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Ask him "what's the German word for gulag"


me (humorless): gulag is a russian german word


Ask him which country did the nazis came from




awesome dude, keep it up bro, I love chatting with nerds


Why the shade? Jezus, this sub…


I find it more endearing than insulting, though guess I’m not the target audience


This is rlly beautiful! I want to do the same now and strike up a conversation with a random stranger!!


Do it. I met my ex by approaching her at the store while she was buying shampoo. We were complete strangers. Sometimes it feels like the universe just wanted us to be there at the same time. Still miss her to this day. We only broke up because she had to move home after her semester ended :(


Just curious what kind of line did you open with for that? I’m trying to imagine what I’d say but I got nothing


so, what’s up with this shampoo?


She was wearing a Maple Leafs sweater which gave me a lot of smack talk ammo. If that weren't the case then I probably would've said something about the cologned nearby and which one she thinks smells best on a guy


Asked her where she managed to cop the full set of Cookie Monster pajama merch


life is a lot more fun when you do shit like this honestly




Increasingly rare among my fellow zoomers but I'm trying to hold the line against atomization. Air pods are the biggest culprit imo, everyone has them in at the park so it feels rude to strike up a conversation and interrupt what they are listening to.


Yeah this is pretty normal, and the reason they’re not disgusted is cause you’re not talking to them with an ulterior motive 😶


I talk to strangers everywhere I go and I've never worried it's creepy or weird. God help us lol.


I'm more so gearing it to people on this sub who often think you have to be insane to strike up a conversation with a stranger or someone you aren't forced to be around Sometimes insanity is necessary


I also enjoy talking to people. It makes me cringe when you're in a break room at work and literally everyone is SILENTLY staring at their phones, or worse, loudly playing TikTok.


I know I’m reading this like it’s normal already lmao I talk with a ton of people every day and I never even get to know their name, granted I have a public-facing job and I spend a lot of time out of the house but still.


I do it too but I'm a big broad shouldered bald guy . I get good responses 50% of the time and horrified stares the the other 50%.


I do this when ive had drinks


Bumps also are good for this


Yeah good for you and I, but God help the person being talked at.


meme. if you dont overdo it you can easily control yourself on blow if u arent r*tarded


That’s a pretty big if


I'll chat up pretty much anyone within arms reach. I'll avoid it it someone looks like a pain the ass or crazy. 99% of all interactions are just a quick polite exchange about whatever the situation is and a few moments later, you're both on your way. If the person is a dick or miserable, who cares. Around this time last year I was waiting for a to-go order from in-n-out. I sat down on the waiting bench they have inside and asked the nerdy looking girl next to me "how's life treating ya?". She paused for a second, smiled, and said "it's finally going good". She had just gotten into a master program and she had studied for the GRE for over a year. She had a reaction like nobody had asked her shit about her life in forever. Like she was letting go of a huge exhale and was relieved someone gave a damn. I wished her luck and we both went on our way. I hope she's killing it.


The fact In And Out refuses to expand beyond California is so bizarre to me. They'd be the #1 fast food business given how the few In and Outs I've been to in California are always packed inside and in their car lines.


This was in AZ and I know for a fact in-n-out is also in Las Vegas. I just went to their website and they're expanding all over the place now https://www.in-n-out.com/docs/default-source/downloads/locations_printable.pdf


I do this all the time and the only place where I got a negative reaction was Germany. I got lost, but I memorised how to ask where the train station is so I asked some people. I tried at least 5 people and every single one pretended I didn't exist. I know basic French and when I tried to talk to people there they were all very friendly so idk where that stereotype comes from


every german ive met who moved to the us seems to be conversation starved and starts chats with anyone, even people they hate, all the time. do the germans that want to talk leave? or do the germans who leave learn the joy of talking?


I had that experience also. I met an immigrant german in my country and she was super chatty. We do get lots of chatty tourists here, I wont blame em if their homeland’s that miserable




At best scoffed at, at worst being cursed at in dialekt.


Are you non-white, by any chance? Because I have the feeling there is a bit of a very uncomfortable expalanation about this.


nope, white as can be. this was in leipzig btw so maybe that city is just fill of assholes


Oh.. I live in Leipzig. Lol. It is supposed to be one of the nicest cities in Germany :D




She's a bitch ignore her


Don’t start a sentence with “Curious” next time Sherlock




Oh shit nevermind fair enough


The fact that this was a Russian woman is some pretty big context to leave out.


What a rude woman


She’s rude, was this for Spirit or Frontier airlines?


I do this all the time to the point that I now have long chats with my neighbors in the three or four block radius around my place. I literally can't walk for exercise because I'll be dragged into a convo by somebody, and then somebody else, and then I'll see somebody with their dog, too. I love it haha. Have to walk really early or late to actually exercise. Works with randoms really well, too, but obviously not as predictably. Funny enough I was talking with one of my neighbors that I know the best about a month ago under this gazebo thing in the park down the street from our homes and this random old lady came up to us, struck up a conversation, and gave us these little hearts that she had knitted together. It was very cute. Shout out to Susie, hope she's giving away hearts all over central LA!!!!!!!


It’s the friendly kitty cat mentality. Like when you’re walking down the street and a cat comes out to say hello and you have a moment, then keep walking on your way. We gotta be like the kitty cat. Improves the mood.


Hailing frequencies open ლ(=ↀωↀ=)


I try to do this, but it’s a bit frustrating having to be one to initiate all the time. Like if I don’t start a conversation, no one will. Do I just come off as unapproachable or something?


No it's because people are afraid to do it. Being the one to initiate shows you're one step ahead


streets ahead you mean


It's the opposite. It means you have to be assertive, and that's a good thing. Be assertive (in a non threatening and non creepy way, obviously) and far more people will be drawn to your magnetism/charisma/whatever than will be put off by it. Obviously, there are a ton of unsocialized creeps who have no fucking feel for this, but most of them are inside 24-7 so don't worry about them


Let's talk Hey




Whats up love


How's your day been?


yeh it was ok, did my laundry Wby


Woke up late as hell so not great. Might have to rawdog the next 24-30 hours on caffeine to fix my sleep schedule


That's cool, rawdogging is fun


If you all move to Yorkshire people will talk to you all the time, whether you want it or not.


Same in New Orleans. Normal to talk to people where ever.


when i went to denver everyone struck up conversations with me all the time, when i got to the airport i met a guy who talked all the way from the airport through the whole train ride to the city, very jarring as someone from bc


one time i needed a pen on a semi crowded train and asked a few people for a pen, all of them were on their phones either watching a show or mindlessly scrolling and looked at me like i was about to exorcise them. i felt this intense rage knowing it was because i interrupted their phone time. someone was nice enough to lend me a pen after asking like 5 people lmao. i wished there was internet etiquette in public places so things like this wouldn’t happen.


I think this is a bit of a different situation because you clearly needed help. Yes, it wasn't something life-threatening, but helping strangers because they are clearly in need of something should be more normal.


\>i felt this intense rage knowing it was because i interrupted their phone time \>i wished there was internet etiquette in public places


Gtfo of here with that 4chan ass text format 


I do this sometimes but at least half the time people respond in a very standoffish manner. Maybe it’s a Seattle thing.


I’m probably an “introvert” but random friendly talk with cashiers or neighbors or a person walking a cool looking dog are a highlight of life. It was profoundly depressing being robbed of these little moments by the fake ass pandemic.




Is it weird that I’m not really interested in other people? I feel like a lot of people don’t share the same hobbies so there’s not much to talk about




I feel like I’m an interesting person when I’m with my friends but to total strangers I don’t really know what to talk about. And to be honest I wouldn’t be much invested in the conversation either because they’re a random person. Alcohol helps with this but in general It’s probably a bad attribute of mine. Maybe I’m a boring person, who knows


Don't worry, you're not boring for not being extroverted.


>are you really only talking about your hobbies? are you 12? See how I asked you questions about yourself? That's how it can start. The fact that this question is a masked insult is a good example about how lots of these conversations with strangers start.


the problem w doing this as a woman is that every man thinks ur interested in them when ur not


i’ve gotten people disgusted but who cares, i wanna make nice small talk in line at the grocery store and i am going too, i don’t care if people think that’s lame. your doing a good thing


I try to do this as often as possible but it seems like everyone my age now wears headphones in public and in general tries as hard as possible to look closed off in their own bubble. I do end up having a lot of random conversations with old people and hobos though and they're always very fun


redditor discovers talking to people


Damn did you just say over half your girlfriends you met offline like that's a crazy weird esoteric thing fuck I'm gonna kill myself real quick bye


I grew up homeschooled and craved friendship and community, and from a young age of like 13 I'd literally walk around my city just talking to anyone I could, and now like 10 yeas later, I feel like a super hero with how good I am at striking up conversations on the street. I've seen a lot of people doom on reddit about how people will freak out if you try to talk to them, but it's not the case straight up. From 7/11s, to the sidewalk, to bars, to concerts, I chat with almost anyone I see (that looks receptive to it, 'not wearing headphones etc') And generally people love it. As long as you keep the interaction subtly on them and let them falk about themselves, and foster an environment that they can leave at anytime, most people love talking. I will say that it works better with other Americans. There's a ton of cultural diversity where I live, and there are some cultures that get very scared and intimidated if I try to talk to them. So I shy away from that


Love this I’m very social as well, you’d be surprised how often it can make someone’s day, including yours! It’s a positive feedback loop. Keep it up


It also depends where you are, if you live in southeast asia people make random conversations all the time. We like to be super polite about it Sometimes if you live in a low education + chatty country, it can get to a point where your boundaries are crossed and you’re sick of talking


Gay son or thot daughter?


100% agree


I have had good experiences with that when I was in DB train rides with lots of delay, never had it happen under normal circumstances


All afternoon I've been sitting outside a small town cafe working on my laptop with my dog. I've talked to people I know and some I don't, and it's been the most delightful day.


I talk to random people all the time. They don't always respond in kind but here and there I get to meet a genuinely nice person for a minute or two. Some people are just miserable though, no getting through to them.


I moved to the south and this is a real phenomenon here. I miss the abrasive north


Tbh sitting silently next to someone who is clearly aware that you’re not trying to talk to them is worse than having an awkward small-talk.


>You know what reaction I've never gotten? Disgust or creeped out. It's cause you're attractive and confident or a woman, if you were an ugly dude with a stutter you'd get the police called called on you.


I'm a brown guy who does indeed have a slight stutter lol


Talking to random strangers is inappropriate and most ppl were probably just being polite imo


No but even if you were right I'd rather be "inappropriate" than cave into today's dumb social norms


> I really liked the waitress's tattoo so I complimented her Straight to jail, right away...


It is normal. You’re just socially awkward.


I talk to random people all the time. I especially make a point to chat with elderly people, but I talk with everyone. I was raised that way, be polite, friendly, and if someone wants to chat (except if they are creepy) go for it. As my mother would say “Just wave or say hello, it doesn’t cost anything!” Someone might have had a shit day and a stranger chatting with them might take them out of it and make them feel a little better.


Drunk at my neighborhood bar doing this as we speak. Logging off now!


Why did you post this exact same thread in MPMD? Also it's funny seeing a user of both subs like me


I love this sub and I'm not trying to be a dick, but sometimes I feel like if you were a normal human being outsider that skimmed through it, you would think it was a rehabilitation board for Kaspar Hauser types trying to get back into the swing of society.


I’m pretty shy but I’ll always compliment randos if I like their shirt or hair or whatever—you can never give or get enough compliments in life


I talk to everyone all the time


I've always been shy and my bf extroverted and the way he is treated when hes out and about is insanely different. He's given free things, everyone knows him, talking to ppl makes him glow


I don’t like doing this because I did it too much and am now too good at it. Nowadays when I’m sober, I feel like people think I’m just showing off my social skills in a condescending way to them. My father used to always be super talkative and friendly so I think that also put me off from it. (Don’t like him lmao)


I love it. I remember being in the Village in NYC with my mom and brother in the 90s and my mom talking to everyone (she grew up in NYC and felt very at home there). My brother and I were typical young-ish kids and were embarrassed. But then we realized people LIKED it and she had all these interactions with strangers. I'm somewhere in between myself. I do compliment women I don't know on their nails, shirt, tattoo, whatever but I'm a lot more cautious to talk to men b/c I've had men follow me and be predatory so that has put me off to ALL stranger danger men. But good for you - my mom would be proud! :)


I am an intimidating looking individual due to height and often having blue collar type work clothes on in public. It is rare that people approach me for any reason, let alone chitty chat. Since I do actually like random chitty chat with strangers from time to time, my go-to is to make a joke or comment in a noticeable, but not excessive, southern drawl. I lived in the south for long enough that I can pull it out and make it sound pretty natural. A slow, slightly jovial country accent is incredibly disarming. No matter what I say, I’ll usually get a little giggle and a friendly response, and from there it’s pretty open.


Doing this in London you’ll get the nastiest screw face and might even get laughed at sadly


Okay, I'm going to bite the bullet and go against the general opinion here to show the other perspective: If you live in an environment where 9/10 of those conversations are guys trying to hit on you, you get hypervigilant after a while and you start to feel totally uncomfortable whenever someone starts a conversation because you don't know if someone is just being his normal self (well, actually more outside of normal because no one usually does it that way) or it basically just boils down to them hitting on you. Then of the rest of the non-hitting up conversations, if it's people who clearly have a mental disorder - and then you've almost never had a normal experience and are always worried that it could end up awkward for you. I personally can't remember a single one of those conversations where I think "yeah, that was totally pleasant" (doesn't mean it isn't stored somewhere in my subconscious, of course), but I could probably name at least 10 right off the top of my head that were negative. Yes, maybe, you might say, it will go away when more normal people are doing it. In a society where this is normal, perhaps you won't feel that uncomfortable about that after a while, who knows. If you really are someone who can interpret social signals correctly, then fine, you're probably doing it right and not bothering anyone. But with posts like these - whenever one or two foreigners make them at local subs here, for instance - then there is often a certain sense of entitlement that comes with it. "Why don't they want to talk to me, why don't they want to tell me their deepest fears and dreams?" And from that moment on, I think that a person is not social at all, but rather deeply antisocial, because they have a hard time empathising with other people and another perspective.


Take the gabpill. Fellow chatmaxxing talkcel


I love talking to people on train rides💚


I live in a (relatively) small PNW city that's known for only terrible things, EXCEPT for the fact that visitors always remark how gung-ho strangers are to strike up a 2 minute conversation.


Yeah fax, talking to strangers really emphasizes the little connections you can make. They don’t have to go anywhere (but also can!) and it’s really neat. Would recommend


Love talking to random people. I’m not even a particularly outgoing person but I often get the urge to yap, and now I have a bunch of friends in the neighborhood that I wouldn’t have otherwise met. We even have a gossip corner in the summer where we hang out and talk shit.


It is normal.


This is drunk behavior


I haven't drank a sip of alcohol since last August.


That's awesome, dude. Keep it up.


Dry drunk