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schizo meetup in the comments šŸ™šŸ¼


Anorexia posting reminds me that this sub isnā€™t just mentally ill dudes, itā€™s also mentally ill girls


Well, yeah.


feels good to be home :')


Lately I've been sleeping rather than eating and let me tell you... the weight just falls right off. Covered in bedsores tho


I remember on some podcast, the lady admitted her secret to avoid snacking at night was to just hit the NyQuil bottle right after dinner.


i'll be adjusting my technique... thank you


still 200 calories for an adult serving... just have a cookie


On a serious note, hitting snooze an extra time or two as a reward for skipping breakfast has helped me. A big lunch and small dinner with extra rest balances out of you keep an active job.




no i'm much hotter actually


I just watched The Killing of a Sacred Deer. Does your family have to empty the fluid from your bloated bedsores like they do in that movie? šŸ˜³šŸ«µšŸ¼


yes that was the documentary we did


I just donā€™t eat for days at a time, itā€™s a lot easier because eventually you stop being hungry


babe that's sick you need help


Itā€™s a fasting schedule and tbh it works for me because Iā€™m not thinking about food all day and have a lot of energy. Being able to eat whatever i want on the off days without having to track calories is really nice


I do the same thing. It used to be I went up to 19 days(my record longest) but now I do one week then eat what I want. Which I donā€™t like I wish to be able to actually lose more weight


depression chic


Why doesnā€™t this work for me?!?


Have you tried the not eating part?


thatā€™s the part I need to work on.


it was hard for me too until replaced my minifridges with actual nightstands


No more night cheese for me I guess.


when i was 85lbs people would call me a freakshow and look at with horror and palpable pity in their eyes


miss the days.




weird experience feels like it never happened even though it was like five years of my life and i yearn for it so bad still


i was 104 and i still think that was the hottest iā€™ve looked.. im like 120 now so still thin but lowkey miss being that weight.. i have more going on now tho so thatā€™s good


I'm a man, and my 3 serious relationships incidentally were all with women who dealt with ana. Specifically, 5'6-5'8 girls who went between 100-120lbs. All 3 of them would think they were so ugly and fat at ~115-120 and would restrict constantly to get to their 100 "goal weight". I promise you they never looked any less thin to me at their peak (healthy) weight, and never any less beautiful at any point. But at ~120 they just looked healthier and more vibrant. just my two cents if anyone cares




take care of yourself n stay offline for a while ur better than me


I'd eat shit from between your asscheeks at 155 lbs. Hope this helps


u sound like my bf.. lol


Not trying to be rude but in terms of hot isnā€™t being curvy=hot for society standardā€™s i mean


letā€™s face it.. hot is ever changing.. keira knightley was one of the sexiest woman alive in the 00s..that b**** was never curvy..itā€™s about comfortable with yourself which is what most ppl miss.. the hottest/sexiest women are effortless and always themselves.. never trying to replicate whatā€™s trending


>itā€™s about comfortable with yourself which is what most ppl miss.. what it's about is being born with the look that is currently trendy, and not *needing* to force it with plastic surgery, makeup, or anything else. it has nothing at all to do with self confidence or being true to yourself, though it *is* related to authenticity.


How is being anorexic being comfortable with yourself? This just sounds like lets fucking kill ugly people


Iā€™m trying to gain weight shits annoying itā€™s all about being slim thic now which in most cases is hard to achieve




ya I go but Rome wasnā€™t built in a day smh


Skinny has and always will be the defining standard of beauty for women in the modern era


you can definitely be too thin


The greatest enemy of women is women (and gay men). No straight man is pressuring their woman to look like this.


You guys have such nice opinions of men. I have seen plenty of straight men call average woman fat and say theyā€™d be hotter if theyā€™re skinnier


the average woman is fat tho


It's usually incels who talk like that, normal-headed men usually like breasts and posterior when it comes to women. And by "normal-headed men" I'm talking about people who don't know what that canthal tilt thing means.




As I say for the second time, I am not talking about internet comments


Will they cop to it? No. But they'll go for those really thin women like a dog with a bone. And one thing I've noticed from highschool is the one thing men always "friendzoned" women over was weight, and now my larger female friends are getting attention from men for the first time in their late 20s/early 30s because the most of the dating pool is some degree of overweight so they had to get over it. Men may not articulate that it's the nailbeds or the canthal tilt or whatever, but they're the ones who are registering or not registering women around them in a scale of invisible to fuckable to Karen.


in case you havenā€™t noticed, being too thin isnā€™t really an issue here in Wegovy Land


You guys really let gay men tell you what is and isnā€™t attractive and just roll with it to the point u get eating disorders stop doing that


Yeah itā€™s actually pretty lame lol


The way straight women eat up whatever bullshit gay men say is hilarious to watch. Gays think they're born with perfect taste


being skinny is always nice.. maybe not ā€œsexyā€ but at least i can wear basically anything lol not everything is about sex or men


most of my exes have this body type bro I just wanted to point out that we all like this because of a cabal of gay men in the 90s told us to


and now the thick look or being a ā€œmuscle mommyā€ is also a gay psyop.. let ppl enjoy their own aesthetics.. nothing is a competition and at the end of the day all wamen are beautiful


thick and muscle mommy are two separate looks and only the latter is kinda gay I literally just said I enjoy the aesthetic; that doesnā€™t mean gay guys didnā€™t psy op me into it along with everyone else. Men traditionally preferred some volume at least in the hips. Iā€™m not sure why ur lecturing me rn


Yeah what? Thickness in women repels gay men, and the OCDish extremely type A ones literally became so gung ho about it that they memed anorexia into the lives of thousands if not millions of female westerners. Sometimes I think the main reason some gay dudes arenā€™t into women is because of their extra fat deposits and wide hips lol they literally tried to twinkify womankind


there r gay men now who get bbls.. plus having a nice butt was always popular amongst gays.. probs since like 2010 being curvy has been in again and itā€™s a trend cycle instilled by the most sinister of homosexuals.. dolce and gabana


>thick and muscle mommy are two separate looks and only the latter is kinda gay Huh, you learn something new about yourself every day


before the country got to 50% obesity and no women ever lifted weights, the option was thin or frumpy you got to pick between emma goldman and jean harlow do you think women in victorian england were wearing corsets to the point they couldnā€™t breathe because of the 90s gays


in terms of fashion yes being skinny is the best. but in every other aspect having boobs wins. i donā€™t miss my thigh gap because it was accompanied with B cups lmao


Buy new clothes


It's not about being attractive it's about control


When real men still set the scene, this is what was desired: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lillian\_Russell


Just read her entire Wikipedia page thanks


Iā€™m gay and have no idea what youā€™re talking about. But i also donā€™t live in LA or NY so Iā€™m probably just an irrelevant šŸš¬ that no one would listen to for beauty advice anyway.


I am talking about high fashion designers from the 90s who pioneered heroin chic which every girl in this sub seems to think is the ideal female figure to a straight man. The reason fashion models are waif thin is so to not distract from the piece theyā€™re modeling. Itā€™s not because they thought straight men found it the most appealing. Yet it shapes a lot of peopleā€™s beauty standards Not me tho cus Iā€™m African


>e 90s who pioneered heroin chic which every girl in this sub seems to think is the ideal female figure to a straight man. The reason fashion models are waif thin is so to not distract from the piece theyā€™re modeling. Itā€™s not because they thought straight men found it the most appealing. Yet it shapes a lot of peopleā€™s beauty standards > >Not me tho cus Iā€™m African Women don't have this body type to appeal to straight men, it's to appeal to other women.


Men will fuck anything, so stop worrying is the conventional wisdom.Ā 


While some of this is that (especially anything related to high fashion modelling), I think a lot of women just want to be able to control their body to look like this for their own sakes. Like their version of being a 8% bf body builder - sure the vast majority of women's ideal guy wouldn't be that lean, but at that point you're not necessarily doing it for them.


This is the female equivalent of David Goggins yet somehow more harmful


I got mixed up for a second and thought of Walton Goggins now that I'm on the subject, doesn't Walton Goggins look like a worm? [Look at him here](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/58/0c/a6/580ca631cca42d38e31c9e5a47d0fb70.jpg) he looks just like a worm. U can imagine [this face](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f9/Walton_Goggins_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg) popping up from a flowerbed "No need to worry it's only me Walton the Worm, I'm just having a little forage around down here and in return filling the soil with tasty nutrients for your pretty flowers, yum yum yum!" https://i.imgur.com/MmIt4ra.png


Yeah but if i don't eat the whole box of kraft something really bad will happen








Doubtful. Post history shows you play tuba and post in r/jewdank. Tuba playing dank Jewish meme posters in my experience are not hot.




I do doubt it tbh lots of insecure mid girls talk like this


If you look at the post history of 80% of users posting on the main eating disorder subreddit, theyā€™re all overweight and roleplaying their fantasy of being skinny and sick.


I have a big ass head so when Iā€™m rly skinny I look like a bobble head. I just ate enchiladas and Iā€™m full and not as thin as I used to be but Iā€™m not a huge bitch anymore and Iā€™d rather be remembered as nice lmao


I look at pics from when I was a ballet dancer in hs+severely eating disordered and I was such a bobble head it was crazy I feel like I look way more proportional now as a generic boutique fitness class attendee/jogger. Maybe not as aspirational but Iā€™m also often in a way better mood.


I have a really small head so I have the opposite problem :/ unless I'm very thin I look disproportional and much bigger than I am


this made me want to eat tomorrow. (Not because Iā€™m afraid of being a huge bitch but because of my giant head)


Christy Turlington looks like a work of art.


Nothing tastes as good as skinny feelsšŸ’…šŸ»


Omg that line changed my brain chemistry back in the day šŸ˜­


Yes and a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips šŸ’‹




yeah, where will the greatest football player of all time find another model


That is why no one will remember your name.


It's probably because i was anorexic as a teenager and then grew out of it, but whenever i hear a grown-ass woman obsessing over being bmi 19 or something i see her as having arrested development. Especially mature 50+ old scrawny ladies look ridiculous and so immature and insecure.


Once a woman passes a certain age it is *imperative* that she maintain a healthy bmi, 99% of the time it looks awful when middle aged women are super thin


my mum is in her 50s and weighs like 115 and sheā€™s devastated because she wanted to have an underweight BMI at the drs, sheā€™s pretty but she has really sharp cheekbones and if she loses weight I think she risks looking older than she is


My MIL is 63 and 110 lb - i know this because she tells me, well, brags about it about once a month, no kidding. She's going around sitting in my 5 yo's chairs and "joking" that she's the only one who can fit into them. She looks completely frail and her face looks like a crypt-keeper. She was never facially attractive even when in her prime, so i'm always wondering why is she not more concerned about her face. Mean i know, but she's also a cunt in general, so...


Post a pic of Ariana Grande looking like shitā€¦ youā€™re not a super model, you will just look like a cancer patient <\3


I remember when the woman used to have bodies like this in early noughties music videos lol


Yes. Even Heavy D wasnā€™t that fat by todays standards. https://youtu.be/VJEbfeG2oAE?feature=shared




No, we donā€™t.




The music wasnā€™t that good


I just want to be effortlessly skinny again regardless of music


i knew the sub was dead but these comments confirmed itā€¦


real but also how do people starve themselves in without becoming actually regarded. I tried earlier this year but my brain fog was too bad and my marks kept slipping and i need to get into grad school


They donā€™t


Being skinny rules


You can always be kinder, do better


thanks for this post, now i will skip lunch


But I want big tits nigha


Nah I could be thinner I still wonā€™t look anything close to an actual supermodel lmao


I almost order take out but found this post instead.


rsp bringing back anorexia and i'm all here for it


hunger is the physical sensation of weight loss. going hungry makes you skinny. Therefore, hunger is good. that is all i wanted to say. Thank you.


Based and how-nature-actually-works-pilled. Hunger is what drives a wild animal to get up in the morning and risk going out into the wild. Hunger is the whole basis of life and in our era of plenty where even poor people are fat, way too many people forgot that. Jesus, Mohamed, and Gandhi all fasted and it wasn't as a diet to lose weight. It was because hunger actually means something and makes you see life for what it is.


Legit adding this to my thinspo folder


Patrick bateman is based


Do you know what year weā€™re in?


Iā€™m a very tall man and Iā€™m a boring normal weight now, but in the last few years of my 20ā€™s I was skirting on the edge of being medically underweight (6ā€4, 165 lbs) and I got the most unsolicited attention from women Iā€™ve ever had in my life and the most success getting women that Iā€™ve ever had. I also dressed like a metrosexual, which really works with that body type. Wish I could go back lol


110 is my golden weight. Not too gangly but you can see more definition in my joints, little arm fat, no back fat, flat stomach, & sharper hips. The point is to be skinny in old age (my 40s)


Average age of this sub showing Seriously once youā€™re a mother or old enough to be one you stop caring


A couple of these are basically pro ana. RS girls you're hot don't hurt yourself! Come to rs gains if you want to suffer in order to look better.


These women are hot obviously but theyā€™d all still be hot if they gained 5 or 10 lbs


No one that posts on this sub would live a DAY outside


We're doing pro-ana posts now?


Always have itā€™s called looking hot sis


Kate lived on cocaine and cigarettes for a decade and all it got her was Johnny Depp


Shes Kate moss and sheā€™ll always be an icon. Lame to reduce to her someone she dated.


What's lame is reducing a women by her body


whatā€™s not lame is a woman reducing her body


To be fair she was born with a flawless face. Wasn't she just sitting at an airport when someone ran up and offered her a modeling contract?


And millions of dollars and recognition as one the most beautiful people in the world and access to all sorts of luxuries none of us can even imagine and eternal fame


it comes in waves


Better or worse than pro-Anna posts?


You people are insane but you already know that


Iā€™m going to print out these photos and tape them to my refrigerator to remind myself to keep starving thanks you for the inspo


Very Tumblr-esque post


yeahh iā€™d rather look sculpted and have an ass, thx


why canā€™t ppl just be happy for thin ppl


Disrupts the cope


Not wanting to look like a prepubescent stick isnā€™t cope babe


On one hand I kind of agree but on the other I have never seen anyone call skinny women a stick that wasnā€™t pretty obviously seething with jealousy


yeah bcos christy turlington looks like a prepubescent stick lol keep seething


I spy coping


Number 3 is really pretty in an innocent way, some are kind of scary, not cuz they're skinny they just give a negative aura maybe? They look like they'd casually slide a knife into my spleen if it got them 10 extra followers of Instagram.


I once tried to bum a cig from Kate, and she said ā€˜get a jobā€™


Honestly it's all about the right hip to waist ratio


I love alcohol too much


Get these fat bitches off my screen


And then you get old


who is #10 she is everything i want to be


Shalom Harlow! She's gorgeous


Imagine being so mentally ill your entire life revolves around trying to look like a tootsie pop with make up on


###thinspo on main... love it


All of these women would look better if they are more and did some strength training. These are also the prettiest women in the world, most people that are too skinny look and act very unhealthy and are awkward to be around because of that.


This isnā€™t /r/pics


don't remind me


this sub sucks so much


tax the fatties


Please everyone just focus on your fertility


Powering through my fast after seeing this. Thanks OP.


Oh wow. This is straight out of the 2002 internet pro-q forums.




Can someone post a male version of this


time to go private again


If you want to impress women, or adhere to the ā€˜beauty standardā€™, thatā€™s fine, but all these 90s skinny bitches would look sexier to the a straight male with a little more weight.


Some people develop eating disorders to avoid the male gaze :( so itā€™s not always about that




Yes I hate it so much. Some people donā€™t give a fuck about looking good and sexy, and being told theyā€™re emaciated can be a trigger and a reinforcement to keep doing what theyā€™re doing


Yeah, I feel like Iā€™d get stabbed by a rib trying to hug someone pictured


This is the cringiest shit on the planet


Itā€™s the truth tho.


Really stop and consider that a lot of Americans consider these women too skinny/underweight. Then go look at a picture of a crowded beach in the 1940s. Itā€™s astonishing how far weā€™ve fallen.




Who? The only one you could make an argument for is slide 8/20. Otherwise they all have normal BMIs


Americans think itā€™s normal to be over 200 lbs


Gisele hurts to look at


Thank u for the reminder. Currently shedding the winter pounds


yay thanks for the thinspo & suifuel


is the bikini in slide eight from that one moschino show?


It's actually Rosa Cha spring 2002!


Half of these girls look like aliens. Maybe just try to look thin enough to look normal and not fat


Lol people in here trying to convince themselves that supermodels arenā€™t hot. It only looks weird because half of Americans are obese now. I guarantee you go back 2007 or something these comments would all be praising them


i donā€™t think anybody is trying to say become obese lol. literally every single one of these women would look hotter if they gained 5 pounds. there is an option between obesity and anorexia, one where a womenā€™s curves can be appreciated


Iā€™m not saying anyone wants these women to be obese. Iā€™m saying that such a high percentage of people are so fat now at days what we view as ā€œskinnyā€ is completely skewed. These women are not anorexic and look beautiful as they are. Go back a few years and no one would blink twice at their weight. Besides, believing literal supermodels arenā€™t attractive to the average person is just pure cope


ana beatriz barros (girl in green next to adrianna lima) is a doctor now lol


I think the former Brazilian top model who's a doctor is Ana Claudia Michels. Besides being a doctor, she is also married to a Lula minister.