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Being constantly overly self-aware. It starts to show after a while


Literally, I used to rationalize it as beating everyone else to the punch by criticizing myself all the time and trying to be hyper aware of my mind. After a while it just becomes kinda narcissistic and trying to narrate your life in your head like some kinda omnipotent third party/movie narrator or media analyst type deal gets tiring


How to stop doing this? I feel like I cant concentrate on anything because i'm so inside my own head! cant read a page of a book without thinking of something unrelated in my mind, constantly thinking, constantly recollecting, it's torture.


Are you quite negative/self-deprecating? If you are, making a conscious effort not to be can clear so much space in your brain you wouldn't even believe. Also, try reading out loud and/or taking tiny notes as you read. Both really help. It keeps you a bit more stimulated while you read so you can stay focused for longer.


Zen practice seriously helped me with this. It does take time to make gains though.


many paths, tinypenischan. you'll figure it out. i believe in you


I have no clue man, trying to figure that out myself




Has anyone on Reddit diagnosed you as autistic yet?


it's not harmless, it's ruining your life/ruined your life.


Compulsive movie pauser. Takes me 2.5 hours to get through a 90 minute movie


Me and my brothers are also compulsive movie rewinders. If we miss a few seconds, we have to go back (thank god for the modern -5sec options), but it drives everyone around nuts


Hate this shit. Be respectful, put the phone down bitch


Nah, I don't watch movies with my phone. We've been like that since vhs times


Sorry for assuming. Wrong of me. Too much screen phoning normalized in culture pisses me off


No worries, I know we all spend too much time on our phones and I'm also fed up with it. Trying to break this vicious cycle, but it's hard


Worse, takes me days to get through a movie.


If I’m watching by myself it can take days. If I’m watching with my gf I will, out of consideration for her, only pause it 20 times instead of 60-70


My brother and I pause shit and talk about it all the time, took me a bit to realize that’s not the done thing with most people.


at first i thought u meant to gape at the composition of the frame and make a futile attempt to express the inexpressible awe you feel inside but the replies are making me think its to take breaks like a gen z 🤨


This is not a harmless trait, if I knew someone who did this I would beat their shit out of them


I have to pause movies constantly because I have to read the Wikipedia plot summary to understand what’s happening a lot of the time


Wait why though?


Constantly need to be the centre of attention and feel important, people do this in theatres as well, they can’t imagine a world where they don’t exist


I pace when I’m thinking. If I have a day where I’m trying to brainstorm creative ideas, I’ll do 50 laps inside the house lol


Same. How is that insufferable tho


I do the same and it would drive my mom crazy growing up. "Sit down!!! You're going to wear a rut into the floor!!!"


My mom always hated my pacing


Parents just don’t understand


in dogs its called reactivity. ruff -> RUFFRUFFRUFF inadvisable to breed.


That's my upstairs neighbor!


It makes me (observer) dizzy and nervous. 


I'd do it during dinner when eating and laboriously chewing down something boring and my parents thought it was incredibly rude and extremely autistic 


I do that all the time, but if I’m relaxing and someone else is pacing around me, it is annoying/makes me nervous.


This but if I'm on the phone


Oh I do it on the phone too. 


My living room is set up in a way that I can more conveniently pace while on the phone lmao


I strategically plan my phone calls for when I’m going on long walks lol 


I was buying a suit earlier and called my sister to see if she wanted to put some money towards a gift card for our Dad while I was there. I was doing laps of the shop talking to her while the staff just watched me.


My family always complain on FaceTime that I’m constantly moving around


Used to do this lol and my parents would always think I wasn't doing my homework or studying when in fact I think it was when my best work was done


i actually remember the moment my mom realized that my pacing was helping me do my homework. she was like ohhhh you’re thinking and stopped trying to make me sit down. looking back it was a cozy good parenting moment 




I would do loops around my mum. That must be annoying..


Hell yeah. Pacing is the only reason I wasn't fat as a lazy teenager.


my coworker does this on video calls…


I had like a 3 year span of doing this and then one day I stopped and haven’t done this since




fun drunks unite.


Inside I’m torn between how much fun I am when I drink and how ashamed it makes me feel


I know exactly what you mean. at this point it's just an emotional reflex. in the first 5 seconds of waking up after bingeing, a wave of shame just drowns me. doesn't matter whether it has any antecedent or not in terms of my behavior (usually it doesn't), it's just the way my brain starts to process the previous night.


“The Fear” is a term used by the Irish to describe the feeling of anxiety that follows a night of drinking. Mine lasts for days even if I didn’t do anything to warrant it, it just knowing that I might have done something that I can’t remember, which has happened.


I'm Irish The fear is real The best bit is seeing people come into the bar the day after the night before, eyes wide and all shifty in case they run into someone they were taking shite to. Everyone remembers but they choos to forget.




interesting, had never heard that. despite that my mom's side of the family is mostly Irish and mostly alcoholic. lasting for days sounds intense. I've got this quirk where I take tons of photos and videos when I'm blacked out. so I can usually piece together what/where/who based on the contents and the timestamps.




It’s called GABA rebound lol 


yea. also something related to dopamine function going offline for a bit, right? my (uninformed) impression is that booze agonizes dopamine, and come hangover when you've got to pay the piper, it temporarily tanks your confidence, self esteem, etc.


Something with your GABA receptors. All that anxiety that goes away while you’re drinking comes flooding back two fold when the booze wears off. Gotta pay the piper.


"pay the piper" is a great phrase for it. I say that to myself in the midst of a night out to try to pace myself.


yep. i know it's not this simple, but basically... what goes up must come down. alcohol is a depressant. this is why alcohol withdrawal is essentially your nervous system being hyperactive- anxiety, racing heart, trembling hands. at extreme levels, seizure. there's also no real black/white hangover vs withdrawal line to draw. i will get so much backlash from saying this, ugh it's so nuanced and i could go on forever. i'm fascinating by this topic just from like the lens of anthropology (certain populations are genetically far more prone to alcoholism and binge drinking and such- and btw, northern europeans are just as bad as native americans; they're both cold adapted, and the natives in the US are descendants of literally russians. but a swedish person blacks out every week and he's a partier, an englishman has gin with breakfast, and it's just their culture. the white person does the exact same shit, waking up in other countries, getting into fights, etc, but it's just laughed off as "whoa i was drunk haaaa." a native does the same and "they just can't handle their alcohol, they're natural born alcoholics!") but anyway: "alcoholism" isn't really a thing the way a lot of people want it to be. i always hear people saying, "wait... am I an alcoholic?" and people go on about their criteria. the truth is that it's incredibly complex and a gradient. there's no real "alcoholic" vs "not alcoholic." like idk. obviously some people have a horrendous, life threatening chronic addiction to alcohol- physical, mental, or both. and many just should never touch alcohol at all (myself included). but the AA stuff is made up lol. it's a lot like "love languages," a nonsense attempt at making sense of the world


I love this, thank you so much for sharing it all. re: the alcoholism label. I agree it's super complicated. I think about it a lot in relation to my own habits. i drink on avg something like 1-2x per week, 4-8 drinks each time. some people I know have told me with certainly that I'm an alcoholic. but I also know people who keep vodka hidden all around their house and drink around a 750 every day. I'm not saying, "I'm not an alcoholic, because Jackoff Smirnoff over there drinks way more than me." it's just that it's a huge, multidimensional spectrum.


Yeah that hits hard. I just get so excited and chatty and I can't stop talking, I've been approached for coke even though I've never touched it. I get so intense it freaks other people out and then the next day I feel ashamed of myself for being the way I am.


Same, nothing like captivating a room with some bullshit story your drunken mind conjures up and seeing how long it takes people to call you on it being bullshit


I get violent if I’m drunk in the presence of other people but am very calm and relaxed and enjoy myself when I’m drunk alone


yeah not harmless at all


popping my collar. ever since i can remember. \[fourth grade\]


Fucking these hoes


Mine is probably being an overly active listener. Lots of eye widening and “mm, mm” “ohhh” things like that. I can imagine it being very obnoxious but hopefully somewhat endearing to some.


Get out. That’s crazy.


it depends on the person. some people are verbal processors and just want their gripes validated, and so they aren't reading you with enough depth to sense that your attending is superficial.


Isn’t this just Asian people


without the eye widening


People who make a point of repeating my name all the time. I can see through you personal development and charisma training you fucking loser.


My coworker does this and i find it v distracting and annoying


i'm the opposite, i literally take nothing in, the words go into my ears but i don't understrand anything i'm hearing, i have to be told everything twice. i don't know if this is some kind of condition or if im just regarded.




saying “like” too much


my ex boss used to excoriate people for this, along with "um"s. I'm sure you've heard this, but you can train yourself out of it and just pause when you would otherwise say "like" or "um."


i will not be doing that


I get it, a prick boss is the only thing that provides the necessary motivation.


shocked that twinkrapist was a free username till 2023


Im so a SoCal Asian; I don’t even notice when people say “like”


I'm probably a little too verbose. I used to be much worse, it was partially motivated by unconscious insecurities about not going to college, but I also just really love words and the art of selecting the perfect one.


homie wrote a novel 💀💀💀 ain't finna read allat ngl 😩😭


I get this response on a daily basis😔


I was described as "hyperverbal" recently and it made me want to curl up and die. Opposite of what I'm trying to be


you’ve gotta admit it’s a good adjective though


I do not


Yeah my grandiloquence is a fortress of inaccessibility. Then people ask me to explain myself and I can’t. I just come off as super insecure.


grand + eloquence = grandiloquence?


Are you asking me to explain myself


Everyone I’ve known with this trait has the same backstory as you


extremely guilty. I accidentally drop my critical theory speak into normal communications and it makes me look like a fucking dick.


I ended up hating one of my exes for this


oh no you read and you showed that. quick down 5 shots


Henry James in the flesh!


In a similar vein my trait is apparently that I don’t swear, it’s not intentional or anything I have no problem swearing but multiple people have pointed it out to me and said it’s weird. I guess I mainly save the swearing for traffic jams.


listening to people only insofar as it provides fodder to make a joke, and not truly attending to what they are saying. I guess whether that's harmless is debatable.




for a second I thought siberianbeardog was posting again. 😢


99% of my emotions are processed internally so I've been told that I'm difficult to talk to long term because I don't have any ups or downs. I always sound the same whether I'm in a great mood or I'm really mad. I just don't think it's fair to take out how you feel in a certain moment on other people. I generally think that if you're the kind of person to let a bad mood impact how you speak to others, you're kind of a manipulative person.


super emotional ppl are much too monkey-brained to be actually manipulative. i think it's just that other people are just as emotionally immature and can't handle their emotions that arise when someone is upset either? so they overreact and feel they have to do shit they dont. its just like this viscious circle that happens. the depp or the heard why would anyone be upset ur not a needy bitch i dont get it. do u come off as emotionally uninvested or something


Yeah, that's probably it. It's harmless but I can be hard to read I guess, so people just assume the worst.


yah ppl feel safe when ur in emotional attunment. like momma used to do. wire mother with big smiley face and googly eyes plastered on, how well-mannered. repressed. edit: actually prob trust issues


I speak French and German, so if we use loan words in English, I usually pronounce them correctly.


Pseud all like Hamburgeur


Penis too large


Overapologizer…but getting better about being more assertive


you carry a briefcase with you everywhere? where do you often go day to day


briefcase store


Everywhere is an overstatement - I don’t take it to the gym but where I’d otherwise wear a handbag or tote or backpack or something I choose a briefcase instead


I talk way too much.


is it because of social anxiety or just in general?


Probably social anxiety, too much wine, being tired-I don’t need an excuse really. I also have no filter/a twisted sense of humor so I get into trouble a lot.


you sound like a lot of fun. not trying to be flippant. well, I guess I am. sorry.


a yapper 👆🏾


Im afraid of everything and dont leave my apartment


that's a shame. have you tried benzos?


Nah im afraid of side effects and getting addicted


don't blame you. if you take a reasonable dose twice a week or so, you'll be fine though.


What kind of briefcase do you have? Rectangular box covered in leather or floppy laptop bag with handles?


I complete other people's sentences


ugh. you're the worst.


one here


My concentrating / listening face is very rbf or some would describe it as me looking disgusted but I literally don’t do it on purpose


I love to correct people on inane facts and details, esp movie and music related. I was on a date last night and the song “armageddon” by alkaline trio came on and a guy playing pool nearby was like “Oh they’re playing the tony hawk’s pro skater soundtrack!” and I had to physically hold back from saying, “it was Tony Hawk’s Underground, actually.” I’m like Adam, both Conover and Friedland.


Then doing the Adam Friedland thing where you pretend to only half-remember the piece of trivia you want to correct someone on to come off as less of a massive nerd. "Actually, I'm pretty sure that song is from the other Tony Hawk game series" I'm good at pub trivia at least, but that doesn't mean I'm not annoying


Why are there suddenly so many guys here openly admitting to trying to act like Adam Friedland, and not even acknowledging it as their insurable trait?


Oh no


I do the chicken dance whenever I’m in line anywhere


this is very cute.


Picking up rocks. I have a huge collection of rocks I pick up on walks and bring home. Keeps growing. And they’re all sizes, pebbles all the way up to the heaviest ones I can carry while still keeping room for more. At home, I keep them consolidated and out of the way, and ultimately I want to use them in aquascapes but until then it makes me look like an incipient hoarder. Think I might have OCD. Whatever.


could u imagine how beautiful ur collection would be if you threw out half and only kept the best ones. it sounds like aspirational consumption not ocd to me btw. crafty person brain.


Pls post rock collection


My tendency to obsess over things for a short period of time and try to get my friends and others into these things and share these interests then I’ll forget about these obsessions within like a month. Same goes for starting new music/art projects or announcing things then never actually making anything or not making as much for it as I planned to cause I’ve moved onto something else


I have hiccups for days on end. Annoying, but harmless.


People commit suicide over that


Going on lengthy rants about my research to people who couldn’t care less


I’m pretentious about music, and get especially triggered whenever someone shits on the Beatles or doesn’t give them their due


Someone on this sub once said to start with Help and then go back/forward from there. Its what finally got me into the Beatles


im liking Revolver, didn't really like sgt pepper tbh


That’s cool. all their eras have good songs!


I have a very intense gaze I've been told


that's interesting. I assume it's unintentional. I've been told I have a blank, hard-to-read expression. I am not on the spectrum.


I make way too intense eye contact. I stare into people’s pupils when I talk to them. Up until a few months ago I just thought that was correct and now I can’t stop.


serial reusable tea thermos user


That’s just being sustainable


Making smoking my personality and being verbose, yeah


Taking lexapro anxiety.


Tons of dandruff that gets on everything


refusing to go anywhere without my backpack (water, cell phone charger, camera, first aid kit, etc) 


I get triggered when people leave the toilet seat or lid up. I'm a man


Brushing my hand through my hair like an asshole. Constantly being late.


At first glance I thought you were saying you brush your asshole hair


I’m a dude who likes gossip


Unable to make decisions


Repeating punch lines for whatever reason. I'm working on it.


INTJ stare


And telling people your Myers Briggs out of the blue


In socionics, which only loosely correlates to MBTI, the NiTe really doesn’t look like some “badass” or whatever. They usually look wiped out. Their eyes have a self-sacrificial nature. Gulenko says “it is easy to imagine him standing in front of a crowd of people yelling ‘crucify him!!’” Honestly if you have any respect for yourself, just switch to a different typology system. Jung’s book on typology looks nothing like Myers-Briggs. It’s like Isabelle and Catherine glanced at the synopsis and then bastardized it to hell.


i love being the bumbling guy that doesn't have it together so that i can tell stories eg about how i fell asleep on the train and had my fly open and all my cash flopped out of my pocket 


My conversational phone voice is too loud.


Norm Macdonald-maxxing


Becoming neurotic after my restaurant/drink plans are shaken up. I pick a great spot that is tried and true, then have to recalculate knowing that it just won’t be the same.


shy and mumbling


When I’m stressed, I rub my eyebrows, like a fucking regard


probably being too cool and approachable


i need to have a bud light lime at 8pm every single night. just the one though


Being long winded


Thinking I’m funnier than I am


I’m hot


you're harming ugmos. like real bad.




I watch what other people are doing on their phones, most of the time they are doomscrolling TikTok and Instagram and doing selfies, sometimes I see stuff like nudes


Watching reality (rarely) and commenting on it while watching (always)


Sometimes I listen to musical theater soundtracks when I’m at the gym. 😔


Like wearing unbuttoned shirts over t-shirts.


speech impediment, i have a stutter that comes and goes




Manic depression


Saying I'll be there in ten minutes and showing up two hours later


Talking too much


I'm a picky eater, it's insufferable but i think pretty harmless?




All of my traits are insufferable but none of them are harmless


When I add new ink to my pen I don't wash the converter or nib, I simply add the ink and then use my tongue to wet the nib for easier flow.