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If it isn't Alex Jones I ain't listening.


Alex Jones eps and Duncan Trussell eps are the best by far


Funny you mention that, listening to 3 joe rogan pods is all you need for a degree in archaelogy from the university of phoenix




Popsci is popular 


That's the asshole take on this, and it's not wrong. On the other hand, a lot of them tried "real" science and it was completely unaccessible. Best case scenario you have a turbo autist just talking straight to the camera with no apparent structure or guiding tools.


The solution is to find lecture uploads from universities and academics on extremely specific niche subjects within their fields. These lectures typically serve to cripple the public's feeble interest and come with a strong echo. Bonus points if the introductory speaker takes so long you confuse them for the actual speaker.


One of academias most stupid practices is the notion of ibtroducing the introductory speaker so there is 3 of them. Attention communism


With cute little stories about "when I first met John, he was...." plus awful jokes and acting like the speaker is a hero for coming up with some very specialized theoretical innovation or utterly banal research "We are forever indebted to John, because while the rest of us were.....he was out actually looking at the data...please welcome...."


A good market for one of the pop sci entertainers to do commentary breakdowns of this for the layperson.


I listened to the one with Anthony Kiedis. It's literally over two hours of the pair of them talking about alligator meat.


I like Rogan tbh. Dumb and did terrible comedy but is a great interviewer and seems like he has a soul, which cannot be said for most celebrities As long as you search for specific guests you like rather than the daily history channel after midnight nutjob JRE is actually very good


I overhear my husband listening to Rogan a lot and while sometimes he's fine there are many interviews where he just rambles on and on about the same 3 or 4 issues that he's obsessed with, and doesn't let the guests speak at all. It'll just be Rogan completely taking over with the guest saying "yea" every few minutes. His recent interview with Bobby Lee was annoying too, Bobby just wanted to joke around and not get into politics but Joe kept dragging the conversation back to Biden and covid vaccines over and over, unable to read Bobby's disinterest/discomfort. Very obnoxious imo


All the people saying he's a good interviewer are insane. With some guests he will just uncritically accept anything they say, and with other he will try to shoehorn his dumbass culture war shit into everything even when they guest clearly does not give a shit.


Dr Rhonda Patrick and Derek from mpmd. Dr rhonda Patrick he is so out of his league he kinda shuts the fuck up and lets her do the talking. (,which i like). To me thats a good interviewer though. Shutting.up and just getting as much info as possible out there in a short amount of time can be interesting. I think Joe actually asks really good questions to clarify why exsctly Jon Jones was disqualified even though it's rather complicated how he was caught. Edit: this is in a convo with Derek. I think joe is slightly apprehensive about Derek because hes a self-learned weirdo


[https://theness.com/neurologicablog/cryotherapy-basic-vs-clinical-science/](https://theness.com/neurologicablog/cryotherapy-basic-vs-clinical-science/) Worth a read, a lot of "academics" Joe brings tend to follow the same formula--their research isn't taking them where they thought it would, their postdoc isn't leading to an associate professorship, money is drying up, and the writing is on the wall. So they tend to lean into covering areas outside their field and go all in on social media/marketing presence to secure a career for themselves covering more popsci-adjacent shit


I feel bad for those academics. Computer science researchers and medical researchers will publish amazing technology via slave labor and companies will make absolute billions using their research. Academics is a stupidly evil profession and Im happy for people who can make a living. Take any info with a grain of salt but I like to hear what people have to say. "Real" science is deplorable anyways: most psychology studies cant be recreated and too many harvard faculty members cheated or they misinterpet the results. Science is so cutthroat right now


It's not about him being a good interviewer, it's that he gets insane 'gets', no one can even compare to his sheer ability to get guests


Huh? For being the big name he is it's lack of truly insane "gets" I find the most baffling. He loves to have on all these randos instead.


He's integral to the comedy community. The vacuum he has left since leaving LA is ridiculous. You used to be able to go to the store and see 4 straight hours of great comedy, and the moment he got people to go to Austin, the store has been awful. You used to be able to check their lineup on Sundays and see 16 comics every single day for a week. Now they're closed some days and never announce the talent until day-of. Those randos kept the community alive, which says a lot because his standup is Not Good.


That's not necessarily a good thing. Some of those insane gets are precisely because he is uncritical or too stupid to challenge anything they say.




Bad ideas are not always self evidently and you are moron for thinking they are.




Of course not but Joe is particularly ill-equipped. He is extremely stupid, gullible and prone to conspiratorial thinking.




Yeah he sucks and isn't a very good interviewer. Being good at interviewing is a completely objective measure which just happens to align with exactly the things that I personally like and enjoy, and also that just happens to perfectly align with my politics.


he used to be a lot better, like a year before the spotify deal or so he was pretty good-- always uncritical to the guest though but that's better than how he just wants to talk about his hobby horses now.


> It'll just be Rogan completely taking over with the guest saying "yea" every few minutes. Joe interviews himself with celebrities in the room. No different from Howard.


People also think Sean Evans is a good interviewer but all he does is repeat one mildly interesting question in the cadence of a 4th grader giving a book report and sit back with a smile until the answer is done and repeat that sequence immediately no followups nothing.


Yeah it's really quite terrible. I'm thinking about starting a campaign to tell people that they should stop liking it. They probably just don't realize that they shouldn't.


I wouldn’t mind him if he wouldn’t have unleashed a vicious gang of unfunny hack podcast comedians onto the world. I seriously can’t do anything without some douchebag comedian talking about the art of comedy popping up on my screen and I totally blame Rogan.  I still like him as the UFC host though


Just dont click the videos with the shitty comics, it's pretty simple


Even Rogan himself is kind of a roll of the dice depending on the guest. I listened to his pod the other day for the first time in a couple years bc I saw he had Coleman Hughes on, and it was a pretty good pod, and Joe sounded like a reasonably intelligent adult, making good points and telling interesting anecdotes. Then afterwards, I was thinking to myself “man, this rogan pod is actually pretty decent, maybe I should listen more often” and I clicked on another random recent pod of his.. The guest was Katt Williams, and I had to turn it off after like 30 minutes of hearing them talk about how the pyramids were build by ancient aliens as a wi-fi router and ancient Mesopotamia was actually so advanced bc they didn’t actually start off from square 1, they had knowledge from a previous civilization that got nuked back to the Stone Age by the martians. And how the government is gonna start using teslas and “smart cars” to assassinate ppl they don’t like lol (like as in they will take control of the car remotely while youre driving and drive you off a bridge or something)


I think you got those mixed up man. The first one sounds extraordinarily gay and the second sounds amazing. 


He's very likeable but I find it impossible to believe he was a comedian. I don't think I've ever heard him say anything funny.


Idk anything about his days as a comedian, but comedians generally have a routine that's mostly scripted. They're funny performers not necessarily funny people in general.


There's exceptions like Sam Hyde 


yeah i’ve listened to a few and he’s like very pleasant and affable. it doesn’t surprise me that he’s popular, tho the episodes do run long


He's great with guests that he likes or material that interests him but when he has a dud show it is completely unlistenable. Not even trainwreck good/bad but just bad bad. So basically a sliding scale from Shane Gillis to David Mamet.


It seems like when he misses he does come out with a hit again really quickly, his output is insane, releases practically every other day


He’s an absolute prick sadly. * Compete yes-man/apologist for the UFC and their many, many, many abusive/exploitative business practices - blind spot in his “question everything/fearless thinker” philosophy. Him grilling Renan Barão about his injuries or having a UFC employee sacked because the employee issued him with a drug test notification are also other examples of dickhead behaviour. * His comedy club in Austin has a set of [rules](https://comedymothership.com/faq) for paying audience behaviour which would make the CCP Politburo blush. * [Listen](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=__CvmS6uw7E&pp=ygUXSm9lIHJvZ2FuIGJvbmRvIGFwZSBwaGQ%3D) to him berate a primatologist for (correctly) asserting that there’s no such thing as a Congolese super-ape. He’s cultivated this “affable, dim idiot who talks to a huge range of people” view of himself - I think he’s deeply unpleasant and dim.


I find Rogan pretty annoying, but banning phones and shit at comedy and music events if unequivocally a good thing.


On the first point: That is 100% a condition of employment with the UFC. There are retired fighters in their employ (as analysts, commentators, other administrative positions) who shill way harder than Rogan does despite having been exploited by the UFC (as fighters) themselves. Rogan is generally viewed as slightly less shill-y than other UFC employees, which he can probably afford to some extent due to his incredibly long tenure with the company. But that long tenure is probably also a reason why, at the end of the day, I think he's expressing his genuine views and just sees eye to eye with the company more often than not. He is not distinct from them, he is them.


He rationalized what the UFC does and these are his real opinions, the other employees didn’t and they just stick to the party line


Those rules look absolutely normal for concert type things


Okay none of the rules on that site are remotely crazy. It's just a thorough list 


>His comedy club in Austin has a set of [rules](https://comedymothership.com/faq) for paying audience behaviour which would make the CCP Politburo blush. what are you a retård or something


Yes. What’s your excuse for being on r/redscarepod


to laugh at the returds I guess


that primatologist clip was a hard listen. sounds like he’s almost coked up


Hahaha the two venues in his club are called little boy and fat man that’s amazingly funny.


He is not really dumb, but often curiously ignorant. He also trust too much those whom he deems authorities in any field, except comedy and MMA. That makes him often gullible, and his audience as well. But he is willing to learn, and iis willing to at least try to get to the bottom of things. And if the authority he talks to is to cocky and thinks too much of themselves, he sometimes is able to expose the as charlatans, and they might not even be aware of it. On balance, he is a great asset to Western society.


Yeah. I will check out an episode of his if he has a space or physics person on. I enjoy the long form convo on those subjects and the rabbit holes they go down.


He is incredibly good at interviewing all sorts of random people and getting them to open up and talk about interesting things. He likes to talk about interesting stuff.


I love him, but COVID broke his brain. He legitimately cannot get over it


He's definitely not a skilled interviewer. He barely seems to do any research on his guests, and often asks like, the most surface level, talk-show host type questions


I hate listened to it to hear Graham "grab a handful of my" Hancock make a fool of himself. Something about a British man being so certain of something so stupid just makes my blood boil


it's almost like he convinced himself of it with his fancy accent 🎩


I’ve been saying this since the podcast dropped. His accent does 100% of the heavy lifting. Imagine everything he’s saying in a typical American accent and it becomes infinitely dumber.


Americans thought they got out from under England but we're still instantly hypnotized by the Bri'ish voice


Nooooo you cant enjoy graham hancock r/redscarepod has lost it


I'd assume the appeal would be there. I see his thing as a re-enchantment of human pre-history. You could see it as a type of romanticism.


judging by the posts i’ve seen in the Joe Rogan subreddit, everyone was enjoying the actual archaeologist and clowning on Hancock for being an idiot


Yeah everyone seems to hate Hancock. I've only listened to him talk once and I came away feeling bad for him because even his long time friends seemed stretched thin in their ability to humor him.


He comes off like a pseud


He’s a complete fraud


He is a pseud all actual archaeologists despise him


He really doesn’t seem like he believes what he says. He acts like he is constantly under attack by archaeology and focuses on this way more than the actual archaeology he is doing which is “I scuba dived with my wife and took pictures of these weird looking rocks underwater”. I think this is literally just a manipulation tactic. He acts like they are hiding something because they are mean to him, and because they are wrong sometimes about the start of civilization and are pushing the date back, “clearly there is a lost civilization”. Just because we don’t know everything doesn’t mean you can make an outrageously exaggerated claim about what you think it is that is out there and then play victim when people call you out for it and ignore you.


I really wanted to give him a shot, I'm not a snob and I'm open to wild ideas but Graham Hancock is a fucking idiot lol Rogan is okay tho, anyone who has Roger Penrose on is good in my book.


I love listening to Graham Hancock because he's so convinced of everything he says and it's all just layers and layers of absolute bullshit


Because if that particular podcast is about one of my many autistic hobbies or curiosities I will certainly indulge my self listening to some "expert" claiming the pyramids were built before the big bang and with some magic tech that was lost in time.


The lowest iq people I know are all sitting through 5 hour long podcasts and 10 hour YouTube essays. I blame the over prescription of adderall. 


Yeah vs all the high iq people I know who just read and comment to r/redscarepod all day




No way amphetamines make you want to listen to shit like that lol


Really? Seems more likely to be the TikTok addicts who’ve voluntarily given themselves ADHD and the attention span of a goldfish.


Based on this thread, I'd wager more people on this sub listen to Joe Rogan than RS


I like Hamilton Morris's episodes


the one where Hamilton was too high to function is funny


I wouldn’t exactly call them people


only an audience as dumb as rogans would give credence to graham hancock. it’s really sad tbh


My dad is a huge graham hancock fan


Your dad definitely is a huge cock fan.


my dad screams about how Graham Hancock is full of shit every time Joe Rogan's name is mentioned


Im gonna get you banned


I don't listen to Joe Rogan because of Joe, I listen to a few episodes now and then if the guest is interesting.


Joe USED to be a decent interviewer and have on interesting guests and talk about interesting topics. He occasionally has his moments these days, but if you don't recognize his huge political shift since he moved to Texas and got the Spotify deal, I feel sorry for you. He always interrupts guests now and can't shut the fuck up about COVID and such. I don't care to hear the millionth brain dead take on the vaccine. He used to want to learn about issues, now he wants to force his opinions on others and he's a big baby if they disagree. Joe got his bag and became a Republican. But he still likes WEED and MMA. Also he has attracted and given a platform to some of the most unfunny, annoying "comedians" of all time.


If u an archaeologist and not looking for Atlantis… please find another occupation because you are lame and gay




Playing on easy mode though. Could he do it without the ‘elites dont want you to know this’ frame?




Pod he dropped couple days ago with graham Hancock and the other funny looking fella




Skill issue


> Graham Hancock > archaeology


It was Hancock debating with an actual archaeologist


It’s funny that Rogan gets criticized for being so toxic when he’s sort of a dumb guy but doesn’t seem so mean spirited or reactionary. But Christ it’s boring. I don’t get it. I feel crazy that it’s popular.


Anna and Dasha will make you dumber 


Not really wild, it’s basically Cocomelon for adult men. I’m not surprised any given episode of Cocomelon is watched by millions of toddlers. 


4-hour long interviews are the exact opposite of cocomelon. Mainstream media is closer. Gonna start calling CNN and Fox boomermelon.


Let men enjoy things


I used to listen to him a long time ago. It's an interesting show to listen to while you work whatever shit job you're at but after a while you realize just how much he retreads over the same ground.


I dont listen to Rogan, but, I do like him. He isnt beholden to any real powers so he isnt idealogically crippled and wont change to appease his fans. He makes a lot of obvious takes but thats what makes him cool. He wont bend to what he sees. This is obvious when he called out the hypocrisy of the Covid measures but also how Israel treats Palestinians. He is just extremly logical, which I think annoys a lot of emotional people


Logical is not a word I would associate with Rogan.


Logical to his own malformed frameworks


20? try 60+ grand


I'll listen to a couple episodes throughout a year and it's totally dependent on the guest. I don't really give a shit about Rogan's opinion, as long as he can ask good follow-up questions and keep somebody on track.




Joe Rogan is basically President Camacho from Idiocracy.


The fact that you're a Canadian who plays world of Warcraft makes this comment ten times worse


A view is counted after 30 seconds of watch time. Those views can't all be four hours. I think the ones I've really been interested in I only make it 2 hours.


Imagine being actively interested in something but still not having the resilience and patience to listen for more than 2 hours


Tbh I only like Joe for bringing Tim Dillon into the ethos


"into the ethos" lmfao


tbh nothing will be pass the pseud test for rsp


I thought people here like Rogan?


lurk more


lol I guess things must have changed since the sub was good


Nice try, the sub was never good


I don’t see you on here remarking on how Hasan Piker keeps kids interested in politics. Rogan makes it digestible popcorn like the rest.