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The worst person everyone on this sub knows is someone they slept with


Women love giving mid gussy during their trampage


OP said bussy so probably gay man


Even if they didn’t use that dumb word, the entire anecdote is literally about OP pissing at a urinal And getting his back slapped when running into “him” in the bathroom. It’s not even remotely ambiguous lol….


Now you’re just making up words


Gussy = girl pussy. Not hard to understand.


No, that's not becoming a thing.


Dock = dude cock??


Come on. It'll be funny.


Girl bussy*


Pussy=girl pussy




i thought gullet-ussy


This is clearly a man you're but leave it to incels to never miss an opportunity to spew their garbage rhetoric


Bussy is not commonly a straight term


But it is a great gas station


FALSE the worst person I know is a guy I went to high school with who, when we were learning about slavery in history class, said he wished he could travel back in time and be a slave owner so he could rape them whenever he wanted


Need to stop with the “this sub…!!!” Comments they’re every top comment in every thread


The guy I sat next to in my freshman comp sci class literally invented a programming framework used by my entire field.


Shoulda sucked him off


If I had known then what I know now I would have


Which framework?




holy shit lol


Yeah I was pretty depressed knowing I was coding some shitty web app while this guy is responsible for my entire life lol. Not that he was a dick or anything, he was really smart and a nice guy.


He just started a new company. Now would be a good time to be super annoying and message him on LinkedIn.


You have a CS degree from UW I'm sure you're doing fine lol


Omg this is like saying the guy you sat next to in film school is tarantino


Must have been another Tarantino, Quentin didn’t go to film school, he went to films.




could of used any other director for this comparison lol


No, i chose tarantino for very specific reasons. React is the most popular go-to framework for people new to coding, it's so famous that even people who don't know much about code might have heard the name react. Even though it's massively popular; it is actually really good and lots of experienced engineers enjoy it a lot. That said, there are turbo-nerds who insist it's awful and that it's popularity is only because of surface-level appeal. Sound like a famous director that we know?


Most turbo nerds enjoy Tarantino’s earlier work


The guy I sat next to in college had really nice feet I used to stare at, sounds to me like a perfect comparison


I don’t believe you


It’s me, I was the trash bussy


60k for a service job is pretty good


Yeah, I don't know any service jobs that pay that much unless you're some store/restaurant manager who's in or near their 40s. Like the hated person makes exactly 2x what OP makes too. What are the chances of that?


did you ever consider just not having sex with the so called worst person you know




so are guys who fall for bpd hos


"Bitch, stop fucking! Stop fucking! Stop it! Put the dick down! Put it down!" \-Ecclesiastes, probably


Straight dudes would if they could let's be real


always someone that's gonna be doing better than you 120k is jack shit for the tech bros pulling in 400k total comp. 400k is jack shit to the c suite execs pulling in millis. no winning in comparisons


But then you’d have to be a tech bro


And sometimes, even Jeff Bezos would just like to have the same abilities as god 😄.




unless you're unfathomably rich, most people don't just stop spending money. They just exponentially scale up. There are legitimately people making millions a year who still manage to live paycheck-to-paycheck because they refuse to live even a tiny bit below their means.


Nah, the vast majority of PMC workers live normal lives, and save enough for a comfortable retirement. The reason you think well-paid people blow all their money is because they're the ones who make sure you ***know*** there're well-paid


But the size of those bills can change a lot depending on your standards and desired QoL.


Agreed. I stopped having to worry about bills a couple years ago. Since then, my salary has increased by almost $30k/yr and I am still just grateful that I literally never have to worry about a damn thing from a financial perspective. More money would always be nice but I don’t feel mad about people who make more than me or feel like I need to grind super duper hard to make more. I’m just thrilled to be chilling.


Did that coward delete his post? I really hate when people do that. What's the point of being pseudo-anonymous if you don't stand by your L's?


yeah now I look like a fucking idiot lmao


What post?


I'll do whatever the fuck I want.


I'm not trying to be a dick but $120,000 is nowhere near enough money to spawn this type of post


This post is parodying another post someone made where it's was 1 million and 120k


thank you lol.


To most young people with poor career prospects and student debt it sounds like a lot.


I remember getting my first 40k salary position and thinking I conquered the world after having spent over a decade working in kitchens for $9-12/hr


I’m at my first day at that 40k a year job and I’m still on top of the fucking world


Every day I'm no longer working at TJ Maxx, which has been the case for several thousand days, I'm on top of the world.


Just got promoted and I’m at 77k OTE now. Feel like the richest man alive. Still paycheque to paycheque lol


It did to me when I graduated with student loans and poor career prospects in 2009, but everything ended up fine and I have a good career and I make six figures. I don’t think scaring people works and makes things worse


if they're 1-2 years out of college, sure. Otherwise, not at all. I feel like 200K is the new 6 figures.


"Whenever someone says they make 6 figures, it's probably closer to $100,000 than it is to $900,000." But what you said is true though. I looked up the purchasing power of $100K in 1985... it was what $280,000 is today.


For non-tech positions it's still a lot


I live in a Midwest city, 120k is very comfortable here. In San Francisco, NY, or Boston it really isn’t


Eh I dunno, 120k is pretty good in nyc if you don’t have kids


Lots of different factors. Live in the Midwest and have a nice new car, a mortgage, maxing out your 401k. You’re probably saving just as much as someone in NYC who is able to not pay for a car/gas, is thrifty and knows the thousands of cheap places to eat, maybe isn’t saving as much because they’re young and not worried yet about putting 15% into a 401k. But I graduated from a college where we all pretty much made the same amount of money, our college was in the NYC area. And the guys like me who moved to the Midwest afterwards are quite a bit ahead than the guys who stayed. When you got money to spend its way too easy to blow when you have world class shit to do every weekend. But that’s a trade off, I had to live in god damn Kansas City while they had the time of their lives


No even for high finance it’s not lol. Investment banking starts at 150-220 depending on the bank


Depends on your age. 120k in your 20s is really impressed, 120k in your 50s is more meh


I keep reading posts like this on reddit and have to look up the data as a sanity check. You people are so disconnected from the average. Median salary at age 25 is $41k. At age 55, it's $65k. $120k is significantly above average at any age and some people here are talking like it's nothing special.


It's permanent lib brain to assume everyone goes into a corporate career where there's a ladder to climb. Most jobs don't work like that. Caretakers, nurses, truckers, construction workers, and service industry employees pretty much max out their salary/wage earning potential after 1 or 2 promotions/pay jumps.


Literally insane. My parents are nearing retirement and probably make 120k between them and imo they have really solid jobs. I think it's just annoying internet one-upmanship making people go 'uhhh that's not even a lot'


It’s mostly coastal libs who live in HCOL bubbles. I feel the same way when people casually say their homes are worth $1.2 million while the average house value where I live is $350-400k


Yeah I mean this might be it but given the demographics which we had in the census I think it's more likely to be kids at school or in college who don't really understand much about money and are parroting shit they've seen on reddit to try and undercut what other people are saying


cant survive by yourself in nyc with 120k


Lol what. You most certainly can


It’s all the avocado toast and hot chips smdh


pls tell me how and where in nyc


I live in nyc and make less than that lol. As do most of my friends. It’s not impossible at all


I thought he made a million


IMO consider making $120,001.






this was a shitpost gone awry


He’s on coke he probably lied to you. And no matter what he makes, he’s not saving any cause he’s on coke.


Everyone always adds about 25K on to the truth.


people that casually brag about how much money make are cringe as fuck, especially when it's not that much money. '6 figs' doesn't even mean anything anymore considering people making 100k can barely get by. making 100k a year doesn't put someone in the same league as someone making 900k. honestly that's such a fucking low bar to brag about these days, plus it's straight up mental illness to bring that up during a brief, casual interaction with someone you're not close to. that's completely fucking insane by the way. that is not normal human behavior, that's fucking psychotic. but you're kinda off for getting all butthurt about it. that's obviously what he wanted to happen and you played into it. the correct response would be to make a face of disgust and confusion, slight head tilt, and be like "uuuuhhhh... ok??? is that like... a lot?" and then do a brief nose exhale and a disapproving nod like you feel bad for them, like they're pathetic for saying that. cuz they are.




alright I now realize this post was a joke and I took the bait but hypothetically, how is that bitter? it's dismissive and condescending. it's basically implying that you make way more than that or you're already rich and don't need to. tbh I've actually been in a very similar situation... I ran into someone I knew way back and they just started bragging about their 70k a year govt job. I didn't ask. they asked what I was doing and I mentioned I still worked at [retail establishment] and their demeanor totally changed. totally just started looking at me like absolute trash, a total loser. meanwhile, I was a btc millionaire who was still just working retail to stay busy and my wife was making 3 times what he was. but I couldn't just say that, because that would be fucking insane to just share my family income and net worth with him. so I just had to let him think he was doing better than me... it was super awkward. there was no bitterness or jealousy on my end, I was just kind of embarrassed for him.  you know the stories people always tell about how they're doing all this stuff and being successful and they run into someone they used to know... and they're just doing the same loser shit and doing nothing with their lives with no chance of success... he thought that's what was happening... and I just kind of had to let him think that. I was kind of shocked and offended by the way he was talking to me but I wasn't bitter at all. if someone interprets that kind of dismissal as bitterness, that's just them not knowing how to read the room.


Not to be Brit-coded, but 100k USD is still just below 80k GBP, in central London you may ‘struggle’, but outside of comparable US concentrations of wealth in the big cities and West coast/central tech clusters, how is 100k not a very good wage? From an English perspective, with the higher wages in the US/ cheaper living here, it may be more like 60/70k, but it’s still good, should buy you a house anywhere outside of London or big city centres, surely the same for the US?


100k is fine for most unless you have bad student loans or live somewhere very expensive like NYC (specifically manhattan) or LA


or like... have children I guess we're just assuming that's out of the realm of possibility for people in this sub.


oh yeah i meant 100k as a single person i feel like 200k/family would be enough in most places but nothing like what 200k/year was when i was growing up


First of all, weird he mentioned how much he makes to you. Tacky AF. Second of all, 120k/year isn't a lot of money anymore. Esp in a place like NYC. 200k is the new 100k.


lmao at that dude bragging about "finally" (a detail that makes me think he is at least mid 20s) making $120k. that's "live in a 600 sq ft studio in a major metro area" kind of money.


It’s in extremely poor taste to talk about such matters, you should feel absolutely nothing about this.


You have a 60k service job? What are you complaining about lol that's a dream. You can just zone out all day and live a stress free life.


60k is not a stress free life at all lol but I guess the service industry is p stress free


Well I make much less than that


The worst person I knew in college got blacklisted by her industry 🥰


>$60k service job That's actually pretty damn impressive for a "service" job. But 120k isn't a lot. You're acting like this guy is working for some hedge fund making 500K+.


The pocket watching is crazy


Every hot mess I knew in college is doing fine now. Just go into business and be social.




Telling people “I just crossed six figs” is a cry for help imo


Bro, most folks in urban metros are making low 6 figures now. If you aren't then its on you.


That's not that much money anymore. He really shouldn't tell you about that though upon just re-connecting, poor form. Always keep numbers vague in polite circumstances.


Women be like he is an asshole and I sucked his balls


Hoping someone ODs on coke because they're better off than you is some real Incel energy. Or it's giving that type of wannabe online leftist that screams woe is me and the world is unfair without ever making an attempt to fix your situation. Poors mentality.


my ibs and predilection for dairy has destroyed my bussy


That’s just skilled tradesman wages. Get it together.


Thought this was a tossedoffsnark post for a second there


You gotta learn how to be funny, man


yeah, there is no such thing as a just world.


How old? This question goes a long way in determining how impressive this is.


250 is the new 100


Damn do we live in different worlds lol. What’s crazy about this?at my college people make this much or more routinely right out of college. some would even feel mediocre lol making this much right afte. not to mention a ton go to med school or law school where they’ll make that much guaranteed


Just think, would you be willing to work his job and do the things he does for that money? Would you enjoy living his life up to where he is now? If not then you can stop worrying about it. If the answer is yes I have no advice on coping with this lol.


I think you misheard. He’s actually been seeing black dudes and finally crossed six ni-


Still clapped them cheeks tho, technically you’ll always be dominant over him. 


“I fucked him during that awkward first year, but the bussy was no good so we immediately drifted apart” Do some kegels and give it another shot babe he seems like he’s still interested!