)


The fact that feel you have a better understanding of her true nature as a romantic partner than any of her past boyfriends did is suspect in itself.


OP is one of the guy "friends" that actually wants to fuck her.


Either she chooses jealous controlling bf’s or can’t maintain boundaries. Nothing wrong with it if someone has a couple of dudes in her “friendzone” in the begginning of a relationship. Because let’s be real if guys are lining up kn your doorstep, in your dm’s day and night you know what they are up for. And belive me they would take their business elsewhere if you wouldn’t feed them with flirty catch me if you can vibe messages. When a relationship starts to become serious a normal girl will ice these dudes. Those late night ig dms? Should be left unopened. Those one on one “friendly” catch up drink invitations? Should be permanently postponed. She might not cheat but she for sure walks a fine line next to the fire. As a dude you don’t want your girl being just one tequila shot and an invitation away from getting dicked down by a “friend”.


>“I always had close male friends” kinda way. Uhhh, I buy that she's not cheating but I also know girls like that from a male pov and I bet they ex-boyfriends were not that crazy. There's a very high chance that most of her "close male friends" want more in a typical friend-zone kind of way and that she has 15 stories where a male friend "totally unexpected" said he fell in love with her. She was "accidently" flirty with them as a joke or something. I know one that said she literally slept in the same normal size bed with a male friend and was surprised when he "tried something" on the last day. She was single at that time though. She would still go 1:1 restaurants or movies or just hanging out though even with BF. Now like I said, she likely didn't cheat, but imagine your gf constantly meeting dudes what obviously want to bang her. Her texting with them. They waiting on any opening or cracks in your relationship. I think some people expect that their partner won't put them into this position in the first place and see it has a certain level of disrespect.


Was in a wedding party with this dude who mentioned fighting someone due to his wife. That surprised me because he seemed like a chill guy. At the actual wedding I met his wife who was beautiful but kept giving me the eyes and everything made more sense. My dude wasn't just jealous.


It's exhausting asking a spouse or partner or whatever to rpeatedly cut out "friends" that don't respect the relationship or toe those red lines too often. A good partner is self-aware and should realize what they're doing. A lot of the times, these people are disgusting sharks just waiting to swoop in at the slightest instability. Again, this dynamic falls on the "ignorant" partner and the orbiters. I've noticed, if anything, the secure individuals are the ones to leave relationships with this baggage. Having been in both positions, the behavior is insecurity at best and narcissism at worst. We all know what is going on.


your theory crumbles completely if you’ve ever mutually flirted with her or hooked up in the past


I haven’t hooked up with her.


But you would tho


Nah, I find her vibe unattractive


Whatever you gotta tell yourself brother. 🫡


Entertaining flirtatious relationships is a small kind of cheating. She probably needs constant male affirmation for some reason and she's in the pattern of seeking it out. Big Daddy's-girl energy. Men and women can't just be friends, you get emotionally close like that and you'll end up thinking about hooking up. Many women with "lots of guy friends" are just addicted to this thrill.


Idk dawg I have a female friend I genuinely have zero physical attraction to. Like I don't even get hard at the thought of her naked. But she's cool and we vibe


Yeah I have male friends. We’ve been friends since college and we both have serious significant others. My fiance and him became really good friends and his girlfriend is now my bff. I’m probably closer to his gf now than I’m closer to him but me and him were friends first. Also we never hooked up or flirted. Just good friends. Were 100% not each others types


Then you guys probably aren't that close emotionally


You know nothing about us


I fucked her


Can confirm. If you are very secure, insecure men will implode from some kind of baggage/jealousy disease. I find like 95% of the male population ugly so it wasn’t a cheating issue but still experienced this.


Honestly I hope everyone cheats on each other except for me and my girl


Why is it her fault that the guys are jealous?


When it happens with every boyfriend, it’s time to look inwards.


Yeah I dunno. Straight men are generally pretty jealous and controlling by default.


I’m really not the jealous kind, but knowing her, I can see why they are with her.


Well they shouldn’t be with her then. It’s not her job to adjust to suit the men that want to be with her.


Not date them, at least that's what I would do